Morphological Examination of Tongue Papillae in Norduz Sheep: A Scanning Electron Microscopic Study
Year 2023,
, 75 - 80, 19.03.2023
Veysel Delibaş
Zafer Soygüder
Gamze Çakmak
Mehmet Sabri Gündüz
The tongue is a mobile organ consisting of apex, corpus and radix parts with a distinctive mucosa in the digestive system. In the case of digestion; it should not be forgotten that the macroscopic structure of all digestive organs, especially the tongue mucosa, is of great importance. Norduz sheep is known as a variety of Akkaraman sheep bred in the Norduz region located within the borders of the Gurpinar district of Van province. In addition, the fact that the Norduz sheep are only raised in the Norduz region and exhibit unique yield performance makes this breed different from other breeds. For this reason, in our study, it was aimed to examine the tongue papillae of Norduz sheep, which is a different breed, by a scanning electron microscope. In our study, the tongue tissues of 10 Norduz sheep were used. In scanning electron microscopy papillae filiformes; was observed as spiny in the region from the apex of the tongue to the torus linguae. The ends of papillae conicae were typically cone-shaped. Papillae lentiformes were found to be the clearest and most voluminous mechanical tongue papillaes on the torus linguae. Papillae fungiformes wich is a taste papillae were found to be mushroom-like and scattered among papillae filiformes. Papillae vallatae were composed of mucosal valium, parietal trench, and annular pad located on either side of the radix linguae. As a result, in Norduz sheep; many similarities and differences in terms of tongue papillae between species and races were determined.
The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee (Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Animal Experiments Local Ethics Committee, Van, Turkey, Decision No: 2022/08-02).
The tissues in the study were covered with gold palladium and Scanning Electron Microscope Images were created (Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Science Application and Research Center, Scanning Electron Microscopy Unit).
For their support of the study. (Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Physiology, Associate Professor Leyla MİS).
- Adnyane I, Zuki A, Noordin M, Agungpriyono S (2011). Morphological Study of the Lingual Papillae in the Barking deer, Muntiacus muntjak. Anat Histol Embryol, 40 (1), 73-77.
- Atoji Y, Yamamoto Y, Suzuki Y (1998). Morphology of the tongue of a male formosan serow (Capricornis crispus swinhoei). Anat Histol Embryol, 27, 17-19.
- Aysan Dayan Y, Bingöl M (2008). Structural Characteristics of Some Farms Raising Norduz Sheep. YYU J Sci Institute, 13 (1), 31-34.
- Bingöl M (1998). Research on Fertility and Milk Yields and Growth-Development Characteristics of Norduz Sheep. PhD thesis, Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Institute of Science, Van, Turkey.
- Can M, Atalgın SH, Ateş S, Takçı L (2016). Scanning electron microscopic study on the structure of the lingual papillae of the Karacabey Merino sheep. Eurasian J Vet Sci, 32 (3), 130-135.
- Can M, Atalgin SH (2015). Scanning electron microscopic study of the lingual papillae in the Anatolian water buffalo. Int J Morphol, 33 (3), 855-859.
- Chamorro CA, De Paz Cabello P, Sandoval J, Fernandez JG (1986). Comparative scanning electronmicroscopic study of the lingual papillae in two species of domestic mammals. Equuscaballus and Bos taurus I. Gustatory papillae. Acta Anat, 125, 83-87.
- Dalga S, Aksu Sİ, Aslan K et al. (2021). Morphological, Morphometrical and Histological Structure of the Interdigital Gland in Norduz Sheep. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 27 (6), 749-754.
- Dursun N (2008). Veterinary Anatomy II. 12th Edition. Medisan Publishing House, Ankara.
- Emura S, Okumura, T, Chen H (2011). Morphology of the lingual papillae in the sitatunga. Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn, 88 (1), 23-27.
- Emura S, Tamada A, Hayakawa D, Chen H, Shoumura S (2000). Morphology of the dorsal lingual papillae in the Barbary sheep. Ammotragus lervia. Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn, 77, 39-45.
- Emura S, Tamada A, Hayakawa D et al. (1999). Morphology of the dorsal lingual papillae in the blackbuck, Antilope Cervicapra. Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn, 76, 247-253.
- Erdoğan S, Pérez W (2014). Anatomical and scanning electron microscopic studies of the tongue and lingual papillae in the chital deer (Axis axis, Erxleben 1777). Acta Zoologica, 95 (4), 484-492.
- Erdoğan S, Villar Arias S, Pérez W (2016). Morphofunctional structure of the lingual papillae in three species of South American Camelids: alpaca, guanaco, and llama. Micros Res Tech, 79 (2), 61-71.
- Fu J, Qian Z, Ren L (2016). Morphologic Effects of Filiform Papilla Root on the Lingual Mechanical Functions of Chinese Yellow Cattle. Int J Morphol, 34 (1), 63-70.
- Haligur A, Ozkadif S, Alan A (2019). Light and scanning electron microscopic study of lingual papillae in the wolf (Canis lupus). Micros Res Tech, 82 (5), 501-506.
- Harem IS, Sari EK, Kocak M (2009). Light and scanning electron microscopic structure of dorsal lingual papillae of the Akkaraman sheep. Kocatepe Vet J, 2 (2), 8-14.
- Iwasaki S (2002). Evolution of the structure and function of the vertebrate tongue. J Anat, 201 (1), 1-13.
- Jackowiak H (2006). Scanning lectron microscopy study of the lingual papilla in the Europan mole (Talpa europae L., Talpidae). Anat Histol Embryol, 35, 190-195.
- Kumar P, Kumar S, Singh Y (1998). Tongue papillae in goat: A scanning electron-microscopic study. Anat Histol Embryol, 27, 355-357.
- Kurtul I, Atalgin SH (2008). Scanning electron microscopic study on the structure of the lingual papillae of the Saanen goat. Small Rum Res, 80, 52-56.
- Mahdy MA (2021). Three‐dimensional study of the lingual papillae and their connective tissue cores in the Nile fox (Vulpes vulpes aegyptica)(Linnaeus, 1758). Micros Res Tech, 84 (11), 2716-2726.
- Mahdy MA, Abdalla KE, Mohamed SA (2021). Morphological and scanning electron microscopic studies of the lingual papillae of the tongue of the goat (Capra hircus). Micros Res Tech, 84 (5), 891-901.
- Meier AR, Schmuck U, Meloro C, Clauss M, Hofmann RR (2016). Convergence of macroscopic tongue anatomy in ruminants and scaling relationships with body mass or tongue length. J Morphol, 277 (3), 351–362.
- Mis L, Mert H, Comba A, et al. (2018). Some mineral substance, oxidative stress and total antioxidant levels in Norduz and Morkaraman sheep. Van Vet J, 29 (3), 131-134.
- Nonaka K, Zheng J, Kobayashi K (2008). Comparative morphological study on the lingual papillae and their connective tissue cores in rabbits. Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn, 85 (2), 57-66.
- Pastor JF, Barbosa M, De Paz FJ, García M, Ferrero E (2011). Functional and comparative study of lingual papillae in four species of bear (Ursidae) by scanning electron microscopy. Micros Res Tech, 74 (10), 910-919.
- Plewa B, Jackowiak H (2020). Macro‐and microscopic study on the tongue and lingual papillae of Bison bonasus hybrid as an interspecific species (Bos taurus x Bison bonasus). Micros Res Tech, 83 (10), 1241-1250.
- Quayyum M, Fatani JA, Mohajir AM (1988). Scanning electron microscopic study of the lingual papillae of the one Humped Camel, Camelus dromedarius. J Anat, 160, 21-26.
- Scala G, Mirabella N, Pelagalli GV (1995). Morphofunctional study of the lingual papillae in cattle (Bos taurus). Anat Histol Embryol, 24 (2), 101-105.
- Shao B, Long R, Ding Y et al. (2010). Morphological adaptations of yak (Bos grunniens) tongue to the foraging environment of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. J Anim Sci, 88 (8), 2594-603.
- Tadjalli M, Pazhoomand R (2004). Tongue papillae in lambs: A scanning electron microscopic study. Small Rum Res, 54, 157-164.
- Takayuki Y, Tomoichiro A, Kobayashi K (2002). Comparative anatomical studies on the stereo structure of the lingual papillae and their connective tissue cores in the Japanese serow and Bighorn sheep. Jpn J Orl Biol, 44 (2), 127-141.
- Toprak B, Candan S, Koçakoğlu NÖ (2020). Investigations on Light and Scanning Electron Microscopic Structure of Tongue Papillae in Ankara Goat (Capra hircus): I. Tat Papillas. Etlik J Vet Microbiol, 31 (2), 158-166.
- Tütüncü O (2020). Electron microscopic examination of the anatomical structure of the tongue papillae in gray cattle. Master's thesis, Balikesir University Institute of Health Sciences, Balikesir, Turkey.
- Zheng J, Kobayashi K (2006). Comparative morphological study on the lingual papillae and their connective tissue cores (CTC) in reeves muntjac deer (Muntiacusreevesi). Ann Anat, 188, 555-564.
Norduz Koyununda Dil Papillalarının Morfolojik Olarak İncelenmesi: Bir Taramalı Elektron Mikroskop Çalışması
Year 2023,
, 75 - 80, 19.03.2023
Veysel Delibaş
Zafer Soygüder
Gamze Çakmak
Mehmet Sabri Gündüz
Dil sindirim sitemi içerisinde kendine özgü bir mukozaya sahip apex, corpus ve radix kısımlarından meydana gelen hareketli bir organdır. Sindirim olayında; dil mukozası başta olmak üzere tüm sindirim organlarının makroskobik yapısının büyük bir öneme sahip olduğu unutulmamalıdır. Norduz koyunu: Van ili Gürpınar ilçesi sınırları içerisinde yer alan Norduz bölgesinde yetiştirilen Akkaraman koyununun bir varyetesi olarak bilinmektedir. Ayrıca Norduz koyununun yalnızca Norduz bölgesinde yetişmesi ve kendine özgü verim performansı sergilemesi, bu ırkı diğer ırklardan farklı kılmaktadır. Bu sebeple çalışmamızda farklı bir ırk olan Norduz koyununda dil papillalarının taramalı elektron mikroskop ile incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yaptığımız çalışmada 10 adet Norduz koyununun dil dokusu kullanılmıştır. Taramalı elektron mikroskop incelemesinde papillae filiformes; dilin apexinden torus linguae’ye kadar olan bölgede dikensi şekilde gözlemlendi. Papillae conicae; uçları sivri tipik koni şeklindeydi. Papillae lentiformes; torus linguae’nin üzerinde en net ve hacimli görülen mekanik dil papailları olarak tespit edildi. Tat papillalarından papillae fungiformes; mantara benzer şekilde ve papillae filiformes arasında dağınık halde gözlemlendi. Papillae vallatae radix linguaenin her iki yanında konumlanmış mukozal valium, parietal hendek ve halkasal ped’ten meydan gelmişti. Sonuç olarak Norduz koyununun; türler ve ırklar arsında dil papillaları yönünden birçok benzerlikler ve farklılıklar gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir.
- Adnyane I, Zuki A, Noordin M, Agungpriyono S (2011). Morphological Study of the Lingual Papillae in the Barking deer, Muntiacus muntjak. Anat Histol Embryol, 40 (1), 73-77.
- Atoji Y, Yamamoto Y, Suzuki Y (1998). Morphology of the tongue of a male formosan serow (Capricornis crispus swinhoei). Anat Histol Embryol, 27, 17-19.
- Aysan Dayan Y, Bingöl M (2008). Structural Characteristics of Some Farms Raising Norduz Sheep. YYU J Sci Institute, 13 (1), 31-34.
- Bingöl M (1998). Research on Fertility and Milk Yields and Growth-Development Characteristics of Norduz Sheep. PhD thesis, Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Institute of Science, Van, Turkey.
- Can M, Atalgın SH, Ateş S, Takçı L (2016). Scanning electron microscopic study on the structure of the lingual papillae of the Karacabey Merino sheep. Eurasian J Vet Sci, 32 (3), 130-135.
- Can M, Atalgin SH (2015). Scanning electron microscopic study of the lingual papillae in the Anatolian water buffalo. Int J Morphol, 33 (3), 855-859.
- Chamorro CA, De Paz Cabello P, Sandoval J, Fernandez JG (1986). Comparative scanning electronmicroscopic study of the lingual papillae in two species of domestic mammals. Equuscaballus and Bos taurus I. Gustatory papillae. Acta Anat, 125, 83-87.
- Dalga S, Aksu Sİ, Aslan K et al. (2021). Morphological, Morphometrical and Histological Structure of the Interdigital Gland in Norduz Sheep. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 27 (6), 749-754.
- Dursun N (2008). Veterinary Anatomy II. 12th Edition. Medisan Publishing House, Ankara.
- Emura S, Okumura, T, Chen H (2011). Morphology of the lingual papillae in the sitatunga. Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn, 88 (1), 23-27.
- Emura S, Tamada A, Hayakawa D, Chen H, Shoumura S (2000). Morphology of the dorsal lingual papillae in the Barbary sheep. Ammotragus lervia. Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn, 77, 39-45.
- Emura S, Tamada A, Hayakawa D et al. (1999). Morphology of the dorsal lingual papillae in the blackbuck, Antilope Cervicapra. Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn, 76, 247-253.
- Erdoğan S, Pérez W (2014). Anatomical and scanning electron microscopic studies of the tongue and lingual papillae in the chital deer (Axis axis, Erxleben 1777). Acta Zoologica, 95 (4), 484-492.
- Erdoğan S, Villar Arias S, Pérez W (2016). Morphofunctional structure of the lingual papillae in three species of South American Camelids: alpaca, guanaco, and llama. Micros Res Tech, 79 (2), 61-71.
- Fu J, Qian Z, Ren L (2016). Morphologic Effects of Filiform Papilla Root on the Lingual Mechanical Functions of Chinese Yellow Cattle. Int J Morphol, 34 (1), 63-70.
- Haligur A, Ozkadif S, Alan A (2019). Light and scanning electron microscopic study of lingual papillae in the wolf (Canis lupus). Micros Res Tech, 82 (5), 501-506.
- Harem IS, Sari EK, Kocak M (2009). Light and scanning electron microscopic structure of dorsal lingual papillae of the Akkaraman sheep. Kocatepe Vet J, 2 (2), 8-14.
- Iwasaki S (2002). Evolution of the structure and function of the vertebrate tongue. J Anat, 201 (1), 1-13.
- Jackowiak H (2006). Scanning lectron microscopy study of the lingual papilla in the Europan mole (Talpa europae L., Talpidae). Anat Histol Embryol, 35, 190-195.
- Kumar P, Kumar S, Singh Y (1998). Tongue papillae in goat: A scanning electron-microscopic study. Anat Histol Embryol, 27, 355-357.
- Kurtul I, Atalgin SH (2008). Scanning electron microscopic study on the structure of the lingual papillae of the Saanen goat. Small Rum Res, 80, 52-56.
- Mahdy MA (2021). Three‐dimensional study of the lingual papillae and their connective tissue cores in the Nile fox (Vulpes vulpes aegyptica)(Linnaeus, 1758). Micros Res Tech, 84 (11), 2716-2726.
- Mahdy MA, Abdalla KE, Mohamed SA (2021). Morphological and scanning electron microscopic studies of the lingual papillae of the tongue of the goat (Capra hircus). Micros Res Tech, 84 (5), 891-901.
- Meier AR, Schmuck U, Meloro C, Clauss M, Hofmann RR (2016). Convergence of macroscopic tongue anatomy in ruminants and scaling relationships with body mass or tongue length. J Morphol, 277 (3), 351–362.
- Mis L, Mert H, Comba A, et al. (2018). Some mineral substance, oxidative stress and total antioxidant levels in Norduz and Morkaraman sheep. Van Vet J, 29 (3), 131-134.
- Nonaka K, Zheng J, Kobayashi K (2008). Comparative morphological study on the lingual papillae and their connective tissue cores in rabbits. Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn, 85 (2), 57-66.
- Pastor JF, Barbosa M, De Paz FJ, García M, Ferrero E (2011). Functional and comparative study of lingual papillae in four species of bear (Ursidae) by scanning electron microscopy. Micros Res Tech, 74 (10), 910-919.
- Plewa B, Jackowiak H (2020). Macro‐and microscopic study on the tongue and lingual papillae of Bison bonasus hybrid as an interspecific species (Bos taurus x Bison bonasus). Micros Res Tech, 83 (10), 1241-1250.
- Quayyum M, Fatani JA, Mohajir AM (1988). Scanning electron microscopic study of the lingual papillae of the one Humped Camel, Camelus dromedarius. J Anat, 160, 21-26.
- Scala G, Mirabella N, Pelagalli GV (1995). Morphofunctional study of the lingual papillae in cattle (Bos taurus). Anat Histol Embryol, 24 (2), 101-105.
- Shao B, Long R, Ding Y et al. (2010). Morphological adaptations of yak (Bos grunniens) tongue to the foraging environment of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. J Anim Sci, 88 (8), 2594-603.
- Tadjalli M, Pazhoomand R (2004). Tongue papillae in lambs: A scanning electron microscopic study. Small Rum Res, 54, 157-164.
- Takayuki Y, Tomoichiro A, Kobayashi K (2002). Comparative anatomical studies on the stereo structure of the lingual papillae and their connective tissue cores in the Japanese serow and Bighorn sheep. Jpn J Orl Biol, 44 (2), 127-141.
- Toprak B, Candan S, Koçakoğlu NÖ (2020). Investigations on Light and Scanning Electron Microscopic Structure of Tongue Papillae in Ankara Goat (Capra hircus): I. Tat Papillas. Etlik J Vet Microbiol, 31 (2), 158-166.
- Tütüncü O (2020). Electron microscopic examination of the anatomical structure of the tongue papillae in gray cattle. Master's thesis, Balikesir University Institute of Health Sciences, Balikesir, Turkey.
- Zheng J, Kobayashi K (2006). Comparative morphological study on the lingual papillae and their connective tissue cores (CTC) in reeves muntjac deer (Muntiacusreevesi). Ann Anat, 188, 555-564.