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İklim Değişikliğinin 1970-2023 Yılları Arasında Meydana Gelen Doğal Afetler Üzerindeki Etkisinin Sigortacılık Sektörü Açısından Araştırılması

Year 2025, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 105 - 114


İklim değişikliği sebebiyle dünyada meydana gelen doğal afet sayısı her geçen gün artmaktadır. Doğal afetler sonucunda meydana gelen can ve mal kayıplarının azaltılmasına yönelik yapılacak çalışmalar ülke ekonomileri için oldukça önemli olmaktadır. Bu çalışma ile Türkiye’de 1970-2023 yılları arasında yıllık ortalama sıcaklık, yağış ve nem verilerindeki değişimin meydana gelen doğal afet sayıları, afetlerden etkilenen ve ölen birey sayıları, toplam zarar tutarı ve sigortalanan zarar tutarları arasındaki ilişkiler incelenerek afet yönetimi ve afet sigortacılığının önemi vurgulanmak istenmiştir. Bu amaçla Acil Durum Olayları Veri Tabanı (EM-DAT), raporları incelenmiş ve afet yönetiminde önemli bir yeri olan afet sigortacılığının önemi vurgulanmıştır. Küresel ısınma sonucu iklimde meydana gelen değişimler ile doğal afet sayısının yıllara göre arttığı test edilmiş ve meydana gelen ve gelecek olan zararların finansmanında sigorta sektörünün payının çok az olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Doğal afetlerde ortaya çıkacak zararların karşılanmasında ve ülke ekonomilerinde önemli bir yeri olan afet sigortacılığı bilincinin oluşturulması ve yaygınlaştırılması gerektiği sonucu ortaya çıkmıştır.


  • Acinan, H. (2005). Basic principles of insurance. Gunes Insurance.
  • Anbar, D. A. A. (2008). Climate change economic effects on financial services sector. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 7(23), 223–253.
  • Anderson, M., & Dobardzic, S. (2006). Climate change and insurance: An agenda for action in the United States. Allianz AG.
  • Büyükbaş, E., & Ormanoğlu, B. (2013). Disasters and the place of meteorology in disaster management. Turkish Administration Journal, 476, 13–46.
  • Çekici, E. (2009). The effects of global warming and climate change on agricultural insurance in Turkey. Oneri Journal, 8(32), 105–111.
  • Çepel, N., Ergün, C., & Aydemir, A. (2007). Global warming and global climate change. Tema Foundation Publications.
  • Demirbilek, İ., & Aydemir, E. (2022). Combating climate change: Recommendations in the context of the insurance system. Topics in Economics and Finance, 143.
  • Hawker, M. (2007). Climate change and the global insurance industry. The Geneva Papers, 32.
  • Kunreuther, H., & Michel-Kerjan, E. (2007). Climate change, insurability of large-scale disasters and the emerging liability challenge. National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Lyubchich, V., Kilbourne, K. H., Gel, Y. R., & Richardson, T. X. (2019). Where home insurance meets climate change: Making sense of climate risk, data uncertainty, and projections. Variance, 12, 278–292.
  • Mills, E. (2003). Climate change, insurance, and the buildings sector: Technological synergisms between adaptation and mitigation. Building Research & Information, 31(3–4), 257–277.
  • Scheel, I., Ferkingstad, E., Frigessi, A., Haug, O., Hinnerichsen, M., & Meze-Hausken, E. (2013). A Bayesian hierarchical model with spatial variable selection: The effect of weather on insurance claims. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 62(1), 85–100.
  • State Meteorology General Directorate. Global climate change and its effects. (Accessed February 5, 2024).
  • International Disaster Database (EM-DAT). The International Disaster Database. (Accessed February 15, 2024).
  • Natural Disaster Insurance Institution. (2022). 2022 annual report. (Accessed February 29, 2024).

Research of the Effect of Climate Change on Natural Disasters Occurring Between 1970-2023 in Terms of the Insurance Sector

Year 2025, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 105 - 114


The number of natural disasters occurring in the world due to climate change is increasing day by day. Efforts to reduce the loss of life and property resulting from natural disasters are very important for the country's economy. This study emphasizes the importance of disaster management and disaster insurance by examining the relationships between the changes in annual average temperature, precipitation and humidity data in Turkey between 1970 and 2023, the number of natural disasters that occurred, the number of individuals affected and killed by disasters, the total loss amount and the insured loss amounts. requested. For this purpose, Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) reports were examined and the importance of disaster insurance, which has an important place in disaster management, was emphasized. It has been tested that the number of natural disasters increases over the years due to changes in the climate as a result of global warming, and it has been determined that the share of the insurance sector in financing the losses that have occurred and will occur is very small. It has emerged that awareness of disaster insurance, which has an important place in covering the damages arising from natural disasters and in the country's economy, should be created and disseminated.


  • Acinan, H. (2005). Basic principles of insurance. Gunes Insurance.
  • Anbar, D. A. A. (2008). Climate change economic effects on financial services sector. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 7(23), 223–253.
  • Anderson, M., & Dobardzic, S. (2006). Climate change and insurance: An agenda for action in the United States. Allianz AG.
  • Büyükbaş, E., & Ormanoğlu, B. (2013). Disasters and the place of meteorology in disaster management. Turkish Administration Journal, 476, 13–46.
  • Çekici, E. (2009). The effects of global warming and climate change on agricultural insurance in Turkey. Oneri Journal, 8(32), 105–111.
  • Çepel, N., Ergün, C., & Aydemir, A. (2007). Global warming and global climate change. Tema Foundation Publications.
  • Demirbilek, İ., & Aydemir, E. (2022). Combating climate change: Recommendations in the context of the insurance system. Topics in Economics and Finance, 143.
  • Hawker, M. (2007). Climate change and the global insurance industry. The Geneva Papers, 32.
  • Kunreuther, H., & Michel-Kerjan, E. (2007). Climate change, insurability of large-scale disasters and the emerging liability challenge. National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Lyubchich, V., Kilbourne, K. H., Gel, Y. R., & Richardson, T. X. (2019). Where home insurance meets climate change: Making sense of climate risk, data uncertainty, and projections. Variance, 12, 278–292.
  • Mills, E. (2003). Climate change, insurance, and the buildings sector: Technological synergisms between adaptation and mitigation. Building Research & Information, 31(3–4), 257–277.
  • Scheel, I., Ferkingstad, E., Frigessi, A., Haug, O., Hinnerichsen, M., & Meze-Hausken, E. (2013). A Bayesian hierarchical model with spatial variable selection: The effect of weather on insurance claims. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 62(1), 85–100.
  • State Meteorology General Directorate. Global climate change and its effects. (Accessed February 5, 2024).
  • International Disaster Database (EM-DAT). The International Disaster Database. (Accessed February 15, 2024).
  • Natural Disaster Insurance Institution. (2022). 2022 annual report. (Accessed February 29, 2024).
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Information Systems Philosophy, Research Methods and Theory
Journal Section Articles

Serap Yörübulut 0000-0003-0781-4405

Early Pub Date March 3, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date April 21, 2024
Acceptance Date July 25, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 17 Issue: 1


APA Yörübulut, S. (2025). Research of the Effect of Climate Change on Natural Disasters Occurring Between 1970-2023 in Terms of the Insurance Sector. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 17(1), 105-114.

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