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Investigation of the Prevalence of Digestive System Parasites in Domestic Rabbits

Year 2022, , 52 - 55, 28.07.2022


The aim of this study is to investigate the prevalence of digestive system parasites in domestic rabbits raised in Kirikkale and Ankara regions. During the study, fecal samples were taken from 100 rabbit cages. The feces taken from each cage were evaluated as a single sample regardless of the number of rabbits in the cage. The samples were analyzed by the Fulleborn flotation technique. As a result of the examination, it was determined that 44 of 100 fecal samples (44%) were infected with at least one parasite species. In the fecal samples examined, Eimeria spp. oocysts, Passalurus ambiguus and Trichostrongylus spp. eggs were found. In this study, Eimeria spp., 34%, P. ambiguus, 2%, Trichostrongylus spp., 4%, Eimeria spp.+ Trichostrongylus spp., 3%, and Eimeria spp.+P. ambiguus is detected in 1% of cases. The presence of parasites (88.1%) in the samples taken from the cages with two or more rabbits was found to be statistically higher than the samples taken from the cages with a single rabbit (12.1%). In this study, the prevalence of digestive system parasites in domestic rabbits raised for hobby or economic gain in the region was determined for the first time.


  • Abdel-Baki AAS, Al-Quraishy S (2013). Prevalence of coccidia (Eimeria spp.) infection in domestic tabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Pakistan J Zool, 45 (5), 1329-1333.
  • Anonim (2001). Sekizinci beş yıllık kalkınma planı. Hayvancılık Özel İhtisas Komisyonu raporu. http://ekutup.I Erişim Tarihi: 01.04.2022.
  • Audebert F, Hoste H, Durette-Desset MC (2002). Life cycle of Trichostrongylus retortaeformis in its natural host, the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). J Helminthol, 76, 189- 192.
  • Bıyıkoğlu G (1996). Bazı laboratuvar hayvanlarında dışkı bakılarında saptanan helmintler. Etlik Vet Mikrob Derg, 8 (4), 137-146.
  • Bugti AG, Shah MA, Kaleri HA et al. (2016). Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites of laboratory animals at animal house. J Agr Biotechnol, 1 (1), 26–29.
  • Buluş F, Öge H (1999). Değişik kurumlardaki tavşanlarda (Oryctolagus cuniculus) dışkı bakısına göre saptanan helmintler. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, 46, 309-312.
  • Çetinkaya H, Taş T, Vuruşaner C (2017). Determination of the parasitic stages in the faeces of some laboratory and pet animals by using flotation technique in Istanbul, Turkey. J Ist Vet Sci, 1 (2), 35-39.
  • Da Silva DRR, Inácio SV, Nagata WB et al. (2021). Investigation of gastrintestinal parasites in rabbits of the species Oryctolagus cuniculus in the Northwest region of São Paulo, Brazil. Res Soc Dev, 10, (10), e468101019130.
  • Eira C, Torres J, Miquel, J, Vingada, J. (2007). The helminth parasites of the wild rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus and their effect on host condition in Dunas de Mira, Portugal. J Helminthol, 81 (3), 239-246.
  • El-Sayed N, Metwally MMM, Ras R (2020). Prevalence and morphological identification of Eimeria spp. in domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in Sharkia province, Egypt. EVMPSJ, 16, 114-130.
  • El-Shahawi GA, El-Fayomi HM, Abdel-Haleem HM (2012). Coccidiosis of domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in Egypt: light microscopic study. Parasitol Res, 110, 251–258.
  • Elshahawy I, Elgoniemy A (2008). An epidemiological study on endoparasites of domestic rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in Egypt with special reference to their health impact. Sains Malays, 47 (1), 9-18.
  • Gürler AT, Doğanay A (2007). Ankara ve civarında bulunan tavşanlarda solunum ve sindirim sistemi helmintlerinin yaygınlığı. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 54, 105-109.
  • Hadi HD (2021). Internal parasites that infected local rabbits. GSCBPS, 15(2), 67–71.
  • Hajipour N, Zavarshani M (2020). Ectoparasites and endoparasites of New Zealand White Rabbits from North West of Iran. Iran J Parasitol, 15 (2), 266-271.
  • Hamid PH, Prastowo S, Kristianingrum YP (2019). Intestinal and hepatic coccidiosis among rabbits in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Vet World, 12 (8), 1256-1260.
  • Hess L (2012). Dermatologic diseases. In: Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents: Cilinical Medicine and Surgical. Qusenberry KE, Carpenter JV (Edts). Saunders Elsevier, St. Louis, Missesouri, pp: 232-244.
  • Ilić T, Stepanović P, Nenadović K, Dimitrijević S (2018). Improving agricultural production of domestic rabbits in Serbia by follow-up study of their parasitic infections. IJVR, 19 (4), 290-297.
  • Khorolskyi A, Yevstafieva V, Kravchenko S et al. (2021). Specifics of the morphological identification of the pathogen of passaluariasis of rabbits. Regul Mech Biosyst, 12 (4), 702–709.
  • Ola-Fadunsin SD, Hussain K, Rabiu M, Ganiyu, IA (2018). Parasitic conditions of domestic owned rabbits in Osun State, southwestern Nigeria: Retrospective evaluation, risk factors and co-infestations. Int J Vet Sci Med, 6 (2), 208-212.
  • Rewatkar SG, Deshmukh SS, Prem Kumar G, Maske DK, Bhangale GN (2013). Occurrence of gastrointestinal helminths in rabbits with special reference to importance of Giardia spp. as parasitic zoonoses. Sci Technol Arts Res J, 2 (3),142–143.
  • Sürsal N, Gökpinar S, Yildiz K (2014). Prevalence of intestinal parasites in hamsters and rabbits in some pet shops of Turkey. Turkiye Parazitol Derg, 38, 102-105.
  • Tanjung M, Rangkuti PM (2019). Species and prevalence of rabbit gastrointestinal parasites in Berastagi Farm Karo District, North Sumatra, Indonesia. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology (ICONART 2019),193-198.
  • Turan K, Erez MS, Kozan E (2017). Afyonkarahisar ve Kütahya'daki ev ve süs hayvanı satış yerlerinde bulunan çeşitli hayvanlarda bağırsak parazitlerinin tesbiti. Kocatepe Vet J, 10 (4), 295-299.

Evcil Tavşanlarda Sindirim Sistemi Parazitlerinin Yaygınlığının Araştırılması

Year 2022, , 52 - 55, 28.07.2022


Bu çalışmanın amacı Kırıkkale ve Ankara yöresinde yetiştiriciliği yapılan evcil tavşanlarda sindirim sistemi parazitlerinin yaygınlığının araştırılmasıdır. Çalışma sırasında 100 adet tavşan kafesinden dışkı örnekleri alınmıştır. Her kafesten alınan dışkılar kafes içerisindeki tavşan sayısına bakılmaksızın tek örnek olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Alınan örnekler Fülleborn flotasyon tekniği ile incelenmiştir. Muayene sonucunda incelenen 100 dışkı örneğinin 44 tanesinin (%44) en az bir parazit türü ile enfekte olduğu saptanmıştır. 44 pozitif örneğin 40 tanesinin tek, 4 tanesinin ise iki parazit türü içerdiği tespit edilmiştir. İncelenen dışkı örneklerinde protozoonlardan Eimeria spp. ookistlerine, helmintlerden Passalurus ambiguus ve Trichostrongylus spp. yumurtalarına rastlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada Eimeria spp., %34, P. ambiguus, %2, Trichostrongylus spp., %4, Eimeria spp.+ Trichostrongylus spp., %3 ve Eimeria spp.+P. ambiguus %1 oranında tespit edilmiştir. İki veya daha fazla tavşanın bir arada bulunduğu kafeslerden alınan örneklerde parazit varlığı (%88.1), tek tavşanın barındırıldığı kafeslerden alınan örneklere göre (%12.1) istatistiki olarak daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Bu çalışma ile yörede hobi ya da ekonomik kazanç amacıyla yetiştiriciliği yapılan evcil tavşanlarda sindirim sistemi parazitlerinin yaygınlığı ilk defa belirlenmiştir.


  • Abdel-Baki AAS, Al-Quraishy S (2013). Prevalence of coccidia (Eimeria spp.) infection in domestic tabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Pakistan J Zool, 45 (5), 1329-1333.
  • Anonim (2001). Sekizinci beş yıllık kalkınma planı. Hayvancılık Özel İhtisas Komisyonu raporu. http://ekutup.I Erişim Tarihi: 01.04.2022.
  • Audebert F, Hoste H, Durette-Desset MC (2002). Life cycle of Trichostrongylus retortaeformis in its natural host, the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). J Helminthol, 76, 189- 192.
  • Bıyıkoğlu G (1996). Bazı laboratuvar hayvanlarında dışkı bakılarında saptanan helmintler. Etlik Vet Mikrob Derg, 8 (4), 137-146.
  • Bugti AG, Shah MA, Kaleri HA et al. (2016). Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites of laboratory animals at animal house. J Agr Biotechnol, 1 (1), 26–29.
  • Buluş F, Öge H (1999). Değişik kurumlardaki tavşanlarda (Oryctolagus cuniculus) dışkı bakısına göre saptanan helmintler. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, 46, 309-312.
  • Çetinkaya H, Taş T, Vuruşaner C (2017). Determination of the parasitic stages in the faeces of some laboratory and pet animals by using flotation technique in Istanbul, Turkey. J Ist Vet Sci, 1 (2), 35-39.
  • Da Silva DRR, Inácio SV, Nagata WB et al. (2021). Investigation of gastrintestinal parasites in rabbits of the species Oryctolagus cuniculus in the Northwest region of São Paulo, Brazil. Res Soc Dev, 10, (10), e468101019130.
  • Eira C, Torres J, Miquel, J, Vingada, J. (2007). The helminth parasites of the wild rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus and their effect on host condition in Dunas de Mira, Portugal. J Helminthol, 81 (3), 239-246.
  • El-Sayed N, Metwally MMM, Ras R (2020). Prevalence and morphological identification of Eimeria spp. in domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in Sharkia province, Egypt. EVMPSJ, 16, 114-130.
  • El-Shahawi GA, El-Fayomi HM, Abdel-Haleem HM (2012). Coccidiosis of domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in Egypt: light microscopic study. Parasitol Res, 110, 251–258.
  • Elshahawy I, Elgoniemy A (2008). An epidemiological study on endoparasites of domestic rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in Egypt with special reference to their health impact. Sains Malays, 47 (1), 9-18.
  • Gürler AT, Doğanay A (2007). Ankara ve civarında bulunan tavşanlarda solunum ve sindirim sistemi helmintlerinin yaygınlığı. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 54, 105-109.
  • Hadi HD (2021). Internal parasites that infected local rabbits. GSCBPS, 15(2), 67–71.
  • Hajipour N, Zavarshani M (2020). Ectoparasites and endoparasites of New Zealand White Rabbits from North West of Iran. Iran J Parasitol, 15 (2), 266-271.
  • Hamid PH, Prastowo S, Kristianingrum YP (2019). Intestinal and hepatic coccidiosis among rabbits in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Vet World, 12 (8), 1256-1260.
  • Hess L (2012). Dermatologic diseases. In: Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents: Cilinical Medicine and Surgical. Qusenberry KE, Carpenter JV (Edts). Saunders Elsevier, St. Louis, Missesouri, pp: 232-244.
  • Ilić T, Stepanović P, Nenadović K, Dimitrijević S (2018). Improving agricultural production of domestic rabbits in Serbia by follow-up study of their parasitic infections. IJVR, 19 (4), 290-297.
  • Khorolskyi A, Yevstafieva V, Kravchenko S et al. (2021). Specifics of the morphological identification of the pathogen of passaluariasis of rabbits. Regul Mech Biosyst, 12 (4), 702–709.
  • Ola-Fadunsin SD, Hussain K, Rabiu M, Ganiyu, IA (2018). Parasitic conditions of domestic owned rabbits in Osun State, southwestern Nigeria: Retrospective evaluation, risk factors and co-infestations. Int J Vet Sci Med, 6 (2), 208-212.
  • Rewatkar SG, Deshmukh SS, Prem Kumar G, Maske DK, Bhangale GN (2013). Occurrence of gastrointestinal helminths in rabbits with special reference to importance of Giardia spp. as parasitic zoonoses. Sci Technol Arts Res J, 2 (3),142–143.
  • Sürsal N, Gökpinar S, Yildiz K (2014). Prevalence of intestinal parasites in hamsters and rabbits in some pet shops of Turkey. Turkiye Parazitol Derg, 38, 102-105.
  • Tanjung M, Rangkuti PM (2019). Species and prevalence of rabbit gastrointestinal parasites in Berastagi Farm Karo District, North Sumatra, Indonesia. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology (ICONART 2019),193-198.
  • Turan K, Erez MS, Kozan E (2017). Afyonkarahisar ve Kütahya'daki ev ve süs hayvanı satış yerlerinde bulunan çeşitli hayvanlarda bağırsak parazitlerinin tesbiti. Kocatepe Vet J, 10 (4), 295-299.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Sami Gökpınar 0000-0001-7071-869X

Sinem Akdeniz 0000-0001-6078-460X

Gözde Nur Akkuş 0000-0001-6207-9664

Publication Date July 28, 2022
Submission Date April 8, 2022
Acceptance Date July 21, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Gökpınar, S., Akdeniz, S., & Akkuş, G. N. (2022). Evcil Tavşanlarda Sindirim Sistemi Parazitlerinin Yaygınlığının Araştırılması. Van Veterinary Journal, 33(2), 52-55.
AMA Gökpınar S, Akdeniz S, Akkuş GN. Evcil Tavşanlarda Sindirim Sistemi Parazitlerinin Yaygınlığının Araştırılması. Van Vet J. July 2022;33(2):52-55. doi:10.36483/vanvetj.1100361
Chicago Gökpınar, Sami, Sinem Akdeniz, and Gözde Nur Akkuş. “Evcil Tavşanlarda Sindirim Sistemi Parazitlerinin Yaygınlığının Araştırılması”. Van Veterinary Journal 33, no. 2 (July 2022): 52-55.
EndNote Gökpınar S, Akdeniz S, Akkuş GN (July 1, 2022) Evcil Tavşanlarda Sindirim Sistemi Parazitlerinin Yaygınlığının Araştırılması. Van Veterinary Journal 33 2 52–55.
IEEE S. Gökpınar, S. Akdeniz, and G. N. Akkuş, “Evcil Tavşanlarda Sindirim Sistemi Parazitlerinin Yaygınlığının Araştırılması”, Van Vet J, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 52–55, 2022, doi: 10.36483/vanvetj.1100361.
ISNAD Gökpınar, Sami et al. “Evcil Tavşanlarda Sindirim Sistemi Parazitlerinin Yaygınlığının Araştırılması”. Van Veterinary Journal 33/2 (July 2022), 52-55.
JAMA Gökpınar S, Akdeniz S, Akkuş GN. Evcil Tavşanlarda Sindirim Sistemi Parazitlerinin Yaygınlığının Araştırılması. Van Vet J. 2022;33:52–55.
MLA Gökpınar, Sami et al. “Evcil Tavşanlarda Sindirim Sistemi Parazitlerinin Yaygınlığının Araştırılması”. Van Veterinary Journal, vol. 33, no. 2, 2022, pp. 52-55, doi:10.36483/vanvetj.1100361.
Vancouver Gökpınar S, Akdeniz S, Akkuş GN. Evcil Tavşanlarda Sindirim Sistemi Parazitlerinin Yaygınlığının Araştırılması. Van Vet J. 2022;33(2):52-5.


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