Research Article
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Architectural Structure and Functions of the Külliye of Sofu Mehmed Paşa in Sofia with a Special Focus on its Medrese and Kütüphane

Year 2023, Issue: 60 - December 2023, 23 - 39, 30.12.2023


During the Ottoman rule, especially in its early centuries, high-ranking officers founded large waqf establishments which provided free education, health care and protection and served as poor-relief social institutions. One of these multifunctional complexes which served the whole Muslim community was founded in the center of the European province Rumeli by Sofu Mehmed Paşa, an Ottoman governor during the reign of Sultan Süleyman I. The waqf külliye in Sofia, designed by the great architect Mimar Sinan, comprised a Friday Mosque, a medrese with a manuscript library, a caravanserai and guest-houses, a bath-house, a hospice, a public kitchen, a bakery with storerooms. Various archival sources from the 17th - mid-19th centuries, provided rich data about its role in the economic, socio-cultural development and everyday life of the population and the guests of Sofia. The available data also enables Sofu Mehmed Paşa’s medrese and its significance in the Ottoman education system to be examined.


  • İstanbul: T.C. Cumhur Başkanlığı Devlet Arşivleri Başkanlığı Osmanlı Arşivi (BOA)
  • BOA, Maliyeden Müdevver Defterler (MAD.d.) 4945 (Şaban 1025 - Muhharem 1029 /August 1616-December 1619).
  • Sofia: St St Cyril and Methodius National Library – Sofia, Oriental Department (hereafter NBKM, OrO)
  • Defter (D) 62: 127r – 131r (1 Muharrem1029- 30 Zilhicce1030/ 26th November 1620 – 15th November 1621).
  • Fund (f.) 1, archival unit (a.e.) 15110, (1 Muharrem 1105 – 8 Ramazan 1121 / 2nd September 1693 – 11th November 1709).
  • Sicil Sofia (S) 85, 138-III (1091/1680).
  • OR 344:1a.
  • A Voyage Into the Levant: A Breife Relation of a Journey (1636). Lately Performed by Master H.B.Gentelman. Second edition, London.
  • Galabov, Galab and Herbert W. Duda (1960). Die protokollbücher des Kadiamtes Sofia, München: 59/doc. 225 (17.C. 957/ 03.06.1550).
  • Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü Arşivi – Ankara (hereafter VGMA), Defter nr. 988:51 – 64, H. Eren (ed.), Balkanlar’da Osmanlı Vakıfları Vakfiyeler, Bulgaristan. 2 Cilt. Ottoman Waqfs in the Balkans: Waqf Deeds, Bulgaria. Istanbul: IRCICA, 2012: 525–551.
  • Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnâme (Rumeli-Solkol ve Edirne) (1984). Ankara: Kültür Bakanlığı.
  • Viaggi a Costantinopoli di Gio:Battista Donado Senator Veneto Spedito Bailo alla Porta Ottomana l'anno 1680. Sua permanenza, e ritorno in Patria nel 1684 (1684). Osseruati colla raccolta delle più curiose notitie dal fù dottor Antonio Benetti, e dati in luce dal dottor Francesco Maria Pazzaglia. Parte prima –quarta, vol. 1, part 4. Venezia: Poleti, 1688.
  • Articles and books
  • Andonova, Paulina (2019). “The Imaret of Sofu Mehmed Paşa in Sofia, 1548 - beginning of the 19th century (Comparative Notes between the Founder’s Will and the Realities)”. Ètudes balkaniques, (LV/4). Sofia. 762-800.
  • Andonova, Paulina (2020a). Osmanskiyat elit i blagotvoritelnostta v tsentyra na provinciya Rumelia: Imaretyt na Sofu Mehmed Pasha pri Chernata Dzamiya v Sofiya, XVI – XIX vek. Sofiya: Gutenberg [Андонов, Паулина (2020). Османският ели и благотворителността в центъра на провинция Румелия: Имаретът на Софу Мехмед паша при Черната джамия в София, XVI – XIX век. София: Гутенберг].
  • Andonova, Paulina (2020b). “The Role of Sofu Mehmed Paşa’s Complex in the Urbanization and Establishment of Sofia as an Administrative Centre in Rumeli”. Ètudes balkaniques, (LVI/3). Sofia. 539-562.
  • Ahmed, Shahab and Nenad Filipovic (2004). “The Sultans Syllabus: A Curriculum for the Ottoman Imperial medreses prescribed in a fermān of Qānūnī I Süleymān, dated 973 (1565)”. Studia Islamica, (98/99), 183-218.
  • Aydın, Mahir (1992). “Ahmed Arif Hikmet Beyefendi’nin Rumeli Tanzimat Müfettişliği ve Teftiş Defteri”. Belleten, (cilt 56, sayı 215), 69-165.
  • Baltacı, Cahid (1976). XV – XVI. Asırlarda Osmanlı Medreseleri. İstanbul.
  • Blair, Sheil S. (1984). “Ilkhanid Architecture and Society: An Analysis of the Endowment Deed of the Rabi-i Rashidi”. Iran, (vol. 22), 67-90.
  • Eren, Ismail (1968). “Mimar Sinan’ın Sofya’da Bilinmiyen Eseri”. Belgelerle Türk Tarihi Dergisi, (8). İstanbul. 66-70.
  • Erünsal, Ismail (2008). Ottoman Libraries: A Survey of the History, Development and Organization of Ottoman Foundation Libraries. PhD thesis. Harvard University.
  • Eyce, Semavi (1997). “Osmanlı Medreselerin Mimarisi”. TDV Islam Ansiklopedisi, (8), Istanbul. 116 – 118.
  • Gradeva, Rossitsa (2011). “A Kadi Court in the Balkans: Sofia in the Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries”. The Ottoman World. Christine Woodhead (ed.). London and New York: Routledge. 57-71.
  • Ivanova, Svetlana (2005). “Muslim Charity Foundations (Vakf) and the Models of Religious Behaviour of Ottoman Social Estates in Rumeli (late 15th to 19th centuries)”. Islam am Balkan. Madlene Kurz (ed.). Wiener Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Neuzeit. Heft 2: 44-68.
  • Kiel, Machiel (1990). “Urban Development in Bulgaria in the Turkish period: The Place of Turkish Architecture in the Process”. Kemal Karpat (ed.) The Turks of Bulgaria: the History, Culture and Poltical Fate of a Minority. Istanbul: Isis Press.
  • Kuran, Aptullah (1987). “Form and Function in Ottoman Building Complexes”. Environmental Design: Journal of the Islamic Environmental Design Research Centre, (1-2). Rome: Carucci Editions. 132-139.
  • Moutafova, Krasimira and Mariya Kalitsin (1998). “Istoricheski realii za halvetiyskia sheyh Bali Efendi v novootkrito jitie ot XIX vek.“ Myusyulmanskata kultura po bylgarskite zemi. Rossitsa Gradeva, Setlana Ivanova (eds). Sofya. [Мутафова, Красимира и Мария Калицин. “Исторически реалии за халветийския шейх Бали Ефенди Софийски в новооткрито житие от XIX век”. Мюсюлманската култура по българските земи. съст. Росица Градева и Светлана Иванова, София:МЦПМКВ].
  • Necipoğlu, Gülru (2005). The Age of Sinan: Architectural Culture in the Ottoman Empire. London: Reaktion Press. Parveva, Stefka (1998). “Predstaviteli na myusyulmanskata religiozna institutsiya v grada po balgarskite zemi prez XVII vek”, Gradeva, Rossitsa, Sv. Ivanova (eds.), Myusyulmanskata kultura po balgarskite zemi. (Sadbata na myusyulmanskite obshtnosti na Balkanite, vol. 2) [Първева, Стефка (1998). “Представители на мюсюлманската религиозна институция в града по българските земи през XVII век”. Росица Градева и Светлана Иванова (съст.), Мюсюлманската култура по българските земи. (Съдбата на мюсюлманските общности на Балканите, т. 2) София: МЦПМКВ], Sofiya. 45-54.
  • Repp, Richard (1986). The Mufti of Istanbul. A Study in the Development of the Ottoman Learned Hierarchy. Oxford: Oxford University.
  • Sabev, Orlin (2001). Osmanski uchilista v bylgarskite zemi XV-XVII vek. Sofiya: Lyubomydrie - Hronika [Събев, Орлин. Османски училища в българските земи XV-XVII век. София: Любомъдрие - Хроника].
  • Stainova, Mariya (1982). Osmanskite biblioteki v bylgarskite zemi XV-XVII vek. Sofiya: NBKM [Мария Стайнова, Османските библиотеки в българските земи XV – XVII век. Студии. Сoфия: НБКМ].
  • Süreyya, Mehmed (1971). Sicill-i Osmani. Istanbul.
  • Șen, Ahmet T. (2021). “The Sultan's Syllabus Revisited: Sixteenth Century Ottoman Madrasa Libraries and the Question of Canonization”. Studia Islamica, no. 116: 198-235.
  • Uzunçarşılı, İsmail Hakkı (1988). Osmanlı Devletinin Ilmiye Teşkilâtı. Ankara.
  • Yıldız, Sara Nur (2017). “A Hanafi law manual in the vernacular: Devletoğlu Yūsuf Balıḳesrī’s Turkish verse adaptation of the Hidāya-Wiqāya textual tradition for the Ottoman Sultan Murad II (824/1424)”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 80, no. 2: 283-304.
  • Zilfi, Madeline (1983). "The Ilmiye Registers and the Ottoman Medrese System Prior to the Tanzimat". Contributions a’lhistorie économique et social de lÉmpire Ottoman. Collection Turcica III, 309-327.
  • Zilfi, Madeline (1988). The Politics of Piety: The Ottoman Ulema in the Postclassical Age (1600-1800). Minneapolis: Bibliotheca Islamica.
  • Zilfi, Madeline (1993). “Sultan Süleyman and the Ottoman Religious Establishment”. Sultan Süleyman the Second and his Time. Halil İnalcık, Camal Kafadar (eds.). Istanbul: The Isis Press: 109-120.

Sofya'daki Sofu Mehmed Paşa medrese ve kütüphane

Year 2023, Issue: 60 - December 2023, 23 - 39, 30.12.2023


Osmanlı idaresi döneminde, özellikle bu idarenin ilk yüzyıllarında, üst düzey yetkililer kentlerde belirli
kişilere ücretsiz eğitim, koruma ve barınma sağlayan büyük vakıflar kurmuşlardır. Bu vakıflar kentsel
yerleşim yerlerin sosyal ve ekonomik hayatında önemli rol oynamaktadırlar. Bunların arasında Kanuni
Sultan Süleyman döneminde (1520-1566) bir Osmanlı valisi olan Sofu Mehmed Paşa tarafından Sofya’da kurulan külliye de vardır. Ünlü Mimar Sinan tarafından tasarlanmış bu külliye cuma cami, medrese,
medreseye bağlı kütüphane, kervansaray, hamam, bir darülaceze, bir imaret mutfağı ve depoları ile bir
fırından oluşuyordu. 17’nci yüzyıldan 19’uncu yüzyılın ortalarına kadar uzanan çeşitli arşiv kaynakları, bu
külliyenin Sofya’nın ekonomik ve sosyo-kültürel gelişimi, halkın günlük yaşamındaki rolü ve Sofya’ya gelen misafirler hakkında zengin veriler sunmaktadır. Bu kaynaklardan elde edilen bilgiler, Sofu Mehmed
Paşa’nın hem medresesinin hem de medresenin Osmanlı eğitim sistemindeki öneminin incelenmesine
de olanak sağlamaktadır.


  • İstanbul: T.C. Cumhur Başkanlığı Devlet Arşivleri Başkanlığı Osmanlı Arşivi (BOA)
  • BOA, Maliyeden Müdevver Defterler (MAD.d.) 4945 (Şaban 1025 - Muhharem 1029 /August 1616-December 1619).
  • Sofia: St St Cyril and Methodius National Library – Sofia, Oriental Department (hereafter NBKM, OrO)
  • Defter (D) 62: 127r – 131r (1 Muharrem1029- 30 Zilhicce1030/ 26th November 1620 – 15th November 1621).
  • Fund (f.) 1, archival unit (a.e.) 15110, (1 Muharrem 1105 – 8 Ramazan 1121 / 2nd September 1693 – 11th November 1709).
  • Sicil Sofia (S) 85, 138-III (1091/1680).
  • OR 344:1a.
  • A Voyage Into the Levant: A Breife Relation of a Journey (1636). Lately Performed by Master H.B.Gentelman. Second edition, London.
  • Galabov, Galab and Herbert W. Duda (1960). Die protokollbücher des Kadiamtes Sofia, München: 59/doc. 225 (17.C. 957/ 03.06.1550).
  • Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü Arşivi – Ankara (hereafter VGMA), Defter nr. 988:51 – 64, H. Eren (ed.), Balkanlar’da Osmanlı Vakıfları Vakfiyeler, Bulgaristan. 2 Cilt. Ottoman Waqfs in the Balkans: Waqf Deeds, Bulgaria. Istanbul: IRCICA, 2012: 525–551.
  • Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnâme (Rumeli-Solkol ve Edirne) (1984). Ankara: Kültür Bakanlığı.
  • Viaggi a Costantinopoli di Gio:Battista Donado Senator Veneto Spedito Bailo alla Porta Ottomana l'anno 1680. Sua permanenza, e ritorno in Patria nel 1684 (1684). Osseruati colla raccolta delle più curiose notitie dal fù dottor Antonio Benetti, e dati in luce dal dottor Francesco Maria Pazzaglia. Parte prima –quarta, vol. 1, part 4. Venezia: Poleti, 1688.
  • Articles and books
  • Andonova, Paulina (2019). “The Imaret of Sofu Mehmed Paşa in Sofia, 1548 - beginning of the 19th century (Comparative Notes between the Founder’s Will and the Realities)”. Ètudes balkaniques, (LV/4). Sofia. 762-800.
  • Andonova, Paulina (2020a). Osmanskiyat elit i blagotvoritelnostta v tsentyra na provinciya Rumelia: Imaretyt na Sofu Mehmed Pasha pri Chernata Dzamiya v Sofiya, XVI – XIX vek. Sofiya: Gutenberg [Андонов, Паулина (2020). Османският ели и благотворителността в центъра на провинция Румелия: Имаретът на Софу Мехмед паша при Черната джамия в София, XVI – XIX век. София: Гутенберг].
  • Andonova, Paulina (2020b). “The Role of Sofu Mehmed Paşa’s Complex in the Urbanization and Establishment of Sofia as an Administrative Centre in Rumeli”. Ètudes balkaniques, (LVI/3). Sofia. 539-562.
  • Ahmed, Shahab and Nenad Filipovic (2004). “The Sultans Syllabus: A Curriculum for the Ottoman Imperial medreses prescribed in a fermān of Qānūnī I Süleymān, dated 973 (1565)”. Studia Islamica, (98/99), 183-218.
  • Aydın, Mahir (1992). “Ahmed Arif Hikmet Beyefendi’nin Rumeli Tanzimat Müfettişliği ve Teftiş Defteri”. Belleten, (cilt 56, sayı 215), 69-165.
  • Baltacı, Cahid (1976). XV – XVI. Asırlarda Osmanlı Medreseleri. İstanbul.
  • Blair, Sheil S. (1984). “Ilkhanid Architecture and Society: An Analysis of the Endowment Deed of the Rabi-i Rashidi”. Iran, (vol. 22), 67-90.
  • Eren, Ismail (1968). “Mimar Sinan’ın Sofya’da Bilinmiyen Eseri”. Belgelerle Türk Tarihi Dergisi, (8). İstanbul. 66-70.
  • Erünsal, Ismail (2008). Ottoman Libraries: A Survey of the History, Development and Organization of Ottoman Foundation Libraries. PhD thesis. Harvard University.
  • Eyce, Semavi (1997). “Osmanlı Medreselerin Mimarisi”. TDV Islam Ansiklopedisi, (8), Istanbul. 116 – 118.
  • Gradeva, Rossitsa (2011). “A Kadi Court in the Balkans: Sofia in the Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries”. The Ottoman World. Christine Woodhead (ed.). London and New York: Routledge. 57-71.
  • Ivanova, Svetlana (2005). “Muslim Charity Foundations (Vakf) and the Models of Religious Behaviour of Ottoman Social Estates in Rumeli (late 15th to 19th centuries)”. Islam am Balkan. Madlene Kurz (ed.). Wiener Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Neuzeit. Heft 2: 44-68.
  • Kiel, Machiel (1990). “Urban Development in Bulgaria in the Turkish period: The Place of Turkish Architecture in the Process”. Kemal Karpat (ed.) The Turks of Bulgaria: the History, Culture and Poltical Fate of a Minority. Istanbul: Isis Press.
  • Kuran, Aptullah (1987). “Form and Function in Ottoman Building Complexes”. Environmental Design: Journal of the Islamic Environmental Design Research Centre, (1-2). Rome: Carucci Editions. 132-139.
  • Moutafova, Krasimira and Mariya Kalitsin (1998). “Istoricheski realii za halvetiyskia sheyh Bali Efendi v novootkrito jitie ot XIX vek.“ Myusyulmanskata kultura po bylgarskite zemi. Rossitsa Gradeva, Setlana Ivanova (eds). Sofya. [Мутафова, Красимира и Мария Калицин. “Исторически реалии за халветийския шейх Бали Ефенди Софийски в новооткрито житие от XIX век”. Мюсюлманската култура по българските земи. съст. Росица Градева и Светлана Иванова, София:МЦПМКВ].
  • Necipoğlu, Gülru (2005). The Age of Sinan: Architectural Culture in the Ottoman Empire. London: Reaktion Press. Parveva, Stefka (1998). “Predstaviteli na myusyulmanskata religiozna institutsiya v grada po balgarskite zemi prez XVII vek”, Gradeva, Rossitsa, Sv. Ivanova (eds.), Myusyulmanskata kultura po balgarskite zemi. (Sadbata na myusyulmanskite obshtnosti na Balkanite, vol. 2) [Първева, Стефка (1998). “Представители на мюсюлманската религиозна институция в града по българските земи през XVII век”. Росица Градева и Светлана Иванова (съст.), Мюсюлманската култура по българските земи. (Съдбата на мюсюлманските общности на Балканите, т. 2) София: МЦПМКВ], Sofiya. 45-54.
  • Repp, Richard (1986). The Mufti of Istanbul. A Study in the Development of the Ottoman Learned Hierarchy. Oxford: Oxford University.
  • Sabev, Orlin (2001). Osmanski uchilista v bylgarskite zemi XV-XVII vek. Sofiya: Lyubomydrie - Hronika [Събев, Орлин. Османски училища в българските земи XV-XVII век. София: Любомъдрие - Хроника].
  • Stainova, Mariya (1982). Osmanskite biblioteki v bylgarskite zemi XV-XVII vek. Sofiya: NBKM [Мария Стайнова, Османските библиотеки в българските земи XV – XVII век. Студии. Сoфия: НБКМ].
  • Süreyya, Mehmed (1971). Sicill-i Osmani. Istanbul.
  • Șen, Ahmet T. (2021). “The Sultan's Syllabus Revisited: Sixteenth Century Ottoman Madrasa Libraries and the Question of Canonization”. Studia Islamica, no. 116: 198-235.
  • Uzunçarşılı, İsmail Hakkı (1988). Osmanlı Devletinin Ilmiye Teşkilâtı. Ankara.
  • Yıldız, Sara Nur (2017). “A Hanafi law manual in the vernacular: Devletoğlu Yūsuf Balıḳesrī’s Turkish verse adaptation of the Hidāya-Wiqāya textual tradition for the Ottoman Sultan Murad II (824/1424)”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 80, no. 2: 283-304.
  • Zilfi, Madeline (1983). "The Ilmiye Registers and the Ottoman Medrese System Prior to the Tanzimat". Contributions a’lhistorie économique et social de lÉmpire Ottoman. Collection Turcica III, 309-327.
  • Zilfi, Madeline (1988). The Politics of Piety: The Ottoman Ulema in the Postclassical Age (1600-1800). Minneapolis: Bibliotheca Islamica.
  • Zilfi, Madeline (1993). “Sultan Süleyman and the Ottoman Religious Establishment”. Sultan Süleyman the Second and his Time. Halil İnalcık, Camal Kafadar (eds.). Istanbul: The Isis Press: 109-120.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects History of Ottoman Education
Journal Section Research Article

Paulina Andonova 0000-0001-6682-9434

Early Pub Date December 31, 2023
Publication Date December 30, 2023
Submission Date June 28, 2023
Acceptance Date November 20, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 60 - December 2023


APA Andonova, P. (2023). Architectural Structure and Functions of the Külliye of Sofu Mehmed Paşa in Sofia with a Special Focus on its Medrese and Kütüphane. Vakıflar Dergisi(60), 23-39.

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