The Antiparasiter Effect of Doramectin in Sheep and its Effect on Serum Enzymes
Yıl 1995,
Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 37 - 41, 06.06.1995
Gürdal Dağoğlu
Serdar Değer
Yakup Akgül
Abdurrahman Aksoy
Ramazan Şekeroğlu
Mehmet Tarakçıoğlu
this research, the sheep naturally infected by ectoparasites and endoparasites
ıvere administrated 200 pg/kg, 1 mg/kg and 2 mg/kg doses of doramectin
respectively, The antiparasitic effect of doramectin (Dectomax™, Pfizer) and
its effects on serum enzyme activities ıvere examined by autoanalyzer. When
200 pg/kg dose of doramectin ıvas given, its effect on parasites ıvas betıveen
75-94.4 °/o, a decrease in serum enzymes level ıvas observed. In 1 mg/kg dose
of doramectin there ıvas a decrease in the first tıvo days but after this, no
significant change ıvas recorded. In 2 mg/kg dose of doramectin, in the first
tıvo days there ıvas a decrease, in the third and fourth days an increase ıvas
seen. In the folloıving days the level. of enzymes decreased to that of the
second day.
- Anonim ( 1994 ): Biotrol LDH S.B.F.C. monoreactif. Biotrol US Inc., 115 Summit Drive, Exton, P.A. USA.
- Anonim ( 1994 ): Biotrol AST/TGO monoreactif. Biotrol US Inc., 115 Summit Drive, Exton, P.A. USA.
- Anonim ( 1994 ): Biotrol ALT/TGP monoreactif. Biotrol UŞ Inc., 115 Summit Drive, Exton, P.A. USA.
- Anonim ( 1994 ): Biotrol y-GT monoreactif. Biotrol US Inc., 115 Summit Drive, Exton, P.A. USA.
- Ası,T.(1978): Normal ve kene ile enfekte tosunlarda kanda hemoglobin ve bilirubin değerleri ile transaminaz ( GOT ve GPT ) aktiviteleri yönünden araştırmalar. İ.Ü. Vet.Fak.Derg., 9-13.
- Aytuğ,N.(1991): Bursa yöresinde gastro-intestinal nematod invazyonu saptanan koyunlarda ivermectinle sağaltım denemeleri ve bu ilacın bazı kan parametreleri¬ne etkisi üzerine araştırmalar. Pendik Hayv. Hast. Merk.Araşt.Enst.Derg., 22, 86-93.
- Braun,J.P.,Siest,G.,Rico,A.G.(1987): Uses of gamma- glutamyl transferase in experimental toxicology. Adv. Vet. Sci.Com.Med.,31, 151-172.
- Brugere-Picoux,J.,Brugere,H.,Basset,I.,Sayad,N., Vaast. J.,Michaux,S.M.(1987): Biochimie clinique en pathologie aviaine interet et limites des dosages enzymatiques chez la poule. Rec.Med.Vet., 163 (11); 1091-1099.
- Cotterau,P.,Gleize,J.,Magot,A., Michel,M.C., Mouton, G., Perrier,M.M.,Wolter,R.(1977): Profils metaboliques en medecine veterinaire et en medetine humaine table ronde No: 10, Rev. Med.Vet.,128,6, 873-897.
- Eddi,C. ,Bıanchin,I. ,Honer,M.R. ,Muniz,R.A., Caracostan- togolo, J., Nascimento, Y. A. (1993): Efficacy of doramectin against fıeld nematode infections of cattle in Latin America. Vet.Parasitol., 49, 39-44.
- Gerber,H.(1963): Aktivitetsbestimmungen von serum- enzymen in der Veterinarmedizin. Schweizer. Arch. Tierheilk., 106, 85-124.
- Gonzales,J.C.,Muniz,R.A,Farias,A., Goncalves, L. C. B., Rew,R.S.(1993): Therapeutic and persistent efficacy of doramectin against Boophilus microplus in cattle. Vet.Parasitol., 49, 107-119.
- Gouide,A.C., Evans,N.A., Gration,K.A.F.,Bishop, B. F., Gibson,S.P.,Holdom,K.S.(1993): Doramectin - a potent novel endectocıde. Vet.Parasitol., 49, 5-15.
- Harvey,G.D.(1963): Biochemistry for Veterinary studcnts. Blackwell Scientifıc Publications, Oxford.
- Hendrick, M.O., Anderson,L., Boulard,C.,S mith, D. G., Weatherley,A.J.(1993): Efficacy of doramectin against warble fly larvae. Vet.Parasitol., 49, 75-84.
- ones, R. M., Logan, N. B., Weatherly,A. J., Little, A. S., Smothers,C.D.(1993): Activity of doramectin against nematode endoparasites of cattle. Vet.Parasitol., 49, 27- 37.
- Kaiser,H.(1967): Untersuchungen iiber den serum gehalt der lactat - dehydrogenase von Rinden in Leukose - bestanden. Inaug.Dissert. Hannover
- Kaneko, S. J. (1989): Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals. Edition, Academic Press., Califomia.
- Kennedy, M. J., Phillips, F. E. (1993): Efficacy of doramectin against eyewarms in naturally and experimentally infected cattle. Vet.Parasitol., 49,61-66.
- Logan,N.B., Weatherly,A.J., Phillips,F.E., Wilkins,C.P., Shanks,D.J.(1993): Spectrum of activity of doramectin against cattle mites and lice. Vet.Parasitol., 49,67-73.
- Montgomery, R., Conway, T. W., Spector, A. A. (1990): Biochemistry. A caseoriented Approach. The C.V. Mosby Co., St.Louis.
- Moya-Boıja, G. E., Muniz, R. A., Anavria, A., Goncal¬ves, L.C.B, Rew,R.S.(1993): Therapeutic and persistent efficacy of doramectin against Dermatobia hominis in cattle. Vet.Parasitol., 49, 85-93.
- Rico., A. G., Godfrain, S. C., Braun, J.P., Benard, P., Burgat, S.V.(1975): Dosages enzymatiques en clinigque bovine. Rev. Med., Vet., 126,1, 53-68.
- Rushton,B.(1984): Veterinary Laboratory Data. BVA publications, London, P.l-55.
- Şener.S.(1980): Fenobarbitalin kobaylarda karaciğer ve serum gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) aktivitesi üzerine etkisi. A.Ü.Vet.Fak.Derg., XXVH (3-4), 390- 396.
- Şener,S.(1988): Etanol'ün kobayda karaciğer ve serum gamma - glutamyl - transferase (GGT) aktivitesi üzerine etkisi. İ.Ü.Vet.Fak.Derg.,14,2, 1-10.
- Weatherly, A. J., Hong, C., Harris, T. J., Smith, D. G., Hammet, N.C.(1993): Persistent efficacy of doramectin against experimental nematode infections in calves. Vet. Parasitol., 49, 45-50.
- Wicks,S.R.,Kaye,B.,Weatherly,A.J , Lewis, D., Davison, E.,Gibson,S.P.,Smith,D.G.(1993): Effect of formulation on the pharmacokinetics and efficacy of doramectin. Vet. Parasitol.,49,17-26.
Koyunlarda Doramectin’in Antiparaziter Etkinliği ve Serum Enzimleri Üzerine Etkisi
Yıl 1995,
Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 37 - 41, 06.06.1995
Gürdal Dağoğlu
Serdar Değer
Yakup Akgül
Abdurrahman Aksoy
Ramazan Şekeroğlu
Mehmet Tarakçıoğlu
Bu çalışmada ekto ve
endoparazitlerle doğal enfekte koyunlara 200 pg/kg, 1 mg/kg ve 2 mg/kg dozda
doramectin (Dectomax™, Pfizer) verilerek bu ilacın antiparaziter ve oto-analizörde
serum enzim aktiviteleri üzerine etkinliği ölçüldü. 200 pg/kg dozda ilaç
verildiğinde parazit türüne göre °/o 75-94.4 arasında etkinlik, serum
enzimlerinde hafif bir düşme görülürken, aynı ilacın 1 mg/kg dozunda ilk iki
günde düşme, sonraki günlerde önemli bir değişikliğin olmadığı; 2 mg/kg dozda
verilmesi sonucunda ise, serum enzimlerinde ilk iki gün düşme, sonraki 3-4
günde yükselme ve daha sonraki günlerde 2. gündeki seviyelere indiği
- Anonim ( 1994 ): Biotrol LDH S.B.F.C. monoreactif. Biotrol US Inc., 115 Summit Drive, Exton, P.A. USA.
- Anonim ( 1994 ): Biotrol AST/TGO monoreactif. Biotrol US Inc., 115 Summit Drive, Exton, P.A. USA.
- Anonim ( 1994 ): Biotrol ALT/TGP monoreactif. Biotrol UŞ Inc., 115 Summit Drive, Exton, P.A. USA.
- Anonim ( 1994 ): Biotrol y-GT monoreactif. Biotrol US Inc., 115 Summit Drive, Exton, P.A. USA.
- Ası,T.(1978): Normal ve kene ile enfekte tosunlarda kanda hemoglobin ve bilirubin değerleri ile transaminaz ( GOT ve GPT ) aktiviteleri yönünden araştırmalar. İ.Ü. Vet.Fak.Derg., 9-13.
- Aytuğ,N.(1991): Bursa yöresinde gastro-intestinal nematod invazyonu saptanan koyunlarda ivermectinle sağaltım denemeleri ve bu ilacın bazı kan parametreleri¬ne etkisi üzerine araştırmalar. Pendik Hayv. Hast. Merk.Araşt.Enst.Derg., 22, 86-93.
- Braun,J.P.,Siest,G.,Rico,A.G.(1987): Uses of gamma- glutamyl transferase in experimental toxicology. Adv. Vet. Sci.Com.Med.,31, 151-172.
- Brugere-Picoux,J.,Brugere,H.,Basset,I.,Sayad,N., Vaast. J.,Michaux,S.M.(1987): Biochimie clinique en pathologie aviaine interet et limites des dosages enzymatiques chez la poule. Rec.Med.Vet., 163 (11); 1091-1099.
- Cotterau,P.,Gleize,J.,Magot,A., Michel,M.C., Mouton, G., Perrier,M.M.,Wolter,R.(1977): Profils metaboliques en medecine veterinaire et en medetine humaine table ronde No: 10, Rev. Med.Vet.,128,6, 873-897.
- Eddi,C. ,Bıanchin,I. ,Honer,M.R. ,Muniz,R.A., Caracostan- togolo, J., Nascimento, Y. A. (1993): Efficacy of doramectin against fıeld nematode infections of cattle in Latin America. Vet.Parasitol., 49, 39-44.
- Gerber,H.(1963): Aktivitetsbestimmungen von serum- enzymen in der Veterinarmedizin. Schweizer. Arch. Tierheilk., 106, 85-124.
- Gonzales,J.C.,Muniz,R.A,Farias,A., Goncalves, L. C. B., Rew,R.S.(1993): Therapeutic and persistent efficacy of doramectin against Boophilus microplus in cattle. Vet.Parasitol., 49, 107-119.
- Gouide,A.C., Evans,N.A., Gration,K.A.F.,Bishop, B. F., Gibson,S.P.,Holdom,K.S.(1993): Doramectin - a potent novel endectocıde. Vet.Parasitol., 49, 5-15.
- Harvey,G.D.(1963): Biochemistry for Veterinary studcnts. Blackwell Scientifıc Publications, Oxford.
- Hendrick, M.O., Anderson,L., Boulard,C.,S mith, D. G., Weatherley,A.J.(1993): Efficacy of doramectin against warble fly larvae. Vet.Parasitol., 49, 75-84.
- ones, R. M., Logan, N. B., Weatherly,A. J., Little, A. S., Smothers,C.D.(1993): Activity of doramectin against nematode endoparasites of cattle. Vet.Parasitol., 49, 27- 37.
- Kaiser,H.(1967): Untersuchungen iiber den serum gehalt der lactat - dehydrogenase von Rinden in Leukose - bestanden. Inaug.Dissert. Hannover
- Kaneko, S. J. (1989): Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals. Edition, Academic Press., Califomia.
- Kennedy, M. J., Phillips, F. E. (1993): Efficacy of doramectin against eyewarms in naturally and experimentally infected cattle. Vet.Parasitol., 49,61-66.
- Logan,N.B., Weatherly,A.J., Phillips,F.E., Wilkins,C.P., Shanks,D.J.(1993): Spectrum of activity of doramectin against cattle mites and lice. Vet.Parasitol., 49,67-73.
- Montgomery, R., Conway, T. W., Spector, A. A. (1990): Biochemistry. A caseoriented Approach. The C.V. Mosby Co., St.Louis.
- Moya-Boıja, G. E., Muniz, R. A., Anavria, A., Goncal¬ves, L.C.B, Rew,R.S.(1993): Therapeutic and persistent efficacy of doramectin against Dermatobia hominis in cattle. Vet.Parasitol., 49, 85-93.
- Rico., A. G., Godfrain, S. C., Braun, J.P., Benard, P., Burgat, S.V.(1975): Dosages enzymatiques en clinigque bovine. Rev. Med., Vet., 126,1, 53-68.
- Rushton,B.(1984): Veterinary Laboratory Data. BVA publications, London, P.l-55.
- Şener.S.(1980): Fenobarbitalin kobaylarda karaciğer ve serum gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) aktivitesi üzerine etkisi. A.Ü.Vet.Fak.Derg., XXVH (3-4), 390- 396.
- Şener,S.(1988): Etanol'ün kobayda karaciğer ve serum gamma - glutamyl - transferase (GGT) aktivitesi üzerine etkisi. İ.Ü.Vet.Fak.Derg.,14,2, 1-10.
- Weatherly, A. J., Hong, C., Harris, T. J., Smith, D. G., Hammet, N.C.(1993): Persistent efficacy of doramectin against experimental nematode infections in calves. Vet. Parasitol., 49, 45-50.
- Wicks,S.R.,Kaye,B.,Weatherly,A.J , Lewis, D., Davison, E.,Gibson,S.P.,Smith,D.G.(1993): Effect of formulation on the pharmacokinetics and efficacy of doramectin. Vet. Parasitol.,49,17-26.