Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 98 - 104, 29.12.2023


Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), commonly referred to as such, is a highly flammable gas. LPG is extensively utilized in various commercial and industrial contexts. In the event of a gas hazard, it may be imperative to deactivate the power supply to the entire system as a precautionary measure against the potential dangers of combustion and explosion. The prevention of gas hazards can be achieved by strategically placing LPG detector in suitable locations. The purpose of this article is to constantly monitor the LPG leakage level in the IOT application and inform the user. If the gas concentration exceeds a certain threshold, an alarm will be activated via the LCD and Buzzer components. The energy supply to the system will be effectively disabled to reduce potential threats. This system is comprised of several components, namely an Arduino Uno microcontroller, an LCD display, a Buzzer, a MQ-5 sensor, an ESP8266 wifi module, and a relay card.


  • Abdul Hannan, M., Zain, A., Salehuddin, F., Hazura, H., Idris, S., Hanim, A.R., Ah, A., Mohd Yusoff, N.S.S., 2018. Development of LPG leakage detector system using arduino with Internet of Things (IoT). J. Telecommun. Electron. Comput. Eng, vol. 10 (2–7), 91-95.
  • Al-Fuqaha, A., Guizani, M., Mohammadi, M., Aledhari, M., Ayyash, M. 2015. Internet of things: A survey on enabling technologies, protocols, and applications. IEEE communications surveys & tutorials, 17 (4), 2347-2376.
  • Amsaveni, M., Anurupa, A., Anu Preetha, R.S., Malarvizhi, C., Gunasekaran, M., 2015. GSM based LPG leakage detection and controlling system. The International Journal of Engineering and Science, 112-116.
  • Fraiwan, L., Lweesy, K., Bani-Salma, A., Mani, A., 2011. A wireless home safety gas leakage detection system. 1st Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 11-14.
  • Garg, S., Moy Chatterjee J., Kumar Agrawal R., 2018. Design of a Simple Gas Knob: An Application of IoT 2018. International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering (RICE), San Salvador, El Salvador, 1-3.
  • Jaiswal, A.A., Thakur, A.B., Gawade, R.D., Kamble, K.S., Ansari, Md.S., 2022. Automatic LPG sensing device with switching off mechanism. Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 10 (4), 1132-1136.
  • Jiandong, Y., Nong, S., Hongfei, L., 2019. A Data Fusion Method in LPG Monitoring System. Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Nanchang, China, 6416-6421.
  • Kholil, M., Ismanto I., Akhsani, R., 2021. Development of LPG Leak Detection System Using Instant Messaging Infrastructure Based on Internet of Things. International Conference on Electrical and Information Technology (IEIT), Malang, Indonesia, 147-150.
  • Kondaveeti, H.K., Kumaravelu, N.K., Vanambathina, S.D., Mathe, S.E., Vappangi, S., 2021. A systematic literature review on prototyping with Arduino: Applications, challenges, advantages, and limitations. Computer Science Review, 40, 100364.
  • Macker, A., Shukla, A.K., Dey, S. and Agarwal, J. 2018. ARDUINO Based LPG Gas Monitoring & Automatic Cylinder Booking with Alert System, 2nd International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI), Tirunelveli, India, 2018, pp. 1209-1212.
  • Mahalingam, A., Naayagi, R.T., Mastorakis, N.E., 2012. Design and implementation of an economic gas leakage detector. Recent Researches in Applications of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 20-24.
  • Oo, Z.L., 2021. IoT Based LPG Gas Level Detection & Gas Leakage Accident Prevention with Alert System. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 9 (4), 404-409.
  • Saad, H., Siddiqui, S.A., Naim N.F., Othman, N., 2022. Development of LPG Leakage Simulation System Integrated with the Internet of Things (IoT), 18th International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Applications (CSPA), Selangor, Malaysia, pp. 161-166,
  • Siddagangaiah, S., 2016. A novel approach to IoT based plant health monitoring system. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3 (11), 880-886.
  • Soundarya, T., Anchitaalagammai, J.V., Deepa Priya, G., Karthick Kumar, S.S., 2014. C-leakage: Cylinder LPG Gas leakage Detection for home safety. IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication, 9 (1), 53-58.
  • Tamizharasan, V., Ravichandran, T., Sowndariya, M., Sandeep, R., Saravanavel, K., 2019. Gas level detection and automatic booking using IoT. 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS), Coimbatore, India, 922-925.
  • URL-1, Ardunio Guide, Erişim Tarihi: 17-09-2023,
  • URL-2, Technical Data Sheet-MQ-5 Gas Sensor, Erişim Tarihi: 17-09-2023,
  • URL-3, Technical Data Sheet-ESP 8266, Erişim Tarihi: 17-09-2023,


Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 98 - 104, 29.12.2023


Yaygın olarak bu şekilde adlandırılan sıvılaştırılmış petrol gazı (LPG), oldukça yanıcı bir gazdır. LPG, çeşitli ticari ve endüstriyel alanlarda oldukça fazla kullanılmaktadır. Gaz tehlikesi durumunda, olası yanma ve patlama tehlikelerine karşı önlem olarak tüm sistemin gücünün kesilmesi zorunlu olabilir. Gaz tehlikelerinin önlenmesi, LPG dedektörünün uygun yerlere stratejik olarak yerleştirilmesiyle sağlanabilir. Bu makalenin amacı LPG sızıntı seviyesini IOT uygulamasında sürekli olarak izleyip kullanıcıya bilgi vermektir. Gaz konsantrasyonunun belirli bir eşiği aşması durumunda LCD ve Buzzer bileşenleri aracılığıyla alarm devreye girecektir. Potansiyel tehditleri azaltmak için sisteme enerji beslemesini etkin bir şekilde devre dışı bırakılacaktır. Bu sistem, Arduino Uno mikrodenetleyicisi, LCD ekran, Buzzer, MQ-5 sensörü, ESP8266 wifi modülü ve röle kartı gibi çeşitli bileşenlerden oluşur.


  • Abdul Hannan, M., Zain, A., Salehuddin, F., Hazura, H., Idris, S., Hanim, A.R., Ah, A., Mohd Yusoff, N.S.S., 2018. Development of LPG leakage detector system using arduino with Internet of Things (IoT). J. Telecommun. Electron. Comput. Eng, vol. 10 (2–7), 91-95.
  • Al-Fuqaha, A., Guizani, M., Mohammadi, M., Aledhari, M., Ayyash, M. 2015. Internet of things: A survey on enabling technologies, protocols, and applications. IEEE communications surveys & tutorials, 17 (4), 2347-2376.
  • Amsaveni, M., Anurupa, A., Anu Preetha, R.S., Malarvizhi, C., Gunasekaran, M., 2015. GSM based LPG leakage detection and controlling system. The International Journal of Engineering and Science, 112-116.
  • Fraiwan, L., Lweesy, K., Bani-Salma, A., Mani, A., 2011. A wireless home safety gas leakage detection system. 1st Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, 11-14.
  • Garg, S., Moy Chatterjee J., Kumar Agrawal R., 2018. Design of a Simple Gas Knob: An Application of IoT 2018. International Conference on Research in Intelligent and Computing in Engineering (RICE), San Salvador, El Salvador, 1-3.
  • Jaiswal, A.A., Thakur, A.B., Gawade, R.D., Kamble, K.S., Ansari, Md.S., 2022. Automatic LPG sensing device with switching off mechanism. Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 10 (4), 1132-1136.
  • Jiandong, Y., Nong, S., Hongfei, L., 2019. A Data Fusion Method in LPG Monitoring System. Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Nanchang, China, 6416-6421.
  • Kholil, M., Ismanto I., Akhsani, R., 2021. Development of LPG Leak Detection System Using Instant Messaging Infrastructure Based on Internet of Things. International Conference on Electrical and Information Technology (IEIT), Malang, Indonesia, 147-150.
  • Kondaveeti, H.K., Kumaravelu, N.K., Vanambathina, S.D., Mathe, S.E., Vappangi, S., 2021. A systematic literature review on prototyping with Arduino: Applications, challenges, advantages, and limitations. Computer Science Review, 40, 100364.
  • Macker, A., Shukla, A.K., Dey, S. and Agarwal, J. 2018. ARDUINO Based LPG Gas Monitoring & Automatic Cylinder Booking with Alert System, 2nd International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI), Tirunelveli, India, 2018, pp. 1209-1212.
  • Mahalingam, A., Naayagi, R.T., Mastorakis, N.E., 2012. Design and implementation of an economic gas leakage detector. Recent Researches in Applications of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 20-24.
  • Oo, Z.L., 2021. IoT Based LPG Gas Level Detection & Gas Leakage Accident Prevention with Alert System. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 9 (4), 404-409.
  • Saad, H., Siddiqui, S.A., Naim N.F., Othman, N., 2022. Development of LPG Leakage Simulation System Integrated with the Internet of Things (IoT), 18th International Colloquium on Signal Processing & Applications (CSPA), Selangor, Malaysia, pp. 161-166,
  • Siddagangaiah, S., 2016. A novel approach to IoT based plant health monitoring system. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3 (11), 880-886.
  • Soundarya, T., Anchitaalagammai, J.V., Deepa Priya, G., Karthick Kumar, S.S., 2014. C-leakage: Cylinder LPG Gas leakage Detection for home safety. IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication, 9 (1), 53-58.
  • Tamizharasan, V., Ravichandran, T., Sowndariya, M., Sandeep, R., Saravanavel, K., 2019. Gas level detection and automatic booking using IoT. 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Systems (ICACCS), Coimbatore, India, 922-925.
  • URL-1, Ardunio Guide, Erişim Tarihi: 17-09-2023,
  • URL-2, Technical Data Sheet-MQ-5 Gas Sensor, Erişim Tarihi: 17-09-2023,
  • URL-3, Technical Data Sheet-ESP 8266, Erişim Tarihi: 17-09-2023,
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Electrical Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Ali Kavurur 0000-0003-1251-9574

Early Pub Date November 16, 2023
Publication Date December 29, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Kavurur, A. (2023). IOT TABANLI LPG İZLEME, UYARI VE KAPATMA SİSTEMİ. Uluslararası Sürdürülebilir Mühendislik Ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 7(2), 98-104.
AMA Kavurur A. IOT TABANLI LPG İZLEME, UYARI VE KAPATMA SİSTEMİ. Uluslararası Sürdürülebilir Mühendislik ve Teknoloji Dergisi. December 2023;7(2):98-104.
Chicago Kavurur, Ali. “IOT TABANLI LPG İZLEME, UYARI VE KAPATMA SİSTEMİ”. Uluslararası Sürdürülebilir Mühendislik Ve Teknoloji Dergisi 7, no. 2 (December 2023): 98-104.
EndNote Kavurur A (December 1, 2023) IOT TABANLI LPG İZLEME, UYARI VE KAPATMA SİSTEMİ. Uluslararası Sürdürülebilir Mühendislik ve Teknoloji Dergisi 7 2 98–104.
IEEE A. Kavurur, “IOT TABANLI LPG İZLEME, UYARI VE KAPATMA SİSTEMİ”, Uluslararası Sürdürülebilir Mühendislik ve Teknoloji Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 98–104, 2023.
ISNAD Kavurur, Ali. “IOT TABANLI LPG İZLEME, UYARI VE KAPATMA SİSTEMİ”. Uluslararası Sürdürülebilir Mühendislik ve Teknoloji Dergisi 7/2 (December 2023), 98-104.
JAMA Kavurur A. IOT TABANLI LPG İZLEME, UYARI VE KAPATMA SİSTEMİ. Uluslararası Sürdürülebilir Mühendislik ve Teknoloji Dergisi. 2023;7:98–104.
MLA Kavurur, Ali. “IOT TABANLI LPG İZLEME, UYARI VE KAPATMA SİSTEMİ”. Uluslararası Sürdürülebilir Mühendislik Ve Teknoloji Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 2, 2023, pp. 98-104.
Vancouver Kavurur A. IOT TABANLI LPG İZLEME, UYARI VE KAPATMA SİSTEMİ. Uluslararası Sürdürülebilir Mühendislik ve Teknoloji Dergisi. 2023;7(2):98-104.