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A Commercial City in the Frankish Kingdom Quentovic

Year 2023, , 1566 - 1589, 30.09.2023


Quentovic is an medieval trading city founded in the 6th century at the point where the Canche River empties into the English Channel in the nothermost part of the Frankish Kingdom. The city was one of the busiest trading centers in northwestern Europe during both the Merovingian and Carolingian dynasties of the Franks. Products from the interior of Gaul reched many points of Nothern Europe such as Britain, Frisia and Scandinavia through traders sailing from Quentovic. As its fame increased from the 8th century, it became one of the most frequanted ports of the transportation route between Britain and Gaul. From this date on it began to find a place for itself in the works of Anglo-Saxon historians and Frankish annals. One of the mints of the Frankish Kingdom was also Quentovic. At the same time, the city is one of the official customs tax offices of the kingdom. Quentovic was also greatly affected by the Viking attacks on Gaul durin the 9th century and it was attacked twice, the first in 842 and the second in 844. The city, which lost its former reputation after this date, disappeared completely in the 11th century, due to influence of geographical conditons. Quentovic’s exact location has been determined since the second half of the 20th century and many excavations have been caried out by leading European archeologists such as Pierre Léman and David Hill.


  • Annales Fontanellenses, Çev. Christian Cooijmans, Apardjón Journal for Scandinavian Studies, Aberdeen 2022.
  • The Annals Of ST-Bertin, Çev. Janet L. Nelson, Manchester University Press, Manchester 1991.
  • Bede, Ecclesiastical History Of The English People, Çev A. M. Sellar, G. Bell And Sons LTD, London 1917.
  • Foucray, Bruno, “Un Monnayage d’argent Mérovingien Attribuable à l’emporium de Quentovic: Découvertes Récentes et Synthèse des Connaissances”, Mine, métal, monnaie, Melle: les voies de la quantification de l'histoire monétaire du haut Moyen Age. Ed. Guillaume Sarah, Marc Bompaire, Droz, 2018.
  • Coutts, C. M., M. Worthington, “The Early Medieval Pottery from Quentovic: An Interim Note”, Medieval Ceramics Volume 10: Bulletin of the Medieval Pottery Research Group, Ed. Catherine Brooks, Ailsa Mainman, 10, 1986, s. 23-28.
  • Çiçek, Atakan, Frankia’da Kaos: Vikingler ve Karolenj Devleti’nin Çöküş Süreci (829-870), Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul 2019.
  • Dhenin, M., P. Leclercq, “The Coins Of Quentovic From The Cuardale Hoard In The Museum Of Boulogne-Sur-Mer, British Numismatic Journal, 52 (1982), s. 104-107.
  • Foucray Bruno, “Un Monnayage d’argent Mérovingien Attribuable à l’emporium de Quentovic: Découvertes Récentes et Synthèse des Connaissances”, Mine, métal, monnaie, Melle: les voies de la quantification de l'histoire monétaire du haut Moyen Age. ed. Guillaume Sarah, Marc Bompaire, Droz, 2018, s. 189-208.
  • Ganshof, Louis François, Frankish Instituons Under Charlemagne, Brown University Press, Providence 1968.
  • Grierson, Philip, “The Relations between England and Flanders before the Norman Conquest”, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 23 (1941), s. 71-112.
  • Grierson, Philippe, Mark Blackburn, Medieval European Coinage Volume: 1, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2007.
  • HILL, Brian E., Charles The Bald’s ‘Edict Of Pîtres’ (864): A Translation And Commentary, Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Minneapolis 2013.
  • Hill, David, Worthington Margaret, Warburton Julia, Barrett David, “The Definition of the Early Medieval site of Quentovic”, Antiquity, 66/253 (1992), s. 965-969.
  • Hill, David, Barrett David, Maude Keith, Warburton Julia, Worthington Margaret, “Quentovic Defined.” Antiquity, 64/242 (1990), s. 51–58.
  • Hodges, Richard, Dark Age Economics, Antony Rowe Ltd, Eastbourne 1989.
  • James, Edward, The Origins of France, Macmillan Press LTD, London 1982.
  • Le Bourdellès, Hubert, “Les problèmes linguistiques de Quentowic”, Revue du Nord, 59/235 (1977), s.479-488.
  • Lebecq, Stéphane, Marchands et navigateurs frisons du haut Moyen Age Vol.1, Presses universitaires de Lille, Lille 1983.
  • Léman, Pierre, “Quentovic Ressuscité ?”, Bulletin de la Société Nationale des Antiquaires de France, 1982, s.285-287
  • Nennius, The Historia Britonnum, Ed. The Rev. W. Gunn, John and Arthur Arch, London 1819.
  • Philippe, Michel, “The Canche Estuary (Pas-de-Calais, France) from the early Bronze Age to the emporium of Quentovic: A traditional landing place between south-east Englad and the continent”, Bronze Age Connections Cultural Contact in Prehistoric Europe, Ed. Peter Clarck, Oxbow Books, Oxford 2009, s. 68-79.
  • Pirenne, Henri, “The Stages in the Social History of Capitalism”, The American Historical Review, 19/3, (1914), s. 494-515.
  • Pirenne, Henri, Ortaçağ Kentleri, Çev. Şadan Karadeniz, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul 2019.
  • Seyhaneyıldız, Mehmet, Ortaçağ Avrupası’nda Karolenj İmparatorluğu ve Feodalite, Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Van 2021.
  • Stephanus, Eddius The Life of Bishop Wilfrid, Çev. Bertram Colgrave, Cambridge Univeristy Press, London 1985.
  • Verhulst, Adriaan, The Rise of Cities in North-West Europe, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2003.
  • Verlinden, C, “Markets and Fairs.”, The Cambridge Economic History of Europe From The Decline of the Roman Empire, Ed. M. M. Postan, E. E. Rich, E. Miller, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1963, s. 119-154.
  • Willibald, The Life Of Saint Boniface, Çev. George W. Robinson, Harvard University Press, Cambridge 1916.
  • Wood, Ian, The Merovingian Kingdoms 450-751, Longman Publishing, Newyork 1994.

Frank Krallığı’nda Bir Ticaret Kenti Quentovic

Year 2023, , 1566 - 1589, 30.09.2023


Quentovic Frank Krallığı’nın en kuzeyinde Canche Nehri’nin Manş Denizi’ne döküldüğü noktada VI. yüzyılda kurulmuş bir erken Orta Çağ ticaret kentidir. Kent, Frankların hem Merovenj hem de Karolenj hanedanları dönemi boyunca kuzeybatı Avrupa’nın en işlek ticaret merkezlerinden biri olmuştur. Galya’nın içlerinden gelen ürünler Quentovic’ten denize açılan tüccarlar vasıtasıyla Kuzey Avrupa’nın Britanya, Frizya ve İskandinavya gibi pek çok noktasına ulaşmıştır. VII. yüzyıldan itibaren şöhretinin artmasıyla birlikte Britanya ile Galya arasındaki ulaşım güzergahının en uğrak limanlarından biri olmuştur. Bu tarihten itibaren Anglosakson tarihçilerinin eserlerinde ve Frank yıllıklarında kendisine yer bulmaya başlamıştır. Frank Krallığı’nın darphanelerinden biri de Quentovic’te bulunmaktaydı. Aynı zamanda kent, krallığın resmi gümrük vergisi ofislerinden biri konumundadır. Galya’ya IX. yüzyıl boyunca gerçekleştirilen Viking saldırılarından Quentovic de oldukça etkilenmiş, ilki 842 ve ikincisi 844 olmak üzere iki kere saldırıya uğramıştır. Bu tarihten sonra eski şöhretini kaybetmiş olan kent XI. yüzyıla gelindiğinde coğrafi şartların da etkisiyle tamamen ortadan kalkmıştır. Quentovic’in tam konumu XX. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren tespit edilmiş, Pierre Léman ve David Hill gibi önde gelen Avrupalı arkeologlar tarafından pek çok kazı çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir.


  • Annales Fontanellenses, Çev. Christian Cooijmans, Apardjón Journal for Scandinavian Studies, Aberdeen 2022.
  • The Annals Of ST-Bertin, Çev. Janet L. Nelson, Manchester University Press, Manchester 1991.
  • Bede, Ecclesiastical History Of The English People, Çev A. M. Sellar, G. Bell And Sons LTD, London 1917.
  • Foucray, Bruno, “Un Monnayage d’argent Mérovingien Attribuable à l’emporium de Quentovic: Découvertes Récentes et Synthèse des Connaissances”, Mine, métal, monnaie, Melle: les voies de la quantification de l'histoire monétaire du haut Moyen Age. Ed. Guillaume Sarah, Marc Bompaire, Droz, 2018.
  • Coutts, C. M., M. Worthington, “The Early Medieval Pottery from Quentovic: An Interim Note”, Medieval Ceramics Volume 10: Bulletin of the Medieval Pottery Research Group, Ed. Catherine Brooks, Ailsa Mainman, 10, 1986, s. 23-28.
  • Çiçek, Atakan, Frankia’da Kaos: Vikingler ve Karolenj Devleti’nin Çöküş Süreci (829-870), Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul 2019.
  • Dhenin, M., P. Leclercq, “The Coins Of Quentovic From The Cuardale Hoard In The Museum Of Boulogne-Sur-Mer, British Numismatic Journal, 52 (1982), s. 104-107.
  • Foucray Bruno, “Un Monnayage d’argent Mérovingien Attribuable à l’emporium de Quentovic: Découvertes Récentes et Synthèse des Connaissances”, Mine, métal, monnaie, Melle: les voies de la quantification de l'histoire monétaire du haut Moyen Age. ed. Guillaume Sarah, Marc Bompaire, Droz, 2018, s. 189-208.
  • Ganshof, Louis François, Frankish Instituons Under Charlemagne, Brown University Press, Providence 1968.
  • Grierson, Philip, “The Relations between England and Flanders before the Norman Conquest”, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 23 (1941), s. 71-112.
  • Grierson, Philippe, Mark Blackburn, Medieval European Coinage Volume: 1, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2007.
  • HILL, Brian E., Charles The Bald’s ‘Edict Of Pîtres’ (864): A Translation And Commentary, Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Minneapolis 2013.
  • Hill, David, Worthington Margaret, Warburton Julia, Barrett David, “The Definition of the Early Medieval site of Quentovic”, Antiquity, 66/253 (1992), s. 965-969.
  • Hill, David, Barrett David, Maude Keith, Warburton Julia, Worthington Margaret, “Quentovic Defined.” Antiquity, 64/242 (1990), s. 51–58.
  • Hodges, Richard, Dark Age Economics, Antony Rowe Ltd, Eastbourne 1989.
  • James, Edward, The Origins of France, Macmillan Press LTD, London 1982.
  • Le Bourdellès, Hubert, “Les problèmes linguistiques de Quentowic”, Revue du Nord, 59/235 (1977), s.479-488.
  • Lebecq, Stéphane, Marchands et navigateurs frisons du haut Moyen Age Vol.1, Presses universitaires de Lille, Lille 1983.
  • Léman, Pierre, “Quentovic Ressuscité ?”, Bulletin de la Société Nationale des Antiquaires de France, 1982, s.285-287
  • Nennius, The Historia Britonnum, Ed. The Rev. W. Gunn, John and Arthur Arch, London 1819.
  • Philippe, Michel, “The Canche Estuary (Pas-de-Calais, France) from the early Bronze Age to the emporium of Quentovic: A traditional landing place between south-east Englad and the continent”, Bronze Age Connections Cultural Contact in Prehistoric Europe, Ed. Peter Clarck, Oxbow Books, Oxford 2009, s. 68-79.
  • Pirenne, Henri, “The Stages in the Social History of Capitalism”, The American Historical Review, 19/3, (1914), s. 494-515.
  • Pirenne, Henri, Ortaçağ Kentleri, Çev. Şadan Karadeniz, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul 2019.
  • Seyhaneyıldız, Mehmet, Ortaçağ Avrupası’nda Karolenj İmparatorluğu ve Feodalite, Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Van 2021.
  • Stephanus, Eddius The Life of Bishop Wilfrid, Çev. Bertram Colgrave, Cambridge Univeristy Press, London 1985.
  • Verhulst, Adriaan, The Rise of Cities in North-West Europe, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2003.
  • Verlinden, C, “Markets and Fairs.”, The Cambridge Economic History of Europe From The Decline of the Roman Empire, Ed. M. M. Postan, E. E. Rich, E. Miller, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1963, s. 119-154.
  • Willibald, The Life Of Saint Boniface, Çev. George W. Robinson, Harvard University Press, Cambridge 1916.
  • Wood, Ian, The Merovingian Kingdoms 450-751, Longman Publishing, Newyork 1994.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Early Modern European History
Journal Section research Article

Zeynep Güngör 0000-0002-6320-1462

Oraj Algın 0009-0007-5381-7435

Publication Date September 30, 2023
Submission Date June 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Güngör, Z., & Algın, O. (2023). Frank Krallığı’nda Bir Ticaret Kenti Quentovic. Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(2), 1566-1589.
AMA Güngör Z, Algın O. Frank Krallığı’nda Bir Ticaret Kenti Quentovic. VAKANÜVİS. September 2023;8(2):1566-1589. doi:10.24186/vakanuvis.1321135
Chicago Güngör, Zeynep, and Oraj Algın. “Frank Krallığı’nda Bir Ticaret Kenti Quentovic”. Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 8, no. 2 (September 2023): 1566-89.
EndNote Güngör Z, Algın O (September 1, 2023) Frank Krallığı’nda Bir Ticaret Kenti Quentovic. Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 8 2 1566–1589.
IEEE Z. Güngör and O. Algın, “Frank Krallığı’nda Bir Ticaret Kenti Quentovic”, VAKANÜVİS, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 1566–1589, 2023, doi: 10.24186/vakanuvis.1321135.
ISNAD Güngör, Zeynep - Algın, Oraj. “Frank Krallığı’nda Bir Ticaret Kenti Quentovic”. Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 8/2 (September 2023), 1566-1589.
JAMA Güngör Z, Algın O. Frank Krallığı’nda Bir Ticaret Kenti Quentovic. VAKANÜVİS. 2023;8:1566–1589.
MLA Güngör, Zeynep and Oraj Algın. “Frank Krallığı’nda Bir Ticaret Kenti Quentovic”. Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 2, 2023, pp. 1566-89, doi:10.24186/vakanuvis.1321135.
Vancouver Güngör Z, Algın O. Frank Krallığı’nda Bir Ticaret Kenti Quentovic. VAKANÜVİS. 2023;8(2):1566-89.

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