Research Article
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Russia, Britain and the Establishment of the Province of Eastern Rumelia

Year 2018, Volume: 3 , 449 - 467, 16.10.2018


Treaty of San Stefano signed immediately after Ottoman-Russian war 1877-1878
creating “Great Bulgaria” and thus endangered the “Balance of Power” in Europe
disturbed by the Great Eastern Crisis 1875-1878 arose in the Balkan Peninsula.
The Treaty was considered as one-sided attempt to solve the Eastern Question by
Britain and Austro-Hungary. So they insisted a revision of the Treaty. Thus the
Great Power met in Berlin with the aim to be re-established the order in the
Balkans providing each of the Great Powers with proportioned influence in the

the Congress of Berlin the large Bulgarian state was divided into three parts
and thus was created the province of Eastern Rumelia remaining the authority of
the Sultan. The establishment of autonomous province was decided during а
bilateral negotiations between Britain and Russian at the time of the
diplomatic preparation of the Congress. The growing rivalry between the two
Great Powers regarding the Ottoman Empire’s territories in the second half of the
19 century required compromises and Eastern Rumelia was one of them.

aim of this paper is to examine the struggle between Russia and Britain during
the organization of the province of Eastern Rumelia at the Balkans. The research
focus on the British and Russian policy executed during the time of elaboration
of Organic Law and organization of the administrative institutions of the province.
The article has an aim to present the British and Russian notions about the functions
which Eastern Rumelia had to fulfil in the future Balkan policy of these two
Great Powers in their rivalry for dominance of the Balkans.


  • Books Clayton, Gerald David, Britain and the Eastern Question: Missolonghi to Gallipoli, London 1971. Lady Gwendolen, Cecil, Life of Robert Salisbury, Vol. II, London 1921. Kosev, Konstantin, Bismark, Iztochnia vapors i Bulgarskoto osvobojdenie 1856-1878g., Sofia 2003. Manolova, Maria, Rusia i konstititsionnoto ustroistvo na Iztochna Rumelia, Sofia 1975 Sbornik dogovor Rossii s drumu gosudarstwami 1856-1917, Moskva 1952 Palangurski, Mitko, Nova Istoria na Bulgaria I. Knyazhestvoto, Sofia, 2013 Statelova, Elena Iztochna Rumelia (1879-1885): Ikonomika, politika, Kultura, Sofia 1983. Stoyanov, Manio, Izrabotvane na Organicheskiya Ustav na Iztochna Rumelia, 1955
  • Articles Glushkov, Hristo, “Frenskata diplomatsia i izborat na gubernator na Iztochna Rumelia(1878-1879)”, Bulgarian Historical Review 1-2, (2006), pp.163-179 Medlicott, W. N., and Richard G. Weeks. "Documents on Russian Foreign Policy, 1878-1880: Section II: January-February 1879." The Slavonic and East European Review 64/2 (1986), pp. 237-255. Mirkova, Anna, “Population Politics” at the End of Empire: Migration and Sovereignty in Ottoman Eastern Rumelia, 1877–1886, Comparative Studies in Society and History, 55/4 (2013), pp.955–985. Treaty between Great Britain, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Russia and Turkey for the Settlement of Affairs in the East: Signed at Berlin, July 13, 1878, The American Journal of International Law 2/ 4 (1908), pp.401-424.. Weeks, Richard G. "Peter Shuvalov and the Congress of Berlin: A Reinterpretation." The Journal of Modern History, 51/ 1 (1979), pp.1055-1070.
  • Newspapers “Maritsa”, October 13, 1878 “Maritsa”, October 17, 1878
  • Archive Documents F.O. 65/1042 F.O. 65/1044 F.O. 78/3033 F.O. 78/3035 F.O. 78/3036 F.O. 78/3041 F.O. 93/81/47 F.O. 195/1214 F.O. 105/1215 F.O. 901/1 F.O. 901/9 F.O. 901/11 F.O. 901/12 KMF 04
  • Published Documents House of Commons, ”Correspondence Respecting the Proceedings of the European Commission for the Organization of Eastern Roumelia”, Turkey No.9 (1879) House of Commons, “Correspondence Relating to the Treaty of Berlin, with the Protocols of the Congress”, Turkey No. 39 (1878)

Rusya, İngiltere ve Doğu Rumeli Vilayetinin Kuruluşu

Year 2018, Volume: 3 , 449 - 467, 16.10.2018


– 1878 Osmanlı Rus savaşından sonra imzalanan Ayestefanos Antlaşması
neticesinde ortaya çıkan “Büyük Bulgaristan” ideali  Büyük Doğu Krizi sürecinde sarsılan  Avrupa güç dengesinde daha derin krizler
ortaya çıkardı. İngiltere ve Avusturya-Macaristan bu antlaşmanın Rusya’yı doğu
sorununu çözmede tek taraflı olarak avantaj elde ettiğini kabul ettiler. Bunun
sonucunda antlaşmanın tekrardan yeni şartlar altında tashih edilmesini
istediler. Böylelikle büyük güçler Balkanların yeniden dizayn edilmesi ve kendi
nüfus alanlarının korunması için Berlin’de bir araya geldiler.

Kongresi’nde varılan antlaşma sonuncunda büyük Bulgar devleti üç bölgeye
ayrıldı. Böylece Osmanlı İmparatorluğuna bağlı olarak Şarki Rumeli Vilayeti
kuruldu. Berlin Kongresi öncesi yürütülen diplomatic temaslarda İngiltere ve
Rusya ikili müzakereler gerçekleştirmişti. 19’yy ikinci yarısında  büyük güçlerin Osmanlı  toprakları üzerindeki çıkar çatışmaları ve yaşanan
gelişmeler bir uzlaşı sonucunda Şarki Rumeli Vilayeti’ni ortaya çıkardı.

çalışmanın amacı Şarki Rumeli Vilayeti’nin Balkanlardaki örgütlenmesi sırasında
Rusya ve İngiltere arasındaki siyasi çekişmeleri incelemektedir. Çalışma,
vilayetin nizamnamesinin hazırlanması ve idari kurumların yapılanması sırasında
İngiltere ve Rusya arasındaki çekişmeleri odaklanmaktadır. Bu makale Berlin
Antlaşması sonrası Balkan politikasında Şarki Rumeli Vilayeti’nin  nasıl bir konumu olacağı konusunda Rusya ve
İngiltere’nin temel yaklaşımlarını incelemektedir.


  • Books Clayton, Gerald David, Britain and the Eastern Question: Missolonghi to Gallipoli, London 1971. Lady Gwendolen, Cecil, Life of Robert Salisbury, Vol. II, London 1921. Kosev, Konstantin, Bismark, Iztochnia vapors i Bulgarskoto osvobojdenie 1856-1878g., Sofia 2003. Manolova, Maria, Rusia i konstititsionnoto ustroistvo na Iztochna Rumelia, Sofia 1975 Sbornik dogovor Rossii s drumu gosudarstwami 1856-1917, Moskva 1952 Palangurski, Mitko, Nova Istoria na Bulgaria I. Knyazhestvoto, Sofia, 2013 Statelova, Elena Iztochna Rumelia (1879-1885): Ikonomika, politika, Kultura, Sofia 1983. Stoyanov, Manio, Izrabotvane na Organicheskiya Ustav na Iztochna Rumelia, 1955
  • Articles Glushkov, Hristo, “Frenskata diplomatsia i izborat na gubernator na Iztochna Rumelia(1878-1879)”, Bulgarian Historical Review 1-2, (2006), pp.163-179 Medlicott, W. N., and Richard G. Weeks. "Documents on Russian Foreign Policy, 1878-1880: Section II: January-February 1879." The Slavonic and East European Review 64/2 (1986), pp. 237-255. Mirkova, Anna, “Population Politics” at the End of Empire: Migration and Sovereignty in Ottoman Eastern Rumelia, 1877–1886, Comparative Studies in Society and History, 55/4 (2013), pp.955–985. Treaty between Great Britain, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Russia and Turkey for the Settlement of Affairs in the East: Signed at Berlin, July 13, 1878, The American Journal of International Law 2/ 4 (1908), pp.401-424.. Weeks, Richard G. "Peter Shuvalov and the Congress of Berlin: A Reinterpretation." The Journal of Modern History, 51/ 1 (1979), pp.1055-1070.
  • Newspapers “Maritsa”, October 13, 1878 “Maritsa”, October 17, 1878
  • Archive Documents F.O. 65/1042 F.O. 65/1044 F.O. 78/3033 F.O. 78/3035 F.O. 78/3036 F.O. 78/3041 F.O. 93/81/47 F.O. 195/1214 F.O. 105/1215 F.O. 901/1 F.O. 901/9 F.O. 901/11 F.O. 901/12 KMF 04
  • Published Documents House of Commons, ”Correspondence Respecting the Proceedings of the European Commission for the Organization of Eastern Roumelia”, Turkey No.9 (1879) House of Commons, “Correspondence Relating to the Treaty of Berlin, with the Protocols of the Congress”, Turkey No. 39 (1878)
There are 5 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Nadezhda Vasileva Vasileva 0000-0001-6370-728X

Publication Date October 16, 2018
Submission Date July 16, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 3


APA Vasileva Vasileva, N. (2018). Russia, Britain and the Establishment of the Province of Eastern Rumelia. Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3, 449-467.
AMA Vasileva Vasileva N. Russia, Britain and the Establishment of the Province of Eastern Rumelia. VAKANUVIS. October 2018;3:449-467.
Chicago Vasileva Vasileva, Nadezhda. “Russia, Britain and the Establishment of the Province of Eastern Rumelia”. Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 3, October (October 2018): 449-67.
EndNote Vasileva Vasileva N (October 1, 2018) Russia, Britain and the Establishment of the Province of Eastern Rumelia. Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 3 449–467.
IEEE N. Vasileva Vasileva, “Russia, Britain and the Establishment of the Province of Eastern Rumelia”, VAKANUVIS, vol. 3, pp. 449–467, 2018.
ISNAD Vasileva Vasileva, Nadezhda. “Russia, Britain and the Establishment of the Province of Eastern Rumelia”. Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 3 (October 2018), 449-467.
JAMA Vasileva Vasileva N. Russia, Britain and the Establishment of the Province of Eastern Rumelia. VAKANUVIS. 2018;3:449–467.
MLA Vasileva Vasileva, Nadezhda. “Russia, Britain and the Establishment of the Province of Eastern Rumelia”. Vakanüvis - Uluslararası Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi, vol. 3, 2018, pp. 449-67.
Vancouver Vasileva Vasileva N. Russia, Britain and the Establishment of the Province of Eastern Rumelia. VAKANUVIS. 2018;3:449-67.

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