Baybora-1 Borlama Tozu Kullanılarak Yüzey Sertleştirme İşlemine Tabi Tutulan 41Cr4 Çeliğinin Aşınma Davranışının İncelenmesi
Year 2019,
, 51 - 63, 31.01.2019
Bünyamin Yamanel
Osman Bican
Salih Uğur Bayça
Bu çalışmada SAE 5140 çeliğine 950 °C de yerli Baybora-1 borlama tozu kullanılarak 4 ve 6 saat süreli katı borlama işlemi yapılmıştır. Numunelerin içyapısı optik ve SEM de incelenmiştir. Ayrıca oluşan bor tabakalarının kalınlık ve sertlik değerleri Mikrovickers sertlik ölçme yöntemi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Borlanan nununeler farklı yükler altında ve abraziv aşındırıcı yüzeyler kullanılarak aşınma testine tabi tutulmuş ve aşınma yüzey fotoğrafları çekilmiştir. SAE 5140 çeliğinin içyapısının ferrit bölgeleri ve perlit lamellerinden oluştuğu görülmüştür. Farklı sürelerde borlama işlemine tabi tutulan SAE 5140 çeliğinin ise yüzey altında iki farklı tabaka oluştuğu XRD yöntemiyle belirlenmiştir. Bunların yüzeyden itibaren FeB ve Fe2B tabakaları olduğu ve sertlik değerlerinin işlem uygulanmamış numunenin yaklaşık sekiz katı olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca bu tabakaların kalınlığının artan borlama süresi ile arttığı belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca borlama işleminin aşınma direncini yaklaşık 4 kat arttırdığı belirlenmiştir. SAE 5140 çeliği yerli bir borlama tozu kullanılarak başarılı bir şekilde yüzey işlemine tabi tutulmuştur. Uygulanan borlama işlemini sertlik, mukavemet ve aşınma direnci değerlerini yaklaşık 4 kat arttırdığı görülmüştür. Yapılan deneyler sonucunda en uygun borlama sıcaklığı 950 °C ve en uygun borlama süresi 4 saat olarak belirlenmiştir.
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- B. Matijevic; Evaluation of boride layer growthon carbon steel surfaces; Met. Sci. Heat. Treat. 56, 269 (2014)
- B. Selcuk; A study on friction and wear behaviour of carburized , carbonitrided and borided AISI 1020 and 5115 steels; J .Mater. Process .Technol.141,189(2003)
- B.Venkataraman and G.Sundararajan; The high speed sliding wear behaviour of boronized medium carbon steel; Surf. Coat. Tech. 73, 177(1995)
- C.Martini, G.Palombarini, G.Poli and D.Prandstraller; Sliding and abrazive wear behavior of boride coating; Wear 256, 608 2004
- E.Atık, U.Yunker and C. Meric; The effect of conventional heat treatment and boronozing on abrasive wear and corosion of SAE 1010,SAE 1040, D2 and 304 steels;Tribol. Int.36, 155(2003)
- H. Hazar ; Investigation of the effects of tripropylene glycol addition to diesel fıel on combustion and exhaust emissions at an isolated diesel engine ; Energ. Convers. Manege 142, 62 (2017)
- H.J.Hunger and G.Trute; Boronizing to produce wear-resistant surface layers; Heat. Treat. Met. 21, 31 (1994)
- Khoee, S.M.M., Ergimiş Boraks Banyosunda Çeliklere Vanadyum Karbür Kaplama, İ.T.Ü.Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi,112s, İstanbul, 1992.
- M.Bejar and E. Moreno; Abrasive wear resistance of boronized carbon and low-alloy steels; J. Mater. Process,. Technol. 173, 352 (2006)
- M. Kulka, N. Makuch, A. Petek and L. Maldzinski; Simulation of the growth kinetics of boride layers formed on Fe during gas boriding in H2-BCl3 atmosphere ; J. Solid. State. Chem. 199, 196(2013)
- T.T. Dele –Afolabi , M. A. A. Hanim, M. Norkhairunnisa, S. Sobri and R. Calin ; Research trend in the development of macroporous ceramic compenents by pore forming addivites from naturel organic matters: A. short review; Ceram. Int. 43,1633 (2017)
- Ünlü B., Yılmaz S., “Bor ve Borlamanın Kullanım Alanları” Mühendis ve Makine sayı:552, cilt:47, 2006
- Y.Azakli and M. Tarakci; Microstructural characterisation of boried binary Fe-W alloys ; Surf. Eng. 34, 226(2018)
- X.Chong, Y. Jiang , R. Zhou and J. Feng ; Stability, chemical bonding behaviour, elastic properties and lattice thermal conductivity of molybdenum and tungsten borides under hydrostatic pressure ; Ceram. Int. 42,2117 (2016)
Investigation of Wear Behavior of 41Cr4 Steel Subjected to Surface Hardening Process Using Baybora-1 Boriding Powder
Year 2019,
, 51 - 63, 31.01.2019
Bünyamin Yamanel
Osman Bican
Salih Uğur Bayça
In this study, 4 to 6 hours solid boronizing process was applied to SAE 5140 steel at 950 ° C using Baybora-1 boriding powder. The microstructures of the samples were examined in optics and SEM. In addition, the thickness and hardness values of boron layers were determined by using Mikrovickers hardness measurement method. Borided samples were subjected to abrasion test under different loads and by using different abrasive abrasive surfaces and wear surface photographs were taken. The structure of the SAE 5140 steel found in the cast was made of ferrite zones and pearlite lamella. SAE 5140 steel, which has been subjected to boriding at different times, was determined by XRD method. These were FeB and Fe2B layers and the hardness values were approximately eight times the untreated sample. In addition, the thickness of these layers increased with increasing boron time. It was also determined that the boriding process increased the wear resistance 4 times. SAE 5140 steel has been successfully surface treated using a local boronizing powder. It was found that the boronizing process increased the hardness, strength and abrasion resistance values by 4 times. As a result of the experiments, the optimum boriding temperature was determined as 950 ° C and the most suitable boronizing time was 4 hours.
- A.Calik, O.Ozbakir and Karakas; Investigation of the erosive wear resistance of boronized ash-blowing nozzles; Acta Phys. Pol. A131, 252(2017)
- B. Matijevic; Evaluation of boride layer growthon carbon steel surfaces; Met. Sci. Heat. Treat. 56, 269 (2014)
- B. Selcuk; A study on friction and wear behaviour of carburized , carbonitrided and borided AISI 1020 and 5115 steels; J .Mater. Process .Technol.141,189(2003)
- B.Venkataraman and G.Sundararajan; The high speed sliding wear behaviour of boronized medium carbon steel; Surf. Coat. Tech. 73, 177(1995)
- C.Martini, G.Palombarini, G.Poli and D.Prandstraller; Sliding and abrazive wear behavior of boride coating; Wear 256, 608 2004
- E.Atık, U.Yunker and C. Meric; The effect of conventional heat treatment and boronozing on abrasive wear and corosion of SAE 1010,SAE 1040, D2 and 304 steels;Tribol. Int.36, 155(2003)
- H. Hazar ; Investigation of the effects of tripropylene glycol addition to diesel fıel on combustion and exhaust emissions at an isolated diesel engine ; Energ. Convers. Manege 142, 62 (2017)
- H.J.Hunger and G.Trute; Boronizing to produce wear-resistant surface layers; Heat. Treat. Met. 21, 31 (1994)
- Khoee, S.M.M., Ergimiş Boraks Banyosunda Çeliklere Vanadyum Karbür Kaplama, İ.T.Ü.Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi,112s, İstanbul, 1992.
- M.Bejar and E. Moreno; Abrasive wear resistance of boronized carbon and low-alloy steels; J. Mater. Process,. Technol. 173, 352 (2006)
- M. Kulka, N. Makuch, A. Petek and L. Maldzinski; Simulation of the growth kinetics of boride layers formed on Fe during gas boriding in H2-BCl3 atmosphere ; J. Solid. State. Chem. 199, 196(2013)
- T.T. Dele –Afolabi , M. A. A. Hanim, M. Norkhairunnisa, S. Sobri and R. Calin ; Research trend in the development of macroporous ceramic compenents by pore forming addivites from naturel organic matters: A. short review; Ceram. Int. 43,1633 (2017)
- Ünlü B., Yılmaz S., “Bor ve Borlamanın Kullanım Alanları” Mühendis ve Makine sayı:552, cilt:47, 2006
- Y.Azakli and M. Tarakci; Microstructural characterisation of boried binary Fe-W alloys ; Surf. Eng. 34, 226(2018)
- X.Chong, Y. Jiang , R. Zhou and J. Feng ; Stability, chemical bonding behaviour, elastic properties and lattice thermal conductivity of molybdenum and tungsten borides under hydrostatic pressure ; Ceram. Int. 42,2117 (2016)