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Osmanlı Bosna’sı Para Vakıfları, 1526-1914: Sermaye Seviyeleri Üzerinden Bir Karşılaştırma

Year 2022, Issue: 57, 51 - 76, 30.06.2022


Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, 16. yüzyılın ilk on yıllarından Birinci Dünya Savaşı’na kadar olan dönem için Osmanlı Bosna’sında kurulan para vakıflarını incelemektir. Yeni bir veri seti kullanmaya yönelik ilk girişimde, bu çalışma, Bosna’ya ait nakit vakıf sözleşmelerinden (vakfiyeler) elde edilen sermaye miktarları üzerinden dönemlere ve kurucuların sosyoekonomik durumlarına göre karşılaştırmalı bir araştırma sunmaktadır. Verilerin sınırlılıkları olsa da bu çalışma Bosna para vakıflarının temel özelliklerini sunmak için tanımlayıcı analizler kullanarak kurucuların unvanlarına, kasabalara, kâr paylarına ve sözleşmelerdeki şahit sayılarına da odaklanmaktadır. Sonuç olarak, bulgular, unvan sahibi bireylere ve erkeklere ait para vakıflarının, unvansız bireylerin ve kadınların para vakıflarına kıyasla daha yüksek sermayeye sahip olduğunu göstermektedir. Fakat bu durumun 19. Yüzyıldan itibaren değiştiği ve vakıf sermayelerinin birbirine yakınsamaya başladığı görülmektedir. Oluşturulan veri seti, özellikle 18. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren Osmanlı Bosna’sında para vakıflarının önemli ölçüde arttığını göstermektedir. Esas bulgu ise para vakıflarının artan sayılarına rağmen sermaye miktarları 19. yüzyıldan itibaren önemli ölçüde azalmaktadır.


  • Primary Sources: T. R. Directorate General of Foundations Archive (VGMA), 633/139/48; 734/130/74; 990/68-69/59; 732/1-3/1; 734/130/74; 990/39/33; 1595/1/1.
  • Sarajevo Gazi Husrev Bey Library, V-312; V-171358; V-050174; V-145533; V-081262.
  • Sarajevo Gazi Husrev Bey Library, 1/11/334; 1/1/346; 1/2/342; 1/2/343; 1/4/340; 1/31/316; 1/31/317; 1/108/235. 1/216/147; 1/233/135; 2/110-111/430; 1/233/135; 2/246/558; Bosnia Waqf Certificate-Charter, 2/58-59/390.; Rodoscuk Court Records 08597.00004, v.15a.
  • Çam, Mevlüt and Rahman Ademi. (2016). Bosna-Hersek Vakfiyeleri I-IV. Ankara: Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları. (The rest of the data are obtained from primary sources that are presented in book series based on cash waqfs of Ottoman Rumelia. See Bosnia Papers, Bulut, Mehmet vd. (2019). Osmanlı Dönemi Rumeli Para Vakıfları, 1-12. Istanbul: Istanbul Zaim University Publishing.)
  • Ademi, Rahman. (2018). “Osmanlı Sonrası Bosna Hersek’te Para Vakıfları”. Vakıflar Dergisi, (50), 151- 164.
  • Adıgüzel, Fatih S. and Timur Kuran. (2021). “The Islamic Waqf: Instrument of Unequal Security, Worldly and Otherworldly”. ERID Working Paper Number, 305: 1-53.
  • Akbel, Mustafa. (2017). “18. Yüzyılın Sonlarında Livno’nun Sosyo-Ekonomik Durumu”. Asia Minor Studies, (5/9), 1-11.
  • Akgündüz, Ahmet (1988). İslam Hukukunda ve Osmanlı Tatbikatında Vakıf Müessesesi. Ankara: TTK.
  • Altay, Bora and Mehmet Bulut. (2017). “Vakfiyeler Işığında Osmanlı Makedonyası’nda Bulunan Para Vakıflarının Sosyo-Ekonomik Analizi, 1506-1912”. Adam Academy Journal of Social Science, (4/1), 209-237.
  • Altay, Bora and Fuat Oğuz. (2022). Rules, Contracts and Law Enforcement in the Ottoman Empire: The Case of Tax-Farming Contracts. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Arjomand, Said A. (1998). “Philanthropy, the Law and Public Policy in the Islamic World before the Modern Era”. In Philanthropy in the World’s Traditions, ed. Warren F. Ilchman, Stanley N. Katz and Edward L. Queen. Bloomington: Indiana University Press: 109-132.
  • Arslantaş, Yasin. (2019). “Making Sense of Müsadere Practice, State Confiscation of Elite Wealth, in the Ottoman Empire, circa 1453-1839”. History Compass, (17/6), 1-11.
  • Ateş, İbrahim (1982). “Hayri ve Sosyal Hizmetler Açısından Vakıflar”. Vakıflar Dergisi, 15: 52-88.
  • Barkan, Ömer L. (1940). “Türk-İslam Mülkiyet Hukuku Tatbikatının Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Aldığı Şekiller: Şer’i Miras Hukuku ve Evladlık Vakıflar”. Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası, (6/1), 146-155.
  • Barkan, Ömer L. (1942). “İstila Devirlerinin Kolonizatör Türk Dervişleri ve Zaviyeleri”. Vakıflar Dergisi, (2), 279-304.
  • Barkan, Ömer L. (1980). Türkiye’de Toprak Meselesi. Istanbul: Gözlem.
  • Başar, Fahameddin. (2019). Vakıf Kuran Kadınlar. Ankara: Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları.
  • Berki, Şakir (1969). “Vakfın Mahiyeti”. Vakıflar Dergisi, (8), 1-7.
  • Ceylan, Pınar. (2016). “Ottoman Inheritance Inventories as a Source for Price History”. Historical Methods, (49/3), 132-144.
  • Coşgel, Metin and Boğaç Ergene. (2012). “Inequality of Wealth in the Ottoman Empire: War, Weather, and Long-term Trends in eighteenth-century Kastamonu”. The Journal of Economic History, (72/2), 308-331.
  • Çizakça, Murat (1995). “Cash Waqfs of Bursa, 1555-1823”. JESHO, (38/3), 315-354.
  • Çizakça, Murat. (1996). A Comparative Evolution Business Partnerships: The Islamic World and Europe. Leiden: Brill.
  • Çizakça, Murat. (2000). A History of Philanthropic Foundations: The Islamic World from the Seventh Century to the Present. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Press.
  • Emecen, Feridun M. (1989). XVI. Asırda Manisa Kazası. Ankara: TTK.
  • Fine, John V. A. (1987). The Late Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
  • Gilbar, Gad. G. (2012). “The Qadi, the Big Merchant, and Forbidden Interest (riba)”. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, (39/1), 115-136.
  • Husic, Aladin. (2012). “The Role of Waqf in the Development of Kasaba Visoko in Bosnia”. Balkanlarda Osmanlı Vakıfları ve Eserleri Uluslararası Sempozyumu, 383-389.
  • Husic, Aladin. (2020). “Jews of Sarajevo and Their Place in the Ottoman Society of Bosnia”. Belleten, (84/301), 1097-1114.
  • İnalcık, Halil. (2018). The Ottoman Empire: Sultan, Society and Economy. Istanbul: Kronik.
  • Karagedikli, Gürer and A. Coşkun Tunçer. (2018). “Microcredit in the Ottoman Empire: A Review of Cash Waqfs in Transition to Modern Banking”. In Financing in Europe, Marcella Lorenzini, Cinzia Lorandini and D’Maris Coffman (eds.), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Kaya, Süleyman. (2010). “XVIII. Yüzyıl Sonlarında Üsküdar Vakıflarının Gelir Kaynakları”. Dîvân Disiplinlerarası Çalışmalar Dergisi, (15/29), 95-132.
  • Khan, Mohammad T. (2015). “Historical Role of Islamic Waqf in Poverty Reduction in Muslim Society”. The Pakistan Political Review, (54/4), 979-996.
  • Koehler, Benedikt. (2014). Early Islam and the Birth of Capitalism. New York: Lexington Books.
  • Kuran, Timur. (2001). “The Provision of Public Goods under Islamic Law: Origins, Impact, and Limitations of the Waqf System”. Law & Society Review, (35/4), 841-898.
  • Kuran, Timur. (2005). “The Absence of the Corporation in Islamic Law: Origins and Persistence”. The American Journal of Comparative Law, (53/4), 785-834.
  • Kuran, Timur. (2011). The Long Divergence: How Islamic Law Held Back the Middle East. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Kuran, Timur. (2013). “The Political Consequences of Islam’s Economic Legacy”. Philosophy and Social Criticism, (39/4-5), 395-405.
  • Kuran, Timur. (2016). “Legal Roots of Authoritarian Rule in the Middle East: Civic Legacies of the Islamic Waqf”. The American Journal of Comparative Law, (64/2), 419-454.
  • Kurt, İsmail. (1996). Para Vakıfları: Nazariyat ve Tatbikat. Istanbul: Ensar Neşriyat.
  • Layish, Aaron. (1997). “The Family Waqf and the Shar’i Law of Succession in Modern Times”. Islamic Law and Society, (4/3), 352-388.
  • Mandeville, Jon. (1979). “Usurious Piety: The Cash Waqf Controversy in the Ottoman Empire”. International Journal of Middle East Studies, (10/3), 289-308.
  • Orbay, Kayhan. (2005a). “Detailed Tax Farm Registers and Arrears as Sources of the Waqfs’ Financial Analysis”. Acta Orientalia Scientiarum Hungaricae, (58/4), 331-347.
  • Orbay, Kayhan. (2005b). “In the Mukâta’a Revenues and the Revenue Collection of Bâyezîd II’s Waqf in Amasya”. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, (95),139-162.
  • Orbay, Kayhan. (2012). “Financial Development of the Waqfs in Konya and the Agricultural Economy in the Central Anatolia”. JESHO, (55/1), 74-116.
  • Oruç, Hatice (2005). “15. Yüzyılda Bosna Sancağı ve İdari Dağılımı”. OTAM, (18/18), 249-271.
  • Oruç, Hatice. (2009). “Gazi Hüsrev Bey’in Saraybosna’daki Vakıfları”. Belleten, (73/268), 645-670.
  • Özcan, Tahsin. (2003). Osmanlı Para Vakıfları: Kanuni Dönemi Üsküdar Örneği. Ankara: TTK.
  • Öztürk, Nazif. (1993). “Tarihte ve Bugün Vakıflar Eliyle Aileye Götürülen Hizmetler”. Sosyal Politikalar Çalışma Dergisi, (3), 78-89.
  • Öztürk, Nazif (1995). Türk Yenileşme Tarihi Çerçevesinde Vakıf Müessesesi. Ankara: TDV.
  • Palairet, Michael. (1997). The Balkan Economies, c. 1800-1914. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Pamuk, Şevket. (2000). A Monetary History of the Ottoman Empire. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Pamuk, Şevket. (2004). “Prices in the Ottoman Empire, 1469-1914”. International Journal of Middle East Studies, (36), 451-468.
  • Pamuk, Şevket. (2009). “Changes in factor markets in the Ottoman Empire, 1500-1800”. Continuity and Change, (24/1), 1-30.
  • Özmucur, Süleyman and Şevket Pamuk. (2002). “Real Wages and Standards of Living in the Ottoman Empire, 1489-1914”. The Journal of Economic History, (62/2), 293-321.
  • Pamuk, Şevket. (2004). “Prices in the Ottoman Empire, 1469-1914”. International Journal of Middle East Studies, (36/3), 451-468.
  • Peri, Oded. (1992). “Waqf and Ottoman Welfare Policy: The Poor Kitchen of Hasseki Sultan in Eighteenth-Century Jerusalem”. JESHO, (35/2), 167-186.
  • Rafeq, Abdul-Karim. (2012). “Women in the Shari’a Court Records of Ottoman Damascus”. Turkish Historical Review, (3/2), 119-142.
  • Sancaktar, Caner. (2012). “Historical Construction and Development of Bosniak Nation”. Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations, (11/1), 1-17.
  • Singer, Amy. (2013). “Giving Practices in Islamic Societies”. Social Research, (80/2), 341-358.
  • Tezcan, Baki (2010). The Second Ottoman Empire: Political and Social Transformation in the Early Modern World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Wilson, Rodney (2015). Islam and Economic Policy. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Veinstein, Gilles. (1995). “Balkan Eyaletleri (1606-1774)”. In Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Tarihi I: Osmanlı Devleti’nin Doğuşundan XVIII. Yüzyılın Sonuna, ed. Robert Mantran, trans. Server Tanilli. Istanbul: Cem.
  • Yakın, Burçak and Enver Aydoğan. (2019). “Osmanlı’da Kadınların Ekonomik Hayata Katkısı: Beratlı Kadınlar”. Turkish Science Research Foundation, (12/4), 26-44.
  • Yaycıoğlu, Ali. (2016). Partners of the Empire. California: Stanford University Press.
  • Yediyıldız, Bahaeddin (1982a). “Müessese Toplum Münasabetleri Çevresinde XVIII. Asır Türk Toplumu ve Vakıf Müesssesi”. Vakıflar Dergisi, (15), 23-53.
  • Yediyıldız, Bahaeddin (1982b). “Vakıf Müessesesinin XVIII. Asır Türk Toplamandaki Rolü”. Vakıflar Dergisi, (14), 1-27. Yıldırım, Onur. (2001). “Transformation of the Craft Guilds in Istanbul”. Islamic Studies, (40/1), 49-66.

Cash Waqfs of Ottoman Bosnia, 1526-1914: A Temporal Analysis Through Capital Levels

Year 2022, Issue: 57, 51 - 76, 30.06.2022


The main purpose of this study is to examine cash waqfs established in Ottoman Bosnia from the first decades of the sixteenth century to the First World War. In a first attempt to use a new data set, this study presents a comparative study of the amount of capital obtained from Bosnian cash waqf contracts (waqfiyyas) by periods and socioeconomic status of the founders. Employing the dataset on the titles of founders, towns, profit rates, and the number of witnesses in contracts, the analysis presents the main features of cash waqfs in Ottoman Bosnia. The findings suggest that cash waqfs of titled individuals and males had higher capital compared to untitled individuals and females, with a convergence emerging in the nineteenth century. The dataset also indicates the proliferation of cash waqfs in Ottoman Bosnia, particularly from the second half of the eighteenth century. The major finding, however, presents that capital levels of cash waqfs had a declining pattern even if their numbers increased during the nineteenth century.


  • Primary Sources: T. R. Directorate General of Foundations Archive (VGMA), 633/139/48; 734/130/74; 990/68-69/59; 732/1-3/1; 734/130/74; 990/39/33; 1595/1/1.
  • Sarajevo Gazi Husrev Bey Library, V-312; V-171358; V-050174; V-145533; V-081262.
  • Sarajevo Gazi Husrev Bey Library, 1/11/334; 1/1/346; 1/2/342; 1/2/343; 1/4/340; 1/31/316; 1/31/317; 1/108/235. 1/216/147; 1/233/135; 2/110-111/430; 1/233/135; 2/246/558; Bosnia Waqf Certificate-Charter, 2/58-59/390.; Rodoscuk Court Records 08597.00004, v.15a.
  • Çam, Mevlüt and Rahman Ademi. (2016). Bosna-Hersek Vakfiyeleri I-IV. Ankara: Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları. (The rest of the data are obtained from primary sources that are presented in book series based on cash waqfs of Ottoman Rumelia. See Bosnia Papers, Bulut, Mehmet vd. (2019). Osmanlı Dönemi Rumeli Para Vakıfları, 1-12. Istanbul: Istanbul Zaim University Publishing.)
  • Ademi, Rahman. (2018). “Osmanlı Sonrası Bosna Hersek’te Para Vakıfları”. Vakıflar Dergisi, (50), 151- 164.
  • Adıgüzel, Fatih S. and Timur Kuran. (2021). “The Islamic Waqf: Instrument of Unequal Security, Worldly and Otherworldly”. ERID Working Paper Number, 305: 1-53.
  • Akbel, Mustafa. (2017). “18. Yüzyılın Sonlarında Livno’nun Sosyo-Ekonomik Durumu”. Asia Minor Studies, (5/9), 1-11.
  • Akgündüz, Ahmet (1988). İslam Hukukunda ve Osmanlı Tatbikatında Vakıf Müessesesi. Ankara: TTK.
  • Altay, Bora and Mehmet Bulut. (2017). “Vakfiyeler Işığında Osmanlı Makedonyası’nda Bulunan Para Vakıflarının Sosyo-Ekonomik Analizi, 1506-1912”. Adam Academy Journal of Social Science, (4/1), 209-237.
  • Altay, Bora and Fuat Oğuz. (2022). Rules, Contracts and Law Enforcement in the Ottoman Empire: The Case of Tax-Farming Contracts. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Arjomand, Said A. (1998). “Philanthropy, the Law and Public Policy in the Islamic World before the Modern Era”. In Philanthropy in the World’s Traditions, ed. Warren F. Ilchman, Stanley N. Katz and Edward L. Queen. Bloomington: Indiana University Press: 109-132.
  • Arslantaş, Yasin. (2019). “Making Sense of Müsadere Practice, State Confiscation of Elite Wealth, in the Ottoman Empire, circa 1453-1839”. History Compass, (17/6), 1-11.
  • Ateş, İbrahim (1982). “Hayri ve Sosyal Hizmetler Açısından Vakıflar”. Vakıflar Dergisi, 15: 52-88.
  • Barkan, Ömer L. (1940). “Türk-İslam Mülkiyet Hukuku Tatbikatının Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Aldığı Şekiller: Şer’i Miras Hukuku ve Evladlık Vakıflar”. Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası, (6/1), 146-155.
  • Barkan, Ömer L. (1942). “İstila Devirlerinin Kolonizatör Türk Dervişleri ve Zaviyeleri”. Vakıflar Dergisi, (2), 279-304.
  • Barkan, Ömer L. (1980). Türkiye’de Toprak Meselesi. Istanbul: Gözlem.
  • Başar, Fahameddin. (2019). Vakıf Kuran Kadınlar. Ankara: Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları.
  • Berki, Şakir (1969). “Vakfın Mahiyeti”. Vakıflar Dergisi, (8), 1-7.
  • Ceylan, Pınar. (2016). “Ottoman Inheritance Inventories as a Source for Price History”. Historical Methods, (49/3), 132-144.
  • Coşgel, Metin and Boğaç Ergene. (2012). “Inequality of Wealth in the Ottoman Empire: War, Weather, and Long-term Trends in eighteenth-century Kastamonu”. The Journal of Economic History, (72/2), 308-331.
  • Çizakça, Murat (1995). “Cash Waqfs of Bursa, 1555-1823”. JESHO, (38/3), 315-354.
  • Çizakça, Murat. (1996). A Comparative Evolution Business Partnerships: The Islamic World and Europe. Leiden: Brill.
  • Çizakça, Murat. (2000). A History of Philanthropic Foundations: The Islamic World from the Seventh Century to the Present. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Press.
  • Emecen, Feridun M. (1989). XVI. Asırda Manisa Kazası. Ankara: TTK.
  • Fine, John V. A. (1987). The Late Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
  • Gilbar, Gad. G. (2012). “The Qadi, the Big Merchant, and Forbidden Interest (riba)”. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, (39/1), 115-136.
  • Husic, Aladin. (2012). “The Role of Waqf in the Development of Kasaba Visoko in Bosnia”. Balkanlarda Osmanlı Vakıfları ve Eserleri Uluslararası Sempozyumu, 383-389.
  • Husic, Aladin. (2020). “Jews of Sarajevo and Their Place in the Ottoman Society of Bosnia”. Belleten, (84/301), 1097-1114.
  • İnalcık, Halil. (2018). The Ottoman Empire: Sultan, Society and Economy. Istanbul: Kronik.
  • Karagedikli, Gürer and A. Coşkun Tunçer. (2018). “Microcredit in the Ottoman Empire: A Review of Cash Waqfs in Transition to Modern Banking”. In Financing in Europe, Marcella Lorenzini, Cinzia Lorandini and D’Maris Coffman (eds.), Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Kaya, Süleyman. (2010). “XVIII. Yüzyıl Sonlarında Üsküdar Vakıflarının Gelir Kaynakları”. Dîvân Disiplinlerarası Çalışmalar Dergisi, (15/29), 95-132.
  • Khan, Mohammad T. (2015). “Historical Role of Islamic Waqf in Poverty Reduction in Muslim Society”. The Pakistan Political Review, (54/4), 979-996.
  • Koehler, Benedikt. (2014). Early Islam and the Birth of Capitalism. New York: Lexington Books.
  • Kuran, Timur. (2001). “The Provision of Public Goods under Islamic Law: Origins, Impact, and Limitations of the Waqf System”. Law & Society Review, (35/4), 841-898.
  • Kuran, Timur. (2005). “The Absence of the Corporation in Islamic Law: Origins and Persistence”. The American Journal of Comparative Law, (53/4), 785-834.
  • Kuran, Timur. (2011). The Long Divergence: How Islamic Law Held Back the Middle East. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Kuran, Timur. (2013). “The Political Consequences of Islam’s Economic Legacy”. Philosophy and Social Criticism, (39/4-5), 395-405.
  • Kuran, Timur. (2016). “Legal Roots of Authoritarian Rule in the Middle East: Civic Legacies of the Islamic Waqf”. The American Journal of Comparative Law, (64/2), 419-454.
  • Kurt, İsmail. (1996). Para Vakıfları: Nazariyat ve Tatbikat. Istanbul: Ensar Neşriyat.
  • Layish, Aaron. (1997). “The Family Waqf and the Shar’i Law of Succession in Modern Times”. Islamic Law and Society, (4/3), 352-388.
  • Mandeville, Jon. (1979). “Usurious Piety: The Cash Waqf Controversy in the Ottoman Empire”. International Journal of Middle East Studies, (10/3), 289-308.
  • Orbay, Kayhan. (2005a). “Detailed Tax Farm Registers and Arrears as Sources of the Waqfs’ Financial Analysis”. Acta Orientalia Scientiarum Hungaricae, (58/4), 331-347.
  • Orbay, Kayhan. (2005b). “In the Mukâta’a Revenues and the Revenue Collection of Bâyezîd II’s Waqf in Amasya”. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, (95),139-162.
  • Orbay, Kayhan. (2012). “Financial Development of the Waqfs in Konya and the Agricultural Economy in the Central Anatolia”. JESHO, (55/1), 74-116.
  • Oruç, Hatice (2005). “15. Yüzyılda Bosna Sancağı ve İdari Dağılımı”. OTAM, (18/18), 249-271.
  • Oruç, Hatice. (2009). “Gazi Hüsrev Bey’in Saraybosna’daki Vakıfları”. Belleten, (73/268), 645-670.
  • Özcan, Tahsin. (2003). Osmanlı Para Vakıfları: Kanuni Dönemi Üsküdar Örneği. Ankara: TTK.
  • Öztürk, Nazif. (1993). “Tarihte ve Bugün Vakıflar Eliyle Aileye Götürülen Hizmetler”. Sosyal Politikalar Çalışma Dergisi, (3), 78-89.
  • Öztürk, Nazif (1995). Türk Yenileşme Tarihi Çerçevesinde Vakıf Müessesesi. Ankara: TDV.
  • Palairet, Michael. (1997). The Balkan Economies, c. 1800-1914. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Pamuk, Şevket. (2000). A Monetary History of the Ottoman Empire. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Pamuk, Şevket. (2004). “Prices in the Ottoman Empire, 1469-1914”. International Journal of Middle East Studies, (36), 451-468.
  • Pamuk, Şevket. (2009). “Changes in factor markets in the Ottoman Empire, 1500-1800”. Continuity and Change, (24/1), 1-30.
  • Özmucur, Süleyman and Şevket Pamuk. (2002). “Real Wages and Standards of Living in the Ottoman Empire, 1489-1914”. The Journal of Economic History, (62/2), 293-321.
  • Pamuk, Şevket. (2004). “Prices in the Ottoman Empire, 1469-1914”. International Journal of Middle East Studies, (36/3), 451-468.
  • Peri, Oded. (1992). “Waqf and Ottoman Welfare Policy: The Poor Kitchen of Hasseki Sultan in Eighteenth-Century Jerusalem”. JESHO, (35/2), 167-186.
  • Rafeq, Abdul-Karim. (2012). “Women in the Shari’a Court Records of Ottoman Damascus”. Turkish Historical Review, (3/2), 119-142.
  • Sancaktar, Caner. (2012). “Historical Construction and Development of Bosniak Nation”. Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations, (11/1), 1-17.
  • Singer, Amy. (2013). “Giving Practices in Islamic Societies”. Social Research, (80/2), 341-358.
  • Tezcan, Baki (2010). The Second Ottoman Empire: Political and Social Transformation in the Early Modern World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Wilson, Rodney (2015). Islam and Economic Policy. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Veinstein, Gilles. (1995). “Balkan Eyaletleri (1606-1774)”. In Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Tarihi I: Osmanlı Devleti’nin Doğuşundan XVIII. Yüzyılın Sonuna, ed. Robert Mantran, trans. Server Tanilli. Istanbul: Cem.
  • Yakın, Burçak and Enver Aydoğan. (2019). “Osmanlı’da Kadınların Ekonomik Hayata Katkısı: Beratlı Kadınlar”. Turkish Science Research Foundation, (12/4), 26-44.
  • Yaycıoğlu, Ali. (2016). Partners of the Empire. California: Stanford University Press.
  • Yediyıldız, Bahaeddin (1982a). “Müessese Toplum Münasabetleri Çevresinde XVIII. Asır Türk Toplumu ve Vakıf Müesssesi”. Vakıflar Dergisi, (15), 23-53.
  • Yediyıldız, Bahaeddin (1982b). “Vakıf Müessesesinin XVIII. Asır Türk Toplamandaki Rolü”. Vakıflar Dergisi, (14), 1-27. Yıldırım, Onur. (2001). “Transformation of the Craft Guilds in Istanbul”. Islamic Studies, (40/1), 49-66.
There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Articles

Bora Altay 0000-0003-3098-4728

Publication Date June 30, 2022
Submission Date October 21, 2021
Acceptance Date June 8, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Issue: 57


APA Altay, B. (2022). Cash Waqfs of Ottoman Bosnia, 1526-1914: A Temporal Analysis Through Capital Levels. Vakıflar Dergisi(57), 51-76.

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