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Serologic and Molecular Investigation of Q Fever on Water Buffalo in Afyon

Year 2016, Volume: 27 Issue: 1, 17 - 19, 20.04.2016


The water buffalo were usually grown for milk production and famous by-products, semi-hard cheese and especially cream clotting in Afyon. In this study, it was aimed to determine the risk of Q fever infection among the water buffalos, in Afyon. The collected 92 serum and 92 blood samples of female water buffalos were examined to investigate for the different stages of infection.  A total of 92 serum samples was examined for the presence of Coxiella burnetii(C. burnetii) antibodies against phase I and phase II antigens by indirect ELISA. Eight (8.69 %) out of 92 serum samples were found to be antibody positive. Of the examined blood samples, none of them were found to harbor C. burnetiiDNA.


  • Adesiyun AA, Cazabon EPI (1996). Seroprevalence of brucellosis, Q-fever and toxoplasmosis in slaughter livestock in Trinidad. Rev d’Elev et de Med Vet Pays Trop, 49, 28-30. Arserim NB, Yesilmen S, Tel OY, Ozakinci T, Keskin O, Pulat H, Vural A (2011). Seroprevalance of Coxiellosis in cows, sheep, goats and humans in Diyarbakir region of Turkey. Afr J Microbiol Res 5, 2041- 2043. Berri M, Laroucau K, Rodolakis A (2000). The detection of Coxiella burnetii from ovine genital swabs, milk and fecal samples by the use of a single touchdown polymerase chain reaction. Vet Microbiol 72, 285-293. Cetinkaya B, Kalender H, Ertas HB, Muz A, Arslan N, Ongor H, Gurçay M (2000). Seroprevalence of coxiellosis in cattle, sheep and people in the east of Turkey. Vet Rec, 146, 131-136. Dogru Kasimoglu A, Yildirim M, Unal N, Gazyagci S (2010). The Relationship of Coxiella burnetii seropositivity between farm animals and their owners: A pilot study. JAVA, 9, 1625-1629. Galiero, G, Goffredi CG, D’Orazi A (1996). Epidemiologia della Febbre Q: sieroprevalenza negli allevamenti bufalini della provincia di Salerno. La Selezione Veterinaria, 6,407–411. Gazyagci S, Aktas MS, Kilic S, Babur C, Celebi B, Duru SY (2011). Sero-prevalence of Q fever in dairy cattle in the Konya province, Turkey. Revue Méd Vét, 162, 387-390. Gozalan A, Esen B, Rolain JM, Akin L, Raoult D (2005). Is Q fever an emerging infection in Turkey? East Mediterr Health J, 11, 384-391. Gunaydin E, Pekkaya S, Mustak HK, Dalkılıç B (2014). Investigation of Q Fever in Kilis and Shamil goats by ELISA and Touchdown-PCR. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 61, 161-165. Gunaydin E, Mustak HK, Sareyyupoglu B, Ata Z (2015). PCR detection of Coxiella burnetii in fetal abomasal contents of ruminants. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 21(1), 69-73. Hoover TA, Vodkin MH, Williams JC (1992). A Coxiella burnetti repeated DNA element resembling a bacterial insertion sequence. J Bacteriol, 174, 5540-5548. Kalema-Zikusoka G, Bengis RG, Michel AL, Woodford MH (2005). A preliminary investigation of tuberculosis and other diseases in African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda. Onderstepoort J Vet Res, 72(2), 145-51. Kaplan MM and Bertagna P (1955). The Geographical Distribution of Q Fever. Bull Org mond Sante Bull Wld Hlth Org, 13, 829-860. Kennerman E, Rousset E, Golcu E, Dufour P (2010). Seroprevalence of Q fever (coxiellosis) in sheep from the Southern Marmara Region, Turkey. Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis, 33, 37-45. Kilic S, Pasa S, Babur C, Ozlem MB (2005). Investigation of Coxiella burnetii antibodies in sheep in Aydin region, Turkey. Revue Méd Vét, 156, 336-340. Kirkan S, Kaya O, Tekbiyik S, Parin U (2008). Detection of Coxiella burnetii in cattle by PCR. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 32, 215-220. Maurin M and Raoult D (1999). Q fever. Clin Microbiol Rev, 12, 518-553. Musso D and Raoult D (1995). Coxiella burnetii blood cultures from acute and chronic Q-fever patients. J Clin Microbiol, 33, 3129–3132. Nakoune E, Debaere O, Koumanda-Kotogne F, Selekon B, Samory F, Talarmin A (2004). Serological surveillance of brucellosis and Q fever in cattle in the Central African Republic. Acta Trop, 92, 147-151. Ongor H, Çetinkaya B, Karahan M, Açık MN, Bulut H, Muz A (2004). Detection of Coxiella burnetii by immunomagnetic separation-PCR in the milk of sheep in Turkey. Vet Rec, 154, 570-572. Ozturk D, Kale M, Pehlivanoglu F, Hasiroglu S, Turutoglu H (2012). Evaluation for some bacterial and viral abortions of dairy cattle farms in Burdur District of Turkey. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 18 (2), 255-258. Perugini AG, Capuano F, Esposito A, Marianelli C, Martucciello A, Iovane G, Galiero G (2009). Detection of Coxiella burnetii in buffaloes aborted fetuses by IS111 DNA amplification: a preliminary report. Res Vet Sci, 87, 189–191. Porter RS, Czaplicki G, Mainil J, Guatteo R and Saegerman C (2011). Q Fever: Current state of knowledge and perspectives of research of a neglected zoonosis. Int J Microbiol, 248418: 1-22. Rodolakis A (2006). Q fever, state of art: epidemiology, diagnosis and prophylaxis. Small Ruminant Res, 62, 121– 124. Rousset E, Berri M, Durand B, Dufour P, Prigent MYR, Delcroix T, Touratier A, Rodolakis A (2009). Coxiella burnetii shedding routes and antibody response after outbreaks of q fever-induced abortion in dairy goat herds. Appl Environ Microbiol, 75, 428–433. Sekerden O, Kebapci M, Kopar A (1996a). Buffalo population and production in Turkey. Buffalo Newsletter, 5, 7-8. Sekerden O, Kebapci M, Kopar A (1996b). Blood transferrin types and genetic structure for transferrin types of buffalo population in Samsun province. Buffalo Newsletter, 5, 11-12. To H (1998). Prevalence of Coxiella burnetii infection in dairy cattle with reproductive disorders. J Vet Med Sci, 60, 859–861. Vaidya VM, Malik SVS, Kaur S, Kumar S, Barbuddhe SB (2008). Comparison of PCR, immunofluorescence assay, and pathogen isolation for diagnosis of Q fever in humans with spontaneous abortions . J Clin Microbiol, 46, 2038–2044. Vaidya VM, Malik SV, Bhilegaonkar KN, Rathore RS, Kaur S, Barbuddhe SB (2010). Prevalence of Q fever in domestic animals with reproductive disorders. Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis, 33, 307–321. Wegdam-Blans MCA, Ter Woorst JF, Klompenhouwer EG, Teijink JA (2012). David procedure during a reoperation for ongoing chronic Q fever infection of an ascending aortic prosthesis. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 1–2: doi:10.1093/ejcts/ezs217. Yadav MP, Sethi MS (1979). Sero-epidemiological studies on coxiellosis in animals and man in the state of Uttar Pradesh and Delhi (India). Int J Zoonoses, 6(2), 67-74.

Afyon İlinde Mandalarda Q Humması’nın Serolojik ve Moleküler Araştırılması

Year 2016, Volume: 27 Issue: 1, 17 - 19, 20.04.2016


Afyon’da manda, süt ve süt yan ürünlerinden peynir, özellikle de kaymak üretimi amacıyla yetiştirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Afyon ilinde mandalarda Q humması riskini araştırmak amaçlanmıştır. Dişi mandalardan toplanan 92 serum ve 92 kan örneği, infeksiyonun farklı dönemlerini tespit etmek amacıyla incelendi. Toplam 92 serum örneğinde, Coxiella burnetii(C. burnetii) faz 1 ve faz 2 antijenlerine karşı antikor varlığı indirekt ELISA ile incelendi. Doksaniki örneğin 8’i (%8.69) antikor pozitif bulundu. İncelenen kan örneklerinde C. burnetiiDNA’sına rastlanmadı.


  • Adesiyun AA, Cazabon EPI (1996). Seroprevalence of brucellosis, Q-fever and toxoplasmosis in slaughter livestock in Trinidad. Rev d’Elev et de Med Vet Pays Trop, 49, 28-30. Arserim NB, Yesilmen S, Tel OY, Ozakinci T, Keskin O, Pulat H, Vural A (2011). Seroprevalance of Coxiellosis in cows, sheep, goats and humans in Diyarbakir region of Turkey. Afr J Microbiol Res 5, 2041- 2043. Berri M, Laroucau K, Rodolakis A (2000). The detection of Coxiella burnetii from ovine genital swabs, milk and fecal samples by the use of a single touchdown polymerase chain reaction. Vet Microbiol 72, 285-293. Cetinkaya B, Kalender H, Ertas HB, Muz A, Arslan N, Ongor H, Gurçay M (2000). Seroprevalence of coxiellosis in cattle, sheep and people in the east of Turkey. Vet Rec, 146, 131-136. Dogru Kasimoglu A, Yildirim M, Unal N, Gazyagci S (2010). The Relationship of Coxiella burnetii seropositivity between farm animals and their owners: A pilot study. JAVA, 9, 1625-1629. Galiero, G, Goffredi CG, D’Orazi A (1996). Epidemiologia della Febbre Q: sieroprevalenza negli allevamenti bufalini della provincia di Salerno. La Selezione Veterinaria, 6,407–411. Gazyagci S, Aktas MS, Kilic S, Babur C, Celebi B, Duru SY (2011). Sero-prevalence of Q fever in dairy cattle in the Konya province, Turkey. Revue Méd Vét, 162, 387-390. Gozalan A, Esen B, Rolain JM, Akin L, Raoult D (2005). Is Q fever an emerging infection in Turkey? East Mediterr Health J, 11, 384-391. Gunaydin E, Pekkaya S, Mustak HK, Dalkılıç B (2014). Investigation of Q Fever in Kilis and Shamil goats by ELISA and Touchdown-PCR. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 61, 161-165. Gunaydin E, Mustak HK, Sareyyupoglu B, Ata Z (2015). PCR detection of Coxiella burnetii in fetal abomasal contents of ruminants. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 21(1), 69-73. Hoover TA, Vodkin MH, Williams JC (1992). A Coxiella burnetti repeated DNA element resembling a bacterial insertion sequence. J Bacteriol, 174, 5540-5548. Kalema-Zikusoka G, Bengis RG, Michel AL, Woodford MH (2005). A preliminary investigation of tuberculosis and other diseases in African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda. Onderstepoort J Vet Res, 72(2), 145-51. Kaplan MM and Bertagna P (1955). The Geographical Distribution of Q Fever. Bull Org mond Sante Bull Wld Hlth Org, 13, 829-860. Kennerman E, Rousset E, Golcu E, Dufour P (2010). Seroprevalence of Q fever (coxiellosis) in sheep from the Southern Marmara Region, Turkey. Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis, 33, 37-45. Kilic S, Pasa S, Babur C, Ozlem MB (2005). Investigation of Coxiella burnetii antibodies in sheep in Aydin region, Turkey. Revue Méd Vét, 156, 336-340. Kirkan S, Kaya O, Tekbiyik S, Parin U (2008). Detection of Coxiella burnetii in cattle by PCR. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 32, 215-220. Maurin M and Raoult D (1999). Q fever. Clin Microbiol Rev, 12, 518-553. Musso D and Raoult D (1995). Coxiella burnetii blood cultures from acute and chronic Q-fever patients. J Clin Microbiol, 33, 3129–3132. Nakoune E, Debaere O, Koumanda-Kotogne F, Selekon B, Samory F, Talarmin A (2004). Serological surveillance of brucellosis and Q fever in cattle in the Central African Republic. Acta Trop, 92, 147-151. Ongor H, Çetinkaya B, Karahan M, Açık MN, Bulut H, Muz A (2004). Detection of Coxiella burnetii by immunomagnetic separation-PCR in the milk of sheep in Turkey. Vet Rec, 154, 570-572. Ozturk D, Kale M, Pehlivanoglu F, Hasiroglu S, Turutoglu H (2012). Evaluation for some bacterial and viral abortions of dairy cattle farms in Burdur District of Turkey. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 18 (2), 255-258. Perugini AG, Capuano F, Esposito A, Marianelli C, Martucciello A, Iovane G, Galiero G (2009). Detection of Coxiella burnetii in buffaloes aborted fetuses by IS111 DNA amplification: a preliminary report. Res Vet Sci, 87, 189–191. Porter RS, Czaplicki G, Mainil J, Guatteo R and Saegerman C (2011). Q Fever: Current state of knowledge and perspectives of research of a neglected zoonosis. Int J Microbiol, 248418: 1-22. Rodolakis A (2006). Q fever, state of art: epidemiology, diagnosis and prophylaxis. Small Ruminant Res, 62, 121– 124. Rousset E, Berri M, Durand B, Dufour P, Prigent MYR, Delcroix T, Touratier A, Rodolakis A (2009). Coxiella burnetii shedding routes and antibody response after outbreaks of q fever-induced abortion in dairy goat herds. Appl Environ Microbiol, 75, 428–433. Sekerden O, Kebapci M, Kopar A (1996a). Buffalo population and production in Turkey. Buffalo Newsletter, 5, 7-8. Sekerden O, Kebapci M, Kopar A (1996b). Blood transferrin types and genetic structure for transferrin types of buffalo population in Samsun province. Buffalo Newsletter, 5, 11-12. To H (1998). Prevalence of Coxiella burnetii infection in dairy cattle with reproductive disorders. J Vet Med Sci, 60, 859–861. Vaidya VM, Malik SVS, Kaur S, Kumar S, Barbuddhe SB (2008). Comparison of PCR, immunofluorescence assay, and pathogen isolation for diagnosis of Q fever in humans with spontaneous abortions . J Clin Microbiol, 46, 2038–2044. Vaidya VM, Malik SV, Bhilegaonkar KN, Rathore RS, Kaur S, Barbuddhe SB (2010). Prevalence of Q fever in domestic animals with reproductive disorders. Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis, 33, 307–321. Wegdam-Blans MCA, Ter Woorst JF, Klompenhouwer EG, Teijink JA (2012). David procedure during a reoperation for ongoing chronic Q fever infection of an ascending aortic prosthesis. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 1–2: doi:10.1093/ejcts/ezs217. Yadav MP, Sethi MS (1979). Sero-epidemiological studies on coxiellosis in animals and man in the state of Uttar Pradesh and Delhi (India). Int J Zoonoses, 6(2), 67-74.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Elçin Günaydın This is me

Selçuk Petekkaya This is me

Publication Date April 20, 2016
Submission Date August 7, 2015
Acceptance Date November 11, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 27 Issue: 1


APA Günaydın, E., & Petekkaya, S. (2016). Serologic and Molecular Investigation of Q Fever on Water Buffalo in Afyon. Van Veterinary Journal, 27(1), 17-19.
AMA Günaydın E, Petekkaya S. Serologic and Molecular Investigation of Q Fever on Water Buffalo in Afyon. Van Vet J. April 2016;27(1):17-19.
Chicago Günaydın, Elçin, and Selçuk Petekkaya. “Serologic and Molecular Investigation of Q Fever on Water Buffalo in Afyon”. Van Veterinary Journal 27, no. 1 (April 2016): 17-19.
EndNote Günaydın E, Petekkaya S (April 1, 2016) Serologic and Molecular Investigation of Q Fever on Water Buffalo in Afyon. Van Veterinary Journal 27 1 17–19.
IEEE E. Günaydın and S. Petekkaya, “Serologic and Molecular Investigation of Q Fever on Water Buffalo in Afyon”, Van Vet J, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 17–19, 2016.
ISNAD Günaydın, Elçin - Petekkaya, Selçuk. “Serologic and Molecular Investigation of Q Fever on Water Buffalo in Afyon”. Van Veterinary Journal 27/1 (April 2016), 17-19.
JAMA Günaydın E, Petekkaya S. Serologic and Molecular Investigation of Q Fever on Water Buffalo in Afyon. Van Vet J. 2016;27:17–19.
MLA Günaydın, Elçin and Selçuk Petekkaya. “Serologic and Molecular Investigation of Q Fever on Water Buffalo in Afyon”. Van Veterinary Journal, vol. 27, no. 1, 2016, pp. 17-19.
Vancouver Günaydın E, Petekkaya S. Serologic and Molecular Investigation of Q Fever on Water Buffalo in Afyon. Van Vet J. 2016;27(1):17-9.


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