Research Article
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The Role of Political Skill on Perceived Organizational Politics, Workplace Loneliness and Insider Status: A Research on Public Employees

Year 2017, , 1 - 15, 30.10.2017


In this study it is aimed to determine perceived
organizational politics, workplace loneliness and insider status relationship
and the role of political skill on this relationship. During the international
and domestic literature review, it has not been come across to any research
investigating these relationships. With the assumption that study findings can
make contribution to relevant area, it was decided to conduct the field
research. Research results indicate that perceived organizational politics has
a positive impact on workplace loneliness and negative impact on perceived
insider status. Moreover it was found that perceived organizational
politics-insider status relationship is mediated by workplace loneliness. In
other words; as perceived organizational politics increase, workplace
loneliness also increases and with the increase of workplace loneliness,
perceived insider status declines.
Beside this, it was found that participants
with low political skill become more socially alone and their internal status declines
more with the increase of perceived organizational politics.


  • Adams G.L., Ammeter A.P., Treadway D.C., Ferris G.R., Hochwarter W.A., Kolodinsky R.W (2002). Perceptions of organizational politics: additional thoughts, reactions, and multi-level issues. Research in Multi-Level Issues, Vol. 1, pp. 287-94. Ahearn, K. K., Ferris, G. R., Hochwarter, W. A., Douglas, C., Ammeter, A. P.(2004). Leader Political Skill and Team Performance. Journal of Management, Vol.30, No.3, 309-327. Aiken, L. S., West, S.G.(1991). Multiple regression: Testing and interpreting interactions. Newbury Park:Sage. Aksoy, A.(2016). Algılanan Örgütsel Politikanın Bağlamsal Performans Üzerine Etkisi: TRB1 Bölgesi İmalat Sektörü Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Akademik Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, Yıl.4, Sayı.33, 51-60. Allen R.W., Madison D.L., Porter L.W., Renwick P.A., Mayes B.T. (1979). Organizational politics tactics and characteristics of its actors. California Management Review, Vol. 22, pp. 77-83. Andrews M. C., Kacmar M. K.(2001). Discriminating among organizational politics, justice, and support. Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol.22, 347-366. Ashforth, B. E., Mael, F.(1989). Social Identity Theory and the Organization. Academy of Management Review, Vol.14, 20-39. Ay, F. A.(2015). İstismarcı Yönetim, İşyeri Yalnızlığı ve Örgütsel Sinizm Arasındaki İlişkiler: Sağlık Çalışanlarına Yönelik Bir Çalışma. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, Cilt.8, Sayı.41, 1116-1126. Blau, P.(1964). Exchange and power in social life. New York: Free Press. Cropanzano, R., Howes, J.C., Grandey, A.A. and Toth, P. (1997). The relationship of organizational politics and support to work behaviors, attitudes, and stress. Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 18, 159-180. Cullen, K. L., Fan, J., Liku, C.(20149. Employee Popularity Mediates the Relationship Between Political Skill and Workplace Interpersonal Mistreatment. Journal of Management, Vol.40, No.6, 1760-1778. Doğan, T., Çetin, B., Sungur, M. Z.(2009). İş Yaşamında Yalnızlık Ölçeği Türkçe formunun geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, Cilt.10, 271-277. Drory A. (1993). Perceived political climate and job attitudes. Organization Studies, Vol.14, 59–71. Erdil, O., Ertosun, Ö. G.(2011). The Relationship between Social Climate and Loneliness in the Workplace and Effects on Employee Well-Being. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol.24, 505-525. Ernst, J. M., Cacioppo, J.T.(1999). Lonely Hearts: Psychological Perspectives on Loneliness. Applied and Preventive Psychology, Vol8, 1-22. Eroğluer, K., Yılmaz, Ö.(2015). Etik Liderlik Davranışlarının Algılanan Örgüt İklimi Üzerine Etkisine Yönelik Bir Uygulama: İş Yaşamında Yalnızlık Duygusunun Aracılık Etkisi. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt.7, No.1, 280-308. Ferris G. R., Russ G. S., Fandt P. M. (1989). Politics in organizations. In Giacalone R. A., Rosenfeld P. (Edts.), Impression Management in Organizations, (pp.143-170), Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum Ferris G. R., Frink D. D., Galang M. C., Zhou J., Kacmar K. M., Howard J. L. (1996). Perceptions of organizational politics: Predictions, stress-related implications, and outcomes. Human Relations, Vol.49, 233–266. Ferris G.R., Kacmar K.M. (1992). Perceptions of organizational politics. Journal of Management, Vol. 18, pp. 93-116. Ferris G. R., Davidson S. L., Perrewe P. L.(2005). Political Skill At Work: Impact on Work Effectiveness. Davis-Black Publishing, Mountain View-California. Ferris G.R., Treadway D.C., Kolodinsky R.W., Hochwarter W.A., Kacmar C.J., Douglas C., Frink D.D.(2005). Development and validation of the political skill inventory. Journal of Management, Vol.31, 126-152. Ferris, G. R., Treadway, D. C., Perrewe, P. L., Brouer, R. L., Douglas, C., Lux, S.(2007). Political skill in organizations. Journal of Management, Vol.33, No.3, 290-320. Goodman, J. M., Evans, W. R., Carson, C. M.(2011). Organizational Politics and Stress: Perceived Accountability as a Coping Mechanism. The Journal of Business Inquiry, Vol.10, No.1, 66-80. Harris K. J., James M., Boonthanom R. (2005). Perceptions of Organizational Politics and Cooperation as Moderators of the Relationship Between Job Strains and Intent to Turnover. Journal of Management Issues, Vol.17, 26-42. Harvey, P., Harris, R. B., Harris, K. J., Wheeler, A. R.(2007). Attenuating the Effects of Social Stress: The Impact of Political Skill. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Vol.12, No.2, 105-115 Kacmar K. M., Ferris G. R. (1991). Perceptions of organizational politics scale (POPS): Development and construct validation. Educational and Psychological Measurement, Vol.51, pp.193-205. Kacmar M. K., Carlson, D. S. (1997). Further validation of the perceptions of politics scale (POPS): A multiple sample investigation.Journal of Management, 23(5), 627-658. Kacmar K.M., Bozeman D.P., Carlson D.S., Anthony W.P. (1999). An examination of the perceptions of organizational politics model: replication and extension. Human Relations, Vol. 52, 383-416. Kacmar K.M., Baron R.A. (1999). Organizational politics: the state of the field, links to related processes, and an agenda for future research, Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, Vol. 17, pp. 1-39. Karakaya, A., Büyükyılmaz, O., Ay, F. A.(2015). İşyeri Yalnızlığının İşkoliklik Üzerindeki Etkisi: Kardemir A.Ş.’de Bir Araştırma, Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt.13, Sayı.3, 79-100. Kaymaz, K., Eroğlu, U., Sayılar, Y.(2014). Effect f Loneliness at Work on the Employees’ Intention to Leave. “İŞ, GÜÇ” Endüstri İlişileri ve İnsan Kaynakları Dergisi, Cilt.16, Sayı.1, 38-53. Keser A., Karaduman M.(2014). “İş Yaşamında Yalnızlık Algısının Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışı İle İlişkisi ve Öğretmenler Üzerinde Bir Araştırma”, HAK-İŞ Uluslararası Emek ve Toplum Dergisi, Cilt.3, Sayı.7, 179-197. Kimura T. (2013). The Moderating Effects of Political Skill and Leader-Member Exchange on the Relationship Between Organizational Politics and Affective Commitment. Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.116, pp.587-599 Lam, L. W., Lau D. C.(2012). Feeling lonely at work: investigating the consequences of unsatisfactory workplace relationships. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.23, No.20, 4265-4282. Madison D. L., Allen R. W., Porter L. W., Renwick P. A., Mayes B. T. (1980). Organizational politics: An exploration of managers’ perceptions, Human Relations, Vol.33, 79-100. Maslyn J.M., Fedor D.B. (1998). Perceptions of politics: does measuring different foci matter?, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 84, 645-53. Meisler, G.(2014). Exploring emotional intelligence, political skill, and job satisfaction. Employee Relations, Vol.36, No.3, 280-293. Meurs, J. A., Gallagher, V. C., Perrewe, P.L.(2010). The role of political skill in the stressor-outcome relationship: Differential predictions for self-and-other reports of political skill. Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol.76, 520-533. Munyon, T. P., Summers, J. K., Thompson, K. M., Ferris, G. R.(2015). Political skill and work outcomes: a theoretical extension, meta-analytic investigation, and agenda for the future. Personnel Psychology, Vol.68, 143-184. Murray V., Gandz J. (2001). Games executives play: Politics at work. Business Horizons, No. 12 (December), pp.11-23. O’connor W.E., Morrison T.G. (2001). A comparison of situational and dispositional predictors of perceptions of organizational politics, The Journal of Psychology, Vol. 135, 301-312. Nartgün, Ş.S., Demirer, S.(2016). Öğretmenlerin Örgütsel Sessizlik İle İş Yaşamında Yalnızlık Düzeylerine İlişkin Görüşleri. Bayburt Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, Cilt.7, No.2, 139-156. Nye L. G.,Witt L. A. (1993). Dimensionality and construct validity of the Perceptions of Organizational Politics Scale. Educational and Psychological Measurement, Vol.53, pp.821-829. Özçelik, H., Barsade, S.(2011). Work Loneliness and Employee Performance. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, Vol.1, 1-6. Parker C.P., Dipboye R.L., Jackson S.L. (1995). Perceptions of organizational politics: an investigation of antecedents and consequences, Journal of Management, Vol. 21, 891-912. Peplau, L. A., Perlman, D.(1984). Loneliness Research: A Survey of Empirical Findings. In L. A. Peplau, S. E. Goldston, (Eds.), Preventing The Harmful Consequences of Severe and Persistent Loneliness (pp.13-47). Rockville Maryland: National Institute of Mental Health Perrewe, P. L., Nelson, D. L.(2004). Gender and career success: The facilitative role of political skill. Organizational Dynamics, Vol.33, 366-378. Pfeffer J.(1999). Güç Merkezli Yönetim: Örgütlerde Politika ve Nüfuz, Boyner Holding Yayınları, İstanbul. Sarah L. Wright, (2005). Organizational Climate, Social Support and Loneliness in the Workplace. In Neal M. Ashkanasy, Wilfred J. Zerbe, Charmine E.J. Härtel (ed.) The Effect of Affect in Organizational Settings (Research on Emotion in Organizations, Volume 1), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.123 - 142 Stamper, C. L., Masterson, S. S.(2002). Insider or outsider? How employee perceptions of insider status affect their work behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol.23, No.8, 875-894. Steinburg, A., Sullivan, V., Montoya, L.(1999). Loneliness and social isolation in the workforce for deaf individuals during the transition years: A preliminary investigation. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counselling, Vol.30, No.1, 22-30. Russell, D., Cutrona, C. E., Rose, J., Yurko, K.(1984). Social and Emotional Loneliness: An Examination of Weiss’s Typology of Loneliness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol.46, No.6, 1313-1321. Valle M., Perrewe P.L. (2000). Do politics perceptions relate to political behaviors? Tests of an implicit assumption and expanded model, Human Relations, Vol. 53, 359-86. Vigoda E. (2000). Organizational Politics, Job Attitudes, and Work Outcomes: Exploration and Implications for the Public Sector, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 57(3), 326–347. Vigoda-Gadot E. (2007). Leadership Style, organizational politics, and employees’ performance: An empirical examination of two competing models, Personnel Review, Vol.36, No.5, 661-683. Voyer J. J.(1994). Coercive Organizational Politics and Organizational Outcomes: An Interpretive Study, Organization Science, Vol.5, No.1, 72-85. Witt, L. A. (1998). Enhancing organizational goal congruence: A solution to organizational politics, Journal of Applied Psychology, 83(4), 666–674. Wright, S.L., Burt, C. D.B., Strongman, K.T.(2006). Loneliness in the Workplace: Construct Definition and Scale Development. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, Vol.35, No.2, 59-68. Yang K. (2008). Examining Perceived Honest Performance Reporting by Public Organizations: Bureaucratic Politics and Organizational Practice, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Vol.19, 81-105.

Algılanan Örgütsel Politika, İşyeri Yalnızlığı ve İçsellik Statüsü İlişkisinde Politik Yeteneğin Rolü: Kamu Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Year 2017, , 1 - 15, 30.10.2017


Bu çalışmada, algılanan örgütsel politika, işyeri yalnızlığı
ve içsellik statüsü ilişkisi ile bu ilişkide politik yeteneğin düzenleyici
rolünün incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Yapılan literatür taramasında söz konusu
değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiyi ele alan herhangi bir çalışmaya rastlanmamış; elde
edilecek bulguların ilgili yazına katkı sağlayabileceği varsayımından hareketle
saha araştırmasının yapılmasına karar verilmiştir.Yapılan analizler sonucunda,
algılanan örgütsel politikanın işyeri yalnızlığını pozitif; içsellik statüsünü
de negatif yönde etkilediği görülmüştür. Bunun yanı sıra, işyeri yalnızlığının
algılanan örgütsel politika-içsellik statüsü ilişkisinde aracılık etkisinin
olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bir diğer ifadeyle, algılanan örgütsel politika
arttıkça işyeri yalnızlığı da artmakta; işyeri yalnızlığının artmasıyla
birlikte katılımcıların içsellik statüsü (örgüte olan aidiyet duyguları)
azalmaktadır. Politik yeteneği düşük olan katılımcıların ise algıladıkları
örgütsel politika arttıkça daha fazla sosyal anlamda yalnızlaştıkları ve
içsellik statülerinin de daha fazla zayıfladığı tespit edilmiştir.


  • Adams G.L., Ammeter A.P., Treadway D.C., Ferris G.R., Hochwarter W.A., Kolodinsky R.W (2002). Perceptions of organizational politics: additional thoughts, reactions, and multi-level issues. Research in Multi-Level Issues, Vol. 1, pp. 287-94. Ahearn, K. K., Ferris, G. R., Hochwarter, W. A., Douglas, C., Ammeter, A. P.(2004). Leader Political Skill and Team Performance. Journal of Management, Vol.30, No.3, 309-327. Aiken, L. S., West, S.G.(1991). Multiple regression: Testing and interpreting interactions. Newbury Park:Sage. Aksoy, A.(2016). Algılanan Örgütsel Politikanın Bağlamsal Performans Üzerine Etkisi: TRB1 Bölgesi İmalat Sektörü Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Akademik Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, Yıl.4, Sayı.33, 51-60. Allen R.W., Madison D.L., Porter L.W., Renwick P.A., Mayes B.T. (1979). Organizational politics tactics and characteristics of its actors. California Management Review, Vol. 22, pp. 77-83. Andrews M. C., Kacmar M. K.(2001). Discriminating among organizational politics, justice, and support. Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol.22, 347-366. Ashforth, B. E., Mael, F.(1989). Social Identity Theory and the Organization. Academy of Management Review, Vol.14, 20-39. Ay, F. A.(2015). İstismarcı Yönetim, İşyeri Yalnızlığı ve Örgütsel Sinizm Arasındaki İlişkiler: Sağlık Çalışanlarına Yönelik Bir Çalışma. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, Cilt.8, Sayı.41, 1116-1126. Blau, P.(1964). Exchange and power in social life. New York: Free Press. Cropanzano, R., Howes, J.C., Grandey, A.A. and Toth, P. (1997). The relationship of organizational politics and support to work behaviors, attitudes, and stress. Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 18, 159-180. Cullen, K. L., Fan, J., Liku, C.(20149. Employee Popularity Mediates the Relationship Between Political Skill and Workplace Interpersonal Mistreatment. Journal of Management, Vol.40, No.6, 1760-1778. Doğan, T., Çetin, B., Sungur, M. Z.(2009). İş Yaşamında Yalnızlık Ölçeği Türkçe formunun geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, Cilt.10, 271-277. Drory A. (1993). Perceived political climate and job attitudes. Organization Studies, Vol.14, 59–71. Erdil, O., Ertosun, Ö. G.(2011). The Relationship between Social Climate and Loneliness in the Workplace and Effects on Employee Well-Being. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol.24, 505-525. Ernst, J. M., Cacioppo, J.T.(1999). Lonely Hearts: Psychological Perspectives on Loneliness. Applied and Preventive Psychology, Vol8, 1-22. Eroğluer, K., Yılmaz, Ö.(2015). Etik Liderlik Davranışlarının Algılanan Örgüt İklimi Üzerine Etkisine Yönelik Bir Uygulama: İş Yaşamında Yalnızlık Duygusunun Aracılık Etkisi. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt.7, No.1, 280-308. Ferris G. R., Russ G. S., Fandt P. M. (1989). Politics in organizations. In Giacalone R. A., Rosenfeld P. (Edts.), Impression Management in Organizations, (pp.143-170), Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum Ferris G. R., Frink D. D., Galang M. C., Zhou J., Kacmar K. M., Howard J. L. (1996). Perceptions of organizational politics: Predictions, stress-related implications, and outcomes. Human Relations, Vol.49, 233–266. Ferris G.R., Kacmar K.M. (1992). Perceptions of organizational politics. Journal of Management, Vol. 18, pp. 93-116. Ferris G. R., Davidson S. L., Perrewe P. L.(2005). Political Skill At Work: Impact on Work Effectiveness. Davis-Black Publishing, Mountain View-California. Ferris G.R., Treadway D.C., Kolodinsky R.W., Hochwarter W.A., Kacmar C.J., Douglas C., Frink D.D.(2005). Development and validation of the political skill inventory. Journal of Management, Vol.31, 126-152. Ferris, G. R., Treadway, D. C., Perrewe, P. L., Brouer, R. L., Douglas, C., Lux, S.(2007). Political skill in organizations. Journal of Management, Vol.33, No.3, 290-320. Goodman, J. M., Evans, W. R., Carson, C. M.(2011). Organizational Politics and Stress: Perceived Accountability as a Coping Mechanism. The Journal of Business Inquiry, Vol.10, No.1, 66-80. Harris K. J., James M., Boonthanom R. (2005). Perceptions of Organizational Politics and Cooperation as Moderators of the Relationship Between Job Strains and Intent to Turnover. Journal of Management Issues, Vol.17, 26-42. Harvey, P., Harris, R. B., Harris, K. J., Wheeler, A. R.(2007). Attenuating the Effects of Social Stress: The Impact of Political Skill. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Vol.12, No.2, 105-115 Kacmar K. M., Ferris G. R. (1991). Perceptions of organizational politics scale (POPS): Development and construct validation. Educational and Psychological Measurement, Vol.51, pp.193-205. Kacmar M. K., Carlson, D. S. (1997). Further validation of the perceptions of politics scale (POPS): A multiple sample investigation.Journal of Management, 23(5), 627-658. Kacmar K.M., Bozeman D.P., Carlson D.S., Anthony W.P. (1999). An examination of the perceptions of organizational politics model: replication and extension. Human Relations, Vol. 52, 383-416. Kacmar K.M., Baron R.A. (1999). Organizational politics: the state of the field, links to related processes, and an agenda for future research, Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, Vol. 17, pp. 1-39. Karakaya, A., Büyükyılmaz, O., Ay, F. A.(2015). İşyeri Yalnızlığının İşkoliklik Üzerindeki Etkisi: Kardemir A.Ş.’de Bir Araştırma, Yönetim ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt.13, Sayı.3, 79-100. Kaymaz, K., Eroğlu, U., Sayılar, Y.(2014). Effect f Loneliness at Work on the Employees’ Intention to Leave. “İŞ, GÜÇ” Endüstri İlişileri ve İnsan Kaynakları Dergisi, Cilt.16, Sayı.1, 38-53. Keser A., Karaduman M.(2014). “İş Yaşamında Yalnızlık Algısının Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışı İle İlişkisi ve Öğretmenler Üzerinde Bir Araştırma”, HAK-İŞ Uluslararası Emek ve Toplum Dergisi, Cilt.3, Sayı.7, 179-197. Kimura T. (2013). The Moderating Effects of Political Skill and Leader-Member Exchange on the Relationship Between Organizational Politics and Affective Commitment. Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.116, pp.587-599 Lam, L. W., Lau D. C.(2012). Feeling lonely at work: investigating the consequences of unsatisfactory workplace relationships. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.23, No.20, 4265-4282. Madison D. L., Allen R. W., Porter L. W., Renwick P. A., Mayes B. T. (1980). Organizational politics: An exploration of managers’ perceptions, Human Relations, Vol.33, 79-100. Maslyn J.M., Fedor D.B. (1998). Perceptions of politics: does measuring different foci matter?, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 84, 645-53. Meisler, G.(2014). Exploring emotional intelligence, political skill, and job satisfaction. Employee Relations, Vol.36, No.3, 280-293. Meurs, J. A., Gallagher, V. C., Perrewe, P.L.(2010). The role of political skill in the stressor-outcome relationship: Differential predictions for self-and-other reports of political skill. Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol.76, 520-533. Munyon, T. P., Summers, J. K., Thompson, K. M., Ferris, G. R.(2015). Political skill and work outcomes: a theoretical extension, meta-analytic investigation, and agenda for the future. Personnel Psychology, Vol.68, 143-184. Murray V., Gandz J. (2001). Games executives play: Politics at work. Business Horizons, No. 12 (December), pp.11-23. O’connor W.E., Morrison T.G. (2001). A comparison of situational and dispositional predictors of perceptions of organizational politics, The Journal of Psychology, Vol. 135, 301-312. Nartgün, Ş.S., Demirer, S.(2016). Öğretmenlerin Örgütsel Sessizlik İle İş Yaşamında Yalnızlık Düzeylerine İlişkin Görüşleri. Bayburt Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, Cilt.7, No.2, 139-156. Nye L. G.,Witt L. A. (1993). Dimensionality and construct validity of the Perceptions of Organizational Politics Scale. Educational and Psychological Measurement, Vol.53, pp.821-829. Özçelik, H., Barsade, S.(2011). Work Loneliness and Employee Performance. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, Vol.1, 1-6. Parker C.P., Dipboye R.L., Jackson S.L. (1995). Perceptions of organizational politics: an investigation of antecedents and consequences, Journal of Management, Vol. 21, 891-912. Peplau, L. A., Perlman, D.(1984). Loneliness Research: A Survey of Empirical Findings. In L. A. Peplau, S. E. Goldston, (Eds.), Preventing The Harmful Consequences of Severe and Persistent Loneliness (pp.13-47). Rockville Maryland: National Institute of Mental Health Perrewe, P. L., Nelson, D. L.(2004). Gender and career success: The facilitative role of political skill. Organizational Dynamics, Vol.33, 366-378. Pfeffer J.(1999). Güç Merkezli Yönetim: Örgütlerde Politika ve Nüfuz, Boyner Holding Yayınları, İstanbul. Sarah L. Wright, (2005). Organizational Climate, Social Support and Loneliness in the Workplace. In Neal M. Ashkanasy, Wilfred J. Zerbe, Charmine E.J. Härtel (ed.) The Effect of Affect in Organizational Settings (Research on Emotion in Organizations, Volume 1), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.123 - 142 Stamper, C. L., Masterson, S. S.(2002). Insider or outsider? How employee perceptions of insider status affect their work behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol.23, No.8, 875-894. Steinburg, A., Sullivan, V., Montoya, L.(1999). Loneliness and social isolation in the workforce for deaf individuals during the transition years: A preliminary investigation. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counselling, Vol.30, No.1, 22-30. Russell, D., Cutrona, C. E., Rose, J., Yurko, K.(1984). Social and Emotional Loneliness: An Examination of Weiss’s Typology of Loneliness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol.46, No.6, 1313-1321. Valle M., Perrewe P.L. (2000). Do politics perceptions relate to political behaviors? Tests of an implicit assumption and expanded model, Human Relations, Vol. 53, 359-86. Vigoda E. (2000). Organizational Politics, Job Attitudes, and Work Outcomes: Exploration and Implications for the Public Sector, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 57(3), 326–347. Vigoda-Gadot E. (2007). Leadership Style, organizational politics, and employees’ performance: An empirical examination of two competing models, Personnel Review, Vol.36, No.5, 661-683. Voyer J. J.(1994). Coercive Organizational Politics and Organizational Outcomes: An Interpretive Study, Organization Science, Vol.5, No.1, 72-85. Witt, L. A. (1998). Enhancing organizational goal congruence: A solution to organizational politics, Journal of Applied Psychology, 83(4), 666–674. Wright, S.L., Burt, C. D.B., Strongman, K.T.(2006). Loneliness in the Workplace: Construct Definition and Scale Development. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, Vol.35, No.2, 59-68. Yang K. (2008). Examining Perceived Honest Performance Reporting by Public Organizations: Bureaucratic Politics and Organizational Practice, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Vol.19, 81-105.
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section V2I4

Şeyda Nur Seçkin

Publication Date October 30, 2017
Submission Date August 22, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Seçkin, Ş. N. (2017). Algılanan Örgütsel Politika, İşyeri Yalnızlığı ve İçsellik Statüsü İlişkisinde Politik Yeteneğin Rolü: Kamu Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2(4), 1-15.
AMA Seçkin ŞN. Algılanan Örgütsel Politika, İşyeri Yalnızlığı ve İçsellik Statüsü İlişkisinde Politik Yeteneğin Rolü: Kamu Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. USBdergi. October 2017;2(4):1-15. doi:10.31454/usb.381466
Chicago Seçkin, Şeyda Nur. “Algılanan Örgütsel Politika, İşyeri Yalnızlığı Ve İçsellik Statüsü İlişkisinde Politik Yeteneğin Rolü: Kamu Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma”. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 2, no. 4 (October 2017): 1-15.
EndNote Seçkin ŞN (October 1, 2017) Algılanan Örgütsel Politika, İşyeri Yalnızlığı ve İçsellik Statüsü İlişkisinde Politik Yeteneğin Rolü: Kamu Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 2 4 1–15.
IEEE Ş. N. Seçkin, “Algılanan Örgütsel Politika, İşyeri Yalnızlığı ve İçsellik Statüsü İlişkisinde Politik Yeteneğin Rolü: Kamu Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, USBdergi, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 1–15, 2017, doi: 10.31454/usb.381466.
ISNAD Seçkin, Şeyda Nur. “Algılanan Örgütsel Politika, İşyeri Yalnızlığı Ve İçsellik Statüsü İlişkisinde Politik Yeteneğin Rolü: Kamu Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma”. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 2/4 (October 2017), 1-15.
JAMA Seçkin ŞN. Algılanan Örgütsel Politika, İşyeri Yalnızlığı ve İçsellik Statüsü İlişkisinde Politik Yeteneğin Rolü: Kamu Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. USBdergi. 2017;2:1–15.
MLA Seçkin, Şeyda Nur. “Algılanan Örgütsel Politika, İşyeri Yalnızlığı Ve İçsellik Statüsü İlişkisinde Politik Yeteneğin Rolü: Kamu Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma”. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, vol. 2, no. 4, 2017, pp. 1-15, doi:10.31454/usb.381466.
Vancouver Seçkin ŞN. Algılanan Örgütsel Politika, İşyeri Yalnızlığı ve İçsellik Statüsü İlişkisinde Politik Yeteneğin Rolü: Kamu Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. USBdergi. 2017;2(4):1-15.

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