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Elma ağacı budama yongalarının çimentolu yonga levha üretimi için alternatif ham malzeme olarak kullanılabilirliğinin incelenmesi

Year 2022, , 132 - 137, 31.12.2022


Elma ağacı budamasının, çimentolu yonga levha üretiminde alternatif ham malzeme olarak kullanımı araştırılmıştır. Nominal yoğunluğu 1400 kg/m3 ve ölçüleri 500×500×12 mm olan deneysel çimentolu yonga levhalar, Kızılçam ahşabı ile elma ağacı budama yongalarının farklı karışım oranlarını (100/0,75/25,50/50,25/75,0/100) kullanılarak laboratuvar şartlarında hazırlanmıştır. Temel özellikler; su emme, kalınlığa şişme, eğilme özellikleri ve vida çekme direnci TS-EN-312 standardının gerekliliklerine göre incelenerek değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma sonuçları, çimentolu yonga levha karışımına elma budama yongası eklenmesinin test edilen özellikleri önemli ölçüde etkilediğini göstermiştir. Karışım içndeki elma budama oranının artışı, çimentolu yonga levhaların kalınlığa şişme ve emme değerlerini arttırırken mekanik özelliklerini azaltmıştır. %25 elma budaması içeren deney levhaları ise genel kullanım amaçlı çimentolu yonga levhalar için standartların gerektirdiği özellikleri sağlamaktadır. Elma ağacı budama yongaları çimentolu yonga levha üretimi için alternatif bir hammadde olabilir.


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  • [4] Okino EYA, Souza MR, Santana MAE, Alves VMS, Sousa ME, Teixeira DE, Physico-mechanical properties and decay resistance of Cupressusspp. cement-bonded particleboards. Cement and Concrete Composites, 27(2), 333-338, 2005.
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  • [13] Nasser RA, Influence of board density and wood/cement ratio on the properties of wood-cement composite panels made from date palm fronds and tree prunings of buttonwood. Alexandria Science Exchange Journal, 35(2), 133-145, 2014.
  • [14] Ayrılmış N, Hosseinihashemi SK, Karim M, Kargarfard A, Kaymakçı A, Ashtiani S, Technological properties of cement bonded composite board produced with the main veins of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) particles. BioResources, 12(2), 3583-3600, 2017.
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  • [16] Ghofrani M, Haghdan S, NicKhah V, Ahmadi K, Improvement of physical and mechanical properties of particleboard made of apple tree pruning and sunflower stalk using titanium oxide nanoparticles. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 73 (5), 661-666, 2015.
  • [17] Nazerian M, Nanaii HA, Gargari RM, Influence of Nano-Silica (SiO2) Content on Mechanical Properties of Cement-Bonded Particleboard Manufactured from Lignocellulosic Materials. Drvna Industrija, 69(4), 317-328, 2018.
  • [18] Ekinci K, Utilization of apple pruning residues as a source of biomass energy: A case study in Isparta province. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 29(1), 87–107, 2011.
  • [19] Sahin HT, Aslan MB, Properties of orchard pruning and suitability for composite production. Sci Eng Compos Mater, 20(4), 337–342, 2013.
  • [20] Kowaluk G, Szymanowski K, Kozlowski P, Kukula W, Sala C, Robles E, Czarniak ., Functional Assessment of Particleboards Made of Apple and Plum Orchard Pruning. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 11, 2877-2886, 2020.
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  • [25] Savastano H, Warden PG, Coutts RSP, Potential of alternative fiber cement as building materials for developing areas. Cement and Concrete Composites, 25, 585-592, 2003.
  • [26] Olorunnisola AO, Effects of husk particle size and calcium chloride on strength and sorption properties of coconut husk–cement composites. Industrial Crop Production, 29, 495–501, 2009.
  • [27] Huang C, Cooper PA, Cement-bonded particleboard using CCA-treated wood removed from service. Forest Products Journal, 50(6), 49-56, 2000.
  • [28] Davies IOE, Davies OOA, Agro-waste-cement particleboards: A review. MAYFEB Journal of Environmental Science, (2), 10-26, 2017.
  • [29] Al Rim K, Ledhem A, Douzane O, Dheilly RM, Queneudec M, Influence of the proportion of wood on the thermal and mechanical performance of clay-cement-wood composites. Cement Concrete Composites, 21, 269-276, 1999.
  • [30] Oyagade AO, Effect of cement/wood ratio on the relationship between cement bonded particleboard density and bending properties. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 2(2), 211-219, 1990.
  • [31] Bejo L, Takats P, Vass N, Development of cement-bonded composite beams. Acta Silva Lignaria Hungary, (1), 111-119, 2005.
  • [32] Kosova K, Schollbach K, Brouwers HJH, Use of alternative fibers in wood wool cement boards and their influence on cement hydration. In 19th International Conference on Building Materials (Ibausil 2015), Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. 1375-1382, 2015.
  • [33] Liu Z, Moslem, AA, Effect of western Larch extractives on cement-wood setting. Forest Product Journal, 35(7/8), 37-43, 1986.
  • [34] Olorunnisola AO, Effects of particle geometry and chemical accelerator on strength properties of rattan-cement composites. African Journal of Science and Technology (AJST), Science and Engineering Series, 8(1), 22-27, 2007.
  • [35] Ashori A, Tabarsa T, Sepahv S, Cement-bonded composite boards made from poplar strands. Construction and Building Materials, 26, 131–134, 2012.
  • [36] Moslemi AA, Garcia JF, Hofstrand AD, Effect of various treatments and additives on wood-Portland cement-water systems. Wood and Fiber Science, 15(2), 164-176, 1983.
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Investigation of the usability of apple tree pruning chips as an alternative raw material to produce cement bonded particleboard

Year 2022, , 132 - 137, 31.12.2022


The utilization of apple tree pruning as an alternative raw material to produce cement-bonded particleboard was investigated. Experimental cement-bonded particleboards measuring 500×500×12 mm with a nominal density of 1400 kg/m3 were prepared in laboratory conditions using different ratios (100/0,75/25,50/50,25/75,0/100) of apple tree pruning chips mixed Red Pine wood chips. The following basic properties required by the TS EN 312 standards were evaluated; water absorption, thickness swelling, bending properties, and screw withdrawal strength. Results of the study indicate that the addition of apple pruning in the mix of cement-bonded particleboard significantly influences the properties tested. Mechanical properties of the tested boards decreased while absorption and thickness swelling values of the cement-bonded particleboard were increased as the portion of apple pruning in the mixture was increased. Experimental boards which include apple tree pruning up to 25 % still meet properties required by the standards for general purpose-use cement-bonded particleboards. Apple tree pruning chips may be an alternative raw material for the manufacturing of cement-bonded particleboard.


  • [1] Lee AWC. Physical and mechanical properties of cement bonded southern pine excelsior. Forest Products Journal, 34(4), 30-34, 1984.
  • [2] Ramirez-Coretti A. Eckelman CA, Wolfe RW, Inorganic-bonded composite wood panel systems for low-cost housing a Central American perspective. Forest Products Journal, 48, 62-68, 1998.
  • [3] Savastano H, Warden PG, Coutts RSP, Potential of alternative fiber cement as building materials for developing areas. Cement and Concrete Composites, 25, 585-592, 2003.
  • [4] Okino EYA, Souza MR, Santana MAE, Alves VMS, Sousa ME, Teixeira DE, Physico-mechanical properties and decay resistance of Cupressusspp. cement-bonded particleboards. Cement and Concrete Composites, 27(2), 333-338, 2005.
  • [5] Del Menezzi CHS, De Castro GH, De Souza MR, Production and properties of a medium density wood-cement boards produced with oriented strands and silica fume. Maderas. Ciencia tecnología, 9(2), 105-115, 2007.
  • [6] Jorge FC, Pereira C, Ferreira JMF, Wood-cement composites: a review. Holz Roh Werkst, 62, 370-377, 2004.
  • [7] Frybort S, Mauritz R, Teischinger A, Müller U, Cement bonded composites-a mechanical review, BioResources, (3): 602-626, 2008.
  • [8] Klimek P, Wimmer R, Alternative raw materials for bio-based composites. Pro Ligno, 13(4), 27-41,2017.
  • [9] Sun S, Mathias JD, Toussaint E, Grediac M, Hygromechanical characterization of sunflower stems. Industrial Crops and Products, 46,50-59, 2013.
  • [10] Guntekin E, Karakus B, Feasibility of using eggplant (Solanum melongena) stalks in the production of experimental particleboard. Industrial Crops and Products, 27(3), 354-358., 2008.
  • [11] Wang C, Zhang S, Wu H, Performance of cement-bonded particleboards made from the grapevine. Advanced Materials Research, 765-770, 2013.
  • [12] Abdel-Aal MA, Mechanical properties and dimensional stability of wood-cement particleboard from tree pruning residues of some wood species as affected by the panel density. Alexandria Science Exchange Journal, 35(3), 215-224, 2014.
  • [13] Nasser RA, Influence of board density and wood/cement ratio on the properties of wood-cement composite panels made from date palm fronds and tree prunings of buttonwood. Alexandria Science Exchange Journal, 35(2), 133-145, 2014.
  • [14] Ayrılmış N, Hosseinihashemi SK, Karim M, Kargarfard A, Kaymakçı A, Ashtiani S, Technological properties of cement bonded composite board produced with the main veins of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) particles. BioResources, 12(2), 3583-3600, 2017.
  • [15] Tas H.H, Kul FM, Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus) Stalks as Alternative Raw Material for Cement Bonded Particleboard. Drvna Industrija, 71(1), 41-46. 2020.
  • [16] Ghofrani M, Haghdan S, NicKhah V, Ahmadi K, Improvement of physical and mechanical properties of particleboard made of apple tree pruning and sunflower stalk using titanium oxide nanoparticles. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 73 (5), 661-666, 2015.
  • [17] Nazerian M, Nanaii HA, Gargari RM, Influence of Nano-Silica (SiO2) Content on Mechanical Properties of Cement-Bonded Particleboard Manufactured from Lignocellulosic Materials. Drvna Industrija, 69(4), 317-328, 2018.
  • [18] Ekinci K, Utilization of apple pruning residues as a source of biomass energy: A case study in Isparta province. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 29(1), 87–107, 2011.
  • [19] Sahin HT, Aslan MB, Properties of orchard pruning and suitability for composite production. Sci Eng Compos Mater, 20(4), 337–342, 2013.
  • [20] Kowaluk G, Szymanowski K, Kozlowski P, Kukula W, Sala C, Robles E, Czarniak ., Functional Assessment of Particleboards Made of Apple and Plum Orchard Pruning. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 11, 2877-2886, 2020.
  • [21] TSE, Particleboards, and fiber boards- Determination of swelling in thickness after immersion in water. TS EN 317, Ankara, 1999.
  • [22] TSE, Wood-Based panels- Determination of modulus of elasticity in bending and of bending strength. TS EN 310, Ankara, 1999.
  • [23] TSE. Cement-bonded particleboards- Specifications- Part 2: Requirements for Portland cement-bonded particleboards for use in dry, humid, and exterior conditions. TS EN 634-2, Ankara, 2009.
  • [24] Moslemi AA, Pfister SC, The influence of cement wood ratio and cement type on bending strength and dimensional stability of wood cement composite panels. Wood Fiber Science, (19),165-175, 1987.
  • [25] Savastano H, Warden PG, Coutts RSP, Potential of alternative fiber cement as building materials for developing areas. Cement and Concrete Composites, 25, 585-592, 2003.
  • [26] Olorunnisola AO, Effects of husk particle size and calcium chloride on strength and sorption properties of coconut husk–cement composites. Industrial Crop Production, 29, 495–501, 2009.
  • [27] Huang C, Cooper PA, Cement-bonded particleboard using CCA-treated wood removed from service. Forest Products Journal, 50(6), 49-56, 2000.
  • [28] Davies IOE, Davies OOA, Agro-waste-cement particleboards: A review. MAYFEB Journal of Environmental Science, (2), 10-26, 2017.
  • [29] Al Rim K, Ledhem A, Douzane O, Dheilly RM, Queneudec M, Influence of the proportion of wood on the thermal and mechanical performance of clay-cement-wood composites. Cement Concrete Composites, 21, 269-276, 1999.
  • [30] Oyagade AO, Effect of cement/wood ratio on the relationship between cement bonded particleboard density and bending properties. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 2(2), 211-219, 1990.
  • [31] Bejo L, Takats P, Vass N, Development of cement-bonded composite beams. Acta Silva Lignaria Hungary, (1), 111-119, 2005.
  • [32] Kosova K, Schollbach K, Brouwers HJH, Use of alternative fibers in wood wool cement boards and their influence on cement hydration. In 19th International Conference on Building Materials (Ibausil 2015), Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. 1375-1382, 2015.
  • [33] Liu Z, Moslem, AA, Effect of western Larch extractives on cement-wood setting. Forest Product Journal, 35(7/8), 37-43, 1986.
  • [34] Olorunnisola AO, Effects of particle geometry and chemical accelerator on strength properties of rattan-cement composites. African Journal of Science and Technology (AJST), Science and Engineering Series, 8(1), 22-27, 2007.
  • [35] Ashori A, Tabarsa T, Sepahv S, Cement-bonded composite boards made from poplar strands. Construction and Building Materials, 26, 131–134, 2012.
  • [36] Moslemi AA, Garcia JF, Hofstrand AD, Effect of various treatments and additives on wood-Portland cement-water systems. Wood and Fiber Science, 15(2), 164-176, 1983.
  • [37] Zhengtian L, Moslemi AA, Influence of chemical additives on the hydration characteristics of western larch wood-cement- water mixtures. Forest Products Journal, 35(7), 37-43, 1985.
  • [38] Lee AWC, Short P. H., Pretreating hardwood for cement-bonded excelsior board. Forest Products Journal, 39(10), 68-70, 1989.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Civil Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Hasan Hüseyin Taş 0000-0001-7178-0591

Kaan Acar 0000-0003-4808-7208

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


IEEE H. H. Taş and K. Acar, “Investigation of the usability of apple tree pruning chips as an alternative raw material to produce cement bonded particleboard”, UTBD, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 132–137, 2022, doi: 10.55974/utbd.1192842.

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