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Uses of Proteolytic Enzymes on Treatment and Effects on Cow’s Mastitis Treatment

Year 2016, Volume: 27 Issue: 1, 43 - 47, 20.04.2016


enzymes are hydrolase enzymes which can be 
used for treatment. They have important roles like control and
regulation in homeostasis process. Proteolytic enzymes have been used as a
holistic-alternative treatment method in veterinary practice.  Nowadays,
the researches about proteolytic enzymes have been concentrated on mastitis and
endometritis of ruminants in veterinary medicine. It’s emphasized that proteolytic enzymes are an option on
supportive treatment in researches. The effects on mastitis treatments were


  • Alaçam E (1991). Sığır Hastalıkları (Meme Hastalıkları Bölümü), Tümvet Yayınları, İstanbul, Türkiye, 577-584. Anonymus (2005). Chymoral Forte data-sheet, Elder Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Mumbai, India. Erişim tarihi: 22 Ekim 2014. Anonymus (2008). Why we need systemic enzymes. WAM Essentials, Inc. Erişim tarihi: 1 Eylül 2013. Anonymus (2010). Applications - Enzyme therapy. Advanced Enzymes Technologies Ltd, India. Erişim tarihi: 25 Kasım 2014. Anyulis E (1989). Proteolytic enzymes in treatment of endometritis in cows. LVA Mokslo Darbai, Veterinariya/Proceedings of the Lithuanian, Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Vet Med, 19, 117-122. Anyulis E (1991). Antimicrobial preparations and proteolytic enzymes in treatment of endometritis in cows. LVA Mokslo Darbai, Veterinariya/Proceedings of the Lithuanian Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Vet Med, 20, 3-7. Aytekin Ö (2012). Laktasyondaki akut mastitisli süt ineklerinde meme içi uygulanan 1. kuşak sefalosporin ve proteolitik enzim kombinasyonunun tedavideki etkinliği. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doğum ve Jinekoloji Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, Van, Türkiye. Bake J, Illek J (2006). Plasma ceruloplasmin and fibrinogen during enzyme therapy of mastitis in dairy cows. Acta Vet Brno, 75, 241-246. Biziulevichius GA, Lukauskas K (1998). In vivo studies on lysosubtilin. 2. Efficacy for treatment of post-partum endometritis in cows. Vet Res, 29(1), 47-58. Bowler J (2010). Precious enzymes. Precious Organics, Australia. Erişim tarihi: 30 Aralık 2013. Collins JJ (2008). Systemic enzyme support. Poster presentation. Erişim tarihi: 11 Ağustos 2014. Contreras A, Paape MJ, Miller RH, Corrales JC, Luengo C, Sánchez A (2009). Effect of bromelain on milk yield, milk composition and mammary health in dairy goats. Trop Anim Health Prod. 41(4), 493-498. Daniushchenkova NM, Berenshteĭn TF, Kardovich GA, But-Gusdaim AM (1982). Efficacy of antibiotics and proteolytic enzymes in the treatment of patients with chronic osteomyelitis. Antibiotiki,27(3), 196-199. Dessarzin D, Meylan D, Volet B (1961). Treatment of abscessing mastitis by puncture and drainage by means of a polyethylene sound with general and local antibiotic therapy associated with proteolytic enzymes. Analysis of current therapeutic trends. Ther Umsch, July; 18, 259-266. Desser L (2007a). Description of some enzymes used in therapy. Erişim tarihi: 11 Aralık 2014. Desser L (2007b). Diseases in which enzyme therapy is beneficial. Erişim tarihi: 11 Aralık 2014. Desser L (2007c). History of enzyme therapy. http://www.enzymetherapy. at/cms/?page_id=9 Erişim tarihi: 11 Aralık 2014. Desser L (2007d). How does enzyme therapy work? Erişim tarihi: 11 Aralık 2014. Desser L (2007e). What are enzymes? cms/?page_id=4?&lang=en Erişim tarihi: 11 Aralık 2014. Desser L (2007f). Why enzyme theraphy? cms/?&lang=en Erişim tarihi: 11 Aralık 2014. Deveci H, Apaydın AM, Kalkan C, Öcal H (1994). Evcil Hayvanlarda Meme Hastalıkları. Fırat Üniversitesi Basımevi, Elazığ, Türkiye. Dittmar FW (2000). Enzyme therapy - A method of immune therapy for immunologically caused habitual abortions. Forum Immunologie, No. 3/2000, II - VIII. Dittmar FW, Weissenbacher ER (1992). Therapy of adnexitis – Enhancement of the basic antibiotic therapy with hydrolytic enzymes. Int J Exp Clin Chemother, 5, 2, 73-81. Dittmar FW, Weissenbacher ER, Vogel S (1993). Hydrolytic enzymes as support for the basic therapy with antibiotics in the treatment of adnexitis. Arch Gynecol Obstet, 254 (1-4), 631-633. Drillich M, Raab D, Wittke M, Heuwieser W (2005). Treatment of chronic endometritis in dairy cows with an intrauterine application of enzymes. A field trial. Theriogenology, 63(7), 1811-1823. Dunkel R (1967). Treatment of bovine mastitis with antibiotics and sulphonamides together with proteolytic enzymes and vitamin A. Proceedings. 4th Int. Meet. Wld Ass. Buiatrics, Zurich 1966, 520-525. Ermiglia G (1959). The effectiveness of enzyme therapy (Trypsin and Chymotrypsin) in mastitis (acute and chronic). Riv Ostet Ginecol Prat, 41, 890-892. Friedrich F (2003). Wobenzym® in the treatment of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease. Pharmascript Report, Kathi-Kobus-Steig 1, W-8190. Study Number: MU-89210, Germany. Gostishchev VK, Tambiev EI (1978). Proteolytic enzymes in complex treatment of mastitis. Sov Med, 5, 80-83. Grigorian AV, Gostishchev VK, Kostikov BA, Shkliarov SK (1974). Proteolytic enzymes in the treatment and prevention of suppurative mastitis. Vestn Khir Im I Grek, 112(1), 23-27. Herzog P (2005). Effects of the enzyme combination Trypsin / Chymotrypsin / Papain on enterohaemolytic E. coli and Salmonella strains. [Wirkung der enzymkombination Trypsin-Chymotrypsin-Papain auf enterohämolysierende E. coli und Salmonellen]. Dissertation PhD. Institut of Bakteriologie and Mykologie at Veterinärmedizinischer Fakultät der Universität Leipzig, Germany. Kasseroller R, Wenning HG (2003). Efficacy and tolerability of proteolytic enzymes as an anti-inflammatory agent in lymphoedema after axillary dissection due to mammary cancer. European J Lymp, 10 (37-38), 18-26. Khanin AG, Tambiev EI (1979). Wound infection of the breast and enzyme therapy. Klin Med (Mosk),57(5), 56-61. Krüger M, ThiHien T, Zaremba W, Penka L (1999). Untersuchungen zum einfluss der proteolytischen enzyme Trypsin, Chymotrypsin und Papain auf euterpathogene mikroorganismen. Tierärztl Prax, 27, 207–215. Lehmann PV (1996). Immunomodulation by proteolytic enzymes. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 11, Editorial Comments, 953-955. Lenard L (2010). Systemic multi-enzyme therapy. Unizyme: Enzyme research breakthrough - part I. Erişim tarihi: 10 Ekim 2013. Leppanen MK (1961). Treatment of suppurative mastitis by aspiration and with Streptokinase-Streptodornase and antibiotics. Ann Chir Gynaecol Fenn, 50, 272-278. Marushka R (1989). Treatment of cow uterus with enzyme and antimicrobial preparations, LVA Mokslo Darbai, Veterinariya/Proceedings of the Lithuanian Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Vet Med. 19, 153. Mecikoglu M, Saygi B, Yildirim Y, Karadag-Saygi E, Ramadan SS, Esemenli T (2006). The effect of proteolytic enzyme Serratiopeptidase in the treatment of experimental implant-related infection. J Bone Joint Surgery (American), 88, 1208-1214. Melis GB (1990). Clinical experience with Methoxybutropate vs. Bromelain in the treatment of female pelvic inflammation. Minerva Ginecol, 42 (7-8), 309-312. Muhammad G, Saqib M, Athar M (2000). Evaluation of TenazymeTM for the treatment of mastitis in buffaloes and a cow. Pakistan Vet J, 20 (4), 212. Nouza K, Madar J (2001). Immunomodulation in the treatment of reproduction disturbances. Am J Repro Immun, 46 (1), 106. Percival M (1999). Understanding the natural management of pain and inflammation. Advanced Nutrition Publications Inc, Clin Nutrition Insights, NUT030 Rev. 4/99. Prosandeev V (1990). Mastitis: Current problems and methods of treatment. Sel'skoe Khozyaĭstvo Uzbekistana, 2, 17-18. Raker CW (1957). Use of enzymes in veterinary medicine. Ann NY Acad Sci, 68(1), 144-150. Rusca F, Perone N (1969). Combination of tetracycline and pancreatic proteolytic enzymes in the therapy of gynecologic inflammation [Associations de la tetracycline et d’enzymes proteolytiques pancreatiques dans la therapie des phlogoses gynecoloqiques]. Praxis, 58 (17), 556-559. Scheindlin S (2007). Clinical enzymology: Enzymes as medicine. Mol Interv, 7, 4-8. Shelyugina ZG, Avdeenko VS, Gonchar AM, Salganik RI, Pankov BG, Goncharov VP, Stradina Yu N (1989). Immobilized proteolytic enzymes for post-partum purulent-catarrhal endometritis in cows, Veterinariya (Moscow), 6, 41-42. Sibilla P (1970). Proteolytic enzymes with a factor favouring the efficacy of antibiotic therapy in osteomyelitis. Arch Ortop, 83(1), 85-90. Solorazano del Rio HE (1994). Systemic enzyme therapy-supplement to the art of getting well. Programa de Estudios de Medicinas Alternativas, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jal. Mexico. Storozhuk VT, Babich MM (1986). Use of papain and ultrasound in the combined treatment of gangrenous lactation mastitis. Klin Khir, (1), 47-48. Storozhuk VT, Shamolina II, Lobova AB (1985). Immobilized papain in the treatment of acute destructive lactation mastitis. Vestn Khir Im I Grek,135(10), 42-46. Storozhuk VT, Sutiusheva RR, Aĭkenova ZZ (1984). Treatment of acute lactational mastitis with proteolytic enzymes of plant origin. Klin Khir, (1), 73-74. Sukhikh GT, Loginova NS, Faizullin LZ, Zdanov AV, Malinina EV, Bozedomov VA (1997). The use of WOBENZYM® to facilitate interferon synthesis in the treatment of chronic urogenital Chlamydiosis. Int J Immunotherapy, 8 (3-4), 131-133. Tambiev EI (1977). Enzymatic therapy in the overall treatment of the initial forms of mastitis. Vopr Okhr Materin Det, 22 (12), 66-67. Taşal İ, Aytekin Ö, Kurucaoğlu A (2008). Laktasyondaki akut mastitisli ineklerde Sefapirin-Tripsin-Kimotripsin kombinasyonuyla (Sefapir) meme içi tedavinin etkinliği. Poster Sunum. 3. Türk Veteriner Jinekoloji Kongresi (Uluslararası katılımlı), 23-26 Ekim, Antalya, Türkiye. Viswanatha Swamy A, Patil PA (2008). Effect of some clinically used proteolytic enzymes on inflammation in rats. Indian J Pharm Sci, 70, 114-117. Weiner M, Piliero SJ (1990). Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Ann Rev Pharmacol 10, 171-198. Zander H (1997). Klinische untersuchungen über die wirksamkeit von enzymen bzw. Enzym-/antibiotika kombinationen bei der therapie von mastitiden unterschiedlicher genese und manifestation [Examinations about the effectiveness of enzymes and enzyme/antibiotic-combinations in the therapy of different kind of bovine mastitis]. Dissertation, Berlin: Free University of Berlin, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Germany. Zaremba W (2002). The mode of effect of proteolytic enzymes applied therapeutically in animals. Veyx-Pharma GmbH Publication, Germany.

Proteolitik Enzimlerin Tedavide Kullanımı ve İneklerde Mastitis Tedavisindeki Etkileri

Year 2016, Volume: 27 Issue: 1, 43 - 47, 20.04.2016


enzimler tedavi amacıyla kullanılabilen hidrolaz enzimlerdendir. Proteolitik
enzimler, homeostazis sürecinde kontrol ve regülasyon gibi önemli rollere
sahiptirler. Proteolitik enzimler veteriner pratikte, holistik-alternatif
tedavi yöntemi olarak kullanılmaktadırlar. 
Günümüzde, veteriner hekimlikte proteolitik enzimlerle ilgili yapılan
araştırmalar özellikle ruminantlarda mastitis ve endometritis üzerinde
yoğunlaşmıştır. Proteolitik enzimlerin olumlu etkileriyle tedaviye destek
amacıyla kullanılabilecek bir seçenek olduğu yapılan araştırmalarda
vurgulanmıştır. Mastitis tedavilerindeki etkileri ilgi çekicidir.


  • Alaçam E (1991). Sığır Hastalıkları (Meme Hastalıkları Bölümü), Tümvet Yayınları, İstanbul, Türkiye, 577-584. Anonymus (2005). Chymoral Forte data-sheet, Elder Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Mumbai, India. Erişim tarihi: 22 Ekim 2014. Anonymus (2008). Why we need systemic enzymes. WAM Essentials, Inc. Erişim tarihi: 1 Eylül 2013. Anonymus (2010). Applications - Enzyme therapy. Advanced Enzymes Technologies Ltd, India. Erişim tarihi: 25 Kasım 2014. Anyulis E (1989). Proteolytic enzymes in treatment of endometritis in cows. LVA Mokslo Darbai, Veterinariya/Proceedings of the Lithuanian, Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Vet Med, 19, 117-122. Anyulis E (1991). Antimicrobial preparations and proteolytic enzymes in treatment of endometritis in cows. LVA Mokslo Darbai, Veterinariya/Proceedings of the Lithuanian Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Vet Med, 20, 3-7. Aytekin Ö (2012). Laktasyondaki akut mastitisli süt ineklerinde meme içi uygulanan 1. kuşak sefalosporin ve proteolitik enzim kombinasyonunun tedavideki etkinliği. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doğum ve Jinekoloji Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, Van, Türkiye. Bake J, Illek J (2006). Plasma ceruloplasmin and fibrinogen during enzyme therapy of mastitis in dairy cows. Acta Vet Brno, 75, 241-246. Biziulevichius GA, Lukauskas K (1998). In vivo studies on lysosubtilin. 2. Efficacy for treatment of post-partum endometritis in cows. Vet Res, 29(1), 47-58. Bowler J (2010). Precious enzymes. Precious Organics, Australia. Erişim tarihi: 30 Aralık 2013. Collins JJ (2008). Systemic enzyme support. Poster presentation. Erişim tarihi: 11 Ağustos 2014. Contreras A, Paape MJ, Miller RH, Corrales JC, Luengo C, Sánchez A (2009). Effect of bromelain on milk yield, milk composition and mammary health in dairy goats. Trop Anim Health Prod. 41(4), 493-498. Daniushchenkova NM, Berenshteĭn TF, Kardovich GA, But-Gusdaim AM (1982). Efficacy of antibiotics and proteolytic enzymes in the treatment of patients with chronic osteomyelitis. Antibiotiki,27(3), 196-199. Dessarzin D, Meylan D, Volet B (1961). Treatment of abscessing mastitis by puncture and drainage by means of a polyethylene sound with general and local antibiotic therapy associated with proteolytic enzymes. Analysis of current therapeutic trends. Ther Umsch, July; 18, 259-266. Desser L (2007a). Description of some enzymes used in therapy. Erişim tarihi: 11 Aralık 2014. Desser L (2007b). Diseases in which enzyme therapy is beneficial. Erişim tarihi: 11 Aralık 2014. Desser L (2007c). History of enzyme therapy. http://www.enzymetherapy. at/cms/?page_id=9 Erişim tarihi: 11 Aralık 2014. Desser L (2007d). How does enzyme therapy work? Erişim tarihi: 11 Aralık 2014. Desser L (2007e). What are enzymes? cms/?page_id=4?&lang=en Erişim tarihi: 11 Aralık 2014. Desser L (2007f). Why enzyme theraphy? cms/?&lang=en Erişim tarihi: 11 Aralık 2014. Deveci H, Apaydın AM, Kalkan C, Öcal H (1994). Evcil Hayvanlarda Meme Hastalıkları. Fırat Üniversitesi Basımevi, Elazığ, Türkiye. Dittmar FW (2000). Enzyme therapy - A method of immune therapy for immunologically caused habitual abortions. Forum Immunologie, No. 3/2000, II - VIII. Dittmar FW, Weissenbacher ER (1992). Therapy of adnexitis – Enhancement of the basic antibiotic therapy with hydrolytic enzymes. Int J Exp Clin Chemother, 5, 2, 73-81. Dittmar FW, Weissenbacher ER, Vogel S (1993). Hydrolytic enzymes as support for the basic therapy with antibiotics in the treatment of adnexitis. Arch Gynecol Obstet, 254 (1-4), 631-633. Drillich M, Raab D, Wittke M, Heuwieser W (2005). Treatment of chronic endometritis in dairy cows with an intrauterine application of enzymes. A field trial. Theriogenology, 63(7), 1811-1823. Dunkel R (1967). Treatment of bovine mastitis with antibiotics and sulphonamides together with proteolytic enzymes and vitamin A. Proceedings. 4th Int. Meet. Wld Ass. Buiatrics, Zurich 1966, 520-525. Ermiglia G (1959). The effectiveness of enzyme therapy (Trypsin and Chymotrypsin) in mastitis (acute and chronic). Riv Ostet Ginecol Prat, 41, 890-892. Friedrich F (2003). Wobenzym® in the treatment of chronic pelvic inflammatory disease. Pharmascript Report, Kathi-Kobus-Steig 1, W-8190. Study Number: MU-89210, Germany. Gostishchev VK, Tambiev EI (1978). Proteolytic enzymes in complex treatment of mastitis. Sov Med, 5, 80-83. Grigorian AV, Gostishchev VK, Kostikov BA, Shkliarov SK (1974). Proteolytic enzymes in the treatment and prevention of suppurative mastitis. Vestn Khir Im I Grek, 112(1), 23-27. Herzog P (2005). Effects of the enzyme combination Trypsin / Chymotrypsin / Papain on enterohaemolytic E. coli and Salmonella strains. [Wirkung der enzymkombination Trypsin-Chymotrypsin-Papain auf enterohämolysierende E. coli und Salmonellen]. Dissertation PhD. Institut of Bakteriologie and Mykologie at Veterinärmedizinischer Fakultät der Universität Leipzig, Germany. Kasseroller R, Wenning HG (2003). Efficacy and tolerability of proteolytic enzymes as an anti-inflammatory agent in lymphoedema after axillary dissection due to mammary cancer. European J Lymp, 10 (37-38), 18-26. Khanin AG, Tambiev EI (1979). Wound infection of the breast and enzyme therapy. Klin Med (Mosk),57(5), 56-61. Krüger M, ThiHien T, Zaremba W, Penka L (1999). Untersuchungen zum einfluss der proteolytischen enzyme Trypsin, Chymotrypsin und Papain auf euterpathogene mikroorganismen. Tierärztl Prax, 27, 207–215. Lehmann PV (1996). Immunomodulation by proteolytic enzymes. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 11, Editorial Comments, 953-955. Lenard L (2010). Systemic multi-enzyme therapy. Unizyme: Enzyme research breakthrough - part I. Erişim tarihi: 10 Ekim 2013. Leppanen MK (1961). Treatment of suppurative mastitis by aspiration and with Streptokinase-Streptodornase and antibiotics. Ann Chir Gynaecol Fenn, 50, 272-278. Marushka R (1989). Treatment of cow uterus with enzyme and antimicrobial preparations, LVA Mokslo Darbai, Veterinariya/Proceedings of the Lithuanian Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Vet Med. 19, 153. Mecikoglu M, Saygi B, Yildirim Y, Karadag-Saygi E, Ramadan SS, Esemenli T (2006). The effect of proteolytic enzyme Serratiopeptidase in the treatment of experimental implant-related infection. J Bone Joint Surgery (American), 88, 1208-1214. Melis GB (1990). Clinical experience with Methoxybutropate vs. Bromelain in the treatment of female pelvic inflammation. Minerva Ginecol, 42 (7-8), 309-312. Muhammad G, Saqib M, Athar M (2000). Evaluation of TenazymeTM for the treatment of mastitis in buffaloes and a cow. Pakistan Vet J, 20 (4), 212. Nouza K, Madar J (2001). Immunomodulation in the treatment of reproduction disturbances. Am J Repro Immun, 46 (1), 106. Percival M (1999). Understanding the natural management of pain and inflammation. Advanced Nutrition Publications Inc, Clin Nutrition Insights, NUT030 Rev. 4/99. Prosandeev V (1990). Mastitis: Current problems and methods of treatment. Sel'skoe Khozyaĭstvo Uzbekistana, 2, 17-18. Raker CW (1957). Use of enzymes in veterinary medicine. Ann NY Acad Sci, 68(1), 144-150. Rusca F, Perone N (1969). Combination of tetracycline and pancreatic proteolytic enzymes in the therapy of gynecologic inflammation [Associations de la tetracycline et d’enzymes proteolytiques pancreatiques dans la therapie des phlogoses gynecoloqiques]. Praxis, 58 (17), 556-559. Scheindlin S (2007). Clinical enzymology: Enzymes as medicine. Mol Interv, 7, 4-8. Shelyugina ZG, Avdeenko VS, Gonchar AM, Salganik RI, Pankov BG, Goncharov VP, Stradina Yu N (1989). Immobilized proteolytic enzymes for post-partum purulent-catarrhal endometritis in cows, Veterinariya (Moscow), 6, 41-42. Sibilla P (1970). Proteolytic enzymes with a factor favouring the efficacy of antibiotic therapy in osteomyelitis. Arch Ortop, 83(1), 85-90. Solorazano del Rio HE (1994). Systemic enzyme therapy-supplement to the art of getting well. Programa de Estudios de Medicinas Alternativas, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jal. Mexico. Storozhuk VT, Babich MM (1986). Use of papain and ultrasound in the combined treatment of gangrenous lactation mastitis. Klin Khir, (1), 47-48. Storozhuk VT, Shamolina II, Lobova AB (1985). Immobilized papain in the treatment of acute destructive lactation mastitis. Vestn Khir Im I Grek,135(10), 42-46. Storozhuk VT, Sutiusheva RR, Aĭkenova ZZ (1984). Treatment of acute lactational mastitis with proteolytic enzymes of plant origin. Klin Khir, (1), 73-74. Sukhikh GT, Loginova NS, Faizullin LZ, Zdanov AV, Malinina EV, Bozedomov VA (1997). The use of WOBENZYM® to facilitate interferon synthesis in the treatment of chronic urogenital Chlamydiosis. Int J Immunotherapy, 8 (3-4), 131-133. Tambiev EI (1977). Enzymatic therapy in the overall treatment of the initial forms of mastitis. Vopr Okhr Materin Det, 22 (12), 66-67. Taşal İ, Aytekin Ö, Kurucaoğlu A (2008). Laktasyondaki akut mastitisli ineklerde Sefapirin-Tripsin-Kimotripsin kombinasyonuyla (Sefapir) meme içi tedavinin etkinliği. Poster Sunum. 3. Türk Veteriner Jinekoloji Kongresi (Uluslararası katılımlı), 23-26 Ekim, Antalya, Türkiye. Viswanatha Swamy A, Patil PA (2008). Effect of some clinically used proteolytic enzymes on inflammation in rats. Indian J Pharm Sci, 70, 114-117. Weiner M, Piliero SJ (1990). Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Ann Rev Pharmacol 10, 171-198. Zander H (1997). Klinische untersuchungen über die wirksamkeit von enzymen bzw. Enzym-/antibiotika kombinationen bei der therapie von mastitiden unterschiedlicher genese und manifestation [Examinations about the effectiveness of enzymes and enzyme/antibiotic-combinations in the therapy of different kind of bovine mastitis]. Dissertation, Berlin: Free University of Berlin, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Germany. Zaremba W (2002). The mode of effect of proteolytic enzymes applied therapeutically in animals. Veyx-Pharma GmbH Publication, Germany.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Onder Aytekin

Publication Date April 20, 2016
Submission Date February 10, 2015
Acceptance Date April 9, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 27 Issue: 1


APA Aytekin, O. (2016). Proteolitik Enzimlerin Tedavide Kullanımı ve İneklerde Mastitis Tedavisindeki Etkileri. Van Veterinary Journal, 27(1), 43-47.
AMA Aytekin O. Proteolitik Enzimlerin Tedavide Kullanımı ve İneklerde Mastitis Tedavisindeki Etkileri. Van Vet J. April 2016;27(1):43-47.
Chicago Aytekin, Onder. “Proteolitik Enzimlerin Tedavide Kullanımı Ve İneklerde Mastitis Tedavisindeki Etkileri”. Van Veterinary Journal 27, no. 1 (April 2016): 43-47.
EndNote Aytekin O (April 1, 2016) Proteolitik Enzimlerin Tedavide Kullanımı ve İneklerde Mastitis Tedavisindeki Etkileri. Van Veterinary Journal 27 1 43–47.
IEEE O. Aytekin, “Proteolitik Enzimlerin Tedavide Kullanımı ve İneklerde Mastitis Tedavisindeki Etkileri”, Van Vet J, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 43–47, 2016.
ISNAD Aytekin, Onder. “Proteolitik Enzimlerin Tedavide Kullanımı Ve İneklerde Mastitis Tedavisindeki Etkileri”. Van Veterinary Journal 27/1 (April 2016), 43-47.
JAMA Aytekin O. Proteolitik Enzimlerin Tedavide Kullanımı ve İneklerde Mastitis Tedavisindeki Etkileri. Van Vet J. 2016;27:43–47.
MLA Aytekin, Onder. “Proteolitik Enzimlerin Tedavide Kullanımı Ve İneklerde Mastitis Tedavisindeki Etkileri”. Van Veterinary Journal, vol. 27, no. 1, 2016, pp. 43-47.
Vancouver Aytekin O. Proteolitik Enzimlerin Tedavide Kullanımı ve İneklerde Mastitis Tedavisindeki Etkileri. Van Vet J. 2016;27(1):43-7.


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