Publication Process

Peer Review and Publication Process

Etkileşim implements an external double-blind peer review process. The identities of the authors are hidden from the peer reviewers, and the identities of the peer reviewers are not disclosed to the authors. All articles submitted to the journal are first subjected to a preliminary review process by the Editorial Board. Articles that pass preliminary review are then sent to at least two independent peer reviewers. The final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of articles belongs to the Editorial Board, and the board's decision is final. Editors are not involved in decisions about articles they write themselves or those written by their family members or close colleagues.

Details of the evaluation process:

1. The articles should be submitted via the Dergipark system. The authors should submit their articles before the deadline for the call for papers. Manuscripts submitted to the commentary section, Etkileşim/Yorum (such as book reviews, essays, interviews, and translations), are not subject to the peer review process and are evaluated by the Editorial Board.

2. Authors should also upload the 'Ethics Committee Approval Report', 'Copyright Transfer Agreement', and the similarity report (obtained via Turnitin or iThenticate) along with the article.

3. Before the peer review process, the Editorial Board carries out a preliminary review to decide which article will move forward with the peer review. The board takes 'Ethics Committee Approval Report', 'Copyright Transfer Agreement', and the similarity report (obtained via Turnitin or iThenticate) into account while reviewing the article.

4. Etkileşim conducts "external double-blind peer review.". This means that the identities of reviewers and authors are hidden from each other throughout the entire review process. Articles are sent to peer reviewers as anonymized documents. After preliminary editorial review, articles are sent to two peer reviewers who are experts in their fields and are affiliated with separate institutions.

5. If both peer reviewers accept the article, the Editorial Board will discuss and decide whether to accept it for publication at their meeting. The final decision belongs to the Editorial Board, and the board's decision is final. The Editorial Board may request additional revisions from the authors when necessary.

6. If one or both peer reviewers decide on minor or major revisions, the article is forwarded to the authors along with the 'revision' reports. Authors should mark the revisions they have made and send the article to the journal editor within one month.

7. If one of the peer review reports is "accept" and the other is "reject," the article is sent to a third peer reviewer.

8. In the case of a "rejection" report from both peer reviewers, the editor forwards the peer review reports to the authors with the "rejection" decision.

9. Authors should carefully attend to the reviews, criticisms, and suggestions of the peer reviewers, the Editorial Board, and the Editorial Advisory Board and make the necessary revisions. If the authors do not approve the reviews, criticisms, and suggestions, they have the right to submit a report with their justifications to the journal editorship.

10. When necessary, the Editorial Board may re-send the article after the revisions to the same peer reviewers. During this process, a new report may be requested regarding whether the relevant revisions have been made in line with the suggestions.

11. The completion dates of the review process determine the order in which articles move forward to the publication process.

12. Articles are subjected to the proofreading process by the relevant editors according to their language (Turkish/English). Articles are sent to authors for a final check before publication.

13. Authors have the right to withdraw their articles before publication if they provide justification.

14. No fee is paid to the authors for the published articles, and no fee is requested from the authors.

15. Articles are freely available in print and digital formats.

Based on intellectual property and copyright legislation, manuscripts published in Etkileşim can be used for academic purposes with a proper citation. However, they cannot be partially or completely reproduced for commercial purposes.

Last Update Time: 5/31/24, 11:18:15 AM
