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A Study On The Impact On Innovation Strategies Of Customer Relationship Management

Year 2014, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 19 - 66, 03.06.2014


Nowadays, the need for innovation, especially the effect of competition is increasing day by day. Companies with products and services not only to survive in this competitive environment, but also within the company as well as to the needs of the ever changing customer needs and superior customer value as its competitors in order to create a different and effective customer relationship management must be aware of the impact of innovation strategies. Organizational structure and culture of innovation in ensuring continuity and continuity is thought to be an effective and important. The aim of this study was to measure the impact on innovation strategies and strategies of customer relationship management is to determine the impact on firm performance. According to research conducted for this purpose the top 500 firms applied to ISO 2009. Data analysis, frequency distribution, mean and standard deviation, structural equation modeling analyzes were conducted. Impact on the result of the analysis determined that the innovation strategies of customer relationship management.


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  • ATUAHENE-GIMA, K. ve WEI, Y. (2011). “The Vital Role of Problem- Solving Competence in New Product Success”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28(1), 81-98.
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  • BEVERLAND, M.B., NAPOLI, J. ve FARRELLY, F. (2010). “Can All Brands Innovate in the Same Way? A Typology of Brand Position and Innovation Effort”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27(1), 33-48.
  • BHASKARAN, S. (2006). “Incremental Innovation and Business Performance: Small and Medium-Size Food Enterprises in a Concentrated Industry Environment”. Journal of Small Business Management, 44(1), 64-80.
  • BOSSO, J.A., CHISHOLM-BURNS, M., NAPPI, J., GUBBINS, P.O. ve ROSS, L.A. (2010). “Benchmarking in Academic Pharmacy Departments”. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 74(8), 1-7.
  • CAMBRA-FIERRO, J.J., HART, S., MUR, A.F. ve REDONDO, Y.P. (2011). “Looking for Performance: How Innovation and Strategy May Affect Market Orientation Models”. Innovation: Management, policy & practice, 13, 154-172.
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  • CERDAN, A.L.M., ACOSTA, P.S. ve NICOLAS, C.L. (2008). “How Do Collaborative International Journal of e-Collaboration, 4(4), 33-50. Affect Innovation in SMEs?”.
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  • INTRACHOOTO, S. (2004). “Lead Users Concept in Building Design: Its Applicability to Member Selection in Technologically Innovative Projects”. TQM Magazine, 16(5), 359-68.
  • İRAZ, R. (2005). Yaratıcılık ve Yenilik Bağlamında Girişimcilik ve KOBİ’ler. Konya:Çizgi Kitabevi.
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Müşteri İlişkileri Yönetiminin İnovasyon Stratejilerine Etkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Year 2014, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 19 - 66, 03.06.2014


Günümüzde özellikle rekabetin etkisiyle inovasyona olan ihtiyaç gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Firmaların bu rekabet ortamında hayatta kalmaları için sadece ürün ve hizmetlerde değil, aynı zamanda hem firma içerisinde hem de değişen müşteri istek ve ihtiyaçlarına göre rakiplerden farklı ve etkin olarak üstün müşteri değeri yaratabilmek amacıyla müşteri ilişkileri yönetiminin inovasyon stratejilerine olan etkisini bilmeleri gerekmektedir. İnovasyonun sürekliliği ve devamlılığını sağlamada organizasyon yapısı ve kültürünün etkili ve önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı müşteri ilişkileri yönetiminin inovasyon stratejileri üzerindeki etkisini ölçmek ve stratejilerin firma performansına etkisini tespit etmektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda yapılan araştırma İSO 2009 verilerine göre ilk 500 firmada uygulanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde frekans dağılımları, ortalama ve standart sapma, yapısal eşitlik modelleme analizleri yapılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda müşteri ilişkileri yönetiminin inovasyon stratejileri üzerinde etkisinin olduğu belirlenmiştir.


  • ALEGRE, J., LAPIEDRA, R., ve CHIVA, R. (2006). “A Measurement Scale for Product Innovation Performance”. European Journal of Innovation Management, 9(4), 333-346.
  • ARTTO, K., MARTINSUO, M., DIETRICH, P. ve KUJALA, J. (2008). “Project Strategy: Strategy Types and Their Contents in Innovation Projects”. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 1(1), 49-70.
  • ATUAHENE-GIMA, K. ve WEI, Y. (2011). “The Vital Role of Problem- Solving Competence in New Product Success”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28(1), 81-98.
  • BENNER, M.J. (2009). “Dynamic or Static Capabilities? Process Management Practices and Response to Technological Change”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 26(5), 473-486.
  • BEVERLAND, M.B., NAPOLI, J. ve FARRELLY, F. (2010). “Can All Brands Innovate in the Same Way? A Typology of Brand Position and Innovation Effort”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27(1), 33-48.
  • BHASKARAN, S. (2006). “Incremental Innovation and Business Performance: Small and Medium-Size Food Enterprises in a Concentrated Industry Environment”. Journal of Small Business Management, 44(1), 64-80.
  • BOSSO, J.A., CHISHOLM-BURNS, M., NAPPI, J., GUBBINS, P.O. ve ROSS, L.A. (2010). “Benchmarking in Academic Pharmacy Departments”. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 74(8), 1-7.
  • CAMBRA-FIERRO, J.J., HART, S., MUR, A.F. ve REDONDO, Y.P. (2011). “Looking for Performance: How Innovation and Strategy May Affect Market Orientation Models”. Innovation: Management, policy & practice, 13, 154-172.
  • CARPINETTI, L.C.R. ve DE MELO, A.M. (2002). “What to Benchmark? A Systematic Approach and Cases”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, 9(3), 244-255.
  • CERDAN, A.L.M., ACOSTA, P.S. ve NICOLAS, C.L. (2008). “How Do Collaborative International Journal of e-Collaboration, 4(4), 33-50. Affect Innovation in SMEs?”.
  • CHENG, C. ve SHIU, E. (2007). “Re-Innovation: The Redefined Definition”. Journal of American Academy of Business, 11(1), 231-236.
  • COYNE, W. (2000). “Lead User: A Conversation with William Coyne”. Health Forum Journal, 43(4), 28-29.
  • CUTHILL, I.D.H. (2001). Organizational Learning and New Product Development Success. (Ph.D.). Syracuse University.
  • DATTAKUMAR, R. ve JAGADEESH, R. (2003). “A Review of Literature on Benchmarking”. Benchmarking, 10(3), 176-209.
  • DOĞAN, S. ve KILIÇ, S. (2008). “İlişki Yönetiminde İç ve Dış Müşteri Memnuniyetinin Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 10(14), 60-87. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey
  • DURNA, U. (2002). Yenilik Yönetimi. Ankara:Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • EICHORN, F.L. (2004). “Internal Customer Relationship Management (IntCRM) A Framework for Achieving Customer Relationship Management from the Inside Out”. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 1, 154 177.
  • FRANKE, N., VON HIPPEL, E. ve SCHREIER, M. (2006). “Finding Commercially Attractive User Innovations: A Test of Lead-User Theory”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 23(4), 301- 315.
  • FREDERICKS E. (2002). Is Co-Location Of New Product Development Teams Necessary. (Ph.D.). Chicago:University of Illinois.
  • FREEMAN, C. ve SOETE, L. (2004). Yenilik İktisadı (5. Basım). Ankara:TÜBİTAK Yayınları.
  • GATIGNON, H. ve XUEREB, J-M. (1997). “Strategic Orientation of the Firm and New Product Performance”. Journal of Marketing Research, 34(1), 77-90.
  • GRABHER, G., IBERT, O. ve FLOHR, S. (2008). “The Neglected King: The Customer in the New Knowledge Ecology of Innovation”. Economic Geography, 84(3), 253-280.
  • GRESHAM, G.G. (2005). The Role of Interfunctional Market Orientation In New Product Program Success:A Exploratory Empirical Analysis. (Ph.D.). Old Dominion University.
  • HAN, J.K., KIM, N. ve KIM, H.B. (2001). “Entry Barriers: A Dull-, One-, or Two-Edged Sword for Incumbents? Unraveling The Paradox from a Contingency Perspective”. Journal of Marketing, 65, 1-15. HANVANICH, S., DROGE, C. ve “Reconceptualizing the Meaning and Domain of Marketing Knowledge”. Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(4), 124-135.
  • HE, Z. ve WONG, P. (2004). “Exploration vs. Exploitation: An Empirical Test of The Ambidexterity Hypothesis”. Organization Science, 15, 481-494.
  • HENARD, D.H. ve DACIN, P.A. (2010). “Reputation for Product Innovation: Its Impact on Consumers”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27(3), 321-335.
  • HENDERSON, A.D. (1999). “Firm Strategy and Age Dependence: A Contingent View of Liabilities of Newness, Adolescence and Obsolescence”. Administrative Science Quarterly, 44, 281-314.
  • INTRACHOOTO, S. (2004). “Lead Users Concept in Building Design: Its Applicability to Member Selection in Technologically Innovative Projects”. TQM Magazine, 16(5), 359-68.
  • İRAZ, R. (2005). Yaratıcılık ve Yenilik Bağlamında Girişimcilik ve KOBİ’ler. Konya:Çizgi Kitabevi.
  • JAYACHANDRAN, S., HEWETT, K. VE KAUFMAN, P. (2004). “Customer Response Capability in a Sense-and-Respond Era: The Role of Customer Knowledge Process”. Journal of Academy of Marketing Science. 32(3), 219-233.
  • KATILA, R. ve AHUJA, G. (2002). “Something Old, Something New: A Longitudinal Study of Search Behavior and New Product Introduction”. Academy of Management Journal, 45, 1183-1194.
  • KEIZER, J.A. ve HAMLAN, J.I.M. (2007). “Diagnosing Risk In Radical Innovation September, 30-36.
  • Research-Technology Management,
  • KİM, N. ve ATUAHENE-GİMA, K. (2010). “Using Exploratory and Exploitative Market Learning for New Product Development”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27(4), 519-536.
  • KNUDSEN, M.P. (2007). “The Relative Importance of Interfirm Relationships and Knowledge Transfer for New Product Development Management, 24(1), 117-138. Journal Of Product Innovation
  • KOLLER, M. ve SALZBERGER, T. (2009). “Benchmarking in Service Marketing- Benchmarking: An International Journal, 16(3), 401-414. Analysis of The Customer”.
  • KYRÖ, P. (2004). “Benchmarking As an Action Research Process”. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 11(1), 52-73.
  • LAGROSEN, S. (2005). “Customer Involvement in New Product Development: Relationship Marketing Perspective”. European Journal of Innovation Management, 8(4), 424-438.
  • LAVIE D. ve ROSENKOPF L. (2006). “Balancing Exploration and Exploitation in Alliance Formation”. Academy Management of Journal, 49(4), 797-818.
  • LAWSON, B., PETERSEN, K.J., COUSINS, P.D. ve HANDFIELD, R.B. (2009). “Knowledge Sharing in Interorganizational Product Development Teams: The Effect of Formal and Informal Socialization Mechanisms”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 26(2), 156-172.
  • LEDWITH, A. VE O’DWYER, M. (2009). “Market Orientation, NPD Performance, and Organizational Performance in Small Firms”. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 26(6), 652-661.
  • LI, T. ve CALANTONE, R. (1998). “The Impact of Market Knowledge Competence on New Product Advantage: Conceptualization and Empirical Examination”. Journal of Marketing, 62, 13-29.
  • LI, J., MERENDA, M. ve VENKATACHALAM, A.R. (2009). “Business Process Digitalization and New Product Development:An Empirical Study of Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturers”. International Journal of E-Business Research, 5(1), 49-64.
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There are 90 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Aysel Erciş This is me

Polat Can This is me

Publication Date June 3, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 7 Issue: 3


APA Erciş, A., & Can, P. (2014). Müşteri İlişkileri Yönetiminin İnovasyon Stratejilerine Etkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Uşak Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7(3), 19-66.

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