Al2O3 Takviyeli Alüminyum Esaslı Kompozit Malzemelerde Mekanik Alaşımlama Süresinin Korozyon Davranışına Etkilerinin İncelenmesi
Year 2019,
, 576 - 583, 30.06.2019
Kubilay Karacif
Hasan Karabulut
Ramazan Çıtak
Bu çalışmada toz metalurjisi yöntemi ile üretilen alümina (Al2O3) takviyeli alüminyum esaslı kompozit malzemelerde mekanik alaşımlama süresinin tuzlu ortamdaki korozyon davranışına etkileri incelenmiştir. Numunelerin toz metalurjisi yöntemi ile üretiminde, takviye malzemesi olan Al2O3 tozları ve ana malzeme olan alüminyum tozları karışımına 1 saat karıştırma veya 2, 4, 6, 10 saat mekanik alaşımlama işlemleri uygulanmıştır. Presleme ve sinterleme işlemleri sonrasında elde edilen Al2O3 takviyeli alüminyum esaslı kompozit numunelere tuzlu ortamında (%3,5 NaCl) potansiyodinamik yöntem ile elektrokimyasal korozyon testleri uygulanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda, mekanik alaşımlama süresinin artması ile Al2O3 takviyeli alüminyum esaslı kompozit malzemenin korozyon dayanımının azaldığı belirlenmiştir.
- Alaneme, K.K., Olubambi, P.A. (2013). Corrosion and wear behaviour of rice husk ash-alumina reinforced Al-Mg-Si alloy matrix hybrid composites. Journal of Materials Research Technology, 2, 188-194.
- Chandrashekar A, Ajaykumar, B.S., Reddappa, H.N. (2018). Mechanical, structural and corrosion behaviour of AlMg4.5/Nano Al2O3 metal matrix composites. Materials Today: Proceedings, 5, 2811-2817.
- De Salazar, J.M.G., Urena, A., Manzanedo, S. and Barrena, M.I. (1999). Corrosion behavior of AA6061 and AA7005 reinforced with Al2O3 particles in aerated %3.5 chloride solutions: potentiodynamic measurements and microstructure evaluation. Corrosion Science, 41, 529-545.
- Dobrzanski, L.A., Wlodarczyk, A. and Adamiak, M. (2005). Structure, properties and corrosion resistance of PM composite materials based on EN AW-2124 aluminum alloy reinforced with the Al2O3 ceramic particles. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 162, 27-32. doi: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2005.02.006
- Durai, T.G., Das, K., Das, S. (2008). Corrosion behavior of Al-Zn/Al2O3 and Al–Zn–X/Al2O3 composites synthesized by mechanical-thermal treatment. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 462, 410-415. doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2007.08.073
- Frankel, G.S. (1998). Pitting corrosion of metals; a summary of the critical factors. Journal of Electrochemical Society, 145, 2186-2198.
- Ghanaraja, S., Vinuth Kumar, K.L., Raju, H.P., Ravikumar, K.S. (2015). Processing and mechanical properties of hot extruded Al (Mg)-Al2O3 composites. Materials Today: Proceedings, 2, 1291-1300. doi: 10.1016/j.matpr.2015.07.045
- Ghanaraja, S., Vinuth Kumar, K.L., Ravikumar, K.S., Madhusudan, B.M. (2017). Mechanical properties of Al2O3 reinforced cast and hot extruded Al based metal matrix composites. Materials Today: Proceedings, 4, 2771-2776.
- Han, Y.M., Gallant, D. and Chen, X.G. (2013). Galvanic corrosion associated with Al-B4C composites/SS304 and Al-B4C composites/AA6061 couples in NaCl and H3BO3 solutions. Electrochimica Acta, 94, 134-142. doi:
- Han, Y.M., Gallant, D., Chen, X.G. (2013). Corrosion inhibition of Al-B4C metal matrix composites in a NaCl solution by benzotriazole. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 139, 187-195. doi: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2013.01.021
- Hu, J., Chu, W.Y., Fei, W.D. and Zhao, L.C. (2004). Effect of interfacial reaction on corrosion behavior of alumina borate whisker reinforced 6061 Al composite. Materials Science and Engineering A, 374, 153-159. doi: 10.1016/j.msea.2004.01.028
- Katkar, V.A., Gunasekaran, G., Rao, A.G. and Koli, P.M. (2011). Effect of the reinforced boron carbide particulate content of AA6061 alloy on formation of the passive film in seawater. Corrosion Science, 53, 2700-2712. doi: 10.1016/j.corsci.2011.04.023
- Karabulut, H., Çıtak, R. (2011). Al Matrisli ve Al2O3 Parçacik Takviyeli Kompozitlerin Farkli Mekanik Alaşimlama Sürelerinde Üretilmesi ve Karakterize Edilmesi. 6. Uluslararasi Toz Metalurjisi Konferansi ve Sergisi, Ankara, 727-732.
- Karabulut, H., Çıtak, R. (2011). Al Matrisli ve Al2O3 Parçacık Takviyeli Kompozitler için Üretim Yönteminin Kompozit Özelliklerine Etkisi. 6. International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS’11), Elazığ, 503-506.
- Karabulut, H., Çıtak, R., Çinici, H. (2013). Mekanik Alaşımlama Süresinin Al+%10Al2O3 Kompozitlerde Eğme Dayanımına Etkisi. Gazi Üniv. Müh. Mim. Fak. Der., 28, 3, 635-643.
- Loto, R.T., Babalola, P. (2018). Effect of alumina nano-particle size and weight content on the corrosion resistance of AA1070 aluminum in chloride/sulphate solution. Results in Physics, doi:
- Jun D., Liu, Y.H., Yu, S.R. and Li, W.F. (2004). Dry sliding friction and wear properties of Al2O3 and carbon short fibres reinforced Al-12Si alloy hybrid composites. Wear, 257, 930-940.
- Qiao, Y., Qu, L., Zhang, X. and Zhang, H. (2015). Boron carbide composite ceramic preparation and corrosion behavior in simulated seawater. Ceramics International, 41, 5026-5031. doi: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2014.12.070
- Riahi, A.R. and Alpas, A.T. (2001). The role of tribo-layers on the sliding wear behavior of graphitic aluminum matrix composites. Wear, 251, 1396-1407. doi: 10.1016/S0043-1648(01)00796-7
- Saxena, M., Modi, O.P., Prasad, B.K., Jha, A.K.. (1993). Erosion and corrosion characteristics of an aluminum alloy-alumina fibre composite. Wear, 169,1(1), 119-124.
- Saraswathi, Y.L., Das, S. and Mondal, D.P. (2006). Influence of microstructure and experimental parameters on the erosion-corrosion behavior of Al alloy composites. Materials Science and Engineering A, 425, 244-254. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2006.03.083
- Shanbhag, V.V., Yalamoori, N.N., Karthikeyan, S., Ramanujam, R., Venkatesan, K.,. (2014). Fabrication, surface morphology and corrosion investigation of Al 7075-Al2O3 matrix composite in seawater and industrial environment. Procedia Engineering, 97, 607-613.
- Shimizu, Y., Nishimura, T., Matsushima, I. (1995). Corrosion resistance of Al-based metal matrix composites. Materials Science and Engineering A, 198, l l3-118.
- Suryanarayana, C. (2001). Mechanical Alloying and Milling. Progress in Materials Science, 46, 1-184.
- Toptan, F., Alves, A.C., Kerti, I., Ariza, E., Rocha, L.A. (2013). Corrosion and tribocorrosion behaviour of Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy and its composites reinforced with B4C particles in 0.05M NaCl solution. Wear, 306, 27-35. doi: 10.1016/j.wear.2013.06.026
- Zhu, J., Hihara, L.H. (2010). Corrosion of continuous alumina-fibre reinforced Al-2 wt.% Cu-T6 metal matrix composite in 3.15 wt.% NaCl solution. Corrosion Science, 52, 406-415. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2009.09.028
The Investigation of Effects of Mechanical Alloying Duration on Corrosion Behavior of Aluminum Composites Reinforced with Al2O3
Year 2019,
, 576 - 583, 30.06.2019
Kubilay Karacif
Hasan Karabulut
Ramazan Çıtak
In the study, the effects of mechanical alloying duration on corrosion
behavior of powder metal aluminum composites reinforced with alumina (Al2O3)
were investigated in saltwater medium. For composite materials production,
reinforcement Al2O3 powders and base metal aluminum
powders were applied one hours mixing
or mechanical alloying for 2, 4, 6 and 10 hours. After pressing and sintering
treatment of composite powders, electrochemical corrosion tests were applied in
saltwater solution (3.5 wt. % NaCl) by potentiodynamic methods. According to
corrosion test results, corrosion resistance of composite materials was
decreased with increasing of mechanical alloying duration.
- Alaneme, K.K., Olubambi, P.A. (2013). Corrosion and wear behaviour of rice husk ash-alumina reinforced Al-Mg-Si alloy matrix hybrid composites. Journal of Materials Research Technology, 2, 188-194.
- Chandrashekar A, Ajaykumar, B.S., Reddappa, H.N. (2018). Mechanical, structural and corrosion behaviour of AlMg4.5/Nano Al2O3 metal matrix composites. Materials Today: Proceedings, 5, 2811-2817.
- De Salazar, J.M.G., Urena, A., Manzanedo, S. and Barrena, M.I. (1999). Corrosion behavior of AA6061 and AA7005 reinforced with Al2O3 particles in aerated %3.5 chloride solutions: potentiodynamic measurements and microstructure evaluation. Corrosion Science, 41, 529-545.
- Dobrzanski, L.A., Wlodarczyk, A. and Adamiak, M. (2005). Structure, properties and corrosion resistance of PM composite materials based on EN AW-2124 aluminum alloy reinforced with the Al2O3 ceramic particles. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 162, 27-32. doi: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2005.02.006
- Durai, T.G., Das, K., Das, S. (2008). Corrosion behavior of Al-Zn/Al2O3 and Al–Zn–X/Al2O3 composites synthesized by mechanical-thermal treatment. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 462, 410-415. doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2007.08.073
- Frankel, G.S. (1998). Pitting corrosion of metals; a summary of the critical factors. Journal of Electrochemical Society, 145, 2186-2198.
- Ghanaraja, S., Vinuth Kumar, K.L., Raju, H.P., Ravikumar, K.S. (2015). Processing and mechanical properties of hot extruded Al (Mg)-Al2O3 composites. Materials Today: Proceedings, 2, 1291-1300. doi: 10.1016/j.matpr.2015.07.045
- Ghanaraja, S., Vinuth Kumar, K.L., Ravikumar, K.S., Madhusudan, B.M. (2017). Mechanical properties of Al2O3 reinforced cast and hot extruded Al based metal matrix composites. Materials Today: Proceedings, 4, 2771-2776.
- Han, Y.M., Gallant, D. and Chen, X.G. (2013). Galvanic corrosion associated with Al-B4C composites/SS304 and Al-B4C composites/AA6061 couples in NaCl and H3BO3 solutions. Electrochimica Acta, 94, 134-142. doi:
- Han, Y.M., Gallant, D., Chen, X.G. (2013). Corrosion inhibition of Al-B4C metal matrix composites in a NaCl solution by benzotriazole. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 139, 187-195. doi: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2013.01.021
- Hu, J., Chu, W.Y., Fei, W.D. and Zhao, L.C. (2004). Effect of interfacial reaction on corrosion behavior of alumina borate whisker reinforced 6061 Al composite. Materials Science and Engineering A, 374, 153-159. doi: 10.1016/j.msea.2004.01.028
- Katkar, V.A., Gunasekaran, G., Rao, A.G. and Koli, P.M. (2011). Effect of the reinforced boron carbide particulate content of AA6061 alloy on formation of the passive film in seawater. Corrosion Science, 53, 2700-2712. doi: 10.1016/j.corsci.2011.04.023
- Karabulut, H., Çıtak, R. (2011). Al Matrisli ve Al2O3 Parçacik Takviyeli Kompozitlerin Farkli Mekanik Alaşimlama Sürelerinde Üretilmesi ve Karakterize Edilmesi. 6. Uluslararasi Toz Metalurjisi Konferansi ve Sergisi, Ankara, 727-732.
- Karabulut, H., Çıtak, R. (2011). Al Matrisli ve Al2O3 Parçacık Takviyeli Kompozitler için Üretim Yönteminin Kompozit Özelliklerine Etkisi. 6. International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS’11), Elazığ, 503-506.
- Karabulut, H., Çıtak, R., Çinici, H. (2013). Mekanik Alaşımlama Süresinin Al+%10Al2O3 Kompozitlerde Eğme Dayanımına Etkisi. Gazi Üniv. Müh. Mim. Fak. Der., 28, 3, 635-643.
- Loto, R.T., Babalola, P. (2018). Effect of alumina nano-particle size and weight content on the corrosion resistance of AA1070 aluminum in chloride/sulphate solution. Results in Physics, doi:
- Jun D., Liu, Y.H., Yu, S.R. and Li, W.F. (2004). Dry sliding friction and wear properties of Al2O3 and carbon short fibres reinforced Al-12Si alloy hybrid composites. Wear, 257, 930-940.
- Qiao, Y., Qu, L., Zhang, X. and Zhang, H. (2015). Boron carbide composite ceramic preparation and corrosion behavior in simulated seawater. Ceramics International, 41, 5026-5031. doi: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2014.12.070
- Riahi, A.R. and Alpas, A.T. (2001). The role of tribo-layers on the sliding wear behavior of graphitic aluminum matrix composites. Wear, 251, 1396-1407. doi: 10.1016/S0043-1648(01)00796-7
- Saxena, M., Modi, O.P., Prasad, B.K., Jha, A.K.. (1993). Erosion and corrosion characteristics of an aluminum alloy-alumina fibre composite. Wear, 169,1(1), 119-124.
- Saraswathi, Y.L., Das, S. and Mondal, D.P. (2006). Influence of microstructure and experimental parameters on the erosion-corrosion behavior of Al alloy composites. Materials Science and Engineering A, 425, 244-254. doi:10.1016/j.msea.2006.03.083
- Shanbhag, V.V., Yalamoori, N.N., Karthikeyan, S., Ramanujam, R., Venkatesan, K.,. (2014). Fabrication, surface morphology and corrosion investigation of Al 7075-Al2O3 matrix composite in seawater and industrial environment. Procedia Engineering, 97, 607-613.
- Shimizu, Y., Nishimura, T., Matsushima, I. (1995). Corrosion resistance of Al-based metal matrix composites. Materials Science and Engineering A, 198, l l3-118.
- Suryanarayana, C. (2001). Mechanical Alloying and Milling. Progress in Materials Science, 46, 1-184.
- Toptan, F., Alves, A.C., Kerti, I., Ariza, E., Rocha, L.A. (2013). Corrosion and tribocorrosion behaviour of Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy and its composites reinforced with B4C particles in 0.05M NaCl solution. Wear, 306, 27-35. doi: 10.1016/j.wear.2013.06.026
- Zhu, J., Hihara, L.H. (2010). Corrosion of continuous alumina-fibre reinforced Al-2 wt.% Cu-T6 metal matrix composite in 3.15 wt.% NaCl solution. Corrosion Science, 52, 406-415. doi:10.1016/j.corsci.2009.09.028