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Bulanık İşlem Zamanlı Geleneksel Montaj Hattı Dengeleme Problemi İçin Yeni Bir Yaklaşım: Savunma Sanayii Uygulaması

Year 2016, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 31 - 50, 15.01.2016


Montaj hattı dengeleme problemi, üzerinde en çok
çalışılan Endüstri Mühendisliği problemlerinden biridir. Literatür
incelendiğinde hat yerleşimine, dengeleme amacına ve görev sürelerinin durumuna
göre çeşitli montaj hattı dengeleme problemleri üzerinde akademik çalışmalar
yapılmış olmakla birlikte, bu alandaki çalışmaların Geleneksel Montaj Hattı
Dengeleme Problemi üzerinde yoğunlaştığı görülmektedir. Bu makalede de görev
sürelerinin bulanık olduğu varsayımı altında geleneksel montaj hattı dengeleme
problemi için bir çözüm algoritması geliştirilmiştir. Geliştirilen algoritma,
savunma sanayinde faaliyet gösteren bir fabrikada uygulanmış, bulanık sayıların
farklı durumları için elde edilen optimum atama sonuçları, yöneticiye en doğru kararı
verebilmesi açısından özet olarak sunulmuştur.


  • Bryton, B. Balancing of a Continuous Production Line, Unpublished M.S. Thesis, Northwestern University, (1954).
  • Salveson, M. E., The Assembly Line Balancing Problem. The Journal of Industrial Engineering, 6 (3), 18–25, (1955).
  • Bowman, E. H. Assembly Line Balancing By Linear Programming. Operations Research, 8(3), 385-389, (1960).
  • Kilbridge, M. D., & Wester, L. A Heuristic Method of Assembly Line Balancing. The Journal of Industrial Engineering, 12(4), 292-298, (1961).
  • Klein, R., ‘On Assembly Line Balancing’, Operations Research, Vol. 11, 274-281, (1963).
  • Thangavelu, S. R., Shetty, C. M., ‘Assembly Line Balancing by Zero-One Integer Programming’, AIIE Trans., 3, 61-68, (1971).
  • Patterson, J. H., and Albracht, J. J., Assembly-Line Balancing: Zero-One programming with Fibonacci Search, Operations Research, 23, 166-174, (1975).
  • Pinto, P., Dannenbring, D. G., Khumawala, B. M., A Branch And Bound Algorithm For Assembly Line Balancing with Paralleling, International Journal of Production Research Volume 13, Issue 2, Pages 183-196, March (1975).
  • Talbot, F. B., and Patterson, J. H., An Integer Programming Algorithm with Network Cuts for Solving the Single Model Assembly Line Balancing Problem, Management Science, 30, 85-99, (1984).
  • Johnson, R. V., ‘Optimally Balancing Large Assembly Lines with ‘FABLE’’, Management Science, 34 (2), 240-253, (1988).
  • Hoffmann, T. R., ‘Eureka: A Hybrid System for Assembly Line Balancing’, Management Science, 38 (1), 39-47, (1992).
  • Scholl, A.. Klein, R., SALOME: A Bidirectional Branch and Bound Procedure for Assembly Line Balancing, Journal on Computing, Cilt 9, 319-334, (1997).
  • Gökçen, H., Erel, E., Shortest-Route Formulation of Mixed Model Assembly Line Balancing Problem, European Journal of Operations Research, Cilt 116, 194-204, (1999).
  • Sabuncuoğlu, I., Erel, E. ve Tanyer, M., Assembly Line Balancing Using Genetic Algorithms, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Cilt 11, No 3, 295-310, (2000).
  • Stockton, D. J., Quinn, L., & Khalil, R. A. Use of Genetic Algorithms in Operations Management Part 1: applications. Proceeding of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers-Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 218(3), 315-327, (2004).
  • Bukchin, Y., Rubinowitch, J. A Branch-and-Bound Based Solution Approach for the Mixed-Model Assembly LineBalancing Problem for Minimizing Stations and Task Duplication Costs. European Journal of Operational Research, 174, 492-508, (2006).
  • Moodie, C. L., and H.H. Young, A Heuristic Method of Assembly Line Balancing for Assumptions of Constant or Variable Work Element Times, The Journal of Industrial Engineering, 16(1): 23-29, (1965).
  • Mansoor, E., Ben-Tuvia, S., Optimizing Balanced Assembly Lines Journal of Industrial Engineering, XVII, 126-132, (1966).
  • Arcus, A. L., COMSOAL: A Computer Method of Sequencing Operations for Assembly Lines, International Journal of Production Research, Cilt 4, No 4, 259-277, (1966).
  • Kao, E., A Preference Order Dynamic Program for Stochastic Assembly Line Balancing Managemenet Science Vol. 22, No 10, (1976).
  • Sculli, D., Dynamic Aspects of the Line Balancing OMEGA—Int. J. Management Sciences, 7 pp. 557–562, (1979).
  • Driscoll, J., Abdel-Shafi A., A Simulation Approach to Evaluating Assembly Line Balancing Solutions Int. J. Prodn Res. 23(5), 975-985, (1985).
  • Betts, J, Mahmoud, K. I., Identifying Multiple Solutions for Assembly Line Balancing Having Stochastic Task Times, Computers Industrial Engineering, Vol. 16 No.3, p. 427-45, (1989).
  • Nkasu, M. M., Leung, K. H., A Stochastic Approach To Assembly Line Balancing, International Journal of Production Research Volume 33, Issue 4, (1995).
  • Suresh, G., Vinod, V. V., Sahu, S., A Genetic Algorithm for Assembly Line Balancing, Production Planning and Control, 7(1), 38-46, (1996).
  • Ağpak, K., .Gökçen, H., Saray, N., Özel, S., Stokastik Görev Zamanlı Tek Modelli U Tipi Montaj Hattı Dengeleme Problemleri İçin Bir Sezgisel, Gazi Üniv. Müh. Mim. Fak. Der., Cilt 17, No 4, 115-124, (2002).
  • Liu, S. B., Ong, H. L., & Huang, H. C. A Bidirectional Heuristic For Stochastic Assembly Line Balancing Type II Problem. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 25, 71-77, (2005).
  • Tsujimura, Y., Gen, M. ve Kubota, E., Solving Fuzzy Assembly Line Balancing Problem with Genetic Algorithms, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Cilt 29, No 1-4, 543-547, (1995).
  • Tsujimura, Y., Gen, M. ve Li, Y. X., Fuzzy Assembly Line Balancing Using Genetic Algorithms, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 31 (3-4) : 631-634 (1996).
  • Chutima, P. Yiangkamolsing, C., Application of Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm for Sequencing in Mixed-Model Assembly Line with Processing Time, International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory Applications and Practice, Cilt 10, No 4, 325-331, (2003).
  • Khoshalhan, F., Zegordi, S.H., Solving Type One and Type Two Fuzzy Assembly Line Balancing Problems using Genetic Algorithms Journal of Science and Technology, Cilt 14, No 55, (2003).
  • Brudaru, O., & Valmar, B. Genetic Algorithm with Embryonic Chromosomes for Assembly Line Balancing with Fuzzy Processing Times. The 8th International Research/Expert Conference Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology, Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina, (2004).
  • Fonseca, D., J., Guest, C.L., Elam, M. and Karr, C.L., Fuzzy Logic Approach to Assembly Line Balancing, Mathware & Soft Computing, Cilt 12, 57-74, (2005).
  • Hop, N. V., A Heuristic Solution for Fuzzy Mixed- Model Line Balancing Problem European Journal of Operational Research, Cilt 168, 798–810, (2006).
  • Kalender, F. Y., Yılmaz, M. M., Türkbey, O., Montaj Hattı Dengeleme Problemine Bulanık Bir Yaklaşım Gazi Üniv. Müh. Mim. Fak. Der. Cilt 23, No 1, 129-138, (2008).
  • Xu, W., Xiao, T., Mıxed Model Assembly Line Balancing Problem With Fuzzy Operation Times And Drifting Operations, Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference, (2008).
  • Kara, Y., Paksoy, T., Chang, C. T., Binary Fuzzy Goal Programming Approach To Single Model Straight And U-Shaped Assembly Line Balancing, European Journal of Operational Research, Cilt 195, 798–810, (2009).
  • Tapkan, P., Özbakır, L., Baykasoğlu, A., Bees Algorithm for Constrained Fuzzy Multi-Objective, Optimization Letters, Volume 6, Issue 6, pp 1039-1049, (2012).
  • Baykasoğlu, A., Özbakır, L., Görkemli. L., Görkemli, B., Multi-Colony Ant Algorithm For Paralel Assembly Line Balancing With Fuzzy Parameters, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems (23), pages 283–295, (2012).
  • Adham, A., J., A., Tahar, R., B., M., Enhancing Efficiency of Automobile Assembly Line Using the Fuzzy Logical and Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm, WCCI 2012 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Brisbane, Australia June, 10-15, (2012).
  • Zacharia, P. Th., Nearchou, A. C., Multi-Objective Fuzzy Assembly Line Balancing Using Genetic Algorithms, J Intell Manuf 23:615–627, (2012).
  • Hazır, Ö., Dolgui, A., Assembly Line Balancing Under Uncertainty: Robust Optimization Models And Exact Solution Method, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Cilt 65, No 2, 261-267, (2013).
  • Zacharia, P. Th., Nearchou, A. C., A Meta-heuristic Algorithm for the Fuzzy Assembly Line Balancing Type-E Problem, Computers and Operations Research, Cilt 40, No 12, 3033-3044, (2013).
  • White, W. W., “Comment on a Paper by Bowman”, Operations Research, Cilt 9, No 2, 274-276, 1961.
  • Kaufmann, A. and Gupta, M. M., “Introduction to Fuzzy Arithmetic: theory and Applications”, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York., 74-84 (1991).
  • Chen, S., H., Hsieh, C.H., Representation, Ranking, Distance, and Similarity of L-R Type Fuzzy Number and Application, Australian Journal of Intelligent Processing System 6 (4): 217–229 (2000).

A New Approach to Traditional Assembly Line Balancing Problem with Fuzzy Operation Time: Defence Industry Application

Year 2016, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 31 - 50, 15.01.2016


Assembly line balancing problem is one of the
most studied Industrial Engineering problems. Although the academic publications
of this issue have generally focused on traditional assembly line balancing
problem, there are a lot of works on according to different line placements,
balancing aim and the operation times’ various situations. Also in this study,
an algorithm has been developed to solve the traditional assembly line
balancing problem with fuzzy operation time. The algorithm applied on step by
step an assembly line in a factory which is in the defense industry. The
optimum assigning results that obtained from various situations of fuzzy
numbers presented for making decision correctly.


  • Bryton, B. Balancing of a Continuous Production Line, Unpublished M.S. Thesis, Northwestern University, (1954).
  • Salveson, M. E., The Assembly Line Balancing Problem. The Journal of Industrial Engineering, 6 (3), 18–25, (1955).
  • Bowman, E. H. Assembly Line Balancing By Linear Programming. Operations Research, 8(3), 385-389, (1960).
  • Kilbridge, M. D., & Wester, L. A Heuristic Method of Assembly Line Balancing. The Journal of Industrial Engineering, 12(4), 292-298, (1961).
  • Klein, R., ‘On Assembly Line Balancing’, Operations Research, Vol. 11, 274-281, (1963).
  • Thangavelu, S. R., Shetty, C. M., ‘Assembly Line Balancing by Zero-One Integer Programming’, AIIE Trans., 3, 61-68, (1971).
  • Patterson, J. H., and Albracht, J. J., Assembly-Line Balancing: Zero-One programming with Fibonacci Search, Operations Research, 23, 166-174, (1975).
  • Pinto, P., Dannenbring, D. G., Khumawala, B. M., A Branch And Bound Algorithm For Assembly Line Balancing with Paralleling, International Journal of Production Research Volume 13, Issue 2, Pages 183-196, March (1975).
  • Talbot, F. B., and Patterson, J. H., An Integer Programming Algorithm with Network Cuts for Solving the Single Model Assembly Line Balancing Problem, Management Science, 30, 85-99, (1984).
  • Johnson, R. V., ‘Optimally Balancing Large Assembly Lines with ‘FABLE’’, Management Science, 34 (2), 240-253, (1988).
  • Hoffmann, T. R., ‘Eureka: A Hybrid System for Assembly Line Balancing’, Management Science, 38 (1), 39-47, (1992).
  • Scholl, A.. Klein, R., SALOME: A Bidirectional Branch and Bound Procedure for Assembly Line Balancing, Journal on Computing, Cilt 9, 319-334, (1997).
  • Gökçen, H., Erel, E., Shortest-Route Formulation of Mixed Model Assembly Line Balancing Problem, European Journal of Operations Research, Cilt 116, 194-204, (1999).
  • Sabuncuoğlu, I., Erel, E. ve Tanyer, M., Assembly Line Balancing Using Genetic Algorithms, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Cilt 11, No 3, 295-310, (2000).
  • Stockton, D. J., Quinn, L., & Khalil, R. A. Use of Genetic Algorithms in Operations Management Part 1: applications. Proceeding of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers-Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 218(3), 315-327, (2004).
  • Bukchin, Y., Rubinowitch, J. A Branch-and-Bound Based Solution Approach for the Mixed-Model Assembly LineBalancing Problem for Minimizing Stations and Task Duplication Costs. European Journal of Operational Research, 174, 492-508, (2006).
  • Moodie, C. L., and H.H. Young, A Heuristic Method of Assembly Line Balancing for Assumptions of Constant or Variable Work Element Times, The Journal of Industrial Engineering, 16(1): 23-29, (1965).
  • Mansoor, E., Ben-Tuvia, S., Optimizing Balanced Assembly Lines Journal of Industrial Engineering, XVII, 126-132, (1966).
  • Arcus, A. L., COMSOAL: A Computer Method of Sequencing Operations for Assembly Lines, International Journal of Production Research, Cilt 4, No 4, 259-277, (1966).
  • Kao, E., A Preference Order Dynamic Program for Stochastic Assembly Line Balancing Managemenet Science Vol. 22, No 10, (1976).
  • Sculli, D., Dynamic Aspects of the Line Balancing OMEGA—Int. J. Management Sciences, 7 pp. 557–562, (1979).
  • Driscoll, J., Abdel-Shafi A., A Simulation Approach to Evaluating Assembly Line Balancing Solutions Int. J. Prodn Res. 23(5), 975-985, (1985).
  • Betts, J, Mahmoud, K. I., Identifying Multiple Solutions for Assembly Line Balancing Having Stochastic Task Times, Computers Industrial Engineering, Vol. 16 No.3, p. 427-45, (1989).
  • Nkasu, M. M., Leung, K. H., A Stochastic Approach To Assembly Line Balancing, International Journal of Production Research Volume 33, Issue 4, (1995).
  • Suresh, G., Vinod, V. V., Sahu, S., A Genetic Algorithm for Assembly Line Balancing, Production Planning and Control, 7(1), 38-46, (1996).
  • Ağpak, K., .Gökçen, H., Saray, N., Özel, S., Stokastik Görev Zamanlı Tek Modelli U Tipi Montaj Hattı Dengeleme Problemleri İçin Bir Sezgisel, Gazi Üniv. Müh. Mim. Fak. Der., Cilt 17, No 4, 115-124, (2002).
  • Liu, S. B., Ong, H. L., & Huang, H. C. A Bidirectional Heuristic For Stochastic Assembly Line Balancing Type II Problem. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 25, 71-77, (2005).
  • Tsujimura, Y., Gen, M. ve Kubota, E., Solving Fuzzy Assembly Line Balancing Problem with Genetic Algorithms, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Cilt 29, No 1-4, 543-547, (1995).
  • Tsujimura, Y., Gen, M. ve Li, Y. X., Fuzzy Assembly Line Balancing Using Genetic Algorithms, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 31 (3-4) : 631-634 (1996).
  • Chutima, P. Yiangkamolsing, C., Application of Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm for Sequencing in Mixed-Model Assembly Line with Processing Time, International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory Applications and Practice, Cilt 10, No 4, 325-331, (2003).
  • Khoshalhan, F., Zegordi, S.H., Solving Type One and Type Two Fuzzy Assembly Line Balancing Problems using Genetic Algorithms Journal of Science and Technology, Cilt 14, No 55, (2003).
  • Brudaru, O., & Valmar, B. Genetic Algorithm with Embryonic Chromosomes for Assembly Line Balancing with Fuzzy Processing Times. The 8th International Research/Expert Conference Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology, Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina, (2004).
  • Fonseca, D., J., Guest, C.L., Elam, M. and Karr, C.L., Fuzzy Logic Approach to Assembly Line Balancing, Mathware & Soft Computing, Cilt 12, 57-74, (2005).
  • Hop, N. V., A Heuristic Solution for Fuzzy Mixed- Model Line Balancing Problem European Journal of Operational Research, Cilt 168, 798–810, (2006).
  • Kalender, F. Y., Yılmaz, M. M., Türkbey, O., Montaj Hattı Dengeleme Problemine Bulanık Bir Yaklaşım Gazi Üniv. Müh. Mim. Fak. Der. Cilt 23, No 1, 129-138, (2008).
  • Xu, W., Xiao, T., Mıxed Model Assembly Line Balancing Problem With Fuzzy Operation Times And Drifting Operations, Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference, (2008).
  • Kara, Y., Paksoy, T., Chang, C. T., Binary Fuzzy Goal Programming Approach To Single Model Straight And U-Shaped Assembly Line Balancing, European Journal of Operational Research, Cilt 195, 798–810, (2009).
  • Tapkan, P., Özbakır, L., Baykasoğlu, A., Bees Algorithm for Constrained Fuzzy Multi-Objective, Optimization Letters, Volume 6, Issue 6, pp 1039-1049, (2012).
  • Baykasoğlu, A., Özbakır, L., Görkemli. L., Görkemli, B., Multi-Colony Ant Algorithm For Paralel Assembly Line Balancing With Fuzzy Parameters, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems (23), pages 283–295, (2012).
  • Adham, A., J., A., Tahar, R., B., M., Enhancing Efficiency of Automobile Assembly Line Using the Fuzzy Logical and Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm, WCCI 2012 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Brisbane, Australia June, 10-15, (2012).
  • Zacharia, P. Th., Nearchou, A. C., Multi-Objective Fuzzy Assembly Line Balancing Using Genetic Algorithms, J Intell Manuf 23:615–627, (2012).
  • Hazır, Ö., Dolgui, A., Assembly Line Balancing Under Uncertainty: Robust Optimization Models And Exact Solution Method, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Cilt 65, No 2, 261-267, (2013).
  • Zacharia, P. Th., Nearchou, A. C., A Meta-heuristic Algorithm for the Fuzzy Assembly Line Balancing Type-E Problem, Computers and Operations Research, Cilt 40, No 12, 3033-3044, (2013).
  • White, W. W., “Comment on a Paper by Bowman”, Operations Research, Cilt 9, No 2, 274-276, 1961.
  • Kaufmann, A. and Gupta, M. M., “Introduction to Fuzzy Arithmetic: theory and Applications”, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York., 74-84 (1991).
  • Chen, S., H., Hsieh, C.H., Representation, Ranking, Distance, and Similarity of L-R Type Fuzzy Number and Application, Australian Journal of Intelligent Processing System 6 (4): 217–229 (2000).
There are 46 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Ahmet Doğan This is me

Ümit Sami Sakallı This is me

Publication Date January 15, 2016
Submission Date October 24, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Doğan, A., & Sakallı, Ü. S. (2016). A New Approach to Traditional Assembly Line Balancing Problem with Fuzzy Operation Time: Defence Industry Application. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 8(1), 31-50.

All Rights Reserved. Kırıkkale University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Science.