In the investigation
of 1017 patients without traumatic history applying to our polyclinic, 29
brucellosis cases were diagnosed. In addition to clinical symptoms and signs, the diagnosis was based on Standard Tube Agglutination (Wright) test titers.
Patients diagıosed as brucellosis were treated with antimicrobial agents and
folloıved up with two weeks intervals until recovering. Skeletal system
complications seen in brucellosis were discussed in this text.
Ariza J, Gudiol F and Valverde J: Brucellar spon- dylitis: a details: A detailed analysis based on cur- rent fmdings. Rev. Infect. Dis.,7:656-64,1985.
Amow PM, Smaron M and Ormiste V: Brucellosis in a group of travelers to Spain. JAMA, 251:505-7, 1984.
Buchanan TM, Sulzer CR, Frix: Brucellosis in the United States, 1960-1972. An abattoir-associated disease. Part II. Diagnostic aspects. Medicine, 53:415-25, 1974.
Buchanan TM, Faber LC and Feldman RA: Brucel¬losis in the United States, 1960-1972. An abattoir- asociated disease. Part I. Clinical features and ther- apy. Medicine, 53: 403-13, 1974.
Cano R, Falcon S, Gotuzzo E: La gamagrafıa osea: Un procedimiento diagnostico de valor en la artrit!s brucelar. IV Jomadas Cientifıcas (Abst). Lima Uni- versidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, 1986.
Cohen PS, Maguire JH and Weinstein L: Infective endocardits caused by gram negative bacteria. A re- view of the literatüre. 1945-1977. Prog. Cardiovasc. Dis., 22: 205-39, 1980.
Dalrymple-Champneys W: Brucella Infection and Undulant Fever in Man. London ; University Press: 1960.
Debono JE: Brucellosis in Malta. İn Huddleson IF (ed) : Brucellosis in Man and Animals. New York. The Commonwealth Fund, pp 115-143, 1943.
Diaz R and Marion I: Laboratory Techniques in the Diagnosis of Human Brucellosis. In Young EJ and Corbel MJ (eds):Brucellosis Clinical and Laboratory Aspects. Baco Raton, FL, CRC Press, 1989.
Diaz RE, Maravi-Poma E and Rivero A: Comparison of counter immunoelectrophoresis with other sero- logical tests in the diagnosis of human brucellosis. Bull. WHO, 53:417,1976.
Feiz J, Sabbaghiaıı H and Miraldi M: Brucellosis due to B melitensis in ehil dren. Clinical and epide- miological observations in 95 patients observed in Central Iran. Clin . Pediatr.,17: 904-907, 1978.
Gotuzzo E, Alarcon G and Bocanegra T: Articular involvement in human brucellosis: A retrospeetive analysis of 304 cases. Semin. Arthritis Rheum., 12:245, 1982.
Gotuzzo E, Carillo C, Guerra J and Llosa L: Evalua- tion of diagnostic methods in brucellosis. Value of bone marrow culture. J. Infect. Dis.,153:122, 1986.
Huddleson IF: Brucellosis in Man and Animals. New York, The Commomvealth Fund, 1943.
Polikliniğimize müracaat eden
ue travma hikayesi olmayan 1017 hastada yapılan araştırma sonucunda 29 olguda
bruselloz teşhis edilmiştir. Tanıda klinik belirti ve bulgulara ilaveten
Standart Tüp Aglütinasyon (Wright) testi titreleri esas alınmıştır. Bruselloz
tanısı konulan ve antimikrobiyal ajanlarla tedaviye alınan hastalar
iyileşinceye kadar iki haftalık aralarla izlenmişlerdir. Yazımızda brusellozda
iskelet sistemi komplikasyonları tartışılmıştır.
Ariza J, Gudiol F and Valverde J: Brucellar spon- dylitis: a details: A detailed analysis based on cur- rent fmdings. Rev. Infect. Dis.,7:656-64,1985.
Amow PM, Smaron M and Ormiste V: Brucellosis in a group of travelers to Spain. JAMA, 251:505-7, 1984.
Buchanan TM, Sulzer CR, Frix: Brucellosis in the United States, 1960-1972. An abattoir-associated disease. Part II. Diagnostic aspects. Medicine, 53:415-25, 1974.
Buchanan TM, Faber LC and Feldman RA: Brucel¬losis in the United States, 1960-1972. An abattoir- asociated disease. Part I. Clinical features and ther- apy. Medicine, 53: 403-13, 1974.
Cano R, Falcon S, Gotuzzo E: La gamagrafıa osea: Un procedimiento diagnostico de valor en la artrit!s brucelar. IV Jomadas Cientifıcas (Abst). Lima Uni- versidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, 1986.
Cohen PS, Maguire JH and Weinstein L: Infective endocardits caused by gram negative bacteria. A re- view of the literatüre. 1945-1977. Prog. Cardiovasc. Dis., 22: 205-39, 1980.
Dalrymple-Champneys W: Brucella Infection and Undulant Fever in Man. London ; University Press: 1960.
Debono JE: Brucellosis in Malta. İn Huddleson IF (ed) : Brucellosis in Man and Animals. New York. The Commonwealth Fund, pp 115-143, 1943.
Diaz R and Marion I: Laboratory Techniques in the Diagnosis of Human Brucellosis. In Young EJ and Corbel MJ (eds):Brucellosis Clinical and Laboratory Aspects. Baco Raton, FL, CRC Press, 1989.
Diaz RE, Maravi-Poma E and Rivero A: Comparison of counter immunoelectrophoresis with other sero- logical tests in the diagnosis of human brucellosis. Bull. WHO, 53:417,1976.
Feiz J, Sabbaghiaıı H and Miraldi M: Brucellosis due to B melitensis in ehil dren. Clinical and epide- miological observations in 95 patients observed in Central Iran. Clin . Pediatr.,17: 904-907, 1978.
Gotuzzo E, Alarcon G and Bocanegra T: Articular involvement in human brucellosis: A retrospeetive analysis of 304 cases. Semin. Arthritis Rheum., 12:245, 1982.
Gotuzzo E, Carillo C, Guerra J and Llosa L: Evalua- tion of diagnostic methods in brucellosis. Value of bone marrow culture. J. Infect. Dis.,153:122, 1986.
Huddleson IF: Brucellosis in Man and Animals. New York, The Commomvealth Fund, 1943.