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Protein Eksikliği Olan Karaciğerde Medium Moleküler Peptitlerin Spektrumlarının Özellikleri

Year 2023, , 18 - 24, 19.03.2023


Bu çalışma ile karaciğer dokusunda medium moleküler peptitlerin (SMP) üç spektrumunun belirlenmesi, eksojen ve endojen proteinler arasındaki ilişki, nükleotidler ve proteinlere verilen hasarın derecesi hakkında fikirler için bir temel oluşturabilir ve belirli yargılarda bulunmayı mümkün kılabilir. Çalışma, protein-vitamin beslenmesinde diyette % 60 kazein eksikliğinde 45 beyaz sıçan üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Deney hayvanları her grupta 15 rat olacak şekilde 3 gruba ayrılmıştır. Tüm alt gruplardaki ilk sıçan grubu (Grup I), bir vivaryumda tutulan kontrol grubu olarak belirlenmiştir. İkinci grubun (Grup II) sıçanlarına tam bir protein-vitamin diyeti verilmiştir. Grup III’e ise aynı diyet %60 protein (kazein) eksikliği ile uygulanmıştır. Grup II ve III'teki deney hayvanları 20, 30 ve 40 gün boyunca beslenmiştir. % 60 protein eksikliği olan bir protein-vitamin kompleksi ile beslenen hayvanların aylık beslenmesi üzerine yapılan çalışmaların sonuçları, 230 nm dalga boyundaki medium moleküler peptitlerin (MMP) fraksiyonlarının içeriği ile karşılaştırıldığında kontrol grubuna göre bu grupta önemli ölçüde %124 oranında artış gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmaların sonuçları, protein-vitamin diyeti ve %60 protein eksikliği olan hayvanların 40 günlük beslenmesinin, 254 ve 280 nm dalga boylarında MMP içeriğinde ve 230 nm dalga boyunda MMP alt fraksiyonlarında önemli değişikliklere neden olduğunu göstermektedir. Muhtemelen hepatositlerin genetik özelliklerinden dolayı MMP alt fraksiyonlarında orta derecede bir artış söz konusudur.


  • Askerov FB (1991). Morphochemical patterns of adaptive-compensatory reactions of the nuclei of the hypothalamus when changing food and drinking motivation. Abstract. Diss. to apply for an account. PhD thesis, University of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine.
  • Askerov FB, Akimova NM (2008). Influence of protein starvation on the content of lipid peroxidation in the brain structures of white rats in postnatal ontogenesis. 1. Edition. Adiloglu Publishing House, Baku.
  • Askerov FB, Alekperova SA, Velikhanova GR (1991). Protein content and activity of peptide hydrolases in subcellular fractions of the hypothalamus at different levels of food motivation. Uk Biochem Journal, 63 (1), 38-43.
  • Askerov FB, Alekperova SA, Velikhanova GR, Velikhanov EE (1990). Protein catabolism. As the basis for structural renewal of the adaptive compensatory reactions of the neuron. Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku.
  • Askerov FB, Azimova AM, Kadimova SO, Ibragimova SA, Yunusova VRI (2018a). Feature of changes in medium-molecular peptides spectrum of various tissues in protrin-deficient nutrition. In: International Congress Neuroscience for Medicine and Psychology, Sudak, Crimea, Russia.
  • Askerov FB, Kadimova SO, Ibragimova SA, Azimova AM (2018b). Peculiarities of the spectra of aromatic amino acids of medium molecular weight peptidesin various tissues with low-protein nutrition of the body. In: International Congress Neuroscience for Medicine and Psychology, Sudak, Crimea, Russia.
  • Askerov FB, Kadimova SO, Ibragimova SA, Azimova AM (2021). Peculiarities of the spectra ofaromatic amino acids of medium molecular weight peptides in various tissues with low-protein nutrition of the body. In: International Congress Neuroscience for Medicine and Psychology Sudak, Crimea, Russia.
  • Bakhshaliyeva AY (2020). Effect of short-term protein-deficient nutrition on learning and memory. In: International Congress Neuroscience for Medicine and Psychology, Sudak, Crimea, Russia.
  • Bergstom J, Furst P (1983). Replacement of renal function by dialysis. Drukker W, Parsons FM, Maher FM (Ed). Uremic toxins (pp. 354-390). Hague-Dozdrecht- Lancaster Mortinus Nijholf, Boston.
  • Bernhard SA (1971). The structure and function of enzymes. 1. Edition. Publishing House Mir, Moscow.
  • Bezerra EM, de Alvarenga ÉC, Dos Santos RP et al. (2022). Losartan as an ACE inhibitor: a description of the mechanism of action through quantum biochemistry. RSC Adv, 12 (44), 28395-28404.
  • Boldyrev AA, Arzumanyan ES, Kulebyakini TT (2011). New mechanisms of brain plasticity. Neurochimia, 28 (4), 340-344.
  • Brodsky VYa, Dubovaya TK, Zvezdina ND, Konchenev DS, Mal’chenko LA (2013). Dopamine disorganizes the rhythm of protein synthesis, disrupting the self-organization of hepatocytes In Vitro. Bull Exp Biol Med, 156 (7), 48-50.
  • Brodsky VYa., Nechaeva NV, Zvezdina ND et al. (2005). Age-related features of protein synthesis rhythm in hepatocytes. Effects of extracellular medium. Ontogenez, 36 (1), 9-17.
  • de Paula Junior VF, van Tilburg MF, Morais PA et al. (2022). Quantum Biochemistry and MM-PBSA Description of the ZIKV NS2B-NS3 Protease: Insights into the Binding Interactions beyond the Catalytic Triad Pocket. Int J Mol Sci, 23 (17), 10088.
  • Ermakova AV (2006). Diagnostics of the onset of death from drug poisoning by determining the level of medium-molecular compounds. J Forensic Sci, 6 (10), 74-79.
  • Fletcher JL, Murray SS, Xiao J (2018). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor in central nervous system myelination: a new mechanism to promote myelin plasticity and repair. Int J Mol Sci, 19 (12), 4131.
  • Ibragimova SA, Askerov FB, Movsumov GD (2011). Interhemispheric difference in the content of medium molecular weight peptides in the structures of the brain and liver in stress-resistant rats against the background of protein-free nutrition during audiogenic stress. Phd thesis. National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Proceedings of the Institute of Physiology, Baku, Azerbaijan.
  • Ibrahimova SA (2020). Interhemispheric differences in the content of medium molecular peptides (SMP) in the brain structures and liver of stress-resistant and stress-unresistant rat on the background of high-grade protein feeding. In: International Congress Neuroscience for Medicine and Psychology, Sudak, Crimea, Russia.
  • Kafarova IV, Askerov FB (2009). Oxidation of lipids and body proteins during protein starvation. 1. Edition. Publishing house, Baku.
  • Koroleva SB, Ashmarin IP (2005). Functional regulatory peptides that enhance anxiety, the search for complexes that are optimal as a basis for the development of inhibitory therapeutic agents. RPJ; 31 (1), 13-11.
  • Kritsman MG, Konkova LS (1968). Induction of enzymes (in health and disease). 1 Edition. Publishing House Medicine, Moscow.
  • Li Y, Li L, Yang W, Yu Z (2022). Effects of zinc deficiency in male mice on glucose metabolism of male offspring. Chem Pharm Bull, 70 (5), 369-374.
  • Medvedeva TN (1993). Comparative study of peripheral and integral proteins in the membranes of vertebrate liver microsomes Zh Evol Biokhim Fizio,l 29 (3), 244-249.
  • Nikonorow M, Urbanek-Karłowska B, Karłowski K (1973). Protein deficient diets. Activity of selected enzymes of protein and carbohydrate metabolism, Toxicology, 1 (4), 263-276.
  • Oyarzabal A, Marin‐Valencia I (2019). Synaptic energy metabolism and neuronal excitability, in sickness and health. JIMD, 42(2), 220-236.
  • Puhlmann B, Puhlmann A (1965). Quantum biochemistry, 1. Edition. Publishing House Mir. Moscow.
  • Sushkova VV, Guly MF (1981). On the action of an excess of individual amino acids on the background of protein starvation on the formation of amino-acetyl-tRNA Ukr Biochem Journal, 53(6), 55-58.
  • Tanadenko OK, Guly MF (1973). DL-tryptophan on the inclusion of alanine in proteins at different stages of their synthesis. Ukr Biochem Journal, 45 (2), 97-100.
  • Tkachenko BI (2005). Normal human physiology. Textbook for higher educational institutions, (p. 928) Medicine Publishing, Moscow.
  • Tseilikman VE, Ravinina VE, Tseilikman OB, Sinitskiy AI, Deev RK (2013). Effect of glucocorticoid antagonist on protein carbolation in rat liver with daily one-hour immobilization. Bull Exp Biol Med, 156 (7), 38-40.

Features of the Spectra of Medium-Molecular Peptides of the Liver with Protein-Deficient Nutrition

Year 2023, , 18 - 24, 19.03.2023


With this study, the determination of three spectra of medium molecular peptides (SMP) in liver tissue can provide a basis for ideas about the relationship between exogenous and endogenous proteins, the degree of damage to nucleotides and proteins, and enable certain judgments to be made. The work was carried out on 45 outbred white rats against the background of full-fledged protein-vitamin nutrition and under conditions of 60% protein deficiency in the diet. The experimental animals were divided into 3 groups, 15 rats in each group. The first group (Group I) of rats in all subgroups served as controls, kept in a vivarium; rats of the 2nd group (Group II) received a complete protein-vitamin diet; Group III received the same diet, but with a 60% protein (casein) deficiency in the diet. Experimental animals of groups II and III received food for 20, 30 and 40 days. The results of studies on the background of a monthly feeding of animals with a protein-vitamin complex with a deficiency of 60% protein in the recipe showed that the content of medium molecular peptides (MMP) fractions at a wavelength of 230 nm significantly increases compared with the control group and is 124%. The results of these studies indicate that 40-day feeding of animals with a full-fledged protein-vitamin diet and 60% protein deficiency causes significant changes in the MMP content at 254 and 280nm wavelengths, and in the MMP subfractions at 230nm wavelength, there is a moderate increase in the MMP subfractions, which is possibly due to the peculiarities of the substitution of the genetic apparatus of hepatocytes.


  • Askerov FB (1991). Morphochemical patterns of adaptive-compensatory reactions of the nuclei of the hypothalamus when changing food and drinking motivation. Abstract. Diss. to apply for an account. PhD thesis, University of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine.
  • Askerov FB, Akimova NM (2008). Influence of protein starvation on the content of lipid peroxidation in the brain structures of white rats in postnatal ontogenesis. 1. Edition. Adiloglu Publishing House, Baku.
  • Askerov FB, Alekperova SA, Velikhanova GR (1991). Protein content and activity of peptide hydrolases in subcellular fractions of the hypothalamus at different levels of food motivation. Uk Biochem Journal, 63 (1), 38-43.
  • Askerov FB, Alekperova SA, Velikhanova GR, Velikhanov EE (1990). Protein catabolism. As the basis for structural renewal of the adaptive compensatory reactions of the neuron. Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku.
  • Askerov FB, Azimova AM, Kadimova SO, Ibragimova SA, Yunusova VRI (2018a). Feature of changes in medium-molecular peptides spectrum of various tissues in protrin-deficient nutrition. In: International Congress Neuroscience for Medicine and Psychology, Sudak, Crimea, Russia.
  • Askerov FB, Kadimova SO, Ibragimova SA, Azimova AM (2018b). Peculiarities of the spectra of aromatic amino acids of medium molecular weight peptidesin various tissues with low-protein nutrition of the body. In: International Congress Neuroscience for Medicine and Psychology, Sudak, Crimea, Russia.
  • Askerov FB, Kadimova SO, Ibragimova SA, Azimova AM (2021). Peculiarities of the spectra ofaromatic amino acids of medium molecular weight peptides in various tissues with low-protein nutrition of the body. In: International Congress Neuroscience for Medicine and Psychology Sudak, Crimea, Russia.
  • Bakhshaliyeva AY (2020). Effect of short-term protein-deficient nutrition on learning and memory. In: International Congress Neuroscience for Medicine and Psychology, Sudak, Crimea, Russia.
  • Bergstom J, Furst P (1983). Replacement of renal function by dialysis. Drukker W, Parsons FM, Maher FM (Ed). Uremic toxins (pp. 354-390). Hague-Dozdrecht- Lancaster Mortinus Nijholf, Boston.
  • Bernhard SA (1971). The structure and function of enzymes. 1. Edition. Publishing House Mir, Moscow.
  • Bezerra EM, de Alvarenga ÉC, Dos Santos RP et al. (2022). Losartan as an ACE inhibitor: a description of the mechanism of action through quantum biochemistry. RSC Adv, 12 (44), 28395-28404.
  • Boldyrev AA, Arzumanyan ES, Kulebyakini TT (2011). New mechanisms of brain plasticity. Neurochimia, 28 (4), 340-344.
  • Brodsky VYa, Dubovaya TK, Zvezdina ND, Konchenev DS, Mal’chenko LA (2013). Dopamine disorganizes the rhythm of protein synthesis, disrupting the self-organization of hepatocytes In Vitro. Bull Exp Biol Med, 156 (7), 48-50.
  • Brodsky VYa., Nechaeva NV, Zvezdina ND et al. (2005). Age-related features of protein synthesis rhythm in hepatocytes. Effects of extracellular medium. Ontogenez, 36 (1), 9-17.
  • de Paula Junior VF, van Tilburg MF, Morais PA et al. (2022). Quantum Biochemistry and MM-PBSA Description of the ZIKV NS2B-NS3 Protease: Insights into the Binding Interactions beyond the Catalytic Triad Pocket. Int J Mol Sci, 23 (17), 10088.
  • Ermakova AV (2006). Diagnostics of the onset of death from drug poisoning by determining the level of medium-molecular compounds. J Forensic Sci, 6 (10), 74-79.
  • Fletcher JL, Murray SS, Xiao J (2018). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor in central nervous system myelination: a new mechanism to promote myelin plasticity and repair. Int J Mol Sci, 19 (12), 4131.
  • Ibragimova SA, Askerov FB, Movsumov GD (2011). Interhemispheric difference in the content of medium molecular weight peptides in the structures of the brain and liver in stress-resistant rats against the background of protein-free nutrition during audiogenic stress. Phd thesis. National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Proceedings of the Institute of Physiology, Baku, Azerbaijan.
  • Ibrahimova SA (2020). Interhemispheric differences in the content of medium molecular peptides (SMP) in the brain structures and liver of stress-resistant and stress-unresistant rat on the background of high-grade protein feeding. In: International Congress Neuroscience for Medicine and Psychology, Sudak, Crimea, Russia.
  • Kafarova IV, Askerov FB (2009). Oxidation of lipids and body proteins during protein starvation. 1. Edition. Publishing house, Baku.
  • Koroleva SB, Ashmarin IP (2005). Functional regulatory peptides that enhance anxiety, the search for complexes that are optimal as a basis for the development of inhibitory therapeutic agents. RPJ; 31 (1), 13-11.
  • Kritsman MG, Konkova LS (1968). Induction of enzymes (in health and disease). 1 Edition. Publishing House Medicine, Moscow.
  • Li Y, Li L, Yang W, Yu Z (2022). Effects of zinc deficiency in male mice on glucose metabolism of male offspring. Chem Pharm Bull, 70 (5), 369-374.
  • Medvedeva TN (1993). Comparative study of peripheral and integral proteins in the membranes of vertebrate liver microsomes Zh Evol Biokhim Fizio,l 29 (3), 244-249.
  • Nikonorow M, Urbanek-Karłowska B, Karłowski K (1973). Protein deficient diets. Activity of selected enzymes of protein and carbohydrate metabolism, Toxicology, 1 (4), 263-276.
  • Oyarzabal A, Marin‐Valencia I (2019). Synaptic energy metabolism and neuronal excitability, in sickness and health. JIMD, 42(2), 220-236.
  • Puhlmann B, Puhlmann A (1965). Quantum biochemistry, 1. Edition. Publishing House Mir. Moscow.
  • Sushkova VV, Guly MF (1981). On the action of an excess of individual amino acids on the background of protein starvation on the formation of amino-acetyl-tRNA Ukr Biochem Journal, 53(6), 55-58.
  • Tanadenko OK, Guly MF (1973). DL-tryptophan on the inclusion of alanine in proteins at different stages of their synthesis. Ukr Biochem Journal, 45 (2), 97-100.
  • Tkachenko BI (2005). Normal human physiology. Textbook for higher educational institutions, (p. 928) Medicine Publishing, Moscow.
  • Tseilikman VE, Ravinina VE, Tseilikman OB, Sinitskiy AI, Deev RK (2013). Effect of glucocorticoid antagonist on protein carbolation in rat liver with daily one-hour immobilization. Bull Exp Biol Med, 156 (7), 38-40.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Fakhraddin Askerov 0000-0001-8924-5503

Gamze Çakmak 0000-0002-3970-3040

Hüseyin Karadağ 0000-0002-0174-6504

Publication Date March 19, 2023
Submission Date October 21, 2022
Acceptance Date January 25, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Askerov, F., Çakmak, G., & Karadağ, H. (2023). Features of the Spectra of Medium-Molecular Peptides of the Liver with Protein-Deficient Nutrition. Van Veterinary Journal, 34(1), 18-24.
AMA Askerov F, Çakmak G, Karadağ H. Features of the Spectra of Medium-Molecular Peptides of the Liver with Protein-Deficient Nutrition. Van Vet J. March 2023;34(1):18-24. doi:10.36483/vanvetj.1192729
Chicago Askerov, Fakhraddin, Gamze Çakmak, and Hüseyin Karadağ. “Features of the Spectra of Medium-Molecular Peptides of the Liver With Protein-Deficient Nutrition”. Van Veterinary Journal 34, no. 1 (March 2023): 18-24.
EndNote Askerov F, Çakmak G, Karadağ H (March 1, 2023) Features of the Spectra of Medium-Molecular Peptides of the Liver with Protein-Deficient Nutrition. Van Veterinary Journal 34 1 18–24.
IEEE F. Askerov, G. Çakmak, and H. Karadağ, “Features of the Spectra of Medium-Molecular Peptides of the Liver with Protein-Deficient Nutrition”, Van Vet J, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 18–24, 2023, doi: 10.36483/vanvetj.1192729.
ISNAD Askerov, Fakhraddin et al. “Features of the Spectra of Medium-Molecular Peptides of the Liver With Protein-Deficient Nutrition”. Van Veterinary Journal 34/1 (March 2023), 18-24.
JAMA Askerov F, Çakmak G, Karadağ H. Features of the Spectra of Medium-Molecular Peptides of the Liver with Protein-Deficient Nutrition. Van Vet J. 2023;34:18–24.
MLA Askerov, Fakhraddin et al. “Features of the Spectra of Medium-Molecular Peptides of the Liver With Protein-Deficient Nutrition”. Van Veterinary Journal, vol. 34, no. 1, 2023, pp. 18-24, doi:10.36483/vanvetj.1192729.
Vancouver Askerov F, Çakmak G, Karadağ H. Features of the Spectra of Medium-Molecular Peptides of the Liver with Protein-Deficient Nutrition. Van Vet J. 2023;34(1):18-24.


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