Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 7/31/23

Year: 2023

An International Journal: Sivas University of Science and Technology aims to follow the recent research trends in the field of science and engineering especially in the fields of basic science and engineering, to contribute to the national and international development of individuals, and to publish original research studies proven by experimental and numerical methods. Our journal aims to make highly valuable contributions to the literature, which will serve as an indispensable reference tool for years to come.

An International Journal: Sivas University of Science and Technology is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original articles produced from studies carried out in the field of science and engineering. The journal is a forum for accessible and applicable basic and applied methods and techniques that reveal new findings. Our journal accepts the articles in both Turkish and English and published twice a year (July and December). In addition, compilations on current issues of special importance are also included.

Scientific studies submitted to our An International Journal: Sivas University of Science and Technology;

* Must be original, must not be published elsewhere and must not be plagiarized.
* Explanations related to the article (supporting organization, project name, etc.) must be written separately.
* After the manuscript is accepted for publication, the "Copyright Transfer Agreement" signed by the corresponding author and all authors should be sent to our journal. Authors are not paid any royalties. With this contract, the full right of publication of the article passes to our journal.

1. The article must be uploaded by the corresponding author through the automation system (https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/) as Microsoft Word file. The corresponding author is responsible for following all the processes of the article.
2. The articles sent to our journal for publication should be written in either Turkish or English languages. The articles for which the preliminary examination made by the "editor" and / or the "editorial board" is deemed appropriate are published after the opinion of the referees from the related scientific discipline is obtained. After the preliminary control and evaluation processes, the authors' proposed corrections are required to be submitted within 15 days at the latest (it could be extended to 30 days if any experimental studies is requested by referees or editors). Otherwise the article will be rejected.
3. The research articles and reviews must be prepared in accordance with the following rules in order to be published in the journal. If any symposium or declaration presented in the congress is submitted as an article, it must contain additional experimental work and discussion. The articles submitted to the journal will not be evaluated as presented.
a) Research Article: Original and unique studies prepared after a scientific research and experimental study
b) Review: An original, important, useful and up-to-date article on the editor's invitation, in which the findings obtained from research conducted by an expert in that field are evaluated.
4. If the article is written in English; The cover file must contain English title on, the names, contact information and ORCID numbers of the authors. The article must consist of afilliation, abstract, keywords, Turkish summary, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgment (if any) and references. Note: The results and discussion sections can be combined under the title of Results and Discussion.
5. The author name (s) must be clearly written, numbered, and addressed below without any academic title. The e-mail address of the corresponding author should also be specified.
6. The abstract should be no more than 200 words. The abstract should include the topic of the research, its purpose, and a summary of the results. The use of non-standard abbreviations and formulas should be avoided wherever possible. Abbreviations should be given in parentheses after long names are written where they were first used, and then only these abbreviations should be used. For example; Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs). The text should continue to be used in the form of SCFA.
7. A maximum of 6 keywords should be used. The words should be written (Enzyme, Molecular weight, Activity, ...) by separating the terms with a comma (,) and leaving a space. The first letters of key words, except for the first keyword and special names, must be written in capital letters.
8. Main headings should be written in bold and capital letters (1. INTRODUCTION) bold in headings 2 (2.1 Second Degree Title) and bold in headings 3 and heading bold in headings 3, all other words with the letter should be written in sentence pattern with all lower case letters (2.1.1 Third degree title).
9. The title of the article in Turkish and English should be short, descriptive and not more than 250 characters.
10. All the remaining parts of the work, except for the titles in Turkish and English, should be written in double-sided.
11. Text should be typed in A4 size paper, 12 point Times New Roman font and double line spacing.
12. A space of 2.5 cm should be left on the right, left, bottom and top of the page.
13. The text should be written in one column, all page numbers should be given.
14. In the English version of the article, "Figure", "Table" expressions should be used (Table 1. Figure 1.). In addition, the words in Figure 1, Table 1 should be written in bold. The descriptions of the figures should be written in 10 points size on the bottom of the figure. The title of the table should be 10 points size and should be on the table and the content of the table should be at least 8 points. Figure and Table should be given in the relevant places in the main document, not loaded as a separate file or added at the end of the text. The resolution of the figures should be at least 300 dpi. Objects outside of text and tables (images, graphics, shapes) must be in JPEG, PNG or TIFF format. There should be no frame around the shapes. Each shape and table should be included in the text and the number and description belonging to that shape or chart should be found below the shapes and above the tables. Important Note: All decimal numbers in the text or on the tables must be written using comma in Turkish articles, and points in English articles.
15. The formulas should be numbered and the formula number should be shown in parentheses on the right side of the formula. The main characters and variables should be given in italics while numbers and mathematical expressions should be given with normal characters. The formulas should be given as 12 points. The equations should be cited in the text and given as "Equation 1."
16. When writing a unit, the "/" sign should not be used, but must be rendered neutral by leaving a space (EU mg-1 instead of EU / mg).


Seydoşoğlu, S. 2019. The effects of forage pea (Pisum sativum L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) crops mixed in different ratios on silage and feed quality. Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture, 56 (3):297-302.
Karaköy, T., Saraç, H. 2018. Investigation of some agronomic and quality characteristics of alfalfa cultivars grown in Sivas ecological conditions. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Natural Sciences, 5(4): 620-627.
Karaköy, T., Çilesiz, Y., Aydemir S.K. 2019. Determination of some agronomic and quality characteristics of porcine weed (Dactylis glomerata L.) cultivars grown in Sivas ecological conditions. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Natural Sciences, 6(3):396-404.

Carlson, BM. 2009. Human embryology and developmental biology. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby.
Dybvig, DD., Dybvig, M. 2003. Det tenkende mennesket. Filosofiog vitenskapshistorie med vitenskapsteori. 2nd ed. Trondheim: Tapir akademisk forlag.

Book Section:
Çığ, A., Yılmaz, H., 2016. Determination of in vitro plantlet of some terrestrial orchid
species. Development in Science and Engineering. ISBN: 978-954-07-4137-6, Chapter 3.
St. Kliment Ohridski University Press Sofia, Bulgaria. Page: 29-40.

Çığ, F., Sonkurt, M., Erman, M., Çığ, A., 2017. The Role of Beneficial Microorganisms in the Protection of Plants Growing in Natural Landscape Areas. Nature, Environment and Earth Science. Chapter: 35, Current Trends in Science and Landscape Management. Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski University Press Sofia, Bulgaria. ISBN 978-954-07-4338-7. Pg: 427-442.

Seydoşoğlu, S., Sevilmiş, U. 2019. Sunflower silage. ISPEC Internatonal Conference On Agriculture And Rural Development-II, 27-29 September, KIEV p:116-122.

Seydoşoğlu, S. 2017. The effect of different sowing times on yield and quality characteristics of second crop silage maize varieties in Diyarbakır conditions. Doctora Thesis, Dicle University, Institute of Science and Technology.

Kapperud, G. Utbruddsveil [Internet]. I Folkehelseins; 2016 [cited 2016 Jun 30]. Available from: https://www.fhi.no/nettpub/utbruddsveilederen/

The following requirements must be addressed under the title of ethical rules.

1- Ethics committee approval must be obtained for studies conducted in all disciplines including for studies on clinical and experimental human and animals requiring ethical committee decision, this approval must be specified and documented in the article.
2- Under this heading, information about the ethical rules should be given under the separate headings for the referee, author and editor.
3- In the articles, there should be a statement that the research and publication ethics are complied with.
4- By referring to national and international standards, ethical principles in the journal and / or website should be specified under a separate heading. For example; In scientific articles sent to journals, the recommendations of the Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) Editors and Authors should be taken into consideration.
5- In studies requiring ethical committee permission, information about the permit (name of the board, date and number no) should be included in the method section and also on the first / last page of the article. In case reports, information about the volunteer informed / consent form being signed should be included in the article.
6- The copyright regulations must be followed for the ideas and works of art used.

An International Journal: Sivas University of Science and Technology authors, readers, researchers, referees and editors to comply with the principles of ethical rules during the publication period of the works. According to the open access guides issued by the Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0), the following standard, general and specific ethical rules and responsibilities should be considered

1. General practices in violation of scientific research and publication ethics:
a) Plagiarism: Presenting others’ ideas, methods, data, applications, writing, figures and works partially or completely as one’s own work without proper source reference.
b) Forgery: Producing data which is not supported by research; regulating or changing presented or published works through the insertion of false data; reporting or publishing such works; or holding incomplete research to be completed.
c) Distortion: Distorting research records and obtained data; pretending to use methods, devices and materials that were not actually used; evaluating data unsuitable to the research itself;, distorting data or results in order to adapt them to established theories or hypotheses; distorting or altering research results to promote or confirm the interests of the sponsoring person or foundation.
d) Repeated publishing: Submitting more than one work of research consisting of the same results in order to obtain associate professorship, examination review, or academic promotion.
e) Slicing: Destroying the integrity of the results of research by slicing it improperly and submitting fragments as specific assessments to gain academic promotion.
e) Unfair authorship: Adding persons who have not actively contributed to the production of the article or failing to add persons who actually did contribute; altering the arrangement of authors’ names improperly and unjustifiably; subtracting the names of actively contributing writers during the publication process or subsequent printings; or adding the name of an author who did not contribute as a way of gaining prestige.
f) Other ethical violations: Failure to indicate clearly the persons, institutions, and foundations that supported the publication of the research; failure to follow ethical rules while experimenting on animals and humans; failure to respect the rights of patients in publications; sharing information of a study for which you were appointed as referee prior to its publication; the misuse of sources, spaces, facilities, and apparatus provided for the research; or accusing someone intentionally and baselessly of ethical violations (Provided by the YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Codes of Conduct, Article Number 8)

2. The Responsibilities of Authors, Referees, and Editors:
Authors’ Responsibilities:
• The author must guarantee the authenticity and originality of the data used in the article.
• The author must make necessary revisions asked by the referee, including the revision of doubtful data and conclusions, errors, and possible instances of plagiarism. If the author fails to make such revisions, he or she must state reasons for doing so.
• Works cited pages must comply with the formatting rules of the journal.
• All work must be free of plagiarism and false data.
• The author shouldnt publish the research in more than one journal.
Referees’ Responsibilities:
Our administrators shall carry out the refereeing process in conformity with all publishing regulations. Cases of plagiarism, repeated publications, errors, and doubtful content will be forwarded to bilgi@sivas.edu.tr and the referee will be notified. The referee must follow up and report on any data and results related to the inquiry. Our journal anticipates that referees will comply with the following principles:
• Assessments have to be done neutrally.
• There must be no conflicts of interest between referees and authors.
• The referee must indicate deficiencies in terms of work, attribution, rules etc., related to the article.
• Articles should be evaluated blindly and shouldn’t be made public.

Editors’ Responsibilities:
• Editors have the right to accept or decline articles. They have to use this responsibility in a timely way that conforms with publishing schedules.
• Editors should avoid conflicts of interest in accepting or declining articles.
• Editors should only accept articles that are original and contribute to the field of research.
• Editors should refuse articles which are in error, deficient, or violate the rules, requirements, or editorial policy of the journal.
• Editors should enable authors to make corrections to their work after receiving requests for revision (thus enabling publication) or to withdraw their articles before or after any requests for revision are made.
• The editors will ensure that articles will be assessed by at least two referees according to the double-blind peer review system and to keep the identites of those referees confidential.
• Editors will work with “Turnitin” plagiarism software to determine if articles and authentic and original.
Plagiarism Policy
Each review sent to our journal is scanned in a plagiarism program called Turnitin. It is essential that the editors, referees and authors comply with the international punbication ethical rules and article writing rules.

Experimental Research Ethical Rules
In Experimental Research; in the context of Experimental Research Ethical Rules it is mandatory to show the contributions of the supporters, institutions or organizations and their support in research and to respect the ethical rules in human and animal. Within the scope of experimental research, it is the basic principle of our journal that researchers do not harm ecological balance and animal health. The required ethical permits for the studies to be carried out in this context should be taken from the relevant official institutions and attached to the relevant file in the process of sending the article to our journal and the whole responsibility is in the author.

Free submission and publication.