Medikal İşletmesi İçin Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yöntemleri ile Bakım Stratejisi Seçimi
Year 2021,
, 448 - 461, 18.06.2021
Rabia Akgönül
Evrencan Özcan
Tamer Eren
Dünya’da yaşanan COVID-19 küresel salgını bütün sektörler arasında rekabeti günden güne arttırmaktadır. Artan bu rekabette özellikle sağlık malzemeleri üretimi yapan işletmelerin, üretimde devamlılığını sağlamak ve verimliliği arttırmak ana hedefidir. Arıza durumlarını beklemeden doğru bakım faaliyetlerinin gerçekleştirilmesi makine ve ekipmanların etkin çalışma ömürlerinin uzatılmasına, üretimin sürdürülebilir olması ve verimliliğinin arttırılması açısından kritik öneme sahiptir. Bu sebeple bakım faaliyetlerinin planlı bir şekilde gerçekleştirilmesi amacıyla en uygun bakım stratejiisinin seçilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı salgında önemi artan solunum cihazları için hortum devreleri üreten bir medikal işletmesinin sürekliliğini ve verimliliğini arttırmak amacıyla hortum çekme makinesi için en uygun bakım stratejisinin seçilmesidir. İlk olarak hortum çekme makinesi için tüm kriterler firma yetkilisiyle görüşülerek ve literatürden yararlanılarak belirlenmiş, uzman kişiler tarafından değerlendirilmiş ve ANP yöntemi kullanılarak ağırlıklandırılmıştır. Bulunan kriter ağırlıkları SuperDecision programına manuel olarak girilerek arızi, periyodik, duruma dayalı ve revizyon bakımdan oluşan dört strateji arasından en uygun bakım stratejisi seçilmiştir. Bulanık ANP sonucunun kabul edilebilir olduğundan emin olmak için TOPSIS ve ELECTRE yöntemleri de uygulanarak sıralaması yapılmıştır.
- Al-Najjar B., Alsyouf, I., (2003) “ Selecting the most efficient maintenance approach using fuzzy multiple criteria decision making”, International Journal of Production Economics, 84(1), 85–100.
- Bevilacqua M., Braglia M., (2000), “The analytic hierarchy process applied to maintenance strategy selection”, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 70(1), 71–83.
- Çamkoru A.M., Sayın V.O., (2011), “Bakım Maliyeti Yönetimi”, “Mühendis ve Makine Dergisi”, 53(635), 16-21.
- Emovon I., Norman R. A., Murphy, A. J., (2018) “Hybrid MCDM based methodology for selecting the optimum maintenance strategy for ship machinery systems”, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 29(3), 519–531.
- Görener A. (2013) “Bir imalat işletmesine bakım stratejisinin belirlenmesi”, TMMOB MMO Mühendis ve Makine Dergisi, 53(627), 51-62.
- Görener A., (2012), “ Bakım stratejilerinin bulanık karar ortamında seçimi için WSA ve TOPSIS yöntemlerinin uygulanması”, Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, (216), 159–177.
- Hemmati N., Rahiminezhad Galankashi M., Imani D. M., Farughi H., (2018), “Maintenance policy selection: a fuzzy-ANP approach”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 29(7), 1253–1268.
- Hwang CL ve Yoon K., (1981), “Multiple Attribute Decision Making: Methods and Applications.” ,Springer-Verlag.
- Iangkumaran M., Kumanan, S., (2009), “Selection of maintenance policy for textile industry using hybrid multi‐criteria decision making approach”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 20(7), 1009–1022.
- Jafari A., Jafarian M., Zareei A., Zaerpour, F., (2008), “Using Fuzzy Delphi Method in Maintenance Strategy Selection Problem”, Journal of Uncertain Systems, 2(4), 289–298.
- Joshua J., Mathew S.G., Harikrishnan A.R., (2016), “Selection of an maintenance strategy for improving the production efficiency in a casting unit”, IJSTE - International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering, 3(2), 138-141.
- Kundakçı N., (2019), “ Selection of Maintenance Strategy For a Manufacturing Company with Fuzzy Moora Method”, 2nd International Conference on Business, Management & Economics, Vienna/Austria.
- Kurian M.C., Shalij P.R., Pramod V.R., (2019), “Maintenance strategy selection in cement industry using analytic network process”, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering.
- Momeni M., Fathi M. R. , Zarchi M. K., Azizollahi S., (2011) “A Fuzzy TOPSIS-Based Approach to Maintenance Strategy Selection: A Case Study”, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 8 (3), 699-706.
- Odeyale S. O., Alamu O. J., Odeyale, E. O., (2013), “The Analytical Hierarchy Process Concept for Maintenance Strategy Selection in Manufacturing Industries”, The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 14(1), 223-233.
- Özcan E., Ünlüsoy S., Eren T., (2017), “A combined goal programming – AHP approach supported with TOPSIS for maintenance strategy selection in hydroelectric power plants”,
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 78, 1410–1423.
- Panchal D., Chatterjee P., Shukla R. K., Choudhury T., Tamosaitiene, J., (2017), “Integrated Fuzzy AHP-CODAS Framework for Maintenance Decision In Urea Fertilizer Industry”, Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 51(3), 179–196.
- Seiti H., Tagipour R., Hafezalkotob A., Asgari F., (2017), “Maintenance strategy selection with risky evaluations using RAHP”, Journal of Multi‐Criteria Decision Analysis, 24(5-6), 257-274.
- Shafiee, M., (2015), “Maintenance strategy selection problem: an MCDM overview.” Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 21(4), 378-402.
- Sianturi G., Riyanto A., Maulana R., (1996),“Maintenance Strategy Selection in Spinning Mills Industry Using Fuzzy AHP”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
- Chang, D.Y., “Applications Of The Extent Analysis Method On Fuzzy AHP”, European Journal of Operational Research, 95, 649-655.
- Tunca M.Z., Aksoy E., Bülbül H., Ömürbek N., (2015) “AHP Temelli TOPSIS ve ELECTRE Yöntemiyle Muhasebe Paket Programı Seçimi”, Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 8 (1), 53-71.
- Wang L., Chu J., Wu J., (2007), “Selection of optimum maintenance strategies based on a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process”, International Journal of Production Economics, 107(1), 151–163.
- Yumuşak R., Özcan E., Danışn T., Eren T.,(2018), “AHP-TOPSIS-Tam Sayılı Programlama Entegrasyonu ile Hidroelektrik Santrallarda Bakım Strateji Optimizasyonu”, Uluslararası GAP Yenilenebilir Enerji Ve Enerji Verimliliği Kongresi.
- Zaeri M. S., Shahrabi J., Pariazar M., Morabbi A., (2007), “A combined multivariate technique and multi criteria decision making to maintenance strategy selection”, 2007 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 621–625.
- Erişim Tarihi: 01.01.2021/20:42.
Maintenance Strategy Selection with Multi Criteria Decision Making Methodsfor Medical Company
Year 2021,
, 448 - 461, 18.06.2021
Rabia Akgönül
Evrencan Özcan
Tamer Eren
The global epidemic of COVID-19 in the world increases the competition among all sectors day by day. In this increasing competition, businesses’ main purpose that especially produce health products is to provide the continuity of production and to increase productivity. Carrying out correct maintenance activities without waiting for fault situations is critical in terms of extending the efficient working life of machinery and equipment, sustaining production and increasing efficiency. That’s why, it is necessary to choose the most proper maintenance strategy to carry out maintenance activities. This paper aims to choose the most proper maintenance strategy for the hose pulling machine to rise the continuity and productivity of a medical enterprise that produces hose circuits for respiratory devices, whose importance has increased in the epidemic. The all criteria for the hose pulling machine were determined by discussing with the company management and using the literature, were evaluated by experts and weighted using the fuzzy ANP method. The most appropriate maintenance strategy has been selected among four strategies by manually entering the criteria weights found in the SuperDecision program. The ranking was made by applying TOPSIS and ELECTRE methods to be sure that the result of Fuzzy ANP is acceptable.
- Al-Najjar B., Alsyouf, I., (2003) “ Selecting the most efficient maintenance approach using fuzzy multiple criteria decision making”, International Journal of Production Economics, 84(1), 85–100.
- Bevilacqua M., Braglia M., (2000), “The analytic hierarchy process applied to maintenance strategy selection”, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 70(1), 71–83.
- Çamkoru A.M., Sayın V.O., (2011), “Bakım Maliyeti Yönetimi”, “Mühendis ve Makine Dergisi”, 53(635), 16-21.
- Emovon I., Norman R. A., Murphy, A. J., (2018) “Hybrid MCDM based methodology for selecting the optimum maintenance strategy for ship machinery systems”, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 29(3), 519–531.
- Görener A. (2013) “Bir imalat işletmesine bakım stratejisinin belirlenmesi”, TMMOB MMO Mühendis ve Makine Dergisi, 53(627), 51-62.
- Görener A., (2012), “ Bakım stratejilerinin bulanık karar ortamında seçimi için WSA ve TOPSIS yöntemlerinin uygulanması”, Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, (216), 159–177.
- Hemmati N., Rahiminezhad Galankashi M., Imani D. M., Farughi H., (2018), “Maintenance policy selection: a fuzzy-ANP approach”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 29(7), 1253–1268.
- Hwang CL ve Yoon K., (1981), “Multiple Attribute Decision Making: Methods and Applications.” ,Springer-Verlag.
- Iangkumaran M., Kumanan, S., (2009), “Selection of maintenance policy for textile industry using hybrid multi‐criteria decision making approach”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 20(7), 1009–1022.
- Jafari A., Jafarian M., Zareei A., Zaerpour, F., (2008), “Using Fuzzy Delphi Method in Maintenance Strategy Selection Problem”, Journal of Uncertain Systems, 2(4), 289–298.
- Joshua J., Mathew S.G., Harikrishnan A.R., (2016), “Selection of an maintenance strategy for improving the production efficiency in a casting unit”, IJSTE - International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering, 3(2), 138-141.
- Kundakçı N., (2019), “ Selection of Maintenance Strategy For a Manufacturing Company with Fuzzy Moora Method”, 2nd International Conference on Business, Management & Economics, Vienna/Austria.
- Kurian M.C., Shalij P.R., Pramod V.R., (2019), “Maintenance strategy selection in cement industry using analytic network process”, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering.
- Momeni M., Fathi M. R. , Zarchi M. K., Azizollahi S., (2011) “A Fuzzy TOPSIS-Based Approach to Maintenance Strategy Selection: A Case Study”, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 8 (3), 699-706.
- Odeyale S. O., Alamu O. J., Odeyale, E. O., (2013), “The Analytical Hierarchy Process Concept for Maintenance Strategy Selection in Manufacturing Industries”, The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 14(1), 223-233.
- Özcan E., Ünlüsoy S., Eren T., (2017), “A combined goal programming – AHP approach supported with TOPSIS for maintenance strategy selection in hydroelectric power plants”,
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 78, 1410–1423.
- Panchal D., Chatterjee P., Shukla R. K., Choudhury T., Tamosaitiene, J., (2017), “Integrated Fuzzy AHP-CODAS Framework for Maintenance Decision In Urea Fertilizer Industry”, Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 51(3), 179–196.
- Seiti H., Tagipour R., Hafezalkotob A., Asgari F., (2017), “Maintenance strategy selection with risky evaluations using RAHP”, Journal of Multi‐Criteria Decision Analysis, 24(5-6), 257-274.
- Shafiee, M., (2015), “Maintenance strategy selection problem: an MCDM overview.” Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 21(4), 378-402.
- Sianturi G., Riyanto A., Maulana R., (1996),“Maintenance Strategy Selection in Spinning Mills Industry Using Fuzzy AHP”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020
- Chang, D.Y., “Applications Of The Extent Analysis Method On Fuzzy AHP”, European Journal of Operational Research, 95, 649-655.
- Tunca M.Z., Aksoy E., Bülbül H., Ömürbek N., (2015) “AHP Temelli TOPSIS ve ELECTRE Yöntemiyle Muhasebe Paket Programı Seçimi”, Niğde Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 8 (1), 53-71.
- Wang L., Chu J., Wu J., (2007), “Selection of optimum maintenance strategies based on a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process”, International Journal of Production Economics, 107(1), 151–163.
- Yumuşak R., Özcan E., Danışn T., Eren T.,(2018), “AHP-TOPSIS-Tam Sayılı Programlama Entegrasyonu ile Hidroelektrik Santrallarda Bakım Strateji Optimizasyonu”, Uluslararası GAP Yenilenebilir Enerji Ve Enerji Verimliliği Kongresi.
- Zaeri M. S., Shahrabi J., Pariazar M., Morabbi A., (2007), “A combined multivariate technique and multi criteria decision making to maintenance strategy selection”, 2007 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 621–625.
- Erişim Tarihi: 01.01.2021/20:42.