Research Article
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A New Novel Model Proposal For Bond-Slip Behavior Between Angular CFRP Fan Type Anchoraged CFRP Strip and Concrete Surface

Year 2020, , 380 - 386, 30.06.2020


In the reinforced concrete, masonry or steel structures should be strengthened or repaired. Carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) have been widely used for the last 20 years for repairing and strengthening of inadequate earthquake performance of the structures. One of the most important developed design criteria in the retrofit and strengthening details are using CFRP to delay the debonding of the CFRP reinforcement elements. For this reason, the uses of anchors in the reinforcement details developed by using CFRP and also researches on this subject have increased substantially. In the literature, research on bond-slip models developed for fan type CFRP anchors and anchored CFRP strips used in reinforcement details are limited in comparison to non-anchored strips. However, in studies on this subject, anchors are placed at 90o to the axial tensile force applied to the CFRP strips. Axial force-bearing strength and bond-slip models of CFRP strips with the different anchored angle under axial tensile strengths have not been found in the literature. For this reason, an experimental study was carried out and 28 specimens of angled anchored CFRP strip test specimen, which was bonded to the concrete surface, was tested under the influence of axial tensile force with an experimental setup designed by the authors. The variables studied in the experimental study are the CFRP strip width and the fan type CFRP anchor angle placed on the CFRP strip. As a result of the experimental study, an equation was proposed for calculating the bearing strength values of angled anchored CFRP strips and a new proposal for the bond-slip model was developed.


  • Anıl, Ö., Belgin, Ç. (2010). Anchorages Effects on CFRP-to-Concrete Bond-Strength. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 29(4):539-557.
  • Anıl, Ö., Belgin, Ç. (2009). Review of Bond-Strength Models and Application on CFRP to-Concrete Bonded Joints Across Crack. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 15(2):141-158.
  • Anıl, Ö., Belgin, Ç., Kara, ME. (2010) Experimental Investigation on CFRP to Concrete Bonded Joints Across Crack. Techno Press, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 35(1): 1-18
  • Baran A, Anıl Ö. Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Effective CFRP Bonding Length and Strain Distribution along Concrete-CFRP Interface. Techno Press, Computers and Concrete an International Journal, 2010, 7(5):427-453.
  • Bilotta A, Di Ludovico M, Nigro E. FRP-to-concrete interface debonding: Experimental calibration of a capacity model. Department of Structural Engineering, University of Naples ‘‘Federico II’’, Via Claudio 21, Naples, P.O. Box 1-80125, Italy,2011:1-13.
  • Chen JF, Teng JG. Anchorage strength model for FRP and steel plates attached to concrete. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2001:127(7):784-791.
  • Hiroyuki Y, Wu Z. Analysis of debonding fracture properties of CFS strengthened member subject to tension. Non-Metallic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium, Sapporo, Japan, 1997: 287-294.
  • Khalifa A, Gold WJ, Nanni A, Aziz A. Contribution of externally bonded FRP to shear capacity of RC flexural members. Journal of Composite for construction, ASCE 1998: 2(4): 195-203.
  • Lu XZ, Teng JG, Ye LP, Jiang JJ. Bond–slip models for FRP sheets/plates bonded to concrete. Engineering Structures. 2005, 27(6),920-937
  • Maeda T, Asano Y, Sato Y, Yeda T, KakutaY. A study on bond mechanism of carbon fibre sheet. Non-Metallic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures,Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium, Sapporo, Japan, 1997: 279-285.
  • Mertoğlu Ç, Anil Ö, Durucan C. Bond slip behavior of anchored CFRP strips on concrete surfaces, 2016, 123: 553-564.
  • Sato Y, Asano Y, Ueda T. Fundamental study on bond mechanism of carbon fiber sheet. Concrete Library International, JSCE,2001: 37: 97-115.
  • Tanaka T. Shear resisting mechanism of reinforced concrete beams with CFS as shear reinforcement. Graduation Thesis, Hokkaido University, Japan.1996
  • Yang YX, Yue QR, Hu YC. Experimental study on bond performance between carbon fibre sheets and concrete. Journal of building structures, 2001:22(3): 36-42 (in Chinese).

Açılı CFRP Ankrajlı Şeritler ile Beton Yüzey Arasındaki Gerilme-Deformasyon Davranışı için Yeni Bir Model Önerisi

Year 2020, , 380 - 386, 30.06.2020


Betonarme, çelik veya yığma yapılar birçok farklı nedenden dolayı güçlendirılmeleri yeya onarılmaları gerekmektedir. Karbon takviyeli elyaf kumaşlar (CFRP) deprem performansı yetersiz yapıların onarım ve güçlendirme çalışmalarında son 20 yıldır yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. CFRP ile geliştirilen onarım ve güçlendirme detaylarında önemli olan tasarım kriterlerinden biri CFRP elemanların yüzeyden soyulmalarını geciktirmektir. Bu amaçla CFRP ile geliştirilen güçlendirme detaylarında ankrajların kullanılması artış göstermiştir. Güçlendirme detaylarında kullanılan fan tipi CFRP ankrajlı CFRP şeritler ile ilgili gerilme-kayma deplasmanı modellerinin ankrajsız CFRP şeritlere göre çok daha sınırlı sayıda olduğu görülmektedir. Bu konudaki sınırlı sayıdaki çalışmada ankrajlar CFRP şeritlere uygulanan eksenel çekme kuvvetine göre 90o açılı olacak şekilde yerleştirilmiştir. Yapılan literatür taramasında eksenel yüke göre değişik açılarda yerleştirilen ankrajlı CFRP şeritlerin eksenel kuvvet taşıma gücü ve gerilme kayma deplasmanı modelleri ile ilgili bir çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır. Bu nedenle deneysel bir çalışma düzenlenmiş ve 28 adet beton yüzeyine yapıştırılan açılı ankrajlı CFRP şerit deney elemanı eksenel çekme kuvveti etkisinde yazarlar tarafından tasarlanan bir deney düzeneği kullanılarak test edilmiştir. Deneysel çalışmada incelenen değişkenler CFRP şerit genişliği ve CFRP şeritler üzerindeki CFRP fan tipi ankrajların açılarıdır. Deneysel çalışma sonucunda açılı ankrajlı CFRP şeritlerin maksimum taşıma gücü değerlerinin hesaplanması için bir denklem ve yeni bir gerilme kayma deplasmanı modeli önerilmiştir.


  • Anıl, Ö., Belgin, Ç. (2010). Anchorages Effects on CFRP-to-Concrete Bond-Strength. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 29(4):539-557.
  • Anıl, Ö., Belgin, Ç. (2009). Review of Bond-Strength Models and Application on CFRP to-Concrete Bonded Joints Across Crack. Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 15(2):141-158.
  • Anıl, Ö., Belgin, Ç., Kara, ME. (2010) Experimental Investigation on CFRP to Concrete Bonded Joints Across Crack. Techno Press, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 35(1): 1-18
  • Baran A, Anıl Ö. Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Effective CFRP Bonding Length and Strain Distribution along Concrete-CFRP Interface. Techno Press, Computers and Concrete an International Journal, 2010, 7(5):427-453.
  • Bilotta A, Di Ludovico M, Nigro E. FRP-to-concrete interface debonding: Experimental calibration of a capacity model. Department of Structural Engineering, University of Naples ‘‘Federico II’’, Via Claudio 21, Naples, P.O. Box 1-80125, Italy,2011:1-13.
  • Chen JF, Teng JG. Anchorage strength model for FRP and steel plates attached to concrete. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2001:127(7):784-791.
  • Hiroyuki Y, Wu Z. Analysis of debonding fracture properties of CFS strengthened member subject to tension. Non-Metallic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium, Sapporo, Japan, 1997: 287-294.
  • Khalifa A, Gold WJ, Nanni A, Aziz A. Contribution of externally bonded FRP to shear capacity of RC flexural members. Journal of Composite for construction, ASCE 1998: 2(4): 195-203.
  • Lu XZ, Teng JG, Ye LP, Jiang JJ. Bond–slip models for FRP sheets/plates bonded to concrete. Engineering Structures. 2005, 27(6),920-937
  • Maeda T, Asano Y, Sato Y, Yeda T, KakutaY. A study on bond mechanism of carbon fibre sheet. Non-Metallic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures,Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium, Sapporo, Japan, 1997: 279-285.
  • Mertoğlu Ç, Anil Ö, Durucan C. Bond slip behavior of anchored CFRP strips on concrete surfaces, 2016, 123: 553-564.
  • Sato Y, Asano Y, Ueda T. Fundamental study on bond mechanism of carbon fiber sheet. Concrete Library International, JSCE,2001: 37: 97-115.
  • Tanaka T. Shear resisting mechanism of reinforced concrete beams with CFS as shear reinforcement. Graduation Thesis, Hokkaido University, Japan.1996
  • Yang YX, Yue QR, Hu YC. Experimental study on bond performance between carbon fibre sheets and concrete. Journal of building structures, 2001:22(3): 36-42 (in Chinese).
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Electrical Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Rahim Ghoroubi This is me

Ömer Mercimek

Özgür Anıl This is me

Publication Date June 30, 2020
Submission Date February 26, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Ghoroubi, R., Mercimek, Ö., & Anıl, Ö. (2020). Açılı CFRP Ankrajlı Şeritler ile Beton Yüzey Arasındaki Gerilme-Deformasyon Davranışı için Yeni Bir Model Önerisi. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 12(2), 380-386.

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