Writing Rules

Dergiye gönderilecek çalışmalar aşağıda verilen yazım kuralları çerçevesinde yayınlanır:

1) Dergiye gönderilen çalışmalar MS WORD’un yeni sürümlerinde yazılmalıdır. Gönderi içinde kullanılan resim, grafik ve fotoğraflar, orijinal olmalı, WINDOWS ortamında kolaylıkla açılabilmeli ve açıkça belli olacak kontrast ve çözünürlüklere sahip olmalıdır. Şekil ve tablolar numaralandırılmalıdır. Şekil adı, şekil altında; tablo adı tablonun üzerinde yer almalıdır.

2) Türkçe gönderilerin ilk sayfasında çalışmanın başlığı, en az 50 en fazla 250 kelimeden oluşan özet ve anahtar sözcükler (en az 3 en fazla 6 kelime) Türkçe olarak verildikten sonra, İngilizce olarak da verilmelidir. İngilizce gönderilerin ilk sayfasında, makalenin başlığı, en az 50, en fazla 250 kelimeden oluşan özet ve anahtar sözcükler (en az 3 en fazla 6 kelime) verilmelidir.

3) Ana başlıklar 12 punto, birinci kademe alt başlıklar 10 punto, ikinci kademe alt başlıklar 9,5 punto olmalı ve bütün başlıklar “bold” karakterde yazılmalıdır.

4) Kullanılan resim, grafik ve fotoğraflar, yeterli çözünürlükte olmalı ve TIFF, JPEG, PNG formatlarından biriyle ek dosya olarak gönderilmelidir. Gönderide işleniş sırasına göre her resim, grafik ya da fotoğraf, numaralandırılarak açıklanmalı ve metin içerisinde belirtilmelidir. Kullanılan resimler ve altında verilen numaralandırılmış açıklamaları sayfaya ortalanarak yerleştirilmelidir.

5) Kullanılan tablolar sade ve açık olmalı, her bir tablo numaralandırılmalı ve metin içerisinde belirtilmelidir. Tablolar sayfaya ortalanarak yerleştirilmeli, tablolara ait açıklamalar, tablonun üstünde sola dayalı olarak yazılmalıdır.

6) Çalışmalarda SI birim sisteminin kullanılması önerilir. Eşitlik ve formüller denklem düzenleyicisiyle 9.5 punto Cambria formatında yazılmalıdır. Her bir denkleme numara verilmeli ve bu numara satır sonunda parantez içinde belirtilmelidir.

7) Yazılar Cambria (Gövde) yazı karakteri ile, 9.5 punto ve tek satır aralığı ile yazılmalıdır.

8) Sayfa düzeni normal, sayfa boşlukları üstten 2,1 cm, alttan 2,1 cm, soldan 2,7 cm, sağdan 2,1 cm ve cilt payı 0 olmalıdır.

9) Atıf, kaynakça ve dipnot gösterimleri, numaralı (Vancouver) kaynakça gösterme sistemi dikkate alınarak yapılmalıdır. Örnek referans listesi aşağıda verilmiştir:


References should be given according to the numbered (Vancouver) system. References should be quoted in text by Arabic numbers in square brackets and numerically listed at the end of the article according to the order of referring in the manuscript.

Reference list

Articles, books, theses, proceedings, and Book Chapters are cited in numbered reference list as follows:

Journal articles

Author surname first name initial(s). Title of the article. Title of the journal, year; volume(issue): page interval.

1. Ahmed N, Natarajan T and Rao KR. Discrete cosine transform, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 1974;23(1):90 – 93.


Author surname first name initial(s). Title of book. Edition number (if it is not first edition). place of publication: publisher; publishing year.

2. Timoshenko SP. Vibration problems in engineering. 2nd edition. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company; 1937.


Author surname first name initial(s). Title of the thesis, thesis type (MSc. or Ph.D), institute submitted, place, country, year.

3. Fletcher SG. The tempering of plain carbon steels, PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts, USA, 1943.


Author surname first name initial(s). Title of the presentation. In: surname first name initials of editors. Title of proceeding book: name of conference; date of conference; place of conference. Place of publication: publisher; proceeding book publication year. p. page interval.

4. Kandemir-Mazanoglu EC and Mazanoglu K. Parametric study on implementation of viscous dampers for adjacent buildings. In: Awrejcewicz J, Kazmierczak M, Mrozowski J and Olejnik P. Dynamical Systems: Mechatronics and Life Sciences: 13th International Conference on Dynamical Systems: Theory and Applications (DSTA 2015); 2015 Dec 6-10; Polland. Lodz: ARSA druk i Reklama; 2015. p. 313-322.

Book chapters

Author surname first name initial(s). Title of chapter. In: Editor Surname first name initial(s). Title of edited book. Edition number (if it is not first edition). Place of publication: Publisher’s name; year of publication. p. Page interval of chapter.

5. Gillich GR, Praisach ZI, Hamat C, Gillich N and Ntakpe JL. Crack localization in L-shaped frames. In: Herisanu N and Marinca V. Acoustics and Vibration of Mechanical Structures – AVMS-2017. Berlin: Springer; 2018. p. 315-322.

Internet sources

Author surname first name initial(s)( Remove authors if they are not seen). Document title. Webpage name [Document or homepage or blog on the Internet]. Source/production information; Year of internet publication [cited year month day]. Available from: URL.

6. Mazanoğlu K, Kılıç E, Merter O and Yılmaz F (Remove authors if they are not seen). Author Guidelines. Usak University Journal of Engineering Sciences [Document on the Internet]. Dergipark/Usak University; 2018 [cited 2018 July 5]. Available from: https://dergipark.org.tr/uujes/writing-rules.

Citation in text

Referring in text is done by numbers in bracket that are located to the proper place of relevant sentence as shown in following examples:

Euler–Bernoulli beam theory [1] states fundamental expression for continuous vibration analyses of thin beams.

Fourier analysis methods have been used for decades to obtain structural damages [2-5].

Recently, wavelet based analyses have become more popular through researchers who study on vibration based condition monitoring techniques [2,4,6-8].

If, on the other hand, authors’ surnames of references are needed to be quoted in text, relevant reference numbers should be in brackets located just after surnames. Following examples are given for these cases.

For the reference with single author: Mazanoglu [9] presents …….

For the reference with two authors: Mazanoglu and Sabuncu [10] introduce …….

For the reference with three or more authors: Yesilyurt et al. [11] state …….References

References should be given according to the numbered (Vancouver) system. References should be quoted in text by Arabic numbers in square brackets and numerically listed at the end of the article according to the order of referring in the manuscript.

Reference list

Articles, books, theses, proceedings, and Book Chapters are cited in numbered reference list as follows:

Journal articles

Author surname first name initial(s). Title of the article. Title of the journal, year; volume(issue): page interval.

1. Ahmed N, Natarajan T and Rao KR. Discrete cosine transform, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 1974;23(1):90 – 93.


Author surname first name initial(s). Title of book. Edition number (if it is not first edition). place of publication: publisher; publishing year.

2. Timoshenko SP. Vibration problems in engineering. 2nd edition. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company; 1937.


Author surname first name initial(s). Title of the thesis, thesis type (MSc. or Ph.D), institute submitted, place, country, year.

3. Fletcher SG. The tempering of plain carbon steels, PhD Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts, USA, 1943.


Author surname first name initial(s). Title of the presentation. In: surname first name initials of editors. Title of proceeding book: name of conference; date of conference; place of conference. Place of publication: publisher; proceeding book publication year. p. page interval.

4. Kandemir-Mazanoglu EC and Mazanoglu K. Parametric study on implementation of viscous dampers for adjacent buildings. In: Awrejcewicz J, Kazmierczak M, Mrozowski J and Olejnik P. Dynamical Systems: Mechatronics and Life Sciences: 13th International Conference on Dynamical Systems: Theory and Applications (DSTA 2015); 2015 Dec 6-10; Polland. Lodz: ARSA druk i Reklama; 2015. p. 313-322.

Book chapters

Author surname first name initial(s). Title of chapter. In: Editor Surname first name initial(s). Title of edited book. Edition number (if it is not first edition). Place of publication: Publisher’s name; year of publication. p. Page interval of chapter.

5. Gillich GR, Praisach ZI, Hamat C, Gillich N and Ntakpe JL. Crack localization in L-shaped frames. In: Herisanu N and Marinca V. Acoustics and Vibration of Mechanical Structures – AVMS-2017. Berlin: Springer; 2018. p. 315-322.

Internet sources

Author surname first name initial(s)( Remove authors if they are not seen). Document title. Webpage name [Document or homepage or blog on the Internet]. Source/production information; Year of internet publication [cited year month day]. Available from: URL.

6. Mazanoğlu K, Kılıç E, Merter O and Yılmaz F (Remove authors if they are not seen). Author Guidelines. Usak University Journal of Engineering Sciences [Document on the Internet]. Dergipark/Usak University; 2018 [cited 2018 July 5]. Available from: https://dergipark.org.tr/uujes/writing-rules.

Citation in text

Referring in text is done by numbers in bracket that are located to the proper place of relevant sentence as shown in following examples:

Euler–Bernoulli beam theory [1] states fundamental expression for continuous vibration analyses of thin beams.

Fourier analysis methods have been used for decades to obtain structural damages [2-5].

Recently, wavelet based analyses have become more popular through researchers who study on vibration based condition monitoring techniques [2,4,6-8].

If, on the other hand, authors’ surnames of references are needed to be quoted in text, relevant reference numbers should be in brackets located just after surnames. Following examples are given for these cases.

For the reference with single author: Mazanoglu [9] presents …….

For the reference with two authors: Mazanoglu and Sabuncu [10] introduce …….

For the reference with three or more authors: Yesilyurt et al. [11] state …….