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Al-18Si Alaşımında Döküm Kalitesi, Mikroyapı Ve Mekanik Özellikler Arası İlişkinin İncelenmesi

Year 2018, , 30 - 41, 29.01.2017


Bu çalışmada, primer silis ve ötektik mikroyapı morfolojisine sahip
Al-18Si alaşımında döküm kalitesi, soğuma hızı ve sıvı durumda bekletme
sürelerinin mikroyapı ve mekanik özelliklere etkisi incelenmiştir. 10, 15 ve
20 mm kesit kalınlığına sahip üç farklı basamağı barındıran kum kalıplar
soğuma hızı farkı için kullanılmıştır. Al-18Si ötektik üstü alaşım SiC potada
ergitildikten sonra üç farklı bekletme sürelerine (0, 60 ve 120 dk.) tabi
tutularak kum kalıplara dökümler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen döküm
parçalarından mikroyapı, porozite incelemeleri ve çekme testleri için
numuneler çıkarılmıştır. Elde edilen görüntüler üzerinde SigmaScan marka
görüntü analiz programı yardımı ile incelemeler ve elde edilen datalar
üzerinde de Minitab istatistiksel analiz yazılımı ile de analizler
gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen tüm verilerde %18 Si içeriğine sahip
Al-18Si ötektik üstü alaşımında bifilm varlığının silis oluşumunu ve buna
bağlı olarak da mekanik özellikleri değiştirdiği sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Abramov, V. O., O. V. Abramov, B. B. Straumal and W. Gust (1997). "Hypereutectic Al-Si based alloys with a thixotropic microstructure produced by ultrasonic treatment." Materials & Design 18(4–6): 323-326.
  • Campbell, J. (2003). Castings : [the new metallurgy of cast metals], Butterworth Heinemann.
  • Campbell, J. (2015). Complete casting handbook: metal casting processes, metallurgy, techniques and design, Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Chang, J., I. Moon and C. Choi (1998). "Refinement of Cast Microstructure of Hypereutectic Al-Si Alloys Through the Addition of Rare Earth Metals." Journal of Materials Science 33(20): 5015-5023.
  • Chang, J. Y., G. H. Kim, I. G. Moon and C. S. Choi (1998). "Rare earth concentration in the primary Si crystal in rare earth added Al-21wt.%Si alloy." Scripta Materialia 39(3): 307-314.
  • Chen, C., Z.-x. Liu, B. Ren, M.-x. Wang, Y.-g. Weng and Z.-y. Liu (2007). "Influences of complex modification of P and RE on microstructure and mechanical properties of hypereutectic Al-20Si alloy." Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 17(2): 301-306.
  • Dispinar, D., S. Akhtar, A. Nordmark, M. Di Sabatino and L. Arnberg (2010). "Degassing, hydrogen and porosity phenomena in A356." Materials Science and Engineering: A 527(16–17): 3719-3725.
  • Dispinar, D. and J. Campbell (2004). "Critical assessment of reduced pressure test. Part 1: Porosity phenomena." International Journal of Cast Metals Research 17(5): 280-286.
  • Dispinar, D. and J. Campbell (2004). "Critical assessment of reduced pressure test. Part 2: Quantification." International Journal of Cast Metals Research 17(5): 287-294.
  • Dispinar, D. and J. Campbell (2006). "Use of bifilm index as an assessment of liquid metal quality." International Journal of Cast Metals Research 19(1): 5-17.
  • Dispinar, D. and J. Campbell (2007). "Effect of casting conditions on aluminium metal quality." Journal of Materials Processing Technology 182(1–3): 405-410.
  • Dispinar, D. and J. Campbell (2011). "Porosity, hydrogen and bifilm content in Al alloy castings." Materials Science and Engineering: A 528(10–11): 3860-3865.
  • Flemings, M. C. (1974). "Solidification processing." Metallurgical Transactions 5(10): 2121-2134.
  • Gruzleski, J. E., B. M. Closset and A. F. s. Society (1990). The Treatment of Liquid Aluminum-silicon Alloys, American Foundrymen's Society, Incorporated.
  • Gürsoy, Ö., E. Erzi, Ç. Yüksel and D. Dispinar (2016). Effect of Duration on Ti Grain Refinement of A356 and Melt Quality. Shape Casting: 6th International Symposium, Springer.
  • Lasa, L. and J. M. Rodriguez-Ibabe (2003). "Wear behaviour of eutectic and hypereutectic Al–Si–Cu–Mg casting alloys tested against a composite brake pad." Materials Science and Engineering: A 363(1–2): 193-202.
  • Lu, D., Y. Jiang, G. Guan, R. Zhou, Z. Li and R. Zhou (2007). "Refinement of primary Si in hypereutectic Al–Si alloy by electromagnetic stirring." Journal of Materials Processing Technology 189(1–3): 13-18.
  • Lu, L. and A. K. Dahle (2006). "Effects of combined additions of Sr and AlTiB grain refiners in hypoeutectic Al–Si foundry alloys." Materials Science and Engineering: A 435–436(0): 288-296.
  • Matsuura, K., M. Kudoh, H. Kinoshita and H. Takahashi (2003). "Precipitation of Si particles in a super-rapidly solidified Al–Si hypereutectic alloy." Materials Chemistry and Physics 81(2–3): 393-395.
  • Miresmaeili, S. M., S. G. Shabestari and S. M. A. Boutorabi (2003). "The effect of Sr-modification treatment on porosity formation of reduced pressure 319 Al alloy castings." Canadian metallurgical quarterly 42(2): 245-251.
  • Mostafaei, M., M. Ghobadi, M. Uludağ and M. Tiryakioğlu (2016). "Evaluation of the Effects of Rotary Degassing Process Variables on the Quality of A357 Aluminum Alloy Castings." Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 47(6): 3469-3475.
  • Radjai, A., K. Miwa and T. Nishio (1998). "An investigation of the effects caused by electromagnetic vibrations in a hypereutectic Al-Si alloy melt." Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 29(5): 1477-1484.
  • Shabestari, S. G., S. M. Miresmaeili and S. M. A. Boutorabi (2003). "Effects of Sr-modification and melt cleanliness on melt hydrogen absorption of 319 aluminium alloy." Journal of materials science 38(9): 1901-1907.
  • Tiryakioglu, M., J. Campbell and N. D. Alexopoulos (2009). "On the Ductility of Cast Al-7 Pct Si-Mg Alloys." Metallurgical and Materials Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science 40A(4): 1000-1007.
  • Uludağ, M., R. Çetin, D. Dispinar and M. Tiryakioğlu (2017). "Characterization of the Effect of Melt Treatments on Melt Quality in Al-7wt% Si-Mg Alloys." Metals 7(5): 157.
  • Xu, C. L. and Q. C. Jiang (2006). "Morphologies of primary silicon in hypereutectic Al–Si alloys with melt overheating temperature and cooling rate." Materials Science and Engineering A 437: 451-455.

Investigation of the Relationship Between Casting Quality, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in Al-18Si Alloy

Year 2018, , 30 - 41, 29.01.2017


In this work, the effect of
melt quality, cooling rate and holding time over the microstructure and
mechanical properties of Al-18Si alloy was investigated. This alloy contains
primer silicon and eutectic microstructure. A sand mold that has 10, 15 and 20 mm
thickness that is in shape of a step mold was used. Al-18Si hypereutectic alloy
was melted in SiC crucible and the casting were completed after three different
holding time (0, 60 and 120 min.). Cast samples were subjected to
microstructure, porosity and mechanical analysis. The images were analyzed by
SigmaScan and the data were statically analyzed by Minitab. It was found that
bifilms initiated silicon formation and mechanical properties were related to
this mechanism


  • Abramov, V. O., O. V. Abramov, B. B. Straumal and W. Gust (1997). "Hypereutectic Al-Si based alloys with a thixotropic microstructure produced by ultrasonic treatment." Materials & Design 18(4–6): 323-326.
  • Campbell, J. (2003). Castings : [the new metallurgy of cast metals], Butterworth Heinemann.
  • Campbell, J. (2015). Complete casting handbook: metal casting processes, metallurgy, techniques and design, Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Chang, J., I. Moon and C. Choi (1998). "Refinement of Cast Microstructure of Hypereutectic Al-Si Alloys Through the Addition of Rare Earth Metals." Journal of Materials Science 33(20): 5015-5023.
  • Chang, J. Y., G. H. Kim, I. G. Moon and C. S. Choi (1998). "Rare earth concentration in the primary Si crystal in rare earth added Al-21wt.%Si alloy." Scripta Materialia 39(3): 307-314.
  • Chen, C., Z.-x. Liu, B. Ren, M.-x. Wang, Y.-g. Weng and Z.-y. Liu (2007). "Influences of complex modification of P and RE on microstructure and mechanical properties of hypereutectic Al-20Si alloy." Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 17(2): 301-306.
  • Dispinar, D., S. Akhtar, A. Nordmark, M. Di Sabatino and L. Arnberg (2010). "Degassing, hydrogen and porosity phenomena in A356." Materials Science and Engineering: A 527(16–17): 3719-3725.
  • Dispinar, D. and J. Campbell (2004). "Critical assessment of reduced pressure test. Part 1: Porosity phenomena." International Journal of Cast Metals Research 17(5): 280-286.
  • Dispinar, D. and J. Campbell (2004). "Critical assessment of reduced pressure test. Part 2: Quantification." International Journal of Cast Metals Research 17(5): 287-294.
  • Dispinar, D. and J. Campbell (2006). "Use of bifilm index as an assessment of liquid metal quality." International Journal of Cast Metals Research 19(1): 5-17.
  • Dispinar, D. and J. Campbell (2007). "Effect of casting conditions on aluminium metal quality." Journal of Materials Processing Technology 182(1–3): 405-410.
  • Dispinar, D. and J. Campbell (2011). "Porosity, hydrogen and bifilm content in Al alloy castings." Materials Science and Engineering: A 528(10–11): 3860-3865.
  • Flemings, M. C. (1974). "Solidification processing." Metallurgical Transactions 5(10): 2121-2134.
  • Gruzleski, J. E., B. M. Closset and A. F. s. Society (1990). The Treatment of Liquid Aluminum-silicon Alloys, American Foundrymen's Society, Incorporated.
  • Gürsoy, Ö., E. Erzi, Ç. Yüksel and D. Dispinar (2016). Effect of Duration on Ti Grain Refinement of A356 and Melt Quality. Shape Casting: 6th International Symposium, Springer.
  • Lasa, L. and J. M. Rodriguez-Ibabe (2003). "Wear behaviour of eutectic and hypereutectic Al–Si–Cu–Mg casting alloys tested against a composite brake pad." Materials Science and Engineering: A 363(1–2): 193-202.
  • Lu, D., Y. Jiang, G. Guan, R. Zhou, Z. Li and R. Zhou (2007). "Refinement of primary Si in hypereutectic Al–Si alloy by electromagnetic stirring." Journal of Materials Processing Technology 189(1–3): 13-18.
  • Lu, L. and A. K. Dahle (2006). "Effects of combined additions of Sr and AlTiB grain refiners in hypoeutectic Al–Si foundry alloys." Materials Science and Engineering: A 435–436(0): 288-296.
  • Matsuura, K., M. Kudoh, H. Kinoshita and H. Takahashi (2003). "Precipitation of Si particles in a super-rapidly solidified Al–Si hypereutectic alloy." Materials Chemistry and Physics 81(2–3): 393-395.
  • Miresmaeili, S. M., S. G. Shabestari and S. M. A. Boutorabi (2003). "The effect of Sr-modification treatment on porosity formation of reduced pressure 319 Al alloy castings." Canadian metallurgical quarterly 42(2): 245-251.
  • Mostafaei, M., M. Ghobadi, M. Uludağ and M. Tiryakioğlu (2016). "Evaluation of the Effects of Rotary Degassing Process Variables on the Quality of A357 Aluminum Alloy Castings." Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 47(6): 3469-3475.
  • Radjai, A., K. Miwa and T. Nishio (1998). "An investigation of the effects caused by electromagnetic vibrations in a hypereutectic Al-Si alloy melt." Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 29(5): 1477-1484.
  • Shabestari, S. G., S. M. Miresmaeili and S. M. A. Boutorabi (2003). "Effects of Sr-modification and melt cleanliness on melt hydrogen absorption of 319 aluminium alloy." Journal of materials science 38(9): 1901-1907.
  • Tiryakioglu, M., J. Campbell and N. D. Alexopoulos (2009). "On the Ductility of Cast Al-7 Pct Si-Mg Alloys." Metallurgical and Materials Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science 40A(4): 1000-1007.
  • Uludağ, M., R. Çetin, D. Dispinar and M. Tiryakioğlu (2017). "Characterization of the Effect of Melt Treatments on Melt Quality in Al-7wt% Si-Mg Alloys." Metals 7(5): 157.
  • Xu, C. L. and Q. C. Jiang (2006). "Morphologies of primary silicon in hypereutectic Al–Si alloys with melt overheating temperature and cooling rate." Materials Science and Engineering A 437: 451-455.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Muhammet Uludağ

Publication Date January 29, 2017
Submission Date August 8, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Uludağ, M. (2017). Al-18Si Alaşımında Döküm Kalitesi, Mikroyapı Ve Mekanik Özellikler Arası İlişkinin İncelenmesi. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 10(1), 30-41.

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