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Year 2021, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 22 - 44, 23.08.2021


The development disparity model focuses on the difference in the trade yields of countries by considering the nature of the trade balance in the advanced sectors. This paper employs the non-linear Artificial Neural Network technique for ten developing countries in the analysis section. According to the analysis outcomes, while China and Thailand's aggregate international trade yields have an ascending tendency, Indonesia, Paraguay, Colombia, Turkey, Argentina, and Mexico's aggregate trade yields exhibit a drastic descending trend. On the other hand, the tendency of aggregate trade yields in India and Brazil is generally negative, yet this tendency is decreasing inconsistently.


  • Anderson, J.E. (1979). “A Theoretical Foundation for the Gravity Equation”, American Economic Review, 69(1), 106-16.
  • Antràs, P. (2005). “Incomplete Contracts and the Product Cycle”, American Economic Review, 95(4), 1054-73.
  • Arip, M.A., Lau S.Y., and Satoru M. (2011). “An Analysis of Intra-Industry Trade Between Japan, Malaysia and China”, International Journal of Institutions and Economies, 3(1), 1-30.
  • Balassa, B. (1963). “An Empirical Demonstration of Classical Comparative Cost Theory”, Review of Economics and Statistics, 45, 231-38.
  • Bashir, M.S., and Rashid Z. (2005). “Skill Content in Malaysia's Manufacturing Trade: Keesing Approach”, Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship, 2, 83-105.
  • Bharadwaj, R. (1962). “Factor Proportions and the Structure of Indo-US Trade”, Indian Economic Journal, 10, 105-16.
  • Blecker, R.A. (1997). “The Unnatural and Retrograde Order: Adam Smith’s Theories of Trade and Development Reconsidered”, Economica, 64(255), 537-37.
  • Blume, L.E., and Sargent T.J. (2015). “Harrod 1939*.” The Economic Journal, 125, 350-77.
  • Bowen, H.P., Leamer E.E., and Sveikauskas L. (1987). “Multicountry, Multifactor Tests of the Factor Abundance Theory”, The American Economic Review, 77(5), 791-809.
  • Brooks, T.J. (1999). “Currency Depreciation and the Trade Balance: An Elasticity Approach and Test of the Marshall-Lerner Condition for Bilateral Trade Between the US and the G-7”, PhD diss., Wisconsin Milwaukee Univ.
  • Brun, J.F., Carrere C., Guillaumont P., and Melo J. ( 2005). “Has Distance Died? Evidence From A Panel Gravity Model”, The World Bank Economic Review, 19(1), 99-120.
  • Caves, R. (1981). “Intra-industry Trade and Market Structure in the Industrial Countries”, Oxford Economic Papers, 33(2), 203-23.
  • Cheng, W.L., Sachs J.D., and Yang X. (1999). “An Inframarginal Analysis of the Heckscher-Ohlin Model with Transaction Costs and Technological Comparative Advantage”, CID at Harvard Univ. Working Paper, No.9.
  • Choi, C. (2002). “Linder Hypothesis Revisited”, Applied Economics Letters, 9, 601-5.
  • Chow, P., Kellman M., and Shachmurove Y. (1994). “East Asian NIC Manufactured Intra industry Trade 1965-1990”, Journal of Asian Economies, 5(3), 335-48.
  • Das, G.G. (2007). “Intra industry Trade and Development: Revisiting Theory, Measurement, and New Evidences”, MPRA Paper, No.37260.
  • Deardorff, A.V. (1984). “Testing Trade Theories and Predicting Trade Flow”, Vol.1, chap.10 of handbook of international economics, ed. R.W. Jones and P.B. Kenen, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers.
  • Dhliwayo, R. (1996). “The Balance of Payments as A Monetary Phenomenon: An Econometric Study of Zimbabwe’s Experience”, AERC Research Paper, No.46.
  • Easterly, W. (1997). “The Ghost of Financing Gap: How the Harrod-Domar Growth Model Still Haunts Development Economics”, The World Bank Development Research Group Policy Research Working Paper, No.1807.
  • Faccarello, G. (2015). “The Elgar Companion to David Ricardo.” Ed. H.D. Kurz and N. Salvadori, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Fajgelbaum, P.D., Grossman G.M., and Helpman E. (2014). “A Linder Hypothesis for Foreign Direct Investment”, NBER Working Paper, No.17750.
  • Fargerberg, J. (1987). “A Technology Gap Approach to Why Growth Rates Differ”, Research Policy, 16(2-4), 87-99.
  • Ferretti, G.M.M., and Razin A. (1998). “Current Account Reversals and Currency Crises: Empirical Regularities”, IMF Working Paper, No.WP/98/89.
  • Fisher, E.O’N., and Marshall K.G. (2015). “Leontief Was Not Right After All”, https://citeseerx .ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= (accessed June 10, 2021).
  • Francois, J.F., and Kaplan S. (1996). “Aggregate Demand Shifts, Income Distribution, and the Linder Hypothesis”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 78(2), 244-50.
  • Frieden, J. (2009). “Global Trade in the Aftermath of the Global Crisis”, In the Great Trade Collapse: Causes, Consequences and Prospects, ed. Richard Baldwin, 25-29. Centre for Economic Policy Research: A VoxEU.org. E-book. https://vox eu.org/system/files/epublication/great_trade_collapse.pdf (accessed June 10, 2021).
  • Frieden, J. (2012). “A Mercantilist World Economy.” In the Modern Capitalist World Economy: A Historical Overview, ed. Dennis Mueller, 17-37. New York: Oxford Univ. Press. https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/jfrieden/files/modern_capitalist_economy__page_proofs.pdf (accessed May 15, 2021).
  • Golub, S.S. (1994). “Comparative Advantage Exchange Rates, and Sectoral Trade Balances on Major Industrial Countries”, IMF Staff Papers, 41, 286-313. Greytak, D., and Tuchinda U. (1990). “The Composition of Consumption and Trade Intensities: An Alternative Test of the Linder Hypothesis”, Weltwirtschaftliches-Archiv, 126, 50-58.
  • Grubel, H., and Lloyd P. (2007). “The Empirical Measurement of Intra‐industry Trade”, Economic Record, 47(4), 494-517.
  • Gupta, S.D. (2015). “Comparative Advantage & Competitive Advantage: An Economics Perspective & A Synthesis”, Athens Journal of Business and Economics, 1(1), 9-22.
  • Haberler, G. (1933). “The Theory of International Trade”, London: George Allen & Unwin.
  • Hallak, J.C. (2010). “A Product-Quality View of the Linder Hypothesis”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 92(3), 453-66.
  • Hofstede, G.H. (1980). “Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in work-Related Values”, Beverly Hills/London: Sage.
  • Hoftyzer, J. (1984). “A Further Analysis of the Linder Trade Thesis”, Quarterly Review of Economics and Business, 24(2), 57-70.
  • Huang, W.L., Nakamori K.K., Wang Y.S., and Yu L. (2007). “Neural Networks in Finance and Economics Forecasting”, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 6(1), 113-40.
  • Johnson, H.G. (1977). “Money, Balance of Payments Theory, and the International Monetary Problem”, Princeton University Essay in International Finance, No.124.
  • Jurcic, L., Josic H., and Josic M. (2013). “Testing Rybczynski Theorem: An Evidence from the Selected European Transition Countries”, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences MCSER Publishing, 4(10), 99-105.
  • Kandil, M. (2009). “Exchange Rate Fluctuations and the Balance of Payments: Channels of Interaction in Developing and Developed Countries”, Journal of Economic Integration, 24(1), 151-74.
  • Kennedy, T.E., and McHugh R. (1980). “An Intertemporal Test and Rejection of the Linder Hypothesis”, Southern Economic Journal, 46(3): 898-903.
  • King, J.T., and Yanochik M.A. (2011). “John Stuart Mill and the Economic Rationale for Organized Labor”, The American Economist, 56(2), 28-34.
  • Krugman, P.R., and Obstfeld M. (1994). “International Economics: Theory & Policy”, Third Edition. New York: HarperCollins College Publishers.
  • Krugman, P.R., Obsfeld M., and Melitz M.A. (2012). “International Economics: Theory & Policy”, 9th ed. Boston: Pearson.
  • Leamer, E.E. (1995). “The Heckscher-Ohlin Model in Theory and Practice”, Princeton Studies in International Finance, No.77.
  • Leamer, E.E. (1980). “The Leontief Paradox Reconsidered”, Journal of Political Economy, 88(3), 495-503.
  • Leontief, W. (1954). “Domestic Production and Foreign Trade; the American Capital Position Re-examined”, Economia Internazionale, 7, 3–32, In Readings in International Economics, Caves R. E. and Johnson H. G. (eds.,), Homewood, Illinois; R. D. Irwin, 1968, pp. 503–527 ).
  • Linnemann, H., and Beers C.V. (1988). “Measures of Export Import Similarity and the Linder Hypothesis Once Again”, Weltwirtschaftliches-Archiv, 24(3), 445-57.
  • Lowinger, T.C. (1975). “The Technology Factor and the Export Performance of U.S. Manufacturing Industries”, Economic Inquiry, 13, 221-36.
  • MacDougall, D. (1951). “British and American Exports: A Study Suggested by the Theory of Comparative Costs”, Economic Journal, 61, 697-724.
  • Mauro, B. (2015). “Modeling Economic Growth: Domar on Moving Equilibrium”, CHOPE Working Paper, No.2015-10.
  • Melitz, M.J. (2003). “The Impact of Trade on Intra-industry Reallocations and Aggregate Industry Productivity”, Econometrica, 71, 1695-1725.
  • Meoqui, J.M. (2010). “Smith’s and Ricardo’s Common Logic of Trade”, MPRA Paper, No.27143.
  • Mynit, H. (1977). “Adam Smith’s Theory of International Trade in Perspective of Economic Development”, Economica, 33(175), 231-48.
  • Myrdal G. (1968). “Asian Drama: An Inquiry into the Poverty of Nations”, Vol 3, A Twentieth Century Fund Study, Newyork: Pantheon.
  • Neary, J.P. (2000). “Monopolistic Competition and International Trade Theory”, Univ. College Dublin and CPER Working Papers, No.200025.
  • Neary, J.P. (2004). “The Stolper-Samuelson Theorem”http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download;jsessionid=A723A39C8CCF1D0FB51886FA07E2F5DB?doi= (accessed June 10, 2021).
  • Nurkse, R. (1953). “Problems of Capital Formation in Underdeveloped Countries”, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Porter, E.M. (1998). “The Competitive Advantages of Nations. New Edition”, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Posner, M.V. (1961). “International Trade and Technical Change”, Oxford Economic Papers, 13(3), 323-41.
  • Rabin, A.A., and Yeager B. (1982). “Monetary Approaches to the Balance of Payments & Exchange Rates”, Princeton University Essay in International Finance, No.148.
  • Rogoff, K. (2005). “Paul Samuelson’s Contributions to International Economics”, Prepared for Volume in Honor of Paul Samuelson’s 90th Birthday, ed. Michael Stenberg. https://scholar. harvard.edu/files/rogoff/files/samuelson.pdf (accessed June 15, 2021).
  • Rose, A.K., and Janet L.Y. (1989). “Is There a J-Curve?”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 24, 53-68.
  • Rose, A.K. (1991). “The Role of Exchange Rates in a Popular Model of International Trade: Does the Marshall-Lerner Condition Hold”, Journal of International Economics, 30, 301-16.
  • Ruffin, R.J. (2005). “Debunking a Myth Torrens on Comparative Advantage”, History of Political Economy, 37(4), 711-22.
  • Ruffin, R.J. (2011). “International Trade in the Long Run”, In Palgrave Handbook of International Trade, ed. Daniel Bernhofen, Rod Falvey, David Greenaway and Udo Kreickemeir., London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Salvatore, D. (2001). “International Economics”, 7th ed. , New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Samuelson, P.A. (1996). “Gottfried Haberler (1900-1995)”, The Economic Journal, 106, 1679-87.
  • Schumacher, R. (2012). “Adam Smith’s Theory of Absolute Advantage and the Use of Doxography in the History of Economics”, Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 5(2), 54-80.
  • Sen, A. K. (1999). “Development as Freedom”, New York: Alfred A. Knopf
  • Sen, S. (2010). “International Trade Theory and Policy: A Review of the Literature”, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College Working Paper, No.635.
  • Seers, D. (1967). “The meaning of development”, IDS Communication, No. 44.
  • Seyidoğlu, H. (2017). “Teori Politika ve Uygulama”, İstanbul: Güzem Can Yayınları
  • Stern, R.M. (1962). “British and American Productivity and Comparative Costs in International Trade”, Oxford Economic Papers, 14(3), 275-96.
  • Stern, R.M., and Maskus K.E. (1981). “Determinants of the Structure of U.S. Foreign Trade, 1958-76”, Journal of International Economics, 11, 207-24.
  • Stiglitz, J.E., and Dixit A.K. (1977). “Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity”, The American Economic Review, 67(3), 297-308.
  • Sun, S.L. (2009). “Internationalization Strategy of Mynes from Emerging Economies: The Case of Huwai”, Multinational Business Review, 17(2), 129-55.
  • Tatemoto, M., and Ichimura S. (1959). “Factor Proportions and Foreign Trade: The Case of Japan”, Review of Economics and Statistics, 41, 442-46.
  • Taylor, M. (1986). “The Product-Cycle Model: A Critique”, Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 18(6), 751-61.
  • Tinbergen, J. (1962). “Shaping the World Economy: Suggestions for An International Economic Policy”, New York: The Twentieth Century Fund. Vernon, R. (1966). “International Investment and International Trade in the Product Cycle”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 80(2), 190-207.
  • Vernon, R. (1979). “The Product Cycle Hypothesis in A New International Environment”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 41(4), 255-67.
  • Wells, L.T. (1968). “A Product Life Cycle for International Trade”, Journal of Marketing, 32(3), 1-6.
  • Yoshii, S., Fujimoto T., and Shiozawa Y. (2019). “Was Adam Smith A Proponent of Absolute Advantage Theory? A Formative History of An Urban Legend & Lessons Learned”, NUCB Discussion Paper, No.190.


Year 2021, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 22 - 44, 23.08.2021


Gelişim farkı modeli, gelişmiş sektörlerdeki ticaret dengesinin niteliğini göz önüne alarak ülkelerin ticaret kazançları arasındaki farklılığa odaklanmaktadır. Analiz bölümünde on gelişmekte olan ülke için doğrusal olmayan Yapay Sinir Ağı tekniği kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, Çin ve Tayland'ın toplam uluslararası ticaret getirileri artan bir eğilim gösterirken, Endonezya, Paraguay, Kolombiya, Türkiye, Arjantin ve Meksika'nın toplam ticaret getirileri sert bir düşüş eğilimi sergilemektedir. Diğer taraftan, Hindistan ve Brezilya'da toplam ticaret getirilerinin eğilimi genel olarak negatiftir, ancak bu eğilim tutarsız bir şekilde azalmaktadır.


  • Anderson, J.E. (1979). “A Theoretical Foundation for the Gravity Equation”, American Economic Review, 69(1), 106-16.
  • Antràs, P. (2005). “Incomplete Contracts and the Product Cycle”, American Economic Review, 95(4), 1054-73.
  • Arip, M.A., Lau S.Y., and Satoru M. (2011). “An Analysis of Intra-Industry Trade Between Japan, Malaysia and China”, International Journal of Institutions and Economies, 3(1), 1-30.
  • Balassa, B. (1963). “An Empirical Demonstration of Classical Comparative Cost Theory”, Review of Economics and Statistics, 45, 231-38.
  • Bashir, M.S., and Rashid Z. (2005). “Skill Content in Malaysia's Manufacturing Trade: Keesing Approach”, Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship, 2, 83-105.
  • Bharadwaj, R. (1962). “Factor Proportions and the Structure of Indo-US Trade”, Indian Economic Journal, 10, 105-16.
  • Blecker, R.A. (1997). “The Unnatural and Retrograde Order: Adam Smith’s Theories of Trade and Development Reconsidered”, Economica, 64(255), 537-37.
  • Blume, L.E., and Sargent T.J. (2015). “Harrod 1939*.” The Economic Journal, 125, 350-77.
  • Bowen, H.P., Leamer E.E., and Sveikauskas L. (1987). “Multicountry, Multifactor Tests of the Factor Abundance Theory”, The American Economic Review, 77(5), 791-809.
  • Brooks, T.J. (1999). “Currency Depreciation and the Trade Balance: An Elasticity Approach and Test of the Marshall-Lerner Condition for Bilateral Trade Between the US and the G-7”, PhD diss., Wisconsin Milwaukee Univ.
  • Brun, J.F., Carrere C., Guillaumont P., and Melo J. ( 2005). “Has Distance Died? Evidence From A Panel Gravity Model”, The World Bank Economic Review, 19(1), 99-120.
  • Caves, R. (1981). “Intra-industry Trade and Market Structure in the Industrial Countries”, Oxford Economic Papers, 33(2), 203-23.
  • Cheng, W.L., Sachs J.D., and Yang X. (1999). “An Inframarginal Analysis of the Heckscher-Ohlin Model with Transaction Costs and Technological Comparative Advantage”, CID at Harvard Univ. Working Paper, No.9.
  • Choi, C. (2002). “Linder Hypothesis Revisited”, Applied Economics Letters, 9, 601-5.
  • Chow, P., Kellman M., and Shachmurove Y. (1994). “East Asian NIC Manufactured Intra industry Trade 1965-1990”, Journal of Asian Economies, 5(3), 335-48.
  • Das, G.G. (2007). “Intra industry Trade and Development: Revisiting Theory, Measurement, and New Evidences”, MPRA Paper, No.37260.
  • Deardorff, A.V. (1984). “Testing Trade Theories and Predicting Trade Flow”, Vol.1, chap.10 of handbook of international economics, ed. R.W. Jones and P.B. Kenen, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers.
  • Dhliwayo, R. (1996). “The Balance of Payments as A Monetary Phenomenon: An Econometric Study of Zimbabwe’s Experience”, AERC Research Paper, No.46.
  • Easterly, W. (1997). “The Ghost of Financing Gap: How the Harrod-Domar Growth Model Still Haunts Development Economics”, The World Bank Development Research Group Policy Research Working Paper, No.1807.
  • Faccarello, G. (2015). “The Elgar Companion to David Ricardo.” Ed. H.D. Kurz and N. Salvadori, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Fajgelbaum, P.D., Grossman G.M., and Helpman E. (2014). “A Linder Hypothesis for Foreign Direct Investment”, NBER Working Paper, No.17750.
  • Fargerberg, J. (1987). “A Technology Gap Approach to Why Growth Rates Differ”, Research Policy, 16(2-4), 87-99.
  • Ferretti, G.M.M., and Razin A. (1998). “Current Account Reversals and Currency Crises: Empirical Regularities”, IMF Working Paper, No.WP/98/89.
  • Fisher, E.O’N., and Marshall K.G. (2015). “Leontief Was Not Right After All”, https://citeseerx .ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= (accessed June 10, 2021).
  • Francois, J.F., and Kaplan S. (1996). “Aggregate Demand Shifts, Income Distribution, and the Linder Hypothesis”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 78(2), 244-50.
  • Frieden, J. (2009). “Global Trade in the Aftermath of the Global Crisis”, In the Great Trade Collapse: Causes, Consequences and Prospects, ed. Richard Baldwin, 25-29. Centre for Economic Policy Research: A VoxEU.org. E-book. https://vox eu.org/system/files/epublication/great_trade_collapse.pdf (accessed June 10, 2021).
  • Frieden, J. (2012). “A Mercantilist World Economy.” In the Modern Capitalist World Economy: A Historical Overview, ed. Dennis Mueller, 17-37. New York: Oxford Univ. Press. https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/jfrieden/files/modern_capitalist_economy__page_proofs.pdf (accessed May 15, 2021).
  • Golub, S.S. (1994). “Comparative Advantage Exchange Rates, and Sectoral Trade Balances on Major Industrial Countries”, IMF Staff Papers, 41, 286-313. Greytak, D., and Tuchinda U. (1990). “The Composition of Consumption and Trade Intensities: An Alternative Test of the Linder Hypothesis”, Weltwirtschaftliches-Archiv, 126, 50-58.
  • Grubel, H., and Lloyd P. (2007). “The Empirical Measurement of Intra‐industry Trade”, Economic Record, 47(4), 494-517.
  • Gupta, S.D. (2015). “Comparative Advantage & Competitive Advantage: An Economics Perspective & A Synthesis”, Athens Journal of Business and Economics, 1(1), 9-22.
  • Haberler, G. (1933). “The Theory of International Trade”, London: George Allen & Unwin.
  • Hallak, J.C. (2010). “A Product-Quality View of the Linder Hypothesis”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 92(3), 453-66.
  • Hofstede, G.H. (1980). “Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in work-Related Values”, Beverly Hills/London: Sage.
  • Hoftyzer, J. (1984). “A Further Analysis of the Linder Trade Thesis”, Quarterly Review of Economics and Business, 24(2), 57-70.
  • Huang, W.L., Nakamori K.K., Wang Y.S., and Yu L. (2007). “Neural Networks in Finance and Economics Forecasting”, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 6(1), 113-40.
  • Johnson, H.G. (1977). “Money, Balance of Payments Theory, and the International Monetary Problem”, Princeton University Essay in International Finance, No.124.
  • Jurcic, L., Josic H., and Josic M. (2013). “Testing Rybczynski Theorem: An Evidence from the Selected European Transition Countries”, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences MCSER Publishing, 4(10), 99-105.
  • Kandil, M. (2009). “Exchange Rate Fluctuations and the Balance of Payments: Channels of Interaction in Developing and Developed Countries”, Journal of Economic Integration, 24(1), 151-74.
  • Kennedy, T.E., and McHugh R. (1980). “An Intertemporal Test and Rejection of the Linder Hypothesis”, Southern Economic Journal, 46(3): 898-903.
  • King, J.T., and Yanochik M.A. (2011). “John Stuart Mill and the Economic Rationale for Organized Labor”, The American Economist, 56(2), 28-34.
  • Krugman, P.R., and Obstfeld M. (1994). “International Economics: Theory & Policy”, Third Edition. New York: HarperCollins College Publishers.
  • Krugman, P.R., Obsfeld M., and Melitz M.A. (2012). “International Economics: Theory & Policy”, 9th ed. Boston: Pearson.
  • Leamer, E.E. (1995). “The Heckscher-Ohlin Model in Theory and Practice”, Princeton Studies in International Finance, No.77.
  • Leamer, E.E. (1980). “The Leontief Paradox Reconsidered”, Journal of Political Economy, 88(3), 495-503.
  • Leontief, W. (1954). “Domestic Production and Foreign Trade; the American Capital Position Re-examined”, Economia Internazionale, 7, 3–32, In Readings in International Economics, Caves R. E. and Johnson H. G. (eds.,), Homewood, Illinois; R. D. Irwin, 1968, pp. 503–527 ).
  • Linnemann, H., and Beers C.V. (1988). “Measures of Export Import Similarity and the Linder Hypothesis Once Again”, Weltwirtschaftliches-Archiv, 24(3), 445-57.
  • Lowinger, T.C. (1975). “The Technology Factor and the Export Performance of U.S. Manufacturing Industries”, Economic Inquiry, 13, 221-36.
  • MacDougall, D. (1951). “British and American Exports: A Study Suggested by the Theory of Comparative Costs”, Economic Journal, 61, 697-724.
  • Mauro, B. (2015). “Modeling Economic Growth: Domar on Moving Equilibrium”, CHOPE Working Paper, No.2015-10.
  • Melitz, M.J. (2003). “The Impact of Trade on Intra-industry Reallocations and Aggregate Industry Productivity”, Econometrica, 71, 1695-1725.
  • Meoqui, J.M. (2010). “Smith’s and Ricardo’s Common Logic of Trade”, MPRA Paper, No.27143.
  • Mynit, H. (1977). “Adam Smith’s Theory of International Trade in Perspective of Economic Development”, Economica, 33(175), 231-48.
  • Myrdal G. (1968). “Asian Drama: An Inquiry into the Poverty of Nations”, Vol 3, A Twentieth Century Fund Study, Newyork: Pantheon.
  • Neary, J.P. (2000). “Monopolistic Competition and International Trade Theory”, Univ. College Dublin and CPER Working Papers, No.200025.
  • Neary, J.P. (2004). “The Stolper-Samuelson Theorem”http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download;jsessionid=A723A39C8CCF1D0FB51886FA07E2F5DB?doi= (accessed June 10, 2021).
  • Nurkse, R. (1953). “Problems of Capital Formation in Underdeveloped Countries”, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Porter, E.M. (1998). “The Competitive Advantages of Nations. New Edition”, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Posner, M.V. (1961). “International Trade and Technical Change”, Oxford Economic Papers, 13(3), 323-41.
  • Rabin, A.A., and Yeager B. (1982). “Monetary Approaches to the Balance of Payments & Exchange Rates”, Princeton University Essay in International Finance, No.148.
  • Rogoff, K. (2005). “Paul Samuelson’s Contributions to International Economics”, Prepared for Volume in Honor of Paul Samuelson’s 90th Birthday, ed. Michael Stenberg. https://scholar. harvard.edu/files/rogoff/files/samuelson.pdf (accessed June 15, 2021).
  • Rose, A.K., and Janet L.Y. (1989). “Is There a J-Curve?”, Journal of Monetary Economics, 24, 53-68.
  • Rose, A.K. (1991). “The Role of Exchange Rates in a Popular Model of International Trade: Does the Marshall-Lerner Condition Hold”, Journal of International Economics, 30, 301-16.
  • Ruffin, R.J. (2005). “Debunking a Myth Torrens on Comparative Advantage”, History of Political Economy, 37(4), 711-22.
  • Ruffin, R.J. (2011). “International Trade in the Long Run”, In Palgrave Handbook of International Trade, ed. Daniel Bernhofen, Rod Falvey, David Greenaway and Udo Kreickemeir., London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Salvatore, D. (2001). “International Economics”, 7th ed. , New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Samuelson, P.A. (1996). “Gottfried Haberler (1900-1995)”, The Economic Journal, 106, 1679-87.
  • Schumacher, R. (2012). “Adam Smith’s Theory of Absolute Advantage and the Use of Doxography in the History of Economics”, Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 5(2), 54-80.
  • Sen, A. K. (1999). “Development as Freedom”, New York: Alfred A. Knopf
  • Sen, S. (2010). “International Trade Theory and Policy: A Review of the Literature”, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College Working Paper, No.635.
  • Seers, D. (1967). “The meaning of development”, IDS Communication, No. 44.
  • Seyidoğlu, H. (2017). “Teori Politika ve Uygulama”, İstanbul: Güzem Can Yayınları
  • Stern, R.M. (1962). “British and American Productivity and Comparative Costs in International Trade”, Oxford Economic Papers, 14(3), 275-96.
  • Stern, R.M., and Maskus K.E. (1981). “Determinants of the Structure of U.S. Foreign Trade, 1958-76”, Journal of International Economics, 11, 207-24.
  • Stiglitz, J.E., and Dixit A.K. (1977). “Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity”, The American Economic Review, 67(3), 297-308.
  • Sun, S.L. (2009). “Internationalization Strategy of Mynes from Emerging Economies: The Case of Huwai”, Multinational Business Review, 17(2), 129-55.
  • Tatemoto, M., and Ichimura S. (1959). “Factor Proportions and Foreign Trade: The Case of Japan”, Review of Economics and Statistics, 41, 442-46.
  • Taylor, M. (1986). “The Product-Cycle Model: A Critique”, Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 18(6), 751-61.
  • Tinbergen, J. (1962). “Shaping the World Economy: Suggestions for An International Economic Policy”, New York: The Twentieth Century Fund. Vernon, R. (1966). “International Investment and International Trade in the Product Cycle”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 80(2), 190-207.
  • Vernon, R. (1979). “The Product Cycle Hypothesis in A New International Environment”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 41(4), 255-67.
  • Wells, L.T. (1968). “A Product Life Cycle for International Trade”, Journal of Marketing, 32(3), 1-6.
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There are 81 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Articles

Tayfun Tuncay Tosun 0000-0003-2489-876X

Publication Date August 23, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


APA Tosun, T. T. (2021). THE DEVELOPMENT DISPARITY MODEL: A DYNAMIC APPROACH TO INTERNATIONAL TRADE. Uluslararası Ticaret Ve Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(1), 22-44. https://doi.org/10.30711/utead.950663