Effect of Electrolyzed Water on Hygienic Quality of Fish Products Processing Factory
Year 2017,
Volume: 28 Issue: 2, 91 - 94, 20.08.2017
Hakan Tavşanlı
Reyhan İrkin
Tülay Elal Muş
Recep Çıbık
Selçuk Şen
Use of electrolyzed oxidizing
water produced by using water and sodium chloride (NaCl) as a new disinfectant
has been gaining importance in food industry. Easy application, relatively
inexpensive, and harmless to environment are advantages of electrolyzed water
compared to other disinfectant substances. In the present study, some selected
surfaces, employee’s hands and salmon fish were tested for the efficiency of
electrolyzed oxidizing water in seafood processing environment. Effectiveness
of electrolyzed oxidizing water was analyzed by comparing the decrease of total
aerobic bacteria, coliform bacteria, Staphylococcus
spp. and Escherichia coli after
treatment of test surfaces and materials. The same treatment was performed by
using tap water as control. Statistically significant level of decrease was
observed in term of the bacterial counts with the samples treated with
electrolyzed oxidizing water. As a result, it has been demonstrated that
electrolyzed water can provide effective cleaning in seafood processing plants.
- Abadias M, Usall J, Oliveira M, Alegre I, Vinas I (2008). Efficacy of neutral electrolyzed water (NEW) forreducing microbial contamination on minimally-processed vegetables. Int J FoodMicrobiol, 123 (1-), 151- 158.
Al-Holy MA, Rasco BA(2015).The bactericidal activity of acidic electrolyzed oxidizing water against Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes on raw fish, chicken and beef surfaces. Food Control, 54, 317-321.
Atasever, M (2000). Besin işyerlerinde: Hijyen, besinlerin hazırlanması ve muhafazası. YYÜ Vet Fak Derg, 11( 2 ), 117-122.
Baydar T (2007). Elektrolize yükseltgen suyun ıspanaklara uygulanması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İzmir.
CDC (2017). https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/foodborne-germs.html.24:7 Saving lives protecting people.
Ding T, Xuan XT, Jiao L, Chen SG, Liu DH, Ye XQ, Shi J,Xue SJ (2016). Disinfection efficacyand mechanism of slightly acidic electrolyzed water on Staphylococcus aureus in pureculture. Food Control, 60, 505-510.
Erol İ (2016). Yeni ve yeniden önem kazanan gıda kaynaklı bakteriyel zoonozların epidemiyolojisi. Vet Hek Der Derg, 87(2), 63-76.
Fidan F, Ağaoğlu S (2000). Ağrı bölgesinde bulunan lokantaların hijyenik durumu üzerine araştırmalar. YYU Vet Fak Derg, 15 (1-2), 107-114.
Guentzel JL, Liang Lam K, Callan MA, Emmons SA, Dunham VL (2008). Reduction of bacteria on spinach, lettuce, andsurfaces in food service areasusing neutral electrolyzed oxidizing water. Food Microbiol, 25(1), 36-41.
Halkman AK (2005). Gıda Mikrobiyolojisi Uygulamaları, Merck Yayınevi, Ankara, 358 s.
Hao J, Li H, Wan Y, Liu H (2015). Combine deffect of acidic electrolyzed water (AcEW) and alkaline electrolyzed water (AlEW) on the microbial reduction of fresh-cutcilantro. Food Control, 50, 699-704.
HIzumi (1999). Electrolyzed water as a disinfectant forfresh-cut vegetables. Food Sci, 64 (2), 536-539.
İplikçioğlu Çil G, Demirel YN, Şireli UT (2012). Inactivation of Salmonella typhimurium on poultrymeatby electrolyzed water. Vet Hek Der Derg, 83(2), 48-53.
Karaca H (2010). Use of Ozone in the Citrus Industry. Ozone Sci. Eng, 32(2), 122-129
Liu R, Xiangli H, Jiaqi S, Satoru N, Eizo T, Lite L, Haijie L (2013). The effect of electrolyzed water on decontamination, germinationand γ-amino butyric acidac cumulation of brownrice. Food Control, 33, 1-5.
Öz V, Karadayı Ş, Çakan H, Karadayı B, Kaya A (2014). Food poisoning in emergencyunits. Marmara Med J, 27, 89-95.
Poçan HB, Karyaka M, Ulusoy K (2011). Elektrolize suyun gıda endüstrisinde kullanımı. Gıda, 36 (3):169-176.
Shiroodi SG, Ovissipour M, Ross CF, Rasco B (2016). Efficacy of electrolyzed oxidizing water as a pretreatment method forreducing Listeria monocytogenes contamination in cold-smoked Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Food Control, 60, 401,407.
Tiriwat D, Phongpaichit S, Benjakul S, Umpavapol P (2016). Microbial load reduction of sweet basil using acidic electrolyzed water and lactic acid in combination with mild heat. Food Control, 64, 29-36.
Wang JJ, Sun WS, Jin MT, Liu HQ, Zhang W, Sun XH, Pan YJ, Zhao Y(2014). Fate of Vibrio parahaemolyticus on shrimp after acidic electrolyzed water treatment. Int J Food Microbiol, 179, 50, 56.
Elektrolize Su Kullanımının Su Ürünleri İşletmesinin Hijyenik Kalitesine Etkileri
Year 2017,
Volume: 28 Issue: 2, 91 - 94, 20.08.2017
Hakan Tavşanlı
Reyhan İrkin
Tülay Elal Muş
Recep Çıbık
Selçuk Şen
Su ve sodyum klorür (NaCl) kullanılarak elde edilen elektrolize su son
yıllarda yeni bir dezenfektan olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Kolay uygulanması, ucuz
oluşu ve çevreye zararsız olması diğer dezenfektan maddelere kıyasla
elektrolize suyun avantajlı olduğu noktalardır. Mevcut çalışmada su ürünleri
işleyen bir firmada seçilen yüzeyler, personel eli ve somon balığı şebeke suyu
ve elektrolize su kullanılarak yıkanmış ve ardından örnekleme yapılarak iki
yöntemin hijyenik duruma etkisi istatistiksel olarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Tüm
örneklerde toplam canlı, koliform bakteri, Staphylococcus
spp. ve Escherichia coli düzeyleri tespit edilerek elektrolize su kullanımının
etkinliği araştırılmıştır. Örneklerin tamamında elektrolize su ile yıkamanın
etkinliği şebeke suyu ile karşılaştırıldığında mikroorganizma yükünde düşüş
saptanmış ve bu durum istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak su
ürünleri işleyen işletmelerde elektrolize suyun etkili bir temizlik
sağlayabileceği ortaya konmuştur.
- Abadias M, Usall J, Oliveira M, Alegre I, Vinas I (2008). Efficacy of neutral electrolyzed water (NEW) forreducing microbial contamination on minimally-processed vegetables. Int J FoodMicrobiol, 123 (1-), 151- 158.
Al-Holy MA, Rasco BA(2015).The bactericidal activity of acidic electrolyzed oxidizing water against Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes on raw fish, chicken and beef surfaces. Food Control, 54, 317-321.
Atasever, M (2000). Besin işyerlerinde: Hijyen, besinlerin hazırlanması ve muhafazası. YYÜ Vet Fak Derg, 11( 2 ), 117-122.
Baydar T (2007). Elektrolize yükseltgen suyun ıspanaklara uygulanması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İzmir.
CDC (2017). https://www.cdc.gov/foodsafety/foodborne-germs.html.24:7 Saving lives protecting people.
Ding T, Xuan XT, Jiao L, Chen SG, Liu DH, Ye XQ, Shi J,Xue SJ (2016). Disinfection efficacyand mechanism of slightly acidic electrolyzed water on Staphylococcus aureus in pureculture. Food Control, 60, 505-510.
Erol İ (2016). Yeni ve yeniden önem kazanan gıda kaynaklı bakteriyel zoonozların epidemiyolojisi. Vet Hek Der Derg, 87(2), 63-76.
Fidan F, Ağaoğlu S (2000). Ağrı bölgesinde bulunan lokantaların hijyenik durumu üzerine araştırmalar. YYU Vet Fak Derg, 15 (1-2), 107-114.
Guentzel JL, Liang Lam K, Callan MA, Emmons SA, Dunham VL (2008). Reduction of bacteria on spinach, lettuce, andsurfaces in food service areasusing neutral electrolyzed oxidizing water. Food Microbiol, 25(1), 36-41.
Halkman AK (2005). Gıda Mikrobiyolojisi Uygulamaları, Merck Yayınevi, Ankara, 358 s.
Hao J, Li H, Wan Y, Liu H (2015). Combine deffect of acidic electrolyzed water (AcEW) and alkaline electrolyzed water (AlEW) on the microbial reduction of fresh-cutcilantro. Food Control, 50, 699-704.
HIzumi (1999). Electrolyzed water as a disinfectant forfresh-cut vegetables. Food Sci, 64 (2), 536-539.
İplikçioğlu Çil G, Demirel YN, Şireli UT (2012). Inactivation of Salmonella typhimurium on poultrymeatby electrolyzed water. Vet Hek Der Derg, 83(2), 48-53.
Karaca H (2010). Use of Ozone in the Citrus Industry. Ozone Sci. Eng, 32(2), 122-129
Liu R, Xiangli H, Jiaqi S, Satoru N, Eizo T, Lite L, Haijie L (2013). The effect of electrolyzed water on decontamination, germinationand γ-amino butyric acidac cumulation of brownrice. Food Control, 33, 1-5.
Öz V, Karadayı Ş, Çakan H, Karadayı B, Kaya A (2014). Food poisoning in emergencyunits. Marmara Med J, 27, 89-95.
Poçan HB, Karyaka M, Ulusoy K (2011). Elektrolize suyun gıda endüstrisinde kullanımı. Gıda, 36 (3):169-176.
Shiroodi SG, Ovissipour M, Ross CF, Rasco B (2016). Efficacy of electrolyzed oxidizing water as a pretreatment method forreducing Listeria monocytogenes contamination in cold-smoked Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Food Control, 60, 401,407.
Tiriwat D, Phongpaichit S, Benjakul S, Umpavapol P (2016). Microbial load reduction of sweet basil using acidic electrolyzed water and lactic acid in combination with mild heat. Food Control, 64, 29-36.
Wang JJ, Sun WS, Jin MT, Liu HQ, Zhang W, Sun XH, Pan YJ, Zhao Y(2014). Fate of Vibrio parahaemolyticus on shrimp after acidic electrolyzed water treatment. Int J Food Microbiol, 179, 50, 56.