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Yıl 2021, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 561 - 573, 30.12.2021


Sosyal franchising, toplumsal fayda sağlamak amacıyla ticari franchise yapısını kullanan, sözleşmeye bağlı olarak oluşturulan bir sistemdir. Sağlık alanında franchising ise, hizmetlerin sunumundaki eşitsizlikler ve erişim problemlerini gidermek ve kaliteli hizmet sunumundan gelir düzeyi düşük bireylerin de faydalanmasına imkân veren bir uygulamadır. Sağlıkta sosyal franchising daha çok az gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerde yaşayan bireylerin sağlık hizmetlerinden, özellikle anne-çocuk sağlığı, üreme sağlığı, aile planlaması gibi, faydalanmalarını amaçlamaktadır. Franchising ve sosyal franchising tanımlarından yola çıkarak sağlık sektöründeki sosyal franchising örneklerini teorik çerçevede ele almak amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada literatür taraması yapılmıştır. Sosyal franchising kavramı ve sağlık hizmetlerindeki uygulamaları ayrıntılı bir şekilde incelenmiştir. Sosyal franchising uygulamalarına bakıldığında, sosyal ihtiyaçların geniş kapsamlı ve optimal bir şekilde karşılandığı görülmektedir. Bu yüzden geleneksel franchise’lardan en önemli farkı, sosyal franchising’in nihai hedefidir. Sağlık alanında sosyal franchising, az gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerde kamunun sağlık konusundaki yükünü hafifleterek, sağlık hizmetlerinin iyileştirilmesi bakımından son derece önemlidir. Sosyal franchising sağlık hizmetlerine erişimde fırsat eşitliği sunmakla birlikte, kaliteli sağlık hizmetinden ekonomik durumu düşük olan kişilerin de faydalanmasına imkân sağlamaktadır. Sağlık alanına yönelik uygulamaların daha çok üreme-anne-çocuk sağlığı, bulaşıcı hastalıklar ile ilgili olduğu görülmektedir. Sosyal franchising marka tanıtımına katkı sağlamakla birlikte, sosyal sorumluluk bilincinde olan hekimlere yardıma muhtaç bireylere yardımcı olma imkânı da sunmaktadır.


  • Abdullaev, B. (2011). Franchise uygulamalarında franchise alanların memnuniyetine yönelik bir araştırma. (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). İstanbul Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Asemota, J., & Chahine, T. (2017). Social franchising as an option for scale. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 28(6), 2734-2762.
  • Bishai, D. M., Shah, N. M., Walker, D. G., Brieger, W. R., &Peters, D. H. (2008). A social franchising to ımprove quality and access in private health care in developing countries. Harvard Health Policy Review, 9(1), 184-197.
  • Beyeler, N., York De La Cruz, A., & Montagu, D. (2013). The İmpact of clinical social franchising on health services in low- and middle-ıncome countries: a systematic review. Plos, 8 (4), 1-9.
  • Cebeci, R. (2005). Franchising rehberi. KOSGEB Girişimciliği Geliştirme Merkezi: Ankara.
  • Chakraborty, A., Paranjape, B., Kakarla, S., & Ganguly, N. (2016, August). Stop clickbait: detecting and preventing clickbaits in online news media. In 2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) (pp. 9-16), IEEE.
  • Du Toit, A. (2014). Social franchising as organizational format—an overview. Ilan Alon. Palgrave Pivot (Ed.), In Social Franchising (1st ed.,pp. 8-32). London.
  • Eti İçli, G., ve Anıl, N. K. (2017). Franchising kavramının dönüşümü: sosyal franchising. Kırklareli Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(3), 38-45.
  • Fleisch, H. (2008). Social franchising.Bundesverland Deutscher Stiftungen.
  • Huntington, D., Mundy, G., Hom, N. M., Li, Q., & Aung, T. (2012). Physicians in private practice: reasons for being a social franchise member. Health Research Policy and Systems, 10(1), 25.
  • IFA. (2020, October, 9). Trust, truth and honesty: foundations of franchising.
  • Koehlmoos, T. P., Gazi, R., Hossain, S. S., & Zaman, K. (2009). The effect of social franchising on access to and quality of health services in low‐and middle‐ıncome countries. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (1).
  • LaVake, S. D. (2003). Applying social franchising techniques to youth reproductive health/hiv services. Family Health International, YouthNet Program, 9-20.
  • Lönnroth, K., Aung, T., Maung, W., Kluge, H., & Uplekar, M. (2007). Social franchising of TB care through private GPs in Myanmar: an assessment of treatment results, access, equity and financial protection. Health Policy And Planning, 22(3), 156-166.
  • Maciejewski, B., Jaana, M., Keely, E., Crowe, L., & Liddy, C. (2018). Social franchising: scale and spread of innovation in Canada. Health Policy and Technology, 7(2), 217-223.
  • McBride, J. & Ahmed, R. (2001). Social franchising as a strategy for expanding access to reproductive health services: a case study of the Green Star Service Delivery Network in Pakistan. Commercial Market Strategies Project (CMS): New Directions in Reproductive Health, 15-25.
  • Mohanan, M., Giardili, S., Das, V., Rabin, T. L., Raj, S. S., Schwartz, J. I., ... & Vera-Hernandez, M. (2017). Evaluation of a social franchising and telemedicine programme and the care provided for childhood diarrhoea and pneumonia, Bihar, India. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 95(5), 343.
  • Montagu, D. (2002). Franchising of health services in low-income countries. Health Policy and Planning, 17(2), 121-130.
  • Montagu, D., Ngamkitpaiboon, L., Duvall, S., & Ratcliffe, A. (2013). Applying the disability-adjusted life year to track health impact of social franchise programs in low-and middle-income countries. BMC Public Health, 13(S2), S4.
  • Murray, I. (2006). The Franchising Handbook: The Complete Guide to Choosing a Franchise. Kogan Page Publishers, 26-31.
  • Nart, S. (2005). Türkiye’de franchising sisteminin gelişimi ve franchise alan girişimcilerin iş memnuniyeti belirleyicilerinin analizi üzerine bir araştırma.Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi,(10), 123-149.
  • Ngo, A. D., Alden, D. L., Hang, N., & Dinh, N. (2009). developing and launching the government social franchise model of reproductive health care service delivery in Vietnam. Social Marketing Quarterly, 15(1), 71-89.
  • Ngo, A. D., Alden, D. L., Pham, V., & Phan, H. (2010). The impact of social franchising on the use of reproductive health and family planning services at public commune health stations in Vietnam. BMC Health Services Research, 10(1), 54.
  • Pinnell, N. (2009). Best practices in social and private enterprise franchising.
  • Prata, N., Montagu, D., & Jefferys, E. (2005). Private sector, human resources and health franchising in Africa. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 83, 274-279.
  • Rehana Ahmed, MD (2011, October, 9). Social franchising for health.
  • Sieverding, M., Briegleb, C., & Montagu, D. (2015). User experiences with clinical social franchising: qualitative insights from providers and clients in Ghana and Kenya. BMC Health Services Research, 15(1), 49.
  • Sivakumar, A., & Schoormans, J. P. (2011). Franchisee selection for social franchising success. Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 23(3), 213-225.
  • Stephenson, R., Tsui, A. O., Sulzbach, S., Bardsley, P., Bekele, G., Giday, T., ... & Feyesitan, B. (2004). Franchising reproductive health services. Health Services Research, 39(6p2), 2053-2080.
  • Sundari Ravindran, T. K., & Fonn, S. (2011). Are social franchises contributing to universal access to reproductive health services in low-income countries? Reproductive Health Matters, 19(38), 85-101.
  • UFRAD. (2001-2002). UFRAD Franchise rehberi, UFRAD yayınları.
  • Volery, T., & Hackl, V. (2010). The Promise of Social Franchising as a Model to Achieve Social Goals.
  • Weaver, M. S., Lönnroth, K., Howard, S. C., Roter, D. L., & Lam, C. G. (2015). Interventions to improve adherence to treatment for paediatric tuberculosis in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 93, 700-711.
  • World Health Organization. (2007). public policy and franchising reproductive health: current evidence and future directions.Guidance from a technical consultation meeting.


Yıl 2021, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3, 561 - 573, 30.12.2021


Social franchising is a contractually built system that uses the commercial franchise structure to provide social benefits. Franchising in the field of health is an application that allows individuals with low income levels to benefit from the provision of quality services and to eliminate inequalities and access problems in the provision of health services. Social franchising in health aims to enable individuals living in less developed and developing countries to benefit from health services, especially mother-child health, reproductive health, family planning. Based on the definitions of franchising and social franchising, it is aimed to deal with the examples of social franchising in the health sector in a theoretical framework. The literature was searched in the study. The concept of social franchising and its applications in health services have been reviewed in detail. Looking at social franchising practices, it is seen that social needs are met in a comprehensive and optimal way. Therefore, the most important difference from traditional franchises is the ultimate goal of social franchising. In the field of health, social franchising is extremely important in improving healthcare services in underdeveloped and developing countries by alleviating the public health burden. Social franchising provides equal opportunities in access to healthcare services, and enables people with low economic status to benefit from quality healthcare. It is seen that practices in the field of health are mostly related to reproductive-mother-child health and communicable diseases. In addition to contributing to brand promotion, social franchising also offers physicians who are aware of social responsibility to help individuals in need.


  • Abdullaev, B. (2011). Franchise uygulamalarında franchise alanların memnuniyetine yönelik bir araştırma. (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). İstanbul Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Asemota, J., & Chahine, T. (2017). Social franchising as an option for scale. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 28(6), 2734-2762.
  • Bishai, D. M., Shah, N. M., Walker, D. G., Brieger, W. R., &Peters, D. H. (2008). A social franchising to ımprove quality and access in private health care in developing countries. Harvard Health Policy Review, 9(1), 184-197.
  • Beyeler, N., York De La Cruz, A., & Montagu, D. (2013). The İmpact of clinical social franchising on health services in low- and middle-ıncome countries: a systematic review. Plos, 8 (4), 1-9.
  • Cebeci, R. (2005). Franchising rehberi. KOSGEB Girişimciliği Geliştirme Merkezi: Ankara.
  • Chakraborty, A., Paranjape, B., Kakarla, S., & Ganguly, N. (2016, August). Stop clickbait: detecting and preventing clickbaits in online news media. In 2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) (pp. 9-16), IEEE.
  • Du Toit, A. (2014). Social franchising as organizational format—an overview. Ilan Alon. Palgrave Pivot (Ed.), In Social Franchising (1st ed.,pp. 8-32). London.
  • Eti İçli, G., ve Anıl, N. K. (2017). Franchising kavramının dönüşümü: sosyal franchising. Kırklareli Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(3), 38-45.
  • Fleisch, H. (2008). Social franchising.Bundesverland Deutscher Stiftungen.
  • Huntington, D., Mundy, G., Hom, N. M., Li, Q., & Aung, T. (2012). Physicians in private practice: reasons for being a social franchise member. Health Research Policy and Systems, 10(1), 25.
  • IFA. (2020, October, 9). Trust, truth and honesty: foundations of franchising.
  • Koehlmoos, T. P., Gazi, R., Hossain, S. S., & Zaman, K. (2009). The effect of social franchising on access to and quality of health services in low‐and middle‐ıncome countries. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (1).
  • LaVake, S. D. (2003). Applying social franchising techniques to youth reproductive health/hiv services. Family Health International, YouthNet Program, 9-20.
  • Lönnroth, K., Aung, T., Maung, W., Kluge, H., & Uplekar, M. (2007). Social franchising of TB care through private GPs in Myanmar: an assessment of treatment results, access, equity and financial protection. Health Policy And Planning, 22(3), 156-166.
  • Maciejewski, B., Jaana, M., Keely, E., Crowe, L., & Liddy, C. (2018). Social franchising: scale and spread of innovation in Canada. Health Policy and Technology, 7(2), 217-223.
  • McBride, J. & Ahmed, R. (2001). Social franchising as a strategy for expanding access to reproductive health services: a case study of the Green Star Service Delivery Network in Pakistan. Commercial Market Strategies Project (CMS): New Directions in Reproductive Health, 15-25.
  • Mohanan, M., Giardili, S., Das, V., Rabin, T. L., Raj, S. S., Schwartz, J. I., ... & Vera-Hernandez, M. (2017). Evaluation of a social franchising and telemedicine programme and the care provided for childhood diarrhoea and pneumonia, Bihar, India. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 95(5), 343.
  • Montagu, D. (2002). Franchising of health services in low-income countries. Health Policy and Planning, 17(2), 121-130.
  • Montagu, D., Ngamkitpaiboon, L., Duvall, S., & Ratcliffe, A. (2013). Applying the disability-adjusted life year to track health impact of social franchise programs in low-and middle-income countries. BMC Public Health, 13(S2), S4.
  • Murray, I. (2006). The Franchising Handbook: The Complete Guide to Choosing a Franchise. Kogan Page Publishers, 26-31.
  • Nart, S. (2005). Türkiye’de franchising sisteminin gelişimi ve franchise alan girişimcilerin iş memnuniyeti belirleyicilerinin analizi üzerine bir araştırma.Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi,(10), 123-149.
  • Ngo, A. D., Alden, D. L., Hang, N., & Dinh, N. (2009). developing and launching the government social franchise model of reproductive health care service delivery in Vietnam. Social Marketing Quarterly, 15(1), 71-89.
  • Ngo, A. D., Alden, D. L., Pham, V., & Phan, H. (2010). The impact of social franchising on the use of reproductive health and family planning services at public commune health stations in Vietnam. BMC Health Services Research, 10(1), 54.
  • Pinnell, N. (2009). Best practices in social and private enterprise franchising.
  • Prata, N., Montagu, D., & Jefferys, E. (2005). Private sector, human resources and health franchising in Africa. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 83, 274-279.
  • Rehana Ahmed, MD (2011, October, 9). Social franchising for health.
  • Sieverding, M., Briegleb, C., & Montagu, D. (2015). User experiences with clinical social franchising: qualitative insights from providers and clients in Ghana and Kenya. BMC Health Services Research, 15(1), 49.
  • Sivakumar, A., & Schoormans, J. P. (2011). Franchisee selection for social franchising success. Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, 23(3), 213-225.
  • Stephenson, R., Tsui, A. O., Sulzbach, S., Bardsley, P., Bekele, G., Giday, T., ... & Feyesitan, B. (2004). Franchising reproductive health services. Health Services Research, 39(6p2), 2053-2080.
  • Sundari Ravindran, T. K., & Fonn, S. (2011). Are social franchises contributing to universal access to reproductive health services in low-income countries? Reproductive Health Matters, 19(38), 85-101.
  • UFRAD. (2001-2002). UFRAD Franchise rehberi, UFRAD yayınları.
  • Volery, T., & Hackl, V. (2010). The Promise of Social Franchising as a Model to Achieve Social Goals.
  • Weaver, M. S., Lönnroth, K., Howard, S. C., Roter, D. L., & Lam, C. G. (2015). Interventions to improve adherence to treatment for paediatric tuberculosis in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 93, 700-711.
  • World Health Organization. (2007). public policy and franchising reproductive health: current evidence and future directions.Guidance from a technical consultation meeting.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Fatma Mansur Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-0336-6329

Gamze Arıkan Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-2911-2412

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2021
Kabul Tarihi 30 Kasım 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Mansur, F., & Arıkan, G. (2021). SAĞLIK ALANINA YÖNELİK SOSYAL FRANCHISING UYGULAMALARI. Uluslararası Sağlık Yönetimi Ve Stratejileri Araştırma Dergisi, 7(3), 561-573.
Chicago Mansur, Fatma, ve Gamze Arıkan. “SAĞLIK ALANINA YÖNELİK SOSYAL FRANCHISING UYGULAMALARI”. Uluslararası Sağlık Yönetimi Ve Stratejileri Araştırma Dergisi 7, sy. 3 (Aralık 2021): 561-73.
EndNote Mansur F, Arıkan G (01 Aralık 2021) SAĞLIK ALANINA YÖNELİK SOSYAL FRANCHISING UYGULAMALARI. Uluslararası Sağlık Yönetimi ve Stratejileri Araştırma Dergisi 7 3 561–573.
ISNAD Mansur, Fatma - Arıkan, Gamze. “SAĞLIK ALANINA YÖNELİK SOSYAL FRANCHISING UYGULAMALARI”. Uluslararası Sağlık Yönetimi ve Stratejileri Araştırma Dergisi 7/3 (Aralık 2021), 561-573.
MLA Mansur, Fatma ve Gamze Arıkan. “SAĞLIK ALANINA YÖNELİK SOSYAL FRANCHISING UYGULAMALARI”. Uluslararası Sağlık Yönetimi Ve Stratejileri Araştırma Dergisi, c. 7, sy. 3, 2021, ss. 561-73.