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Van Kedilerinde Gözyaşı Üretiminin Fenol Kırmızısı Emdirilmiş İplik Testi ile Ölçülmesi

Year 2023, , 14 - 17, 19.03.2023


Bu çalışmanın amacı, sağlıklı Van kedilerinde normal gözyaşı salgı düzeylerinin PRT testi ile belirlenmesi ve gözyaşı düzeyi ile cinsiyet ve yaş arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılmasıdır. Çalışmada kliniğe getirilen ve muayene sonrası sağlıklı olduğuna karar verilen yirmi erişkin Van kedisi yer aldı. Bu kedilerde herhangi bir ilaç kullanılmadan test edilmiştir. Deneye katılan kedilerin yaşları iki ile beş yıl arasında değişmekte olup, ortalama yaş 3.25± 1.07'dir. Grupta 12 dişi ve 8 erkek kedi vardı. Test için ticari kitler kullanıldı. Van kedisi için ortalama PRT değeri 12.3±1.895 (9-18) mm/15 sn olarak belirlendi. Erkeklerde ortalama 11.875±1.246 (10-13) mm/15 sn. dişilerde ise ortalama 12.583±2.234 (9-18) mm/15 sn. olarak ölçüldü. Grupta dişi ve erkek ortalamaları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunmadı ve yaş arttıkça fark yoktu (p>0.05). Sonuç olarak, bu çalışmadaki PRT testi bulguları Van kedilerinin gözyaşı üretme kabiliyetini etkileyen göz hastalıklarının tanısında referans değer olarak kullanılabilir.


  • Alkan F, Izci C, Tepeli C, Koc Y (2004a). Evaluation of the Schirmer tear test in clinically normal Turkish hunting dogs. Vlaams Dier Tijd schrift, 73, 263-279.
  • Alkan F, İzci C, Tepeli, C, Koç Y (2004b). Evaluation of the Schirmer tear test in two Turkish breeds of shepherd dogs. Revue Méd. Vét, 155 (2), 67-70.
  • Ates CT (2000). Investigation of Morphological and Physiological Properties of the Distribution of Single-Eye Van Cat. Ph.D. thesis, Institute of Health Sciences, Van Türkiye.
  • Barnett K (1988). Keratoconjunctivitis sicca: sex incidence. J Small Anim Pract, 29, 531–534.
  • Beech J, Zappala RA, Smith G, Lindborg S (2003). Schirmer tear test results in normal horses and ponies: effect of age, season, environment, sex, time of day and placement of strips. Vet Ophthalmol, 6, 251–254.
  • Biricik HS, Oğuz H, Köse M (2003). Kuzularda gözyaşı sekresyonunun iplik testi ile klinik olarak değerlendirilmesi. F Ü Sağ Bil Vet Derg, 17, 211-215.
  • Brown, M. H., Brightman, A. H., Butine, M. D., & Moore, T. L. (1997). The phenol red thread tear test in healthy cats. Vet and Comp Ophthalmol, 7 (4), 249-252.
  • Collins BK, Johnson PJ, Moore CP, Collier LL (1994). Immune-mediated keratoconjunctivitis sicca in a horse. Vet and Comp Ophthalmol, 4 (2) 61-65.
  • Dedousi A, Karatzia MA, Katsoulos PD (2019). Reference values of Schirmer tear test in sheep and the effect of season on the test results. Acta Vet Hung, 67 (4), 553-560.
  • Ghaffari MS, Hajıkhanı R. Sahebjam F, Akbareın H, Gdezardy H (2012). Intraocular pressure and schirmer tear test result in clinically normal Long-Eared Hedgehogs (Hemiechimus auritus): reference values. Vet Ophthalmol, 15, 206-209.
  • Ghaffari MS, Malmasi A, Bokaie S (2010). Effect of acepromazine or xylazine on tear production as measured by Schirmer tear test in normal cats. Vet Ophthalmol, 13 (1), 1-3.
  • Ghislandi GM, Lima GC (2016). Comparative study between phenol red thread test and the Schirmer's test in the diagnosis of dry eyes syndrome. Rev Bras Oftalmol, 75, 438-442.
  • Gilgers BC (2017). Equine Ophthalmology. Third Edition. Ames, Iowa, USA. John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1-39.
  • Hamano H, Hori M, Hamano T et al. (1983). A new method for measuring tears. Clao., 9 (3), 281–289.
  • Kaswan RL, Bounous D, Hirsh SG (1995). Diagnosis and management of keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Vet Med, 90, 539–560.
  • Kılıç S, Kulualp K (2012). Farelerde modifiye evaporatif kuru göz (kg) modelinin bazi klinik parametreler yönünden değerlendirilmesi. F Ü Sağlık Bilimleri Veteriner Dergisi, 26, 21-26.
  • Kulualp K, Yurdakul İ, Kılıç S (2019). Kangal Irkı Köpeklerde Fenol Kırmızısı Pamuk İpliği Testi (FKPT) Kullanılarak Fizyolojik Aköz Gözyaşı Üretim Miktarının Belirlenmesi. Harran Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 8, 64-69.
  • Maggs D, Miller P, Ofri R (2017). Slatter's Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophthalmology E-Book. p.193-495. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Margadant DL, Kirkby K, Andrew SE et al. (2003). Effect of topical tropicamide on tear production as measured by Schirmer’s tear test in normal dogs and cats. Vet Ophthalmol, 6, 315–320.
  • Martin CL (2010). Lacrimal system. In: Ophthalmic Disease in Veterinary Medicine, (pp. 219-240). Manson Publishing Ltd, London.
  • Moore JE, Graham JE, Goodall EA et al. (2009). Concordance between common dry eye diagnostic tests. Br J Ophthalmol, 93, 66-72.
  • Oriá A, Martins Filho E, Raposo AC, Araújo N, Junior DG (2015). Lacrimal production of cats: Schirmer tear test, phenol red thread tear test and endodontic absorbent paper point. 11(22). p. 2085-2091. Enciclopedia Biosfera.
  • Piccione G, Giannetto C, Fazio F et al (2008). Daily rhythm of tear production in normal horse. Vet Ophthalmol, 1, 57–60.
  • Rajaei SM, Faghihi H, Williams DL, Aftab G (2019). Evaluation of tear production using the Schirmer tear test I in healthy cats; effect of age, life stage, sex, breed and neuter status. Vet Rec, 184 (26), 799.
  • Saito A, Kotani T (2001). Estimation of lacrimal level and testing methods on normal beagles. Vet Ophthalmol, 4, 7-11.
  • Sandhas E, Merle R, Eule, JC (2018). Consider the eye in preventive healthcare–ocular findings, intraocular pressure and Schirmer tear test in ageing cats. J Feline Med Surg, 20 (12), 1063-1071.
  • Sebbag L, Kass PH, Maggs DJ (2015). Reference values, intertest correlations, and test-retest repeatability of selected tear film tests in healthy cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 246 (4), 426-435.
  • Selk Ghaffari M, Sabzevari A, Ghamsari S, Shad H (2017). Determination of reference values for intraocular pressure and Schirmer tear test results in clinically normal domestic donkeys (Equus asinus). Vet Rec. 181, 565.
  • Vashisht S, Singh S (2011). Evaluation of Phenol Red Thread test versus Schirmer test in dry eyes: A comparative study. Int J App Basic Med Res, 1, 40-2.

Measurement of Tear Production in Van Cats with The Phenol Red Thread Test

Year 2023, , 14 - 17, 19.03.2023


The aim of this study is to determine normal tear secretion levels in healthy Van cats by PRT test and to investigate the relationship between tear level and gender and age. Twenty adult Van cats, who were brought to the clinic and found to be healthy after examination, were included in the study. These cats were tested without the use of any medicine. The cats who took part in the experiment ranged in age from two to five years, with a mean age of 3.25± 1.07. There were 12 female cats and 8 male cats in the group. Commercial kits were utilized for the testing. The mean PRT value for the Van cat was determined as 12.3±1.895 (9-18) mm/15 sec. Males had a mean of 11.875±1.246 (10-13) mm/15 sec. and females had a mean of 12.583±2.234 (9-18) mm/15 sec. There was no statistically significant difference in the mean of males and females in the group and no difference as age increased (p>0.05). In conclusion, the PRT test findings in this study can be used as reference values in the diagnosis of eye diseases affecting the tear production ability of Van cats.


  • Alkan F, Izci C, Tepeli C, Koc Y (2004a). Evaluation of the Schirmer tear test in clinically normal Turkish hunting dogs. Vlaams Dier Tijd schrift, 73, 263-279.
  • Alkan F, İzci C, Tepeli, C, Koç Y (2004b). Evaluation of the Schirmer tear test in two Turkish breeds of shepherd dogs. Revue Méd. Vét, 155 (2), 67-70.
  • Ates CT (2000). Investigation of Morphological and Physiological Properties of the Distribution of Single-Eye Van Cat. Ph.D. thesis, Institute of Health Sciences, Van Türkiye.
  • Barnett K (1988). Keratoconjunctivitis sicca: sex incidence. J Small Anim Pract, 29, 531–534.
  • Beech J, Zappala RA, Smith G, Lindborg S (2003). Schirmer tear test results in normal horses and ponies: effect of age, season, environment, sex, time of day and placement of strips. Vet Ophthalmol, 6, 251–254.
  • Biricik HS, Oğuz H, Köse M (2003). Kuzularda gözyaşı sekresyonunun iplik testi ile klinik olarak değerlendirilmesi. F Ü Sağ Bil Vet Derg, 17, 211-215.
  • Brown, M. H., Brightman, A. H., Butine, M. D., & Moore, T. L. (1997). The phenol red thread tear test in healthy cats. Vet and Comp Ophthalmol, 7 (4), 249-252.
  • Collins BK, Johnson PJ, Moore CP, Collier LL (1994). Immune-mediated keratoconjunctivitis sicca in a horse. Vet and Comp Ophthalmol, 4 (2) 61-65.
  • Dedousi A, Karatzia MA, Katsoulos PD (2019). Reference values of Schirmer tear test in sheep and the effect of season on the test results. Acta Vet Hung, 67 (4), 553-560.
  • Ghaffari MS, Hajıkhanı R. Sahebjam F, Akbareın H, Gdezardy H (2012). Intraocular pressure and schirmer tear test result in clinically normal Long-Eared Hedgehogs (Hemiechimus auritus): reference values. Vet Ophthalmol, 15, 206-209.
  • Ghaffari MS, Malmasi A, Bokaie S (2010). Effect of acepromazine or xylazine on tear production as measured by Schirmer tear test in normal cats. Vet Ophthalmol, 13 (1), 1-3.
  • Ghislandi GM, Lima GC (2016). Comparative study between phenol red thread test and the Schirmer's test in the diagnosis of dry eyes syndrome. Rev Bras Oftalmol, 75, 438-442.
  • Gilgers BC (2017). Equine Ophthalmology. Third Edition. Ames, Iowa, USA. John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1-39.
  • Hamano H, Hori M, Hamano T et al. (1983). A new method for measuring tears. Clao., 9 (3), 281–289.
  • Kaswan RL, Bounous D, Hirsh SG (1995). Diagnosis and management of keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Vet Med, 90, 539–560.
  • Kılıç S, Kulualp K (2012). Farelerde modifiye evaporatif kuru göz (kg) modelinin bazi klinik parametreler yönünden değerlendirilmesi. F Ü Sağlık Bilimleri Veteriner Dergisi, 26, 21-26.
  • Kulualp K, Yurdakul İ, Kılıç S (2019). Kangal Irkı Köpeklerde Fenol Kırmızısı Pamuk İpliği Testi (FKPT) Kullanılarak Fizyolojik Aköz Gözyaşı Üretim Miktarının Belirlenmesi. Harran Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 8, 64-69.
  • Maggs D, Miller P, Ofri R (2017). Slatter's Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophthalmology E-Book. p.193-495. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Margadant DL, Kirkby K, Andrew SE et al. (2003). Effect of topical tropicamide on tear production as measured by Schirmer’s tear test in normal dogs and cats. Vet Ophthalmol, 6, 315–320.
  • Martin CL (2010). Lacrimal system. In: Ophthalmic Disease in Veterinary Medicine, (pp. 219-240). Manson Publishing Ltd, London.
  • Moore JE, Graham JE, Goodall EA et al. (2009). Concordance between common dry eye diagnostic tests. Br J Ophthalmol, 93, 66-72.
  • Oriá A, Martins Filho E, Raposo AC, Araújo N, Junior DG (2015). Lacrimal production of cats: Schirmer tear test, phenol red thread tear test and endodontic absorbent paper point. 11(22). p. 2085-2091. Enciclopedia Biosfera.
  • Piccione G, Giannetto C, Fazio F et al (2008). Daily rhythm of tear production in normal horse. Vet Ophthalmol, 1, 57–60.
  • Rajaei SM, Faghihi H, Williams DL, Aftab G (2019). Evaluation of tear production using the Schirmer tear test I in healthy cats; effect of age, life stage, sex, breed and neuter status. Vet Rec, 184 (26), 799.
  • Saito A, Kotani T (2001). Estimation of lacrimal level and testing methods on normal beagles. Vet Ophthalmol, 4, 7-11.
  • Sandhas E, Merle R, Eule, JC (2018). Consider the eye in preventive healthcare–ocular findings, intraocular pressure and Schirmer tear test in ageing cats. J Feline Med Surg, 20 (12), 1063-1071.
  • Sebbag L, Kass PH, Maggs DJ (2015). Reference values, intertest correlations, and test-retest repeatability of selected tear film tests in healthy cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 246 (4), 426-435.
  • Selk Ghaffari M, Sabzevari A, Ghamsari S, Shad H (2017). Determination of reference values for intraocular pressure and Schirmer tear test results in clinically normal domestic donkeys (Equus asinus). Vet Rec. 181, 565.
  • Vashisht S, Singh S (2011). Evaluation of Phenol Red Thread test versus Schirmer test in dry eyes: A comparative study. Int J App Basic Med Res, 1, 40-2.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Kamil Sağlam 0000-0003-4467-187X

Erkan Düz This is me 0000-0003-2484-4091

Publication Date March 19, 2023
Submission Date October 20, 2022
Acceptance Date December 21, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Sağlam, K., & Düz, E. (2023). Measurement of Tear Production in Van Cats with The Phenol Red Thread Test. Van Veterinary Journal, 34(1), 14-17.
AMA Sağlam K, Düz E. Measurement of Tear Production in Van Cats with The Phenol Red Thread Test. Van Vet J. March 2023;34(1):14-17. doi:10.36483/vanvetj.1191721
Chicago Sağlam, Kamil, and Erkan Düz. “Measurement of Tear Production in Van Cats With The Phenol Red Thread Test”. Van Veterinary Journal 34, no. 1 (March 2023): 14-17.
EndNote Sağlam K, Düz E (March 1, 2023) Measurement of Tear Production in Van Cats with The Phenol Red Thread Test. Van Veterinary Journal 34 1 14–17.
IEEE K. Sağlam and E. Düz, “Measurement of Tear Production in Van Cats with The Phenol Red Thread Test”, Van Vet J, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 14–17, 2023, doi: 10.36483/vanvetj.1191721.
ISNAD Sağlam, Kamil - Düz, Erkan. “Measurement of Tear Production in Van Cats With The Phenol Red Thread Test”. Van Veterinary Journal 34/1 (March 2023), 14-17.
JAMA Sağlam K, Düz E. Measurement of Tear Production in Van Cats with The Phenol Red Thread Test. Van Vet J. 2023;34:14–17.
MLA Sağlam, Kamil and Erkan Düz. “Measurement of Tear Production in Van Cats With The Phenol Red Thread Test”. Van Veterinary Journal, vol. 34, no. 1, 2023, pp. 14-17, doi:10.36483/vanvetj.1191721.
Vancouver Sağlam K, Düz E. Measurement of Tear Production in Van Cats with The Phenol Red Thread Test. Van Vet J. 2023;34(1):14-7.


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