Maksimal Aerobik Egzersiz Sonrası Laktat Seviyelerinde Cinsiyet Farklılıkları
Yıl 2018,
, 146 - 154, 31.12.2018
Ali Işın
Berkay Löklüoğlu
Ayşen Türk
Tuba Melekoğlu
Bu çalışmanın amacı; bitkinliğe varan ve kademeli olarak artan
şiddetteki egzersiz sonrasında kanda oluşan laktat düzeylerinin cinsiyete
göre değişimini incelemektir. Çalışmaya gönüllü olan ve araştırmaya dâhil
edilme kriterlerine göre (18-20 yaş aralığında, benzer antrenman geçmişine,
normal vücut kütle indeksi değerlerine (18.5-24.9 kg/m2) ve egzersiz
öncesi normal laktat düzeyine sahip olan (<2 mmol)); 70
erkek (yaş:19.15±0.06 yıl; boy: 177.64±6.62 cm ve ağırlık: 67.99±6.52 kg) ve
30 kadın (yaş: 18.98±0.11 yıl; boy: 168.51±6.50 cm ve ağırlık: 58.16±7.34
kg) katılmıştır. Maksimal aerobik gücü belirlemek ve kademeli olarak artan
şiddette egzersiz uygulamak üzere 20 m mekik testi uygulanmıştır. Kan laktat
konsantrasyonları aerobik performans testinden önce ve hemen sonrasında kulak
memesinden alınmıştır. Erkeklerin 20 m mekik testi değerlerine göre hesaplanan
aerobik güçleri beklenildiği şekilde kadınlara göre daha yüksek olarak tespit
edilmiştir (53.44±2.29 karşın
43.35±4.95, p<0.001). Maksimal oksijen
tüketimi değerleri erkeklerde daha yüksek bulunmasına karşın, maksimal aerobik
performanstan sonraki laktat seviyelerinin kadın ve erkekler arasında benzer
olduğu görülmüştür (9.90±1.95 mmol/l karşın 9.46±1.69 mmol/l, p=0.28).
Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlar göstermektedir ki, erkeklerin aerobik
kapasitelerinin ve egzersiz performanslarının kadınlara göre yüksek olmasıyla
birlikte, kanda biriken laktat düzeyleri benzerlik göstermektedir. Kadın ve
erkeklerin maksimal egzersizden sonraki laktat düzeyleri arasında anlamlı
farklılık tespit edilememiştir.
- Anderson, G., & Rhodes, E. (1989). A review of blood lactate and ventilatory methods of detecting transition thresholds. Sports Med, 8(1), 43-55.
- Chatterjee, P., Banerjee, A. K., & Das, P. (2011). A prediction equation to estimate the maximum oxygen uptake of school-age girls from Kolkata, India. The Malaysian J Med Sci: MJMS, 18(1), 25.
- Cureton, K., Bishop, P., Hutchinson, P., Newland, H., Vickery, S., & Zwiren, L. (1986). Sex difference in maximal oxygen uptake. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol, 54(6), 656-660.
- Cureton, K. J. (1981). Matching of male and female subjects using VO2 max. Res Q Exercise Sport, 52(2), 264-268.
- Dassonville, J., Beillot, J., Lessard, Y., Jan, J., Andre, A., Le Pourcelet, C., . . . Carre, F. (1998). Blood lactate concentrations during exercise: effect of sampling site and exercise mode. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 38(1), 39-46.
- Facey, A., Irving, R., & Dilworth, L. (2013). Overview of lactate metabolism and the implications for athletes. Am J Sport Sci Med, 1(3), 42-46.
- Froberg, K., & Pedersen, P. K. (1984). Sex differences in endurance capacity and metabolic response to prolonged, heavy exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol, 52(4), 446-450.
- Green, J., Bishop, P., Muir, I., & Lomax, R. (2000). Gender differences in sweat lactate. Eur J Appl Physiol, 82(3), 230-235.
- Hermansen, L., & Stensvold, I. (1972). Production and removal of lactate during exercise in man. Acta Physiol Scand, 86(2), 191-201.
- Komi, P., & Karlsson, J. (1978). Skeletal muscle fibre types, enzyme activities and physical performance in young males and females. Acta Physiol, 103(2), 210-218.
- Leger, L. A., & Lambert, J. (1982). A maximal multistage 20-m shuttle run test to predict VO2max. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol, 49(1), 1-12.
- Leger, L. A., Mercier, D., Gadoury, C., & Lambert, J. (1988). The multistage 20 metre shuttle run test for aerobic fitness. J Sports Sci, 6(2), 93-101.
- Lehmann, M., Berg, A., & Keul, J. (1986). Sex-related differences in free plasma catecholamines in individuals of similar performance ability during graded ergometric exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol, 55(1), 54-58.
- McGrail, J. C., Bonen, A., & Belcastro, A. N. (1978). Dependence of lactate removal on muscle metabolism in man. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol, 39(2), 89-97.
- Mitchell, H., Whaley, P., & Medicine, A. C. o. S. (2006). Acsm’s guidelines for exercise testing and prescription. In: Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Paliczka, V., Nichols, A., & Boreham, C. (1987). A multi-stage shuttle run as a predictor of running performance and maximal oxygen uptake in adults. Br J Sports Med, 21(4), 163-165.
- Ramsbottom, R., Brewer, J., & Williams, C. (1988). A progressive shuttle run test to estimate maximal oxygen uptake. Br J Sports Med, 22(4), 141-144.
- Rogers, M. A., Hagberg, J. M., Martin 3rd, W., Ehsani, A., & Holloszy, J. O. (1990). Decline in VO2max with aging in master athletes and sedentary men. J Appl Physiol, 68(5), 2195-2199.
- Skinner, J. S., Wilmore, K. M., Krasnoff, J. B., Jaskolski, A., Jaskolska, A., Gagnon, J., . . . Wilmore, J. H. (2000). Adaptation to a standardized training program and changes in fitness in a large, heterogeneous population: the HERITAGE Family Study. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 32(1), 157-161.
- Stickland, M. K., Petersen, S. R., & Bouffard, M. (2003). Prediction of maximal aerobic power from the 20-m multi-stage shuttle run test. Can J Appl Physiol, 28(2), 272-282.
- Sutton, J. R. (1992). Limitations to maximal oxygen uptake. Sports Med, 13(2), 127-133.
- Tschakert, G., & Hofmann, P. (2013). High-intensity intermittent exercise: methodological and physiological aspects. Int J Sport Physiol, 8(6), 600-610.
- Van Mechelen, W., Hlobil, H., & Kemper, H. (1986). Validation of two running tests as estimates of maximal aerobic power in children. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol, 55(5), 503-506.
- Vescovi, J. D., Falenchuk, O., & Wells, G. D. (2011). Blood lactate concentration and clearance in elite swimmers during competition. Int J Sports Physiol Perform, 6(1), 106-117.
- Wells, C. L. (1985). The limits of female performance. Bone, 44, 36.30.
- Zhang, J. Q., & Ji, L. L. (2016). Gender differences in peak blood lactate concentration and lactate removal. Ann Sports Med Res, 3(7), 1088.
Gender Differences in Maximal Aerobic Performance and Lactate Levels
Yıl 2018,
, 146 - 154, 31.12.2018
Ali Işın
Berkay Löklüoğlu
Ayşen Türk
Tuba Melekoğlu
The aim of this study was to examine the differences of blood lactate
levels in response to incremental exhausting exercise according to gender. 70
men (mean ± SD: age:19.15±0.06 years; height:177.64±6.62 cm and weight: 67.99±6.52
kg) and 30 women (age: 18.98 ± 0.11 years; height:168.51±6.50 cm and weight:
58.16±7.34 kg) aged 18-20 who had similar training history, normal body mass
index values (18.5-24.9 kg/m2) and normal lactate level in
pre-exercise (<2 mmol) were included in this study. A 20 m shuttle test was used to determine
maximal aerobic power. Blood lactate concentrations were taken from the earlobe
before and immediately after the aerobic performance test. The aerobic power
values of males were higher than females as expected. (53.44±2.29
versus 43.35±4.95, p<0.001). Although maximal oxygen
consumption values were found higher in males, it was seemed that the lactate
levels were similar between groups after maximal aerobic performance (9.90±1.95
mmol/l vs 9.46±1.69 mmol/l, p=0.28). Our results indicate that, even
if aerobic capacity and exercise performance of males was higher than females,
they have similar blood lactate levels. There was no significant
difference between peak lactate levels of males and females.
- Anderson, G., & Rhodes, E. (1989). A review of blood lactate and ventilatory methods of detecting transition thresholds. Sports Med, 8(1), 43-55.
- Chatterjee, P., Banerjee, A. K., & Das, P. (2011). A prediction equation to estimate the maximum oxygen uptake of school-age girls from Kolkata, India. The Malaysian J Med Sci: MJMS, 18(1), 25.
- Cureton, K., Bishop, P., Hutchinson, P., Newland, H., Vickery, S., & Zwiren, L. (1986). Sex difference in maximal oxygen uptake. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol, 54(6), 656-660.
- Cureton, K. J. (1981). Matching of male and female subjects using VO2 max. Res Q Exercise Sport, 52(2), 264-268.
- Dassonville, J., Beillot, J., Lessard, Y., Jan, J., Andre, A., Le Pourcelet, C., . . . Carre, F. (1998). Blood lactate concentrations during exercise: effect of sampling site and exercise mode. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 38(1), 39-46.
- Facey, A., Irving, R., & Dilworth, L. (2013). Overview of lactate metabolism and the implications for athletes. Am J Sport Sci Med, 1(3), 42-46.
- Froberg, K., & Pedersen, P. K. (1984). Sex differences in endurance capacity and metabolic response to prolonged, heavy exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol, 52(4), 446-450.
- Green, J., Bishop, P., Muir, I., & Lomax, R. (2000). Gender differences in sweat lactate. Eur J Appl Physiol, 82(3), 230-235.
- Hermansen, L., & Stensvold, I. (1972). Production and removal of lactate during exercise in man. Acta Physiol Scand, 86(2), 191-201.
- Komi, P., & Karlsson, J. (1978). Skeletal muscle fibre types, enzyme activities and physical performance in young males and females. Acta Physiol, 103(2), 210-218.
- Leger, L. A., & Lambert, J. (1982). A maximal multistage 20-m shuttle run test to predict VO2max. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol, 49(1), 1-12.
- Leger, L. A., Mercier, D., Gadoury, C., & Lambert, J. (1988). The multistage 20 metre shuttle run test for aerobic fitness. J Sports Sci, 6(2), 93-101.
- Lehmann, M., Berg, A., & Keul, J. (1986). Sex-related differences in free plasma catecholamines in individuals of similar performance ability during graded ergometric exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol, 55(1), 54-58.
- McGrail, J. C., Bonen, A., & Belcastro, A. N. (1978). Dependence of lactate removal on muscle metabolism in man. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol, 39(2), 89-97.
- Mitchell, H., Whaley, P., & Medicine, A. C. o. S. (2006). Acsm’s guidelines for exercise testing and prescription. In: Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Paliczka, V., Nichols, A., & Boreham, C. (1987). A multi-stage shuttle run as a predictor of running performance and maximal oxygen uptake in adults. Br J Sports Med, 21(4), 163-165.
- Ramsbottom, R., Brewer, J., & Williams, C. (1988). A progressive shuttle run test to estimate maximal oxygen uptake. Br J Sports Med, 22(4), 141-144.
- Rogers, M. A., Hagberg, J. M., Martin 3rd, W., Ehsani, A., & Holloszy, J. O. (1990). Decline in VO2max with aging in master athletes and sedentary men. J Appl Physiol, 68(5), 2195-2199.
- Skinner, J. S., Wilmore, K. M., Krasnoff, J. B., Jaskolski, A., Jaskolska, A., Gagnon, J., . . . Wilmore, J. H. (2000). Adaptation to a standardized training program and changes in fitness in a large, heterogeneous population: the HERITAGE Family Study. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 32(1), 157-161.
- Stickland, M. K., Petersen, S. R., & Bouffard, M. (2003). Prediction of maximal aerobic power from the 20-m multi-stage shuttle run test. Can J Appl Physiol, 28(2), 272-282.
- Sutton, J. R. (1992). Limitations to maximal oxygen uptake. Sports Med, 13(2), 127-133.
- Tschakert, G., & Hofmann, P. (2013). High-intensity intermittent exercise: methodological and physiological aspects. Int J Sport Physiol, 8(6), 600-610.
- Van Mechelen, W., Hlobil, H., & Kemper, H. (1986). Validation of two running tests as estimates of maximal aerobic power in children. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol, 55(5), 503-506.
- Vescovi, J. D., Falenchuk, O., & Wells, G. D. (2011). Blood lactate concentration and clearance in elite swimmers during competition. Int J Sports Physiol Perform, 6(1), 106-117.
- Wells, C. L. (1985). The limits of female performance. Bone, 44, 36.30.
- Zhang, J. Q., & Ji, L. L. (2016). Gender differences in peak blood lactate concentration and lactate removal. Ann Sports Med Res, 3(7), 1088.