Writing Rules

General Conditions

1. The manuscripts submitted to the journal must be prepared using the "Sample Manuscript Template", otherwise they will not be evaluated. 6 (six) mandatory files must be uploaded when submitting the article. These files are;
-Title Page,
-Full Text (Prepared According to Sample Article Template),
-Copyright Form (To be filled in and uploaded to the system with wet signature by the corresponding author)
-Author Contribution Rate and Conflict of Interest Declaration Form (Corresponding Author),
-Notification of No Need for Ethics Committee Approval Form (Corresponding Author),
-Similarity Report (Corresponding Author)
or you can download it from the related articles below.
2. The manuscripts submitted to the journal must be uploaded to the journal system following the conditions specified in the journal writing rules. For the first time article submission, the "Submit Article" button must be selected and the article and other necessary information and documents must be uploaded to the system by following the necessary steps.
3. The name-surname, institution, e-mail and ORCID information of the author or authors should be included only on the "Title Page". If the article is derived from a thesis or other scientific work, it should be shown as indicated on the "Title Page".
-Click here for the Title Page.
4. If the Copyright Form, Authorship Contribution Rate and Conflict of Interest Declaration Form and Declaration of No Need for Ethics Committee Approval Form (if it is a study that requires ethics committee approval and / or legal / special permission, the relevant permission document) is not uploaded, the peer review process will not be initiated. Even if the study has a single author, the "Authorship Contribution Rate and Conflict of Interest Declaration Form" must be uploaded.
-Click here for Copyright Transfer Form.
-Click here for the Author Contribution Rate and Conflict of Interest Declaration Form.
-Click here for the Notification of No Need for Ethics Committee Approval Form.
5. All manuscripts submitted to the journal must be original and must not have been included in any other publication process. Manuscripts presented at congresses and published full texts are not accepted. If a manuscript is submitted for evaluation, it is assumed that the authors accept these rules. Authors are not paid royalties. The Editorial Board reserves the right not to accept manuscripts because they do not comply with the rules, to request corrections and to reorganise them.
6. Authors should prepare and submit their articles in Microsoft Office Word 2016 or higher following the "Sample Article Template" on the journal website. Manuscripts that do not comply with the article template will be subject to editorial rejection without being included in the referee evaluation process.
-Click here for a sample article template.
7. Authors are required to analyse their articles uploaded to the system with iThenticate or Turnitin similarity programs and upload the similarity report to the system.
8. In addition to entering the ORCID information of the authors into the system, it must be added next to the author information on the "Title Page" and this process must be done for all authors. Authors can obtain their ORCID IDs from https://orcid.org/signin.
9. After the applications uploaded to the system are pre-checked in terms of document-information and form requirements, the editorial pre-evaluation will be carried out.

Main Text Writing Rules

1. The texts of the manuscripts to be submitted for publication in the journal should be at least 10 (ten) and at most 25 (twenty-five) pages, including everything following the template. If the manuscripts exceed these limits to a certain extent, the journal editorial board will decide to start the evaluation process.
2. The Turkish abstract of the articles to be submitted for publication in the journal should not exceed 150 words and the English abstract should be written in maximum compliance with this condition.
3. An extended summary of at least 500 and at most 1000 words should be prepared for the Turkish manuscripts to be submitted for publication in the journal and this summary should be attached to the manuscript file.

In-Text Citation Rules

1. In in-text citations, the reference system in which author's surname, date and page numbers are given should be preferred (e.g. Brooks, 2002: 53).
2. In references to sources with two authors, the surnames of both authors and the phrase "and." should be used (Ex: Çay and Durmuş, 2002: 596).
3. In references to sources with more than two authors, the surname of the first author and the expression "et al." should be used (Ex: Mishkin et al., 1999: 75).
4. If more than one source is used within the same parenthesis, the references should be separated by semicolons (;) and should be written backwards in date order (e.g. Jans and Serter, 1987: 224; Bridges, 1977: 89).
5. For in-text citations, the same rule should be followed in review books and editorial books (consisting of articles).
6. In encyclopaedia and law articles, the name, year and page number of the publication should be given (e.g. Meydan Larousse, 1996: 1256; Turkish Civil Code, 2015: 124).

7. Authors are required to analyse their articles uploaded to the system with iThenticate or Turnitin similarity programs and upload the similarity report to the system.

8. In addition to entering the ORCID information of the authors into the system, it should be added next to the author information on the "Title Page" and this process should be done for all authors. Authors can obtain their ORCID IDs from https://orcid.org/signin.
9. After the applications uploaded to the system are pre-checked in terms of document-information and form requirements, the editorial pre-evaluation will be carried out.

Main Text Writing Rules

1. The texts of the manuscripts to be submitted for publication in the journal should be at least 10 (ten) and at most 25 (twenty-five) pages, including everything following the template. If the manuscripts exceed these limits to a certain extent, the journal editorial board will decide to start the evaluation process.
2. The Turkish abstract of the articles to be submitted for publication in the journal should not exceed 150 words and the English abstract should be written in maximum compliance with this condition.
3. An extended summary of at least 500 and at most 1000 words should be prepared for the Turkish manuscripts to be submitted for publication in the journal and this summary should be attached to the manuscript file.

In-Text Citation Rules

1. In in-text citations, the reference system in which author's surname, date and page numbers are given should be preferred (e.g. Brooks, 2002: 53).
2. In references to sources with two authors, the surnames of both authors and the phrase "and." should be used (Ex: Çay and Durmuş, 2002: 596).
3. In references to sources with more than two authors, the surname of the first author and the expression "et al." should be used (Ex: Mishkin et al., 1999: 75).
4. If more than one source is used within the same parenthesis, the references should be separated by semicolons (;) and should be written backwards in date order (e.g. Jans and Serter, 1987: 224; Bridges, 1977: 89).
5. For in-text citations, the same rule should be followed in review books and editorial books (consisting of articles).
6. In encyclopaedia and law articles, the name, year and page number of the publication should be given (e.g. Meydan Larousse, 1996: 1256; Turkish Civil Code, 2015: 124).
7. In quotations from a work published by the same author in the same year, the quotations should be separated as a and b. (Ex: Woodford, 2003a: 12; Woodford, 2003b: 25).
8. Explanations about some issues to be explained in the text can be stated as footnotes and such footnotes must follow each other numerically (numerically). However, references cannot be given as footnotes or endnotes.

Bibliography Writing Rules According to Publication Types

The surname of the author of the source should be written first, then only the initials (in capital letters) of his/her name. The references should be listed alphabetically, taking into account the initials of the surnames, and no other numbering should be made. If the source's tag is carried to the second line, the second line should be started 1.25 cm inwards. Source citation should be made according to the examples below.
Printed Book:
Kazgan, G. (1989). Economic thought or the evolution of political economy. Istanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
Aydın, N., Başar, M. and Coşkun, M. (2014). Financial management (5th bs.). Ankara: Detay Publishing.
Translated Book:
Agoston, G. (2013). Osmanlı'da savaş ve serhad (Translated by K. Şakul). Istanbul: Timaş Publications
Sennet, R. (2014). Otorite (Trans. K. Durand). Istanbul: Ayrıntı Publications
Edited Book Chapter:
Güran, T.(2004). "Temettuat registers as a resource about Ottoman social and economic life", The Ottoman State and Societies in Change-A Study of the Nineteenth Century Temettuat Registers, (Ed: H. Kayoko and M. Aydın), London-New York-Bahrain.
Derleme Kitap:
Pamuk, Ş. (2010), "500 years of inflation and prices in Istanbul", Financial Economic History of Ottoman Empire, (Ed. B. McGowan), Cambridge University Press: New York: 125-138.
Fama, E.F. and Schwert, G.W. (1977). Asset return and inflation. Journal of Financial Economics, 5(2), 115-146. https://doi.org/10.1016/0304-405X(77)90014-9
Whaley, R.E. (2000). The investor fear gauge. The Journal of Portfolio Management, 26(3), 12-17. doi:10.3905/jpm.2000.319728
Çeviş, İ., and Çamurdan, B. (2008). Determinants of current account balance in inflation targeting countries. Economics, Business and Finance, 23(270), 111-131.
Working Paper, Discussion Paper etc:
Grossman, G.M. and Kruger, A.B. (1991). Environmental impacts of a North American Free Trade Agreement (NBER Working Paper No. 3914). Retrieved from https://www.nber.org/papers/ w3914

Sayılgan, G. and Ece, A. (2015). A panoramic analysis of postponement of bankruptcy cases in Turkey between 2009-2013. In H. Karadal (Ed.), 14th National Business Congress Proceedings Book (pp. 1119-1125). Paper presented at the 14th Business Congress held in Aksaray. Konya: Eğitim Publishing House.
Book of Abstracts:
Çınar, M., Doğan, D., & Seferoğlu, S.S. (2015). Digital tools in education: An evaluation on Google classroom application [Abstract]. Paper presented at Academic Informatics Conference, Anadolu University, Eskisehir. Retrieved from: http://ab2015.anadolu.edu.tr /index.php menu=5&submenu=27
Unpublished Thesis:
Deli, Ö. (2004). Callus production from root tissues of Rubai Tinctorum plant (Unpublished Master's Thesis). Ankara University Institute of Science and Technology, Ankara.
Sarı, E. (2008). Culture, identity and politics: Mardin'de kültürlerarasılık (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
Berg, D.H. (2003). Prospective leadership development in Canadian colleges and universities: Perceptions of leaders, educators and students (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada.
Internet Resources:
Acar, Ş.; Bir, A.; Kaçar M. "Datça'nın su millmenleri", http://www.yapidergisi.com/makaleicerik.aspx?MakaleNum=47 (14.12.2016).
Salmon, P. (2003), "Decentralisation and supranationalism: The sase of the European Union", http://www.imf.org/extern

Union", http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/fiscal/salmon.pdf, (Accessed: 02.10.2003). http://www.tcmb.gov.tr, (Access: 28.10.2004).

Studies with Unknown Web Page and Author:
If libraries burn, humanity burns! (2015). Turkish Librarians Association. Retrieved from: http://www.kutuphaneci.org.tr/haber/kutuphaneler-yanars a insanlikyanar
Newspaper Documents:
Dünya Newspaper, "Record development in exports", 17 January 1998: 7.
Akat, A. S., "Twenty-year future of the Turkish economy", Dünya Newspaper, 22 April 2012: 14.
Blog Posts:
Yılmaz, D. (2010, 16 March). Is plagiarism a crime? [Blog post]. Retrieved from: http://bilkentasistan.blogspot. com.tr/2010/03/intihal-suc-mu.html
Britannica (2016), "Price competition", C. 12, Oxford University Press: USA: 2345-2350.
Law Books and Texts:
Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Assembly Minutes, 28 May 2010: 1458.
Turkish Commercial Code, 2014, Art. 15.

Spelling Rules for Tables and Figures

1. Each of the tables, figures and graphs to be included in the text must be titled by giving a (numerical) title number in such a way that it does not exceed the page margins (it can be smaller than the page margins) and the tables must be titled within themselves, the figures within themselves and the graphs within themselves and the numbers must follow each other.
2. The references of the tables, figures and graphics to be included in the text should be included under the tables, figures and graphics in accordance with the in-text citation rules (Source: DPT, 1988: 125).
3. The visuals such as tables, graphs, figures or diagrams to be used in the articles should be designed by the authors and should not be copied directly.

Address: Uşak University Graduate Education Institute
Telephone: 0276 221 21 60 Fax: 0276 221 21 61
E-mail: sosyaldergi@usak.edu.tr