Artan enerji talebi, yeni hatların yapılmasındaki kısıtlamalar ve geleneksel kompanzasyon cihazlarının dezavantajları gibi birçok sebepten dolayı, mevcut enerji iletim sistemlerinin verimliliğinin maksimuma çıkarılması zorunlu hale gelmiştir. Mevcut enerji iletim sistemlerinin kullanımını maksimize etmek için mümkün olan seçenekler analiz edildiğinde, yüksek seviyeli güvenilirlik ve kararlılık ile güç elektroniği çözüm olarak görünmektedir. Güç elektroniği teknolojisinin hızlı gelişimi, güç sistemlerinin kontrolü için yeni bir teknoloji olan, Esnek Alternatif Akım İletim Sistemleri (FACTS, Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems) teknolojisinin gelişmesine olanak tanımıştır. Bu çalışmada geleneksel tristör tabanlı FACTS cihazları ve konverter tabanlı FACTS cihazları devre konfigürasyonları, güç sistemine etkileri ve kullanım amaçlarına karşın karşılaştırılmış ve incelenmiştir. Ayrıca Türkiye ve Dünyadaki FACTS uygulamalarından örnekler verilmiştir.
Abido M. A., (2008), Power System Stabılıty Enhancement Usıng Facts Controllers: A Revıew,The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Volume 34, Number 1B,153-172.
Acha E., Fuerte-Esquivel C., Ambriz-Pe´rez R., Angeles-Camacho H.,C., (2004), FACTS Modelling and Simulation in Power Networks, John Wiley&Sons LTD.
Akkaya Y., (2010), ge/Untitled_1.htm, Ziyaret tarihi :12.12.2011.
Bowler C., Larsen E., Damsky B., Nilsson S.,(1992),“Benefits of thyristor controlled series compensation”,CIGRE paper No 14/37/38-04.
Cai L., (2004), Robust Coordinated Control of FACTS Devices in Large Power Systems, Phd thesis,University Duisburg, 172.
Cigre Study committee 14 working Group 14.14,( 1993), FACTS Tutorial Draft 1.
Eminoğlu U., Herdem S. (2002), Yalçınöz T., İnvertör temelli facts cihazları kullanarak Reaktif güç kompanzasyonu ile gerilim kontrolü, Elekt. –elektro.- bilg. Müh. 10. Ulusal kongresi, 152-155.
Glanzmann G., (2005), FACTS Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems,Report, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory ETH Z¨urich 14. January.
Gültekin, B.; Gerçek, C.O.; Atalık, T.; Deniz, M.; Biçer, N.; Ermis, M.; Kose, N.; Ermis, C.; Koç, E.; Cadirci, I.; Açik, A.; Akkaya, Y.; Toygar, H.; Bideci, S.; (2010), Design and implementation of a 154 kV, ±50 MVAr Transmission STATCOM based on 21-level Cascaded Multilevel Converter Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), IEEE ; s:3936 – 3948.
Gyugyi L, (1991), A unified Power Flow Control Concept For Flexible AC Transmission Systems, Presented at the fifth International Con.on AC and DC Power Trans.,IEE, London september17-20.
Gyugyi L.; Schauder C.D., Sen K.K.; (1997) , Static synchronous series compensator: asolid- state approach to the series compen. of transmission lines, Power Delivery, IEEE Trans. on Vol.: 12 , Issue:1 ,406– 417.
Gyugyi L.,C.,Schauder,D.,Williams,S.,L.,Rietman,T.,R.,Torgerson,D.,R.,Ed ris,E.,(1994), The Unified Power Flow Controller: A New Approach to Power Transmission Control,IEEE/PES 1994 Summer meeting, San Francisco,CA july 24-28.
Gyugyi L., (1994), Dynamic Compensation of AC Transmission Lines by Solid-state Synchronous Voltage Sources IEEE Transactrons on Power Delivery, Vol 9, No 2, April.
Hasanovic, A., (2000), Modeling and Control of the Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC), Master Thesis , West Virginia University, 1p.
Habur, K., (2000), K. Habur, D. O'Leary, FACTS-Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems-For Cost Effective and Reliable Transmission of Electrical Energy, Siemens–World Bank
Ziyaret tarihi: 12.12.2011. Hingorani N.G., Gyugyi L., (1999), Understanding FACTS:concepts and techn. of flexible ac transmission systems, IEEEPres. NewYork.
Hingorani N.,G., (1993), Flexible AC transmission, IEEE reprinted from IEEE Spectrum,Volume 30, No.4 , 40-45.
Kamarposhti M. A., Alinezhad M., Lesani H., Talebi N., (2008), Comparison of SVC, STATCOM, TCSC, and UPFC Controllers for Static Voltage Stability Evaluated by Continuation Power Flow Method, Elec. Power Con., 1-8.
Larsen E., V., Clark K., Miske S., A., Urbanek J.,( 1993), Characteristics and rating considerations of thyristor controlled series compensation , , IEEE/PES Summer meeting, paper no 93 SM 433-3 PWRD, Vancouver Canada, july 18-22.
Maram S., (2003) “Hierarchical Fuzzy Control of the UPFC and SVC located in AEP's Inez Area”, Msc. Thesis ,Dep. of Elec.and Comp. Engin. of the Virginia Pol. Inst.State University. Medina A., Ramos-Paz A., Fuerte-Esquivel C.R., (2003) ,Swift computation of the periodic steady state solution of power systems containing TCSCs” Elsevier, Electrical Power and Energy Systems 25, 689–694.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (2006), Ross 230 Mvar SVC, 30616-103-09E20,P rinted in Japan,
pdf, Ziyaret tarihi: 12.12.2011.
Natesan R., Radman G., (2004), Effects of STATCOM, SSSC and UPFC on Voltage Stability,Proc.of the Thirty Sixth Southeastern Symposium on System Theory Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta,546–550.
Paserba J., (2003), How FACTS Controllers Benefit AC Transmission System, Trans. and Dist. Con. and Exp., IEEE PES Volume 3, 7-12 Sept. vol.3 949 - 956
Qing L., Zheng Zhenhua W., Z; (2008), Study and Simulation of SSSC and TCSC Transient Control Performance,Joint International Conference on 1 - 6.
Song Y., H., Johns A. T., (1999), Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS). London, UK: IEE Press,
Tolbert L. M.; King T. J.; Ozpineci B.; Campbell J. B.; Muralidharan G.; Rizy D. T.; Sabau A., Zhang S.;H.;Zhang W.; Xu Y.; Huq H. F.; Liu H.; (2005), Power Electronıcs For Dıstributed Energy Systems And Transmission And Dıstrıbutıon Applications; Oak Rıdge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 man. by Ut-Battelle, USA
Uzunovic E., Canizares A., Reeve J., (1997), Fundamental Frequency Model of Static Synchronous Compensator, North American Power Symposium (NAPS), Laramie, Wyoming, 49-54.
Vural A.,M., Tümay M.,( 2002), Gelişmiş Güç Akış Denetleyicileri İle Donatılmış Güç Sistemlerinin Newton-Raphson Metodu İle Analizi, Elekt.-elektro.-bilg. Müh. 10. Ulusal kongresi,63-66.
Vural A. M., (2001), Flexible AC Transmission a Unified Power Flow Controller, Master Thesis ,Gaziantep Üniv.
Year 2012,
Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 40 - 58, 01.06.2012
Due to many reasons such as, an increasing demand for energy, the constraints in the building of new transmission lines and the disadvantages of the conventional compensation devices, it has been necessary to maximize the efficiency of existing energy transmission systems. The analysis of the choices available for maximizing the existing energy transmission systems, solution has seen as the power electronics with high level of trustability and stability. The rapid development of the power electronics technology makes it possible the development of a new technology for the control of the power systems, called “Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS)”. In this study conventional thyristor based FACTS devices and converter based FACTS devices are investigated and compared against their configurations, their effects and aim of usage on power systems. In addition example of FACTS applications in real World are presented.
Abido M. A., (2008), Power System Stabılıty Enhancement Usıng Facts Controllers: A Revıew,The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Volume 34, Number 1B,153-172.
Acha E., Fuerte-Esquivel C., Ambriz-Pe´rez R., Angeles-Camacho H.,C., (2004), FACTS Modelling and Simulation in Power Networks, John Wiley&Sons LTD.
Akkaya Y., (2010), ge/Untitled_1.htm, Ziyaret tarihi :12.12.2011.
Bowler C., Larsen E., Damsky B., Nilsson S.,(1992),“Benefits of thyristor controlled series compensation”,CIGRE paper No 14/37/38-04.
Cai L., (2004), Robust Coordinated Control of FACTS Devices in Large Power Systems, Phd thesis,University Duisburg, 172.
Cigre Study committee 14 working Group 14.14,( 1993), FACTS Tutorial Draft 1.
Eminoğlu U., Herdem S. (2002), Yalçınöz T., İnvertör temelli facts cihazları kullanarak Reaktif güç kompanzasyonu ile gerilim kontrolü, Elekt. –elektro.- bilg. Müh. 10. Ulusal kongresi, 152-155.
Glanzmann G., (2005), FACTS Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems,Report, EEH - Power Systems Laboratory ETH Z¨urich 14. January.
Gültekin, B.; Gerçek, C.O.; Atalık, T.; Deniz, M.; Biçer, N.; Ermis, M.; Kose, N.; Ermis, C.; Koç, E.; Cadirci, I.; Açik, A.; Akkaya, Y.; Toygar, H.; Bideci, S.; (2010), Design and implementation of a 154 kV, ±50 MVAr Transmission STATCOM based on 21-level Cascaded Multilevel Converter Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), IEEE ; s:3936 – 3948.
Gyugyi L, (1991), A unified Power Flow Control Concept For Flexible AC Transmission Systems, Presented at the fifth International Con.on AC and DC Power Trans.,IEE, London september17-20.
Gyugyi L.; Schauder C.D., Sen K.K.; (1997) , Static synchronous series compensator: asolid- state approach to the series compen. of transmission lines, Power Delivery, IEEE Trans. on Vol.: 12 , Issue:1 ,406– 417.
Gyugyi L.,C.,Schauder,D.,Williams,S.,L.,Rietman,T.,R.,Torgerson,D.,R.,Ed ris,E.,(1994), The Unified Power Flow Controller: A New Approach to Power Transmission Control,IEEE/PES 1994 Summer meeting, San Francisco,CA july 24-28.
Gyugyi L., (1994), Dynamic Compensation of AC Transmission Lines by Solid-state Synchronous Voltage Sources IEEE Transactrons on Power Delivery, Vol 9, No 2, April.
Hasanovic, A., (2000), Modeling and Control of the Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC), Master Thesis , West Virginia University, 1p.
Habur, K., (2000), K. Habur, D. O'Leary, FACTS-Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems-For Cost Effective and Reliable Transmission of Electrical Energy, Siemens–World Bank
Ziyaret tarihi: 12.12.2011. Hingorani N.G., Gyugyi L., (1999), Understanding FACTS:concepts and techn. of flexible ac transmission systems, IEEEPres. NewYork.
Hingorani N.,G., (1993), Flexible AC transmission, IEEE reprinted from IEEE Spectrum,Volume 30, No.4 , 40-45.
Kamarposhti M. A., Alinezhad M., Lesani H., Talebi N., (2008), Comparison of SVC, STATCOM, TCSC, and UPFC Controllers for Static Voltage Stability Evaluated by Continuation Power Flow Method, Elec. Power Con., 1-8.
Larsen E., V., Clark K., Miske S., A., Urbanek J.,( 1993), Characteristics and rating considerations of thyristor controlled series compensation , , IEEE/PES Summer meeting, paper no 93 SM 433-3 PWRD, Vancouver Canada, july 18-22.
Maram S., (2003) “Hierarchical Fuzzy Control of the UPFC and SVC located in AEP's Inez Area”, Msc. Thesis ,Dep. of Elec.and Comp. Engin. of the Virginia Pol. Inst.State University. Medina A., Ramos-Paz A., Fuerte-Esquivel C.R., (2003) ,Swift computation of the periodic steady state solution of power systems containing TCSCs” Elsevier, Electrical Power and Energy Systems 25, 689–694.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (2006), Ross 230 Mvar SVC, 30616-103-09E20,P rinted in Japan,
pdf, Ziyaret tarihi: 12.12.2011.
Natesan R., Radman G., (2004), Effects of STATCOM, SSSC and UPFC on Voltage Stability,Proc.of the Thirty Sixth Southeastern Symposium on System Theory Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta,546–550.
Paserba J., (2003), How FACTS Controllers Benefit AC Transmission System, Trans. and Dist. Con. and Exp., IEEE PES Volume 3, 7-12 Sept. vol.3 949 - 956
Qing L., Zheng Zhenhua W., Z; (2008), Study and Simulation of SSSC and TCSC Transient Control Performance,Joint International Conference on 1 - 6.
Song Y., H., Johns A. T., (1999), Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS). London, UK: IEE Press,
Tolbert L. M.; King T. J.; Ozpineci B.; Campbell J. B.; Muralidharan G.; Rizy D. T.; Sabau A., Zhang S.;H.;Zhang W.; Xu Y.; Huq H. F.; Liu H.; (2005), Power Electronıcs For Dıstributed Energy Systems And Transmission And Dıstrıbutıon Applications; Oak Rıdge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 man. by Ut-Battelle, USA
Uzunovic E., Canizares A., Reeve J., (1997), Fundamental Frequency Model of Static Synchronous Compensator, North American Power Symposium (NAPS), Laramie, Wyoming, 49-54.
Vural A.,M., Tümay M.,( 2002), Gelişmiş Güç Akış Denetleyicileri İle Donatılmış Güç Sistemlerinin Newton-Raphson Metodu İle Analizi, Elekt.-elektro.-bilg. Müh. 10. Ulusal kongresi,63-66.
Vural A. M., (2001), Flexible AC Transmission a Unified Power Flow Controller, Master Thesis ,Gaziantep Üniv.
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