Juynboll, G. H. A., “Isnad Analysis: Some New Methods of Determining When, Where and How Isnads Came into Being. The Sataftariqu Tardition under a Magnifying Glass.” Yayınlanmamış tebliğ. From Jahiliyya to Islam Kolokyumu, Hebrew Uni- versity, Haziran 30 – Temmuz 7, 1985.
Kalhati, Ebu Said Muhammed b. Sa’id, Kitabuu’l-keşf ve’l-beyan, British Museum Or. 2606.
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------- “Studies in ıslamic Heresiography: the Khawarij in two firaq traditions”, Prince- ton University 1989, Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi.
------ “Notes on Eastern Hanafite Heresiography”, “Notes on Eastern Hanafite Heresi- ography”1 Journal of the American Oriental Society 114.4. (1994).
------ “Azariqa in Islamic Heresiography”, Bulletin of the School of the Oriental and African Studies 54 81991), s. 251-68.
------ “Making and unmaking a Sect: The Heresiographers and the Sufriyya”, Studica Islamica 76 (1992), s. 75-96.
Makdisi, G., “Ash’ari and the Ash’arites in Islamic Religious History”, Studia Islamica 17, (1962), ve 18, (1963).
Malati, Ebu’l-Huseyn, Kitabü’t-tenbih ve’r-redd ala ehli’l-ehva ve’l-bida. thk. S. Dedering İstanbul 1936.
Nesefi, Ebu Muti Mekhul b. Fadl, Kitabu’r-redd ala Ehli’l-bida, nşr. M. Bernand, Nanna- les Islamologques, 16 (1980).
Pezdevi, Abu’l-Yüsr, Usulü’d-din, nşr. H. Linss, Kahire 1383/1963.
Şehristani, Muhammed b. Abdülkerim, Kitabü’l-milel ve’n-nihal, Kahire 1968.
Ritter, H., “Philologika III: Muhammedanische Haresiographen”, Der Islam, 1929.
Sourdel, D., “La Classification des sectes Islamique dans le Kitab al-milal d’al- Shahras- tani” (Şehristani’nin el-Milel’inde Mezheplerin Tasnifi) Studia Islamica 3 (1970).
Strothmann, R., “On the history of Islamic Heresiography”, (İslam Mezhepler Tarihçili- ğinin Tarihine Dair) Islamic Culture 12 (1938)
W. Madelung, “Bermerkungen zur Imamitischen Firaq-literatur”, Der Islam 42 (1967)
“Fruhe Mu’tezilitische heresiographie: das Kitabu’l-usul des Ja’far b. Harb”, Der Islam, 57, 1980.
W. M. Watt, “The significance of the Sectes in Islamic Theology”, (, Actas do IV Cong- resso de Etudos Arabes e Islamicos 1968, Leiden 1971. ss. 169-173.
van Ess, J. Fruhe Mutaziliteische Heresiographie: Zwei Werke des naşi el-Ekber, Beyrut 1971.
Juynboll, G. H. A., “Isnad Analysis: Some New Methods of Determining When, Where and How Isnads Came into Being. The Sataftariqu Tardition under a Magnifying Glass.” Yayınlanmamış tebliğ. From Jahiliyya to Islam Kolokyumu, Hebrew Uni- versity, Haziran 30 – Temmuz 7, 1985.
Kalhati, Ebu Said Muhammed b. Sa’id, Kitabuu’l-keşf ve’l-beyan, British Museum Or. 2606.
Kirmani, Ebu’l-Kasım, Şerhu kavl Rasulillah, (Dedering, “Ein Kommenter uber die 73 secten”, Le Monde Oriental, 24 1930.içinde)
Kutlu, Sönmez, “İslam Mezhepleri Tarihinde Usul Sorunu”, İslami İlimlerde Metodoloji (Usul) Mes’elesi, I, İstanbul: İSAV (27-28 Eylül 2003). / İstanbul 2005, ss. 391- 440.
Laoust, H., “L’Heresiographie musulmane sous les Abbasides”, (Abbasiler Döneminde Müslüman Mezhepler Tarihçiliği) Cahiers de civilization medievalé, 10 (1967) “La classification des sectes dans le Farq d’al-Baghdadi” (Bağdadi’nin el- Farq’ında Mezheplerin Tasnifi). Lewinstein, Keith,
------- “Studies in ıslamic Heresiography: the Khawarij in two firaq traditions”, Prince- ton University 1989, Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi.
------ “Notes on Eastern Hanafite Heresiography”, “Notes on Eastern Hanafite Heresi- ography”1 Journal of the American Oriental Society 114.4. (1994).
------ “Azariqa in Islamic Heresiography”, Bulletin of the School of the Oriental and African Studies 54 81991), s. 251-68.
------ “Making and unmaking a Sect: The Heresiographers and the Sufriyya”, Studica Islamica 76 (1992), s. 75-96.
Makdisi, G., “Ash’ari and the Ash’arites in Islamic Religious History”, Studia Islamica 17, (1962), ve 18, (1963).
Malati, Ebu’l-Huseyn, Kitabü’t-tenbih ve’r-redd ala ehli’l-ehva ve’l-bida. thk. S. Dedering İstanbul 1936.
Nesefi, Ebu Muti Mekhul b. Fadl, Kitabu’r-redd ala Ehli’l-bida, nşr. M. Bernand, Nanna- les Islamologques, 16 (1980).
Pezdevi, Abu’l-Yüsr, Usulü’d-din, nşr. H. Linss, Kahire 1383/1963.
Şehristani, Muhammed b. Abdülkerim, Kitabü’l-milel ve’n-nihal, Kahire 1968.
Ritter, H., “Philologika III: Muhammedanische Haresiographen”, Der Islam, 1929.
Sourdel, D., “La Classification des sectes Islamique dans le Kitab al-milal d’al- Shahras- tani” (Şehristani’nin el-Milel’inde Mezheplerin Tasnifi) Studia Islamica 3 (1970).
Strothmann, R., “On the history of Islamic Heresiography”, (İslam Mezhepler Tarihçili- ğinin Tarihine Dair) Islamic Culture 12 (1938)
W. Madelung, “Bermerkungen zur Imamitischen Firaq-literatur”, Der Islam 42 (1967)
“Fruhe Mu’tezilitische heresiographie: das Kitabu’l-usul des Ja’far b. Harb”, Der Islam, 57, 1980.
W. M. Watt, “The significance of the Sectes in Islamic Theology”, (, Actas do IV Cong- resso de Etudos Arabes e Islamicos 1968, Leiden 1971. ss. 169-173.
van Ess, J. Fruhe Mutaziliteische Heresiographie: Zwei Werke des naşi el-Ekber, Beyrut 1971.