Research Article
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Optimal PID Controller Parameters Tuning via GOA and VSA for an AVR System

Year 2025, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 221 - 230


One of the very vital control scheme for power systems is automatic voltage regulator (AVR). Voltage instability may occur in the power systems when its cannot meet the reactive power demand. The reactive power balance in the power system is related to the terminal voltages of synchronous generators (SGs) in the system. The voltage stability for a synchronous generator can be provided with AVR. In this paper, proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller has been used for controlled the AVR system. In order to determined optimal PID controller gains, two different optimization methods called Golf Optimization Algorithm (GOA) and Vortex Search Algorithm (VSA) have been chosen. The results have been analyzed with respect to maximum overshoot (MP), settling time (ST) for ±0.05 bandwidth and rising time (RT) from 0.1p.u to 0.9p.u. values. Moreover, the founded results have been compared with the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm in the literature. Also, robustness analyses have been performed for ±25% and ±50% changes of time constant parameters through the algorithm that gives better performance results. From the computed results, it has been observed that GOA has been capable to improved the performance outputs of AVR system and could tolerate changes in system time constant parameters.


  • Bhullar A. K., Kaur R. & Sondhi S. (2020). Enhanced crow search algorithm for AVR optimization, Soft Computing, 24, 11957-11987.
  • Burnaz S. A. N. & Ayas M. S. (2020). Effects of objective function in PID controller design for an AVR system, International Journal of Applied Mathematics Electronics and Computers, 8, 245-255.
  • Can O., Ekinci S. & Izci D. (2022). Honey badger algorithm for adjustment of FOPID controller adopted in an automatic voltage regulator system, 2022 Global Energy Conference (GEC), Batman, Turkiye, 262-265.
  • Celik E. & Durgut R. (2018). Performance enhancement of automatic voltage regulator by modified cost function and symbiotic organisms search algorithm, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 21, 1104-1111.
  • Chadar G., Mohaney S. K. & Lakra P. (2022). Improvement in voltage profile of synchronous generator using PID controller and artificial neural network in automatic voltage regulator, 2022 IEEE 11th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies, Indore, India, 89-94.
  • Chatterjee S. & Mukherjee V. (2017). Comparative performance analysis of classical controllers for automatic voltage regulator, 2017 7th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), Pune, India, 296-301.
  • Dogan B. & Olmez T. (2015). A new metaheuristic for numerical function optimization: vortex search algorithm, Information Sciences, 293, 125-145.
  • Eke I. (2022). Optimum PID kazançları genetik algoritma ile hesaplanan otomatik gerilim regülatörü, Uluslararası Mühendislik Araştırma ve Geliştirme Dergisi, 14(3), 351-361.
  • Gozde H., Taplamacioglu M. C. & Kocaarslan I. (2010). Application of artificial bees colony algorithm in an automatic voltage regulator (AVR) system, International Journal on “Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering”, 2, 88-92.
  • Gozde H., Taplamacioglu M. C. & Ari M. (2017). Simulation study for global neighborhood algorithm based optimal automatic voltage regulator (AVR) system, 5th International Istanbul Smart Grid and Cities Congress and Fair (ICSG), Istanbul, Turkiye, 46-50.
  • Hekimoglu B. & Ekinci S. (2018). Grasshopper optimization algorithm for automatic voltage regulator system, 5th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Istanbul, Turkiye, 152-156.
  • Jegatheesh A., Thiyagarajan V., Selvan N.B.M. & Raj M.D. (2024). Voltage regulation and stability enhancement in AVR system based on SOA‑FOPID controller, Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 19, 31-44.
  • Montazeri Z., Niknam T., Aghaei J., Malik O. P., Dehghani M., & Dhiman G. (2023). Golf optimization algorithm: a new game-based metaheuristic algorithm and its application to energy commitment problem considering resilience, Biomimetics, 8, 1-37.
  • Saadat H. (2004). Power System Analysis. McGraw-Hill.
  • Sharma V., Naresh R. & Kumar V. (2021). Automatic voltage regulator system with state-feedback and PID based sliding mode control design, 2021 International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT), Bhilai, India, 1-6.
  • Shukla H., Raju M. & Patidar N. P. (2023). Equilibrium optimizer tuned TID controller based automatic voltage regulator, 2023 3rd International Conference on Energy, Power and Electrical Engineering (EPEE), Wuhan, China, 1291-1295.
  • Türksoy Ö. & Türksoy A. (2024). A fast and robust sliding mode controller for automatic voltage regulators in electrical power systems, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 53, 1-17.
  • Yavarian K., Hashemi F. & Mohammadian A. (2014). Design of intelligent PID controller for AVR system using an adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 4, 703-718.
  • Zhang J., Zhang T., Zhang G. & Kong M. (2023). Parameter optimization of PID controller based on an enhanced whale optimization algorithm for AVR system, Operational Research, 23, 1-26.

Bir AVR Sistemi için GOA ve VSA Aracılığıyla Optimum PID Kontrolör Parametrelerinin Ayarlanması

Year 2025, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 221 - 230


Güç sistemleri için çok önemli kontrol şemalarından biri otomatik voltaj regülatörüdür (AVR). Güç sistemleri reaktif güç talebini karşılayamadığında voltaj dengesizliği meydana gelebilir. Güç sistemindeki reaktif güç dengesi sistemdeki senkron jeneratörlerin (SG) terminal voltajlarıyla ilgilidir. Senkron bir jeneratör için voltaj kararlılığı AVR ile sağlanabilir. Bu makalede, AVR sistemini kontrol etmek için oran-integral-türev (PID) denetleyici kullanılmıştır. Optimum PID denetleyici kazanımlarını belirlemek için Golf Optimizasyon Algoritması (GOA) ve Girdap Arama Algoritması (VSA) olarak adlandırılan iki farklı optimizasyon yöntemi seçilmiştir. Sonuçlar maksimum aşma (MP), ±0,05 bant genişliği için yerleşme süresi (ST) ve 0,1p.u'dan 0,9p.u'ya yükselme süresi (RT) açısından analiz edilmiştir. Dahası, bulunan sonuçlar literatürdeki Parçacık Sürüsü Optimizasyonu (PSO) algoritmasıyla karşılaştırılmıştır. Aynı zamanda, AVR sistem parametrelerinde değişiklikler olabileceğinden, daha iyi performans sonuçları veren algoritma aracılığıyla zaman sabiti parametrelerinin ±%25 ve ±%50 değişim oranları için sağlamlık analizleri yapılmıştır. Hesaplanan sonuçlardan, GOA'nın AVR sisteminin performans çıktılarını iyileştirebildiği ve sistem zaman sabiti parametrelerindeki değişiklikleri tolere edebildiği gözlemlenmiştir.


  • Bhullar A. K., Kaur R. & Sondhi S. (2020). Enhanced crow search algorithm for AVR optimization, Soft Computing, 24, 11957-11987.
  • Burnaz S. A. N. & Ayas M. S. (2020). Effects of objective function in PID controller design for an AVR system, International Journal of Applied Mathematics Electronics and Computers, 8, 245-255.
  • Can O., Ekinci S. & Izci D. (2022). Honey badger algorithm for adjustment of FOPID controller adopted in an automatic voltage regulator system, 2022 Global Energy Conference (GEC), Batman, Turkiye, 262-265.
  • Celik E. & Durgut R. (2018). Performance enhancement of automatic voltage regulator by modified cost function and symbiotic organisms search algorithm, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 21, 1104-1111.
  • Chadar G., Mohaney S. K. & Lakra P. (2022). Improvement in voltage profile of synchronous generator using PID controller and artificial neural network in automatic voltage regulator, 2022 IEEE 11th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies, Indore, India, 89-94.
  • Chatterjee S. & Mukherjee V. (2017). Comparative performance analysis of classical controllers for automatic voltage regulator, 2017 7th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), Pune, India, 296-301.
  • Dogan B. & Olmez T. (2015). A new metaheuristic for numerical function optimization: vortex search algorithm, Information Sciences, 293, 125-145.
  • Eke I. (2022). Optimum PID kazançları genetik algoritma ile hesaplanan otomatik gerilim regülatörü, Uluslararası Mühendislik Araştırma ve Geliştirme Dergisi, 14(3), 351-361.
  • Gozde H., Taplamacioglu M. C. & Kocaarslan I. (2010). Application of artificial bees colony algorithm in an automatic voltage regulator (AVR) system, International Journal on “Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering”, 2, 88-92.
  • Gozde H., Taplamacioglu M. C. & Ari M. (2017). Simulation study for global neighborhood algorithm based optimal automatic voltage regulator (AVR) system, 5th International Istanbul Smart Grid and Cities Congress and Fair (ICSG), Istanbul, Turkiye, 46-50.
  • Hekimoglu B. & Ekinci S. (2018). Grasshopper optimization algorithm for automatic voltage regulator system, 5th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Istanbul, Turkiye, 152-156.
  • Jegatheesh A., Thiyagarajan V., Selvan N.B.M. & Raj M.D. (2024). Voltage regulation and stability enhancement in AVR system based on SOA‑FOPID controller, Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 19, 31-44.
  • Montazeri Z., Niknam T., Aghaei J., Malik O. P., Dehghani M., & Dhiman G. (2023). Golf optimization algorithm: a new game-based metaheuristic algorithm and its application to energy commitment problem considering resilience, Biomimetics, 8, 1-37.
  • Saadat H. (2004). Power System Analysis. McGraw-Hill.
  • Sharma V., Naresh R. & Kumar V. (2021). Automatic voltage regulator system with state-feedback and PID based sliding mode control design, 2021 International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT), Bhilai, India, 1-6.
  • Shukla H., Raju M. & Patidar N. P. (2023). Equilibrium optimizer tuned TID controller based automatic voltage regulator, 2023 3rd International Conference on Energy, Power and Electrical Engineering (EPEE), Wuhan, China, 1291-1295.
  • Türksoy Ö. & Türksoy A. (2024). A fast and robust sliding mode controller for automatic voltage regulators in electrical power systems, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 53, 1-17.
  • Yavarian K., Hashemi F. & Mohammadian A. (2014). Design of intelligent PID controller for AVR system using an adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 4, 703-718.
  • Zhang J., Zhang T., Zhang G. & Kong M. (2023). Parameter optimization of PID controller based on an enhanced whale optimization algorithm for AVR system, Operational Research, 23, 1-26.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Power Plants
Journal Section Articles

Mustafa Saka 0000-0003-4157-2980

Early Pub Date March 3, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date August 21, 2024
Acceptance Date October 2, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 17 Issue: 1


APA Saka, M. (2025). Optimal PID Controller Parameters Tuning via GOA and VSA for an AVR System. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 17(1), 221-230.

All Rights Reserved. Kırıkkale University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Science.