Ethical Principles and Publication Policy


Authors submitting their work to Journal of Waqfs are obliged to meet the ethical principles stated below:

Authorship of the paper: Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the study. Authorship has been agreed prior to submission and that no one has been ‘gifted’ authorship or denied credit as an author (“ghost authorship”).

Acknowledgements: Those (institutions and financial resources) who have provided support but have not contributed to the research should be acknowledged in an Acknowledgements section.

Originality and purity of plagiarism: The submitted work should be entirely owned by the authors. If the work of other researchers is included in the manuscript, it should be cited appropriately and listed in the references. The author is obliged to check the manuscript with one of the plagiarism prevention software, Tübitak, Turnit-in or iThenticate, and submit the similarity report to the journal for application. Manuscripts with a similarity rate of 15% or more will not be considered.

Ethics committee permission and approval: Authors are required to describe in their manuscripts ethical approval from an appropriate committee and how consent was obtained from participants when research involves human participants.

Redundant publication: Authors are expected to submit original, previously unpublished content to Journal of Waqfs . It is unacceptable to submit the work for a review to another journal at the same time.

Salami publication or salami slicing: Authors should not present the results of a research as separate publications in academic appointments and promotions by disaggregating and disseminating the results of the research in an inappropriate manner and disrupting the integrity of the research.

Data access and retention: Authors are required to submit the raw data of their research when requested by the editors and referees, and keep this data after publication.

Fundamental errors in published works: When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published article, it is the author›s obligation to promptly notify the journal editor and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the paper.


Originality: An article to be published in Journal of Vaqfs should not have been previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere. Papers presented at a conference or symposium may be accepted for publication if this is clearly indicated.

Journal of Vaqfs is published quarterly: June and December. At the end of each five year, an annual index is prepared and published in the December issue. Each issue is forwarded to subscribers, libraries and international indexing institutions within one month after its publication.

Review of Articles

Preliminary assessment: Articles submitted to Journal of Vaqfs are first reviewed by the Editorial Board in terms of the journal's editorial principles. Those found unsuitable are returned to their authors for revision. Academic objectivity and scientific quality are considered of paramount importance.

Academic review: Submissions found suitable are referred to two referees working in relevant fields. The names of the referees are kept confidential and referee reports are archived for five years. If one of the referee reports is positive and the other negative, the article may be forwarded to a third referee for further assessment or alternatively, the Editorial Board may make a final decision based on the nature of the two reports. The authors are responsible for revising their articles in line with the criticism and suggestions made by the referees and the Editorial Board. If they disagree with any issues, they may make an objection by providing clearly-stated reasons. Submissions which are not accepted for publication are not returned to their authors.

Legal responsibility: Authors have full responsibility for the views expressed in their articles and for their stylistic preferences. Quotations from other articles and duplication of photographs are permitted as long as they are fully referenced and cited.

Wage policy: The royalty rights of the articles accepted for publication are considered transferred to Directorate General of Foundations. The copyright fee is paid to the articles published in Journal of Waqfs.

The articles sent to the Journal of Waqfs with a request for publication are subject to preliminary examination by the Editorial Board and at least two academicians who are experts in their fields are sent for review. The copyright of the articles accepted to be published in the Journal of Waqfs with the referee reports and the decision of the Editorial Board is deemed to have been transferred to the General Directorate of Foundations, and a royalty fee is paid to the published articles in accordance with the relevant legislation.