[Erratum] Aesthetic Rehabilitation of a Rotated Lateral Tooth with a Minimally Invasive Approach (Direct Composite Lamina Restoration): Case Report
The planning of aesthetic restorations of anterior teeth depends on the patient's expectation, the physician's experience and technical sensitivity. Treatment techniques for anterior teeth include metal-ceramic restorations, all-ceramic crowns, porcelain lamina veneers and composite lamina restorations. Direct composite lamina restorations are preferred because they are aesthetic and conservative in anterior teeth, as well as cost-effective and do not require laboratory procedures. In this case report, the treatment with direct composite lamina restoration, which is a minimally invasive technique, in order to meet the aesthetic expectations of a patient who is not satisfied with his rotated upper left lateral tooth, and its 3-month clinical follow-up are described.
1. Morita RK, Hayashida MF, Pupo YM, Berger G, Reggiani RD, Betiol EA. Minimally Invasive Laminate Veneers: Clinical Aspects in Treatment Planning and Cementation Procedures. Case Rep Dent. 2016;2016:1839793.
2. Gouveia THN, Theobaldo JD, Vieira-Junior WF, Lima DANL, Aguiar FHB. Esthetic smile rehabilitation of anterior teeth by treatment with biomimetic restorative materials: a case report. Clin Cosmet Investig Dent. 2017;9:27-31.
3. Güngör FS. Komplike Anormal Dişlerin Minimal Invaziv Bir Yaklaşımla Estetik Rehabilitasyonu: Bir Olgu Sunumu. Selcuk Dent J. 2018;5(1): 86-90.
4. Khairuddin MNI, Iskanderdzulkarnein PMBUA, Halil MHM. Anterior teeth rehabilitation with direct resin composite veneer using multiple layering technique: A case report. IIUM Journal of Orofacial and Health Sciences. 2021;2(1): 56-61.
5. Jain AR, Varma A, Hemakumar V. Evaluation of esthetic rehabilitation of teeth with severe fluorosis using direct and indirect laminate veneer: A case report. Biol Med (Aligarh). 2016; 8(7):1-3.
6. Kazak M. Eroziv Lezyonlarin Direkt Kompozit Lamina Venerler ile Minimal İnvaziv Restorasyonu: Olgu. Aydın Dent J. 2015;1(1): 25-30.
7. Celik N, Yapar MI, Taşpınar N, Seven N. The Effect of Polymerization and Preparation Techniques on the Microleakage of Composite Laminate Veneers. Contemp Clin Dent. 2017 ;8(3):400-404.
8. Gresnigt MMM, Sugii MM, Johanns KBFW, van der Made SAM. Comparison of conventional ceramic laminate veneers, partial laminate veneers and direct composite resin restorations in fracture strength after aging. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2021;114:104172.
10. Frese C, Schiller P, Staehle HJ, Wolff D. Recontouring teeth and closing diastemas with direct composite buildups: a 5-year follow-up. J Dent. 2013;41(11):979-85.
11. Alabdulwahhab BM, AlShethry MA, AlMoneef MA, AlManie MA, AlMaziad MM, AlOkla MS. The Effect of Dental Adhesive on Final Color Match of Direct Laminate Veneer (DLV): In Vitro Study. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2015 ;27(5):307-13.
12. Abdulrahman MS. Evaluation of the Sealing Ability of Direct versus Direct-Indirect Veneer Techniques: An In Vitro Study. Biomed Res Int. 2021 Dec 30;2021:1118728.
13. Gresnigt MM, Kalk W, Ozcan M. Randomized controlled split-mouth clinical trial of direct laminate veneers with two micro-hybrid resin composites. J Dent. 2012;40(9):766-75.
14. Gresnigt MM, Ozcan M. Fracture strength of direct versus indirect laminates with and without fiber application at the cementation interface. Dent Mater. 2007 Aug;23(8):927-33.
Mizanpaj sırasında oluşan bir maddi hata düzeltilmiştir.
Anterior dişlerin estetik restorasyonlarının planlaması, hastanın beklentisi, hekimin deneyimi ve teknik duyarlılığına bağlıdır. Anterior dişlerin tedavi teknikleri arasında metal-seramik restorasyonlar, tam seramik kronlar, porselen lamina veneerler ve kompozit lamina restorasyonlar yer alır. Direkt kompozit lamina restorasyonlar, anterior dişlerde estetik ve konservatif olmasının yanı sıra düşük maliyetli ve laboratuvar işlemleri gerektirmediği için tercih edilmektedir. Bu vaka raporunda rotasyonlu üst sol lateral dişinden memnun olmayan bir hastanın estetik beklentilerini karşılamak için minimal invaziv bir teknik olan direkt kompozit lamina restorasyonla tedavi edilmesi ve 3 aylık klinik takibi aşamalarıyla anlatılmıştır.
1. Morita RK, Hayashida MF, Pupo YM, Berger G, Reggiani RD, Betiol EA. Minimally Invasive Laminate Veneers: Clinical Aspects in Treatment Planning and Cementation Procedures. Case Rep Dent. 2016;2016:1839793.
2. Gouveia THN, Theobaldo JD, Vieira-Junior WF, Lima DANL, Aguiar FHB. Esthetic smile rehabilitation of anterior teeth by treatment with biomimetic restorative materials: a case report. Clin Cosmet Investig Dent. 2017;9:27-31.
3. Güngör FS. Komplike Anormal Dişlerin Minimal Invaziv Bir Yaklaşımla Estetik Rehabilitasyonu: Bir Olgu Sunumu. Selcuk Dent J. 2018;5(1): 86-90.
4. Khairuddin MNI, Iskanderdzulkarnein PMBUA, Halil MHM. Anterior teeth rehabilitation with direct resin composite veneer using multiple layering technique: A case report. IIUM Journal of Orofacial and Health Sciences. 2021;2(1): 56-61.
5. Jain AR, Varma A, Hemakumar V. Evaluation of esthetic rehabilitation of teeth with severe fluorosis using direct and indirect laminate veneer: A case report. Biol Med (Aligarh). 2016; 8(7):1-3.
6. Kazak M. Eroziv Lezyonlarin Direkt Kompozit Lamina Venerler ile Minimal İnvaziv Restorasyonu: Olgu. Aydın Dent J. 2015;1(1): 25-30.
7. Celik N, Yapar MI, Taşpınar N, Seven N. The Effect of Polymerization and Preparation Techniques on the Microleakage of Composite Laminate Veneers. Contemp Clin Dent. 2017 ;8(3):400-404.
8. Gresnigt MMM, Sugii MM, Johanns KBFW, van der Made SAM. Comparison of conventional ceramic laminate veneers, partial laminate veneers and direct composite resin restorations in fracture strength after aging. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2021;114:104172.
10. Frese C, Schiller P, Staehle HJ, Wolff D. Recontouring teeth and closing diastemas with direct composite buildups: a 5-year follow-up. J Dent. 2013;41(11):979-85.
11. Alabdulwahhab BM, AlShethry MA, AlMoneef MA, AlManie MA, AlMaziad MM, AlOkla MS. The Effect of Dental Adhesive on Final Color Match of Direct Laminate Veneer (DLV): In Vitro Study. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2015 ;27(5):307-13.
12. Abdulrahman MS. Evaluation of the Sealing Ability of Direct versus Direct-Indirect Veneer Techniques: An In Vitro Study. Biomed Res Int. 2021 Dec 30;2021:1118728.
13. Gresnigt MM, Kalk W, Ozcan M. Randomized controlled split-mouth clinical trial of direct laminate veneers with two micro-hybrid resin composites. J Dent. 2012;40(9):766-75.
14. Gresnigt MM, Ozcan M. Fracture strength of direct versus indirect laminates with and without fiber application at the cementation interface. Dent Mater. 2007 Aug;23(8):927-33.