Research Article
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Year 2022, , 1446 - 1476, 29.12.2022



  • Ali, M. Athar, “The Passing of Empire: The Mughal Case”, Modern Asian Studies, IX/3 (1975), s. 385-396.
  • Bayur, Y. Hikmet, Hindistan Tarihi (1526-1737), II, TTK Basımevi, Ankara 1987.
  • Chandra, Satish, Medieval India; Society, the Jagirdari Crisis and the Village, New Delhi 1982.
  • Chandra, Satish, Parties and Politics at the Mughal Court, 1707-1740, People’s Publishing House, Delhi 1972.
  • Duff, James G., A History of the Mahrattas, Longmans, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London 1826.
  • Elphinstone, Mountstuart, History of India: The Hindu and Mahometan Periods, John Murray, London 1857.
  • Faruqui, Munis D., The Princes of the Mughal Empire, 1504–1719, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2012.
  • Fisher, Micheal H., Bâbürlüler: Hindistan'da Bir Türk İmparatorluğu, çev. M. Fatih Çalışır, Kronik, İstanbul 2020.
  • Foltz, Richard C., Mughal India and Central Asia, Oxford University, Karachi 1998.
  • Habib, Irfan, Agrarian System of Mughal India, 1556-1707, Asia Publishing House, New York 1963.
  • Hafi Han, Müntehab’ül Lübab, II, Kebîrüddin Ahmed ve Gulâm Kâdir (ed.), The Urdoo Guide Press, Kalküta 1874.
  • Inayat Khan, The Shah Jahan Nama of Inayat Khan: an Abridged History of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan, W. Begley and Z. Desai (ed.), Oxford University Press, Delhi 1990.
  • Ishwardas Nagar, Fütuhat-i Alamgiri, Tasneem Ahmad (ed.), Idarah-i Adabiyat-i Delhi, Delhi 1978.
  • Islam, Riazul, Indo-Persian Relations: A Study of The Political and Diplomatic Relations Between The Mughal Empire and Iran, Ripon Printing Press, Tahran 1970.
  • Lahori, Abdulhamid, Padişahname, I, M. Kabiruddin Ahmad and M. Abdur Rahim (ed.), College Press, Kalküta 1867.
  • Lahori, Abdulhamid, Padişahname, II, M. Kabiruddin Ahmad and M. Abdur Rahim (ed.), College Press, Kalküta 1867.
  • Lal, Muni, Aurangzeb, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 1923.
  • Lane-Poole, Stanley, Aurangzib and the Decay of the Mughal Empire, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1901.
  • M. Athar Ali, The Mughal Nobility under Aurangzeb, Asia Publishing House, Bombay 1970.
  • Mahomed Kasım Ferishta, History of the Rise of the Mahomedan Power in India, II, çev. John Briggs, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London 1829.
  • Muhammed Müstaid Han, Me’âsir-i Âlemgîrî, Âgâ Ahmed Ali (nşr.), Baptist Mission Press, Kalküta 1870-73.
  • Muhammed Salih Kenbu, Amal-i Salih, I, Gulam Yezdani (ed.), Şefik Press, Lahor 1967.
  • Muhammed Salih Kenbu, Amal-i Salih, III. Seyyid Ahmed Şah (ed.), Mahmud Printing Press, Lahor 1960.
  • Münşî Muhammad Kâzım, Âlemgîrnâme, Hâdim Hüseyin-Abdülhay (nşr.), College Press, Kalküta 1868.
  • Nizami, K. Ahmad, “Dekken”, DİA, IX, TDV Yayınları, İstanbul 1994, s. 112-113.
  • Oruç, Cihan, “XVI. Yüzyılda Babürlüler, Dekken Sultanlıkları Üzerinde Nasıl Bir Siyaset İzlediler?” Türkiye Hindistan Çalışmaları I, APAM, Ankara 2021, s. 161-179.
  • Prasad, Ishwari, History of Medieval India, The Indian Press, Allahabad 1933.
  • Richards, John F., “The Imperial Crisis in the Deccan”, The Journal of Asian Studies, 35/II (1976), s. 237-256.
  • Richards, John F., Mughal Administration in Golconda, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1975.
  • Saqi Mustad Khan, Maâsir-i Âlamgiri, çev. Jadunath Sarkar, Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, Kalküta 1947.
  • Sarkar, Jadunath, A Short History of Aurangzib, M.c. Sarkar And Sons, Kalküta 1930.
  • Sarkar, Jadunath, Studies in Mughal India, M.C. Sarkar, Kalküta 1919.
  • Selected Documents of Shah Jahan’s Reign, Yusuf H. Khan (ed.), Daftar-i-Diwani, Hyderabad 1950, s. 183-186.
  • Seyyid Ali Tabâtabâî, Burhân-ı Meâsîr, Matbaa-i Camia-i, Delhi, 1936.

Evrengzîb’in (Âlemgîr I) Dekken Siyaseti

Year 2022, , 1446 - 1476, 29.12.2022


Evrengzîb, Bâbürlü Devletini geniş hudutlara ve ihtişamlı bir yapıya ulaştırmayı başardı. Hükümdarlığının ilk döneminde ihtiyatlı bir siyaset izleyen Evrengzîb’in Dekken Şiî sultanlıklarının ilhakı ve Marataların Batı Dekken’deki faaliyetlerinin sonlandırılması için verdiği mücadelesi onun saltanat hayatının son dönemine damga vurdu. Ekber Şah döneminde başlayan güneye yönelik yayılma siyaseti, Cihangir ve Şah Cihan dönemlerinde devam etti, ancak nihaî bir sonuç elde edilemedi. Evrengzîb, bu genişleme siyasetini Bâbürlülerin ana hedefi yaparak sürdürdü. 1681 yılından itibaren Dekken’deki askerî harekâtlara yoğunluk vererek devletin ağırlık merkezini güneye taşıdı. Evrengzîb, seleflerinin nihayete erdiremediği güney siyasetini farklılaşan konjonktürün zorluğu içinde sonuca ulaştırmak için mücadele verdi. Dekken sultanlıklarının direnci zorlu mücadeleleri beraberinde getirdi. Evrengzîb’in bu süreçteki en güçlü rakibi Marataları örgütleyerek yerli bir Hindu devleti meydana getirmeye çalışan Sîvâcî oldu. Dekken siyaseti üzerine yapılan incelemeler genel itibariyle Evrengzîb’in dinî politikası ve doğurduğu sonuçlar ile ilişkili olarak Bâbürlülerin, XVIII. yüzyılın başından itibaren içerisine girdiği gerileme kapsamında ele alınmıştır. Bu araştırmada, Evrengzîb’in Dekken siyasetini devrin vekayinâmeleri ışığında sistematik bir yaklaşım ile ele alarak Bâbürlülerin malî ve idarî gereksinimleri için hayati olan bu politikanın devamlılığına vurgu yapılacaktır. Bununla birlikte, Evrengzîb’in Dekken sultanlıklarına yönelik olarak şehzadeliğinden itibaren takip ettiği ilhak siyasetinin temelsiz bir politika olmadığı ortaya koyulacaktır. Araştırmamızda, Dekken’deki fetih hareketlerinin hangi hedefler ışığında şekillendiği ve Evrengzîb’in hangi politikaları ile neticeye ulaştığı ifade edilecektir. Bu genişleme politikasının siyasî bağlamı ve aksaklıkları değerlendirilmeye çalışılacaktır. Ayrıca Evrengzîb döneminde Dekken’deki hızlı genişlemenin olumsuz sonuçlarına da değinilecektir.


  • Ali, M. Athar, “The Passing of Empire: The Mughal Case”, Modern Asian Studies, IX/3 (1975), s. 385-396.
  • Bayur, Y. Hikmet, Hindistan Tarihi (1526-1737), II, TTK Basımevi, Ankara 1987.
  • Chandra, Satish, Medieval India; Society, the Jagirdari Crisis and the Village, New Delhi 1982.
  • Chandra, Satish, Parties and Politics at the Mughal Court, 1707-1740, People’s Publishing House, Delhi 1972.
  • Duff, James G., A History of the Mahrattas, Longmans, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London 1826.
  • Elphinstone, Mountstuart, History of India: The Hindu and Mahometan Periods, John Murray, London 1857.
  • Faruqui, Munis D., The Princes of the Mughal Empire, 1504–1719, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2012.
  • Fisher, Micheal H., Bâbürlüler: Hindistan'da Bir Türk İmparatorluğu, çev. M. Fatih Çalışır, Kronik, İstanbul 2020.
  • Foltz, Richard C., Mughal India and Central Asia, Oxford University, Karachi 1998.
  • Habib, Irfan, Agrarian System of Mughal India, 1556-1707, Asia Publishing House, New York 1963.
  • Hafi Han, Müntehab’ül Lübab, II, Kebîrüddin Ahmed ve Gulâm Kâdir (ed.), The Urdoo Guide Press, Kalküta 1874.
  • Inayat Khan, The Shah Jahan Nama of Inayat Khan: an Abridged History of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan, W. Begley and Z. Desai (ed.), Oxford University Press, Delhi 1990.
  • Ishwardas Nagar, Fütuhat-i Alamgiri, Tasneem Ahmad (ed.), Idarah-i Adabiyat-i Delhi, Delhi 1978.
  • Islam, Riazul, Indo-Persian Relations: A Study of The Political and Diplomatic Relations Between The Mughal Empire and Iran, Ripon Printing Press, Tahran 1970.
  • Lahori, Abdulhamid, Padişahname, I, M. Kabiruddin Ahmad and M. Abdur Rahim (ed.), College Press, Kalküta 1867.
  • Lahori, Abdulhamid, Padişahname, II, M. Kabiruddin Ahmad and M. Abdur Rahim (ed.), College Press, Kalküta 1867.
  • Lal, Muni, Aurangzeb, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 1923.
  • Lane-Poole, Stanley, Aurangzib and the Decay of the Mughal Empire, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1901.
  • M. Athar Ali, The Mughal Nobility under Aurangzeb, Asia Publishing House, Bombay 1970.
  • Mahomed Kasım Ferishta, History of the Rise of the Mahomedan Power in India, II, çev. John Briggs, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London 1829.
  • Muhammed Müstaid Han, Me’âsir-i Âlemgîrî, Âgâ Ahmed Ali (nşr.), Baptist Mission Press, Kalküta 1870-73.
  • Muhammed Salih Kenbu, Amal-i Salih, I, Gulam Yezdani (ed.), Şefik Press, Lahor 1967.
  • Muhammed Salih Kenbu, Amal-i Salih, III. Seyyid Ahmed Şah (ed.), Mahmud Printing Press, Lahor 1960.
  • Münşî Muhammad Kâzım, Âlemgîrnâme, Hâdim Hüseyin-Abdülhay (nşr.), College Press, Kalküta 1868.
  • Nizami, K. Ahmad, “Dekken”, DİA, IX, TDV Yayınları, İstanbul 1994, s. 112-113.
  • Oruç, Cihan, “XVI. Yüzyılda Babürlüler, Dekken Sultanlıkları Üzerinde Nasıl Bir Siyaset İzlediler?” Türkiye Hindistan Çalışmaları I, APAM, Ankara 2021, s. 161-179.
  • Prasad, Ishwari, History of Medieval India, The Indian Press, Allahabad 1933.
  • Richards, John F., “The Imperial Crisis in the Deccan”, The Journal of Asian Studies, 35/II (1976), s. 237-256.
  • Richards, John F., Mughal Administration in Golconda, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1975.
  • Saqi Mustad Khan, Maâsir-i Âlamgiri, çev. Jadunath Sarkar, Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, Kalküta 1947.
  • Sarkar, Jadunath, A Short History of Aurangzib, M.c. Sarkar And Sons, Kalküta 1930.
  • Sarkar, Jadunath, Studies in Mughal India, M.C. Sarkar, Kalküta 1919.
  • Selected Documents of Shah Jahan’s Reign, Yusuf H. Khan (ed.), Daftar-i-Diwani, Hyderabad 1950, s. 183-186.
  • Seyyid Ali Tabâtabâî, Burhân-ı Meâsîr, Matbaa-i Camia-i, Delhi, 1936.

The Deccan Policy of Aurangzeb (Alamgir I)

Year 2022, , 1446 - 1476, 29.12.2022


He succeeded in bringing the Baburid State to wide borders and a mighty build. Aurangzeb followed a prudent policy in the early part of his reign. The last period of Aurangzeb’s life was marked by his struggle for the annexation of the Shi’i Deccan sultanates and for the termination of the Marathas activities in the Western Deccan. The policy of expansion towards the south, which started during the reign of Akbar, continued in the periods of Jahangir and Shah Jahan, but this policy could not be concluded. Aurangzeb continued this expansion policy by making it the main target of the Baburids. Since 1681, he concentrated the military operations in Deccan and moved the center of gravity of the state to the south. The resistance of the Deccan sultanates revealed difficult struggles. Aurangzeb’s strongest opponent in this process was Shivaji, who tried to create a native Hindu state by organizing the Marathas. Deccan politics has been evaluated within the scope of the regression of the Baburids since the beginning of the XVIIth century, in relation to the religious policy of Aurangzeb and its consequences. In this research, the continuity of this policy, which is vital for the financial and administrative needs of the Baburids, will be emphasized by considering the Deccan policy of Aurangzeb with a systematic approach in the light of the records of the period. It will be revealed that the annexation policy that Aurangzeb has followed for the Deccan sultanates since he was a prince is not an baseless policy. In this study, it will be stated that the conquest movements in Deccan were shaped in the light of which goals and which policies Aurangzeb achieved. In this study, It will be stated that the conquest movements in Dekken were shaped in the light of which goals and with which policy of Aurangzeb reached the result. The political context and deficiencies of this enlargement policy will be evaluated. In addition, the negative consequences of the rapid expansion in the Deccan during the Aurangzeb’s period will be mentioned.


  • Ali, M. Athar, “The Passing of Empire: The Mughal Case”, Modern Asian Studies, IX/3 (1975), s. 385-396.
  • Bayur, Y. Hikmet, Hindistan Tarihi (1526-1737), II, TTK Basımevi, Ankara 1987.
  • Chandra, Satish, Medieval India; Society, the Jagirdari Crisis and the Village, New Delhi 1982.
  • Chandra, Satish, Parties and Politics at the Mughal Court, 1707-1740, People’s Publishing House, Delhi 1972.
  • Duff, James G., A History of the Mahrattas, Longmans, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London 1826.
  • Elphinstone, Mountstuart, History of India: The Hindu and Mahometan Periods, John Murray, London 1857.
  • Faruqui, Munis D., The Princes of the Mughal Empire, 1504–1719, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2012.
  • Fisher, Micheal H., Bâbürlüler: Hindistan'da Bir Türk İmparatorluğu, çev. M. Fatih Çalışır, Kronik, İstanbul 2020.
  • Foltz, Richard C., Mughal India and Central Asia, Oxford University, Karachi 1998.
  • Habib, Irfan, Agrarian System of Mughal India, 1556-1707, Asia Publishing House, New York 1963.
  • Hafi Han, Müntehab’ül Lübab, II, Kebîrüddin Ahmed ve Gulâm Kâdir (ed.), The Urdoo Guide Press, Kalküta 1874.
  • Inayat Khan, The Shah Jahan Nama of Inayat Khan: an Abridged History of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan, W. Begley and Z. Desai (ed.), Oxford University Press, Delhi 1990.
  • Ishwardas Nagar, Fütuhat-i Alamgiri, Tasneem Ahmad (ed.), Idarah-i Adabiyat-i Delhi, Delhi 1978.
  • Islam, Riazul, Indo-Persian Relations: A Study of The Political and Diplomatic Relations Between The Mughal Empire and Iran, Ripon Printing Press, Tahran 1970.
  • Lahori, Abdulhamid, Padişahname, I, M. Kabiruddin Ahmad and M. Abdur Rahim (ed.), College Press, Kalküta 1867.
  • Lahori, Abdulhamid, Padişahname, II, M. Kabiruddin Ahmad and M. Abdur Rahim (ed.), College Press, Kalküta 1867.
  • Lal, Muni, Aurangzeb, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 1923.
  • Lane-Poole, Stanley, Aurangzib and the Decay of the Mughal Empire, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1901.
  • M. Athar Ali, The Mughal Nobility under Aurangzeb, Asia Publishing House, Bombay 1970.
  • Mahomed Kasım Ferishta, History of the Rise of the Mahomedan Power in India, II, çev. John Briggs, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London 1829.
  • Muhammed Müstaid Han, Me’âsir-i Âlemgîrî, Âgâ Ahmed Ali (nşr.), Baptist Mission Press, Kalküta 1870-73.
  • Muhammed Salih Kenbu, Amal-i Salih, I, Gulam Yezdani (ed.), Şefik Press, Lahor 1967.
  • Muhammed Salih Kenbu, Amal-i Salih, III. Seyyid Ahmed Şah (ed.), Mahmud Printing Press, Lahor 1960.
  • Münşî Muhammad Kâzım, Âlemgîrnâme, Hâdim Hüseyin-Abdülhay (nşr.), College Press, Kalküta 1868.
  • Nizami, K. Ahmad, “Dekken”, DİA, IX, TDV Yayınları, İstanbul 1994, s. 112-113.
  • Oruç, Cihan, “XVI. Yüzyılda Babürlüler, Dekken Sultanlıkları Üzerinde Nasıl Bir Siyaset İzlediler?” Türkiye Hindistan Çalışmaları I, APAM, Ankara 2021, s. 161-179.
  • Prasad, Ishwari, History of Medieval India, The Indian Press, Allahabad 1933.
  • Richards, John F., “The Imperial Crisis in the Deccan”, The Journal of Asian Studies, 35/II (1976), s. 237-256.
  • Richards, John F., Mughal Administration in Golconda, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1975.
  • Saqi Mustad Khan, Maâsir-i Âlamgiri, çev. Jadunath Sarkar, Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, Kalküta 1947.
  • Sarkar, Jadunath, A Short History of Aurangzib, M.c. Sarkar And Sons, Kalküta 1930.
  • Sarkar, Jadunath, Studies in Mughal India, M.C. Sarkar, Kalküta 1919.
  • Selected Documents of Shah Jahan’s Reign, Yusuf H. Khan (ed.), Daftar-i-Diwani, Hyderabad 1950, s. 183-186.
  • Seyyid Ali Tabâtabâî, Burhân-ı Meâsîr, Matbaa-i Camia-i, Delhi, 1936.
Year 2022, , 1446 - 1476, 29.12.2022



  • Ali, M. Athar, “The Passing of Empire: The Mughal Case”, Modern Asian Studies, IX/3 (1975), s. 385-396.
  • Bayur, Y. Hikmet, Hindistan Tarihi (1526-1737), II, TTK Basımevi, Ankara 1987.
  • Chandra, Satish, Medieval India; Society, the Jagirdari Crisis and the Village, New Delhi 1982.
  • Chandra, Satish, Parties and Politics at the Mughal Court, 1707-1740, People’s Publishing House, Delhi 1972.
  • Duff, James G., A History of the Mahrattas, Longmans, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London 1826.
  • Elphinstone, Mountstuart, History of India: The Hindu and Mahometan Periods, John Murray, London 1857.
  • Faruqui, Munis D., The Princes of the Mughal Empire, 1504–1719, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2012.
  • Fisher, Micheal H., Bâbürlüler: Hindistan'da Bir Türk İmparatorluğu, çev. M. Fatih Çalışır, Kronik, İstanbul 2020.
  • Foltz, Richard C., Mughal India and Central Asia, Oxford University, Karachi 1998.
  • Habib, Irfan, Agrarian System of Mughal India, 1556-1707, Asia Publishing House, New York 1963.
  • Hafi Han, Müntehab’ül Lübab, II, Kebîrüddin Ahmed ve Gulâm Kâdir (ed.), The Urdoo Guide Press, Kalküta 1874.
  • Inayat Khan, The Shah Jahan Nama of Inayat Khan: an Abridged History of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan, W. Begley and Z. Desai (ed.), Oxford University Press, Delhi 1990.
  • Ishwardas Nagar, Fütuhat-i Alamgiri, Tasneem Ahmad (ed.), Idarah-i Adabiyat-i Delhi, Delhi 1978.
  • Islam, Riazul, Indo-Persian Relations: A Study of The Political and Diplomatic Relations Between The Mughal Empire and Iran, Ripon Printing Press, Tahran 1970.
  • Lahori, Abdulhamid, Padişahname, I, M. Kabiruddin Ahmad and M. Abdur Rahim (ed.), College Press, Kalküta 1867.
  • Lahori, Abdulhamid, Padişahname, II, M. Kabiruddin Ahmad and M. Abdur Rahim (ed.), College Press, Kalküta 1867.
  • Lal, Muni, Aurangzeb, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 1923.
  • Lane-Poole, Stanley, Aurangzib and the Decay of the Mughal Empire, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1901.
  • M. Athar Ali, The Mughal Nobility under Aurangzeb, Asia Publishing House, Bombay 1970.
  • Mahomed Kasım Ferishta, History of the Rise of the Mahomedan Power in India, II, çev. John Briggs, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London 1829.
  • Muhammed Müstaid Han, Me’âsir-i Âlemgîrî, Âgâ Ahmed Ali (nşr.), Baptist Mission Press, Kalküta 1870-73.
  • Muhammed Salih Kenbu, Amal-i Salih, I, Gulam Yezdani (ed.), Şefik Press, Lahor 1967.
  • Muhammed Salih Kenbu, Amal-i Salih, III. Seyyid Ahmed Şah (ed.), Mahmud Printing Press, Lahor 1960.
  • Münşî Muhammad Kâzım, Âlemgîrnâme, Hâdim Hüseyin-Abdülhay (nşr.), College Press, Kalküta 1868.
  • Nizami, K. Ahmad, “Dekken”, DİA, IX, TDV Yayınları, İstanbul 1994, s. 112-113.
  • Oruç, Cihan, “XVI. Yüzyılda Babürlüler, Dekken Sultanlıkları Üzerinde Nasıl Bir Siyaset İzlediler?” Türkiye Hindistan Çalışmaları I, APAM, Ankara 2021, s. 161-179.
  • Prasad, Ishwari, History of Medieval India, The Indian Press, Allahabad 1933.
  • Richards, John F., “The Imperial Crisis in the Deccan”, The Journal of Asian Studies, 35/II (1976), s. 237-256.
  • Richards, John F., Mughal Administration in Golconda, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1975.
  • Saqi Mustad Khan, Maâsir-i Âlamgiri, çev. Jadunath Sarkar, Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, Kalküta 1947.
  • Sarkar, Jadunath, A Short History of Aurangzib, M.c. Sarkar And Sons, Kalküta 1930.
  • Sarkar, Jadunath, Studies in Mughal India, M.C. Sarkar, Kalküta 1919.
  • Selected Documents of Shah Jahan’s Reign, Yusuf H. Khan (ed.), Daftar-i-Diwani, Hyderabad 1950, s. 183-186.
  • Seyyid Ali Tabâtabâî, Burhân-ı Meâsîr, Matbaa-i Camia-i, Delhi, 1936.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section research Article

Hami Demir 0000-0003-4452-6103

Publication Date December 29, 2022
Submission Date October 10, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Demir, H. (2022). Evrengzîb’in (Âlemgîr I) Dekken Siyaseti. Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(Dr. Mahmut Kırkpınar’a Armağan), 1446-1476.
AMA Demir H. Evrengzîb’in (Âlemgîr I) Dekken Siyaseti. VAKANÜVİS. December 2022;7(Dr. Mahmut Kırkpınar’a Armağan):1446-1476. doi:10.24186/vakanuvis.1187029
Chicago Demir, Hami. “Evrengzîb’in (Âlemgîr I) Dekken Siyaseti”. Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 7, no. Dr. Mahmut Kırkpınar’a Armağan (December 2022): 1446-76.
EndNote Demir H (December 1, 2022) Evrengzîb’in (Âlemgîr I) Dekken Siyaseti. Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 7 Dr. Mahmut Kırkpınar’a Armağan 1446–1476.
IEEE H. Demir, “Evrengzîb’in (Âlemgîr I) Dekken Siyaseti”, VAKANÜVİS, vol. 7, no. Dr. Mahmut Kırkpınar’a Armağan, pp. 1446–1476, 2022, doi: 10.24186/vakanuvis.1187029.
ISNAD Demir, Hami. “Evrengzîb’in (Âlemgîr I) Dekken Siyaseti”. Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 7/Dr. Mahmut Kırkpınar’a Armağan (December 2022), 1446-1476.
JAMA Demir H. Evrengzîb’in (Âlemgîr I) Dekken Siyaseti. VAKANÜVİS. 2022;7:1446–1476.
MLA Demir, Hami. “Evrengzîb’in (Âlemgîr I) Dekken Siyaseti”. Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 7, no. Dr. Mahmut Kırkpınar’a Armağan, 2022, pp. 1446-7, doi:10.24186/vakanuvis.1187029.
Vancouver Demir H. Evrengzîb’in (Âlemgîr I) Dekken Siyaseti. VAKANÜVİS. 2022;7(Dr. Mahmut Kırkpınar’a Armağan):1446-7.

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