İnsan sosyal bir varlıktır ve hemcinsleriyle bir arada yaşamak zorundadır. Bir arada yaşayan insanlar bazen çok basit sebepler ile birbirlerinin canına, malına kast etmektedirler. Dünya tarihi incelendiğinde, her dönemde suç unsuru teşkil eden olaylarla karşılaşılır. Gelişen teknoloji ve alınan önlemlere rağmen suç işlenmesinin önüne geçilememiştir. Hâlâ suça maruz kalan insanların veya yakınlarının hakları ihlal edilmektedir. Ceza infaz kurumlarına giren insanların sayısı maalesef günden güne artmaktadır. Araştırmalara göre, dinî ve ahlakî değer eksikliği, okul eğitiminin yetersizliği, aile içi eğitiminin yetersizliği başta olmak üzere caydırıcılık olmaması, ekonomik sebepler, korku / çaresizlik, çevresel faktörler / toplum, alkol / uyuşturucu madde bağımlılığı, ümitsizlik / hayattan beklentisi olmama, bir anlık öfke / bir anlık gaflet, nefis ve şeytan, adaletin olmadığına dair inanç gibi faktörler insanı suç işlemeye iten başlıca sebeplerdir. Çalışmamızda Uşak E Tipi Kapalı Ceza İnfaz Kurumu’ndaki hükümlü/tutuklular ile yapılan anket çalışması yer almıştır. İnsanı suça iten sebeplere değinildikten sonra suçun önlenebilmesi için Kur’an’ın sunduğu çözüm önerileri sıralanmıştır.
Extended Abstract
As the concept crime is included in many disciplines it is possible to present various approaches and solutions on how to prevent crime. The approaches of criminology experts and psychiatrists, security officers and economists on preventing or minimizing crime may be different. One of the experts may support that economic situations should be enhanced in order to prevent the crime, while the other may argue that security precautions should be intensified. We think that one of the most important precautions of preventing crime is to handle religious and ethic issues strongly so the conscious of the person doesn’t let him/her to commit a crime. For instance, if a person heads toward robbery or drug selling due to his/her economic problems, he/she should be aware that he/she will pay for it in this world and in nether world. Besides the service of social help organizations, moral links in the society and helping people who are in need may help to prevent crime.
We think that if the five rules of Islam prevented (defending the religion, defending the person, defending the mind, defending the generation, defending the property) the crime rate of the society will decrease. Faith and worships have an important role in preventing crime. Ethical manners also detain people from crime. Person’s living his/her life according to Allah’s rules, his/her knowing everything he/she is doing is recorded by angels and preparing himself /herself for the doomsday are crucial for preventing the crime. Concerning the worships we may give an example of Salah as preventing person from crime. Quran definitely forbids killing somebody. And in order to make people alive everything should be done. These efforts may be physically or morally.
We think that the most important factor of preventing crime is person. Every person is responsible for him/herself primarily. Person cannot escape from responsibility by saying ”what can I do? Time has changed” the degeneration in the society has risen”. From this aspect environmentalfactors/societies pushing people to crime may be prevented. Most wise men especially prophets didn’t think that the degeneration of society is suitable for committing crime. They preferred to shape the society not shaped by society. Even if a person can’t shape the society he has a lot of options in society. And then as it is the first education center, family has a big responsibility.
One of the most important components of preventing the crime is deterrence. Especially for the people who have the habit of committing the crime or planning the crime before the deterrence of the punishment may decrease the crime rate. Besides deterrence knowing that the guilty people will certainly be caught and punished is one of the reasons that prevent crime. It is not possible to improve a cliptomanist with short sentences. If a more deterrent punishment is given, it may be both a deterrent to guilty people and a message who plans to commit this crime.
Some of the prisoners, who were given a lot of efforts in order to integrate them into society, may return to the prison in a short time due to economic issues prison. One of the steps in order to solve this problem may be foundation of work places similar to the ones inside the prison out of the prison to employ the former prisoner after releasing from. With the co-ordination of public institutions in the workplaces former prisoners may be employed and by this way the state may have profit. Factors that provide social helps like alms, charities and religious offering may help preventing crime due to economical issues. By means of foundations and NGO's by helping people who commit crime just for economic problems may prevent commitment of crime.
Order of goodness given by sensitive people in the society and detain from badness, and the principle of closing the way which goes the badness may prevent crime. If these principles are followed we see that not only it prevents the crime but also it closes the ways that go to crime. In preventing the crime education should be focused on.
One of the reasons that lead people to crime is dissatisfaction. Tending crime will not solve person’s problems conversely it will increase them.
The study consists of two sections. In the first section the definition, situation and responsibility of people who is a side of crime have been discoursed. The nature of human and tendency for crime, five principals of Islam (zarurat-ı hamse) of which the main aim is to prevent individual and the society, the reasons that make people commit crime and thequeestionnaires that have been applied in Uşak prison take place. And in the second section the solutions that can prevent crime are lined up.
According to the researches in addition to main causes such as lack of religional and ethical values, lack of school and parents education other causes such as not enough punishment, economical reasons, fear, desperateness, environmental factors, society, alcohol and drug addiction, hopelesness, sudden anger and inattention, human soul and demon, belief that justice doesn’t exist are the main causes of crime. In this study these titles have been examined.
Conclusion In our study after mentioning the reasons that push people to crime, the suggestions of solutions which Kuran presents were arrayed. The study ends with conclusion part.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | October 21, 2016 |
Published in Issue | Year 2016 Volume: 9 Issue: 28/4 |
Address: Uşak University Graduate Education Institute
Telephone: 0276 221 21 60 Fax: 0276 221 21 61