Archive policy

Usul Journal of Islamic Studies sends the articles it publishes to electronic archives on an open access basis without any action by the author(s) and makes them fully accessible. The author or the funding organisation may upload a copy of the author's accepted article to the archive sites.

The author licence of Usul İslam Araştırmaları journal permits reuse (with a full citation) with attribution to the source of the article for non-commercial use only.

Usul Journal of Islamic Studies undertakes to keep all its articles open access under the CC-BY-NC Creative Commons licence and to store the full-text content on archive platforms and on its website on its website.
1) Articles published in the journal Usul Islamic Studies are digitally archived in LOCKSS. In addition, published articles can be accessed by the author in the institutional archive of the university (DSpace, AVESIS, etc.), thematic archives or any other archive without an embargo period. Thus, everyone can access this publication immediately free of charge.
2) The journal Usul Islamic Studies allows authors to use the final published version of an article for self-archiving (author's personal website, social media accounts) and/or archiving in an institutional repository (DSpace, AVESIS, etc.) after publication.
3) Authors may self-archive their articles in public and/or commercial subject-based repositories. There is no embargo period, but the published source must be cited and a link to the journal home page or DOI of the articles must be set.
4) Authors and readers can download the PDF file of the article.
5) The journal Usul Islamic Studies uses the LOCKSS system to allow the creation of permanent archives. Based at Stanford University Libraries, the LOCKSS programme provides libraries and publishers with award-winning, low-cost, open source digital preservation tools to ensure access to permanent and authoritative digital content. The LOCKSS programme is a library-led digital preservation system built on the principle of "securing large numbers of copies". The LOCKSS programme develops and supports libraries using open source end-to-end digital preservation software.

Published Version
Publication Type: Open Access
Embargo Period: No embargo period.
Open Access Licence: CC BY-NC 4.0
Copyright Holder: Author(s) retains copyright.
Archive Location: Institutional Repository, Journal Website, Corporate Site, Author's Personal Website, Public and/or Commercial Subject-Based Repositories.
Policy Terms: The journal should be cited in accordance with citation and citation standards.

Version Accepted at the End of the Referee Process
Embargo Period: None
Archive Location: Journal Website, Corporate Website, Author's Personal Website, Public and/or Commercial Subject-Based Archives.
Copyright Holder: The author(s) retains copyright.

First Text Submitted to the Journal
Embargo Period: None
Archive Location: Journal Website, Corporate Website, Author's Personal Website, Public and/or Commercial Subject-Based Archives.

Usul Journal of Islamic Studies requires ORCID IDs to be included in the article metadata. ORCID ID is an alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies authors.

Permanent Article Identifier: DOI
Usul Journal of Islamic Studies assigns a Doi to each article.

Last Update Time: 7/3/24, 4:25:31 PM

Usul Journal of Islamic Studies is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC).