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Tavşanlarda Mistletoe Lektin-I’in Farklı Dozlarının Tümör Nekroz Faktör-α, Nitrik Oksit, Total Antioksidan ve Oksidan Kapasite Düzeylerine Etkisi

Year 2017, Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 41 - 45, 20.04.2017


lektin-I (ML-I)’in, farklı dozlarının tümör nekroz faktör-α (TNF-α), nitrik
oksit (NO), total antioksidan ve oksidan kapasite (TAK, TOK) düzeylerine
etkisinin araştırıldığı çalışmada, her birinde 7 adet tavşan bulunan, birisi
kontrol olmak üzere 4 grup oluşturuldu. Gruplara sırasıyla 0.5, 1 ve 2 ng/kg
ML-I intraperitonal (i.p.) olarak enjekte edildi. Enjeksiyonu takiben 1., 6.,
12. ve 24. saatlerde kan örnekleri alınarak plazmaları elde edildi. 0.5 ng/kg
ML-I verilen grupta TNF-α düzeyinin bütün saatlerde kontrol ve diğer lektin
gruplarına göre yüksek olmakla birlikte 1. saatte en yüksek değerine ulaştığı
(p<0.01) saptandı. 0.5 ve 1 ng/kg lektin dozlarının 1. saatte NO düzeyini
azalttığı (p<0.05), 1 ve 2 ng/kg lektin dozlarının 12. saatte NO düzeyini
arttırdığı (p<0.05), gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak bir farkın
oluşmadığı gözlendi. 0.5 ng/kg ML-I verilen gruptan alınan numunelerde, 1 saat
sonra elde edilen TAK değerlerinin 6, 12 ve 24. saatlere göre istatistiksel
olarak yüksek (p<0.05) olduğu, TOK düzeylerinde istatistiksel olarak bir
değişim olmadığı gözlemlendi. 0.5 ng/kg dozundaki ML-I’in TNF-α ve NO
düzeylerinde değişiklik meydana getirmesi, 
lektinin akut durumlarda antioksidan özellik gösterebileceği kanaatini


  • Bantel H, Engels IH. Voelter W, Schulze-Osthoff K, Wesselborg S (1999). Mistletoe lectin activates caspase-8/FLICE independently of death receptor signaling and enhances anticancer drug-induced apoptosis. Cancer Res, 59, 2083-2090. Barbasz A, Kreczmer B, Rudolphi-Skorska E, Sieprawska A, Woznica D (2012). Content of antioxidant in extracts of mistletoe (Viscum album L.), yew (Taxus baccata L.), pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and fir (Abies alba Mill.). Herba Polonica, 58, 27-36. Beuth J, Stoffel B, Ko HL, Jeljaszewicz J, Pulverer G (1995). Immunomodulating ability of galactoside-specific lectin standardized and depleted mistletoe extract. Arzneimittel-Forschung: Drug Res, 45, 1240-1242. Biberstein SE, Spiro JD, Lindquist R, Kreutzer DL (1995). Enhanced tumor cell expression of tumor necrosis factor receptors in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. AM J Surg, 170, 416-422. Boneberg E-M, Hartung T(2001). Mistletoe lectin-I increases tumor necrosis factor-α release in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated whole blood via inhibition of interleukin-10 production. J Pharm Exp Therap, 298 (3), 996-1000. Büssing A, Suzart K, Schweizer K (1997). Differences in the apoptosis-inducing properties of Viscum album L. extracts. Anticancer Drugs Suppl, 1, 9-14. Büssing A, Suzart K, Pfüller U, Schietzel M (1999). Induction of Fas ligand (CD95L) by the toxic mistletoe lectins in human lymphocytes. Anticancer Res, 19, 1785-1790. Cebovic T, Popovic M (2006). Effects of different extracts of mistletoe leaves ( Viscum album L.) on CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Tox Lett (Abs.), 164-174. Danjolli D, Akşit H (2016). Effects of N acetylcysteine on expression and localization of some lectins in the liver of experimental hepatic intoxication. Van Vet J, 11-16. Finkel T (1998). Oxygen radicals and signaling. Curr Opin Cell Biol, 10, 248-253. Franz H, Ziska P, Kindt A (1981). Isolation and properties of three lectins from mistletoe (Viscum album L.). Biochem J, 195, 481-484. Hajto T, Hostanska K, Frei K, Rordorf C, Gabius H-J (1990). Increased secretion of tumor necrosis factor α. interleukin I and interleukin 6 by human mononuclear cells exposed to β-galactoside-specific lectin from clinically applied mistletoe extract. Cancer Res, 50, 3322-3326. Hajto T, Hostanska K, Fischer J, Saller R (1997). Immunomodulatory effects of Viscum album agglutinin-I on natural immunity. Anticancer Drugs, 8 (Suppl 1), 43-46. Hajto T, Hostanska K, Berki T, Palinkas L, Boldizsar F, Nemeth P (2005). Oncopharmacological perspectives of a plant lectin (Viscum album Agglutinin-I): overview of recent results from in vitro experiments and in vivo animal models, and their possible relevance for clinical applications. eCAM, 2, 59-67. Ignarro LJ (2010). Nitric oxide, Biology and Pathobiology. 2nd Ed. Academic Press Publications, USA. Kang TB, Yoo YC, Lee KH, et al. (2008). Korean mistletoe lectin (KML-IIU) and its subchains induce nitric oxide (NO) production in murine macrophage cells. J Biochem Mol Biol, 15, 197-204. Kim BK, Choi MJ, Park KY, Cho EJ (2010). Protective effects of Korean mistletoe lectin on radical-induced oxidative stres. Biol Pharm Bull, 33(7), 1152-1158. Kim W-H, Park WB, Gao B, Jung MH (2004). Critical role of reactive oxygen species and mitocondrial membrane potential in Korean mistletoe lectin-induced apoptosis in human hepatocarcinoma cells. Mol Pharmacol, 66, 1383-1396. Kurokawa H, Takeda S, Yamashita Y, et al. (2002). Estimation of Serum tumour necrosis factor-α and correlation to tumour markers in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma. Asian J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 14, 148-154. Lee JY, Kim JY, Lee YG, et al. (2007). In vitro immunoregulatory effects of Korean mistletoe lectin on functional activation of monocytic and macrophage-like cells. Biol Pharm Bull, 30, 2043-2051. Leu Y-L, Hwang T-L, Chung YM, Hong PY (2006). The Inhibition of superoxide anion generation in human neutrophils by Viscum coloratum. Chem Pharmacol Bull, 54(7), 1063-1066. Lyu SY, Choi SH, Park WB (2002). Korean mistletoe lectin-induced apoptosis in hepatocarcinoma cells is associated with inhibition of telomerase via mitochondrial controlled pathway independent of p53. Arch Pharm Res, 25, 93-101. Mannel DN, Becker H, Gundt A, Kist A, Franz H (1991). Induction of tumor necrosis factor expression by a lectin from Viscum album. Cancer Immunol Immunotherapy, 33, 177-182. Miranda KM, Espey MG, Wink DA (2001). A rapid, simple spectrophotometric method for simultaneous detection of nitrate and nitrite. Nitric Oxide Biol Chem, 5, 62-71. Nwanjo HU (2007). Free radical scavenging potential of the aqueous extract of Viscum album (Mistletoe) leaves in diabetic Wistar rats hepatocytes. Internet J Nutr Wellness, 3(2), 1-8 Odeh M (1990). The role of tumour necrosis factor-α in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. J Int Med, 228, 549-556. Oluwaseun AA, Ganiyu O (2008). Antioxidant properties of methanolic extracts of mistletoes (Viscum album) from cocoa and cashew trees in Nigeria. African J Biotecnol, 7, 3138-3142. Orhan DD, Aslan M, Şendoğdu N, Ergun F, Yeşilada E (2005). Evaluation of hypoglycemic effect and antioxidant activity of three Viscum album supspecies (European mistletoe) in streptozotocin-diabetic rats. J Ethnopharm 98, 95-102. Papuc C, Crivineanu M, Goran G, Nicorescu V, Durdun N (2010). Free radicals scavenging and antioxidant activity of European mistletoe (Viscum album) and European birthwort (Aristolochia clematitis). Rev Chim, 61, 619-622. Park JH, Hyun, CK, Shin HK (1999). Cytotoxic effects of the components in heat-treated mistletoe. Cancer Lett, 139, 207-213. Ribereau-Gayon G, Dumont S, Muller C, Jung ML, Poindron P, Anton R (1996). Mistletoe lectins I, II and III induce the production of cytokines by cultured human monocytes. Cancer Lett, 109, 33-38. Roman GP, Neagu E, Radu GL (2009). Antiradical activities of Salvia officinalis and Viscum album L. extracts concentrated by ultrafiltration process. Acta Sci Pol Technol Aliment, 8, 47-58. Sandes EO, Faletti AG, Riveros MD, et al. (2005). Expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in tumoral and non-tumoral epithelia from bladder cancer patients. Nitric Oxide, 12, 39-45. Shi Z-M, Feng P, Jiang DQ, Wang XJ (2006). Mistletoe alkali inhibits peroxidation in rat liver and kidney. World J Gastrenterol, 12(25), 4052-4055. Stirpe F, Legg RF, Onyon LJ, Ziska P, Franz H (1980). Inhibition of protein synthesis by a toxic lectin from Viscum album L. (mistletoe). Biochem J, 190, 843-845. Sung, N-Y, Byun, E-B., Song, D-S., et al. (2013). Effect of gamma irradiation on mistletoe (Viscum album) lectin-mediated toxicity and immunomodulatory activity. FEBS Open Bio, 3,106-111. Timoshenko AV, Gabius H-J (1993). Efficient induction of superoxide release from human neutrophils by the galactoside galactoside specific lectin from Viscum album. Biol. Chem Hoppe-Seyler, 374,237-43. Timoshenko AV, Cherenkevich SN, Gabius H-J (1995). Viscum album agglutinin-induced aggregation of blood cells and lectin effect on neutrophil. Biomed Pharmcol, 49, 153-158. Timoshenko AV, Lan Y, Gabius H-J, Lala PK (2001). Immunotherapy of C3H/Hej mammary adenocarcinoma with interleukin-2, mistletoe lectin or their combination: effects on tumor growth, capillary leakage and nitric oxide (NO) production. Eur J Cancer, 37, 1910-1920. Ziska P, Eifler R, Franz H (1979). Chemical modification studies on the D-galactopyranosyl binding lectin from the mistletoe Viscum album L. Acta Biol Med Ger, 38(9), 1361-1363. in: Ergun F, Deliorman D, Şener B(1995). Viscum album L. Lektinleri. FABAD J Pharmacol Sci, 20, 117-123. Zorlu S, Gün H, Demirbağ E, Çınar K (2013). Sığır jejenum mukozasındaki bazı glikokonjugatların lektin histokimyasal karakterizasyonu. Van Vet J, 73-75.

Effect of Different Doses of Mistletoe Lectin-I on the Levels of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α, Nitric Oxide, Total Antioxidant and Oxidant Capacity in Rabbits

Year 2017, Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 41 - 45, 20.04.2017


paper aimed to investigate the effect of different doses of mistletoe lectin-I
(ML-I) on the levels of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), nitric oxide (NO),
total antioxidant and oxidant capacity (TAC, TOC). The rabbits were divided
into 4 groups (Control, Group-I, II and III) each group contained 7
rabbits.  0.5, 1 and 2 ng/kg of ML-I were
administered to treatment groups via intraperitoneal route, respectively.
Plasmas of blood samples obtained in the 1st, 6st, 12th
and 24th hours following injection were seperated. TNF-α level in
the group treated with ML-I (0.5 ng/kg) was higher than that of control and
other lectin receiving groups at all hours, the highest value of TNF-α was
reached at 1st hour (p<0.01). 0.5 and 1 ng/kg doses of lectin
decreased NO level at 1st hour compared to control group
(p<0.05), 1 and 2 ng/kg doses of lectin increased NO levels (p<0.05) at
12th hour, no statistically significant difference was found between
the groups. In addition, TAC levels in samples
obtained from the group given 0.5 ng/kg ML-I after 1 hour was statistically
higher (p<0.05) than the samples taken at 6th, 12th
and 24th hours. No statistically significant change was found in the
level of TOC among lectin receiving groups. In conclusion, ML-I at 0.5 ng/kg
dose caused alterations in the levels of TNF-α and NO and showed an acute
antioxidant effect.


  • Bantel H, Engels IH. Voelter W, Schulze-Osthoff K, Wesselborg S (1999). Mistletoe lectin activates caspase-8/FLICE independently of death receptor signaling and enhances anticancer drug-induced apoptosis. Cancer Res, 59, 2083-2090. Barbasz A, Kreczmer B, Rudolphi-Skorska E, Sieprawska A, Woznica D (2012). Content of antioxidant in extracts of mistletoe (Viscum album L.), yew (Taxus baccata L.), pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and fir (Abies alba Mill.). Herba Polonica, 58, 27-36. Beuth J, Stoffel B, Ko HL, Jeljaszewicz J, Pulverer G (1995). Immunomodulating ability of galactoside-specific lectin standardized and depleted mistletoe extract. Arzneimittel-Forschung: Drug Res, 45, 1240-1242. Biberstein SE, Spiro JD, Lindquist R, Kreutzer DL (1995). Enhanced tumor cell expression of tumor necrosis factor receptors in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. AM J Surg, 170, 416-422. Boneberg E-M, Hartung T(2001). Mistletoe lectin-I increases tumor necrosis factor-α release in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated whole blood via inhibition of interleukin-10 production. J Pharm Exp Therap, 298 (3), 996-1000. Büssing A, Suzart K, Schweizer K (1997). Differences in the apoptosis-inducing properties of Viscum album L. extracts. Anticancer Drugs Suppl, 1, 9-14. Büssing A, Suzart K, Pfüller U, Schietzel M (1999). Induction of Fas ligand (CD95L) by the toxic mistletoe lectins in human lymphocytes. Anticancer Res, 19, 1785-1790. Cebovic T, Popovic M (2006). Effects of different extracts of mistletoe leaves ( Viscum album L.) on CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Tox Lett (Abs.), 164-174. Danjolli D, Akşit H (2016). Effects of N acetylcysteine on expression and localization of some lectins in the liver of experimental hepatic intoxication. Van Vet J, 11-16. Finkel T (1998). Oxygen radicals and signaling. Curr Opin Cell Biol, 10, 248-253. Franz H, Ziska P, Kindt A (1981). Isolation and properties of three lectins from mistletoe (Viscum album L.). Biochem J, 195, 481-484. Hajto T, Hostanska K, Frei K, Rordorf C, Gabius H-J (1990). Increased secretion of tumor necrosis factor α. interleukin I and interleukin 6 by human mononuclear cells exposed to β-galactoside-specific lectin from clinically applied mistletoe extract. Cancer Res, 50, 3322-3326. Hajto T, Hostanska K, Fischer J, Saller R (1997). Immunomodulatory effects of Viscum album agglutinin-I on natural immunity. Anticancer Drugs, 8 (Suppl 1), 43-46. Hajto T, Hostanska K, Berki T, Palinkas L, Boldizsar F, Nemeth P (2005). Oncopharmacological perspectives of a plant lectin (Viscum album Agglutinin-I): overview of recent results from in vitro experiments and in vivo animal models, and their possible relevance for clinical applications. eCAM, 2, 59-67. Ignarro LJ (2010). Nitric oxide, Biology and Pathobiology. 2nd Ed. Academic Press Publications, USA. Kang TB, Yoo YC, Lee KH, et al. (2008). Korean mistletoe lectin (KML-IIU) and its subchains induce nitric oxide (NO) production in murine macrophage cells. J Biochem Mol Biol, 15, 197-204. Kim BK, Choi MJ, Park KY, Cho EJ (2010). Protective effects of Korean mistletoe lectin on radical-induced oxidative stres. Biol Pharm Bull, 33(7), 1152-1158. Kim W-H, Park WB, Gao B, Jung MH (2004). Critical role of reactive oxygen species and mitocondrial membrane potential in Korean mistletoe lectin-induced apoptosis in human hepatocarcinoma cells. Mol Pharmacol, 66, 1383-1396. Kurokawa H, Takeda S, Yamashita Y, et al. (2002). Estimation of Serum tumour necrosis factor-α and correlation to tumour markers in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma. Asian J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 14, 148-154. Lee JY, Kim JY, Lee YG, et al. (2007). In vitro immunoregulatory effects of Korean mistletoe lectin on functional activation of monocytic and macrophage-like cells. Biol Pharm Bull, 30, 2043-2051. Leu Y-L, Hwang T-L, Chung YM, Hong PY (2006). The Inhibition of superoxide anion generation in human neutrophils by Viscum coloratum. Chem Pharmacol Bull, 54(7), 1063-1066. Lyu SY, Choi SH, Park WB (2002). Korean mistletoe lectin-induced apoptosis in hepatocarcinoma cells is associated with inhibition of telomerase via mitochondrial controlled pathway independent of p53. Arch Pharm Res, 25, 93-101. Mannel DN, Becker H, Gundt A, Kist A, Franz H (1991). Induction of tumor necrosis factor expression by a lectin from Viscum album. Cancer Immunol Immunotherapy, 33, 177-182. Miranda KM, Espey MG, Wink DA (2001). A rapid, simple spectrophotometric method for simultaneous detection of nitrate and nitrite. Nitric Oxide Biol Chem, 5, 62-71. Nwanjo HU (2007). Free radical scavenging potential of the aqueous extract of Viscum album (Mistletoe) leaves in diabetic Wistar rats hepatocytes. Internet J Nutr Wellness, 3(2), 1-8 Odeh M (1990). The role of tumour necrosis factor-α in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. J Int Med, 228, 549-556. Oluwaseun AA, Ganiyu O (2008). Antioxidant properties of methanolic extracts of mistletoes (Viscum album) from cocoa and cashew trees in Nigeria. African J Biotecnol, 7, 3138-3142. Orhan DD, Aslan M, Şendoğdu N, Ergun F, Yeşilada E (2005). Evaluation of hypoglycemic effect and antioxidant activity of three Viscum album supspecies (European mistletoe) in streptozotocin-diabetic rats. J Ethnopharm 98, 95-102. Papuc C, Crivineanu M, Goran G, Nicorescu V, Durdun N (2010). Free radicals scavenging and antioxidant activity of European mistletoe (Viscum album) and European birthwort (Aristolochia clematitis). Rev Chim, 61, 619-622. Park JH, Hyun, CK, Shin HK (1999). Cytotoxic effects of the components in heat-treated mistletoe. Cancer Lett, 139, 207-213. Ribereau-Gayon G, Dumont S, Muller C, Jung ML, Poindron P, Anton R (1996). Mistletoe lectins I, II and III induce the production of cytokines by cultured human monocytes. Cancer Lett, 109, 33-38. Roman GP, Neagu E, Radu GL (2009). Antiradical activities of Salvia officinalis and Viscum album L. extracts concentrated by ultrafiltration process. Acta Sci Pol Technol Aliment, 8, 47-58. Sandes EO, Faletti AG, Riveros MD, et al. (2005). Expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in tumoral and non-tumoral epithelia from bladder cancer patients. Nitric Oxide, 12, 39-45. Shi Z-M, Feng P, Jiang DQ, Wang XJ (2006). Mistletoe alkali inhibits peroxidation in rat liver and kidney. World J Gastrenterol, 12(25), 4052-4055. Stirpe F, Legg RF, Onyon LJ, Ziska P, Franz H (1980). Inhibition of protein synthesis by a toxic lectin from Viscum album L. (mistletoe). Biochem J, 190, 843-845. Sung, N-Y, Byun, E-B., Song, D-S., et al. (2013). Effect of gamma irradiation on mistletoe (Viscum album) lectin-mediated toxicity and immunomodulatory activity. FEBS Open Bio, 3,106-111. Timoshenko AV, Gabius H-J (1993). Efficient induction of superoxide release from human neutrophils by the galactoside galactoside specific lectin from Viscum album. Biol. Chem Hoppe-Seyler, 374,237-43. Timoshenko AV, Cherenkevich SN, Gabius H-J (1995). Viscum album agglutinin-induced aggregation of blood cells and lectin effect on neutrophil. Biomed Pharmcol, 49, 153-158. Timoshenko AV, Lan Y, Gabius H-J, Lala PK (2001). Immunotherapy of C3H/Hej mammary adenocarcinoma with interleukin-2, mistletoe lectin or their combination: effects on tumor growth, capillary leakage and nitric oxide (NO) production. Eur J Cancer, 37, 1910-1920. Ziska P, Eifler R, Franz H (1979). Chemical modification studies on the D-galactopyranosyl binding lectin from the mistletoe Viscum album L. Acta Biol Med Ger, 38(9), 1361-1363. in: Ergun F, Deliorman D, Şener B(1995). Viscum album L. Lektinleri. FABAD J Pharmacol Sci, 20, 117-123. Zorlu S, Gün H, Demirbağ E, Çınar K (2013). Sığır jejenum mukozasındaki bazı glikokonjugatların lektin histokimyasal karakterizasyonu. Van Vet J, 73-75.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Articles

Ahmet Harmankaya

Ayla Özcan This is me

Publication Date April 20, 2017
Submission Date January 12, 2017
Acceptance Date April 4, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 28 Issue: 1


APA Harmankaya, A., & Özcan, A. (2017). Tavşanlarda Mistletoe Lektin-I’in Farklı Dozlarının Tümör Nekroz Faktör-α, Nitrik Oksit, Total Antioksidan ve Oksidan Kapasite Düzeylerine Etkisi. Van Veterinary Journal, 28(1), 41-45.
AMA Harmankaya A, Özcan A. Tavşanlarda Mistletoe Lektin-I’in Farklı Dozlarının Tümör Nekroz Faktör-α, Nitrik Oksit, Total Antioksidan ve Oksidan Kapasite Düzeylerine Etkisi. Van Vet J. April 2017;28(1):41-45.
Chicago Harmankaya, Ahmet, and Ayla Özcan. “Tavşanlarda Mistletoe Lektin-I’in Farklı Dozlarının Tümör Nekroz Faktör-α, Nitrik Oksit, Total Antioksidan Ve Oksidan Kapasite Düzeylerine Etkisi”. Van Veterinary Journal 28, no. 1 (April 2017): 41-45.
EndNote Harmankaya A, Özcan A (April 1, 2017) Tavşanlarda Mistletoe Lektin-I’in Farklı Dozlarının Tümör Nekroz Faktör-α, Nitrik Oksit, Total Antioksidan ve Oksidan Kapasite Düzeylerine Etkisi. Van Veterinary Journal 28 1 41–45.
IEEE A. Harmankaya and A. Özcan, “Tavşanlarda Mistletoe Lektin-I’in Farklı Dozlarının Tümör Nekroz Faktör-α, Nitrik Oksit, Total Antioksidan ve Oksidan Kapasite Düzeylerine Etkisi”, Van Vet J, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 41–45, 2017.
ISNAD Harmankaya, Ahmet - Özcan, Ayla. “Tavşanlarda Mistletoe Lektin-I’in Farklı Dozlarının Tümör Nekroz Faktör-α, Nitrik Oksit, Total Antioksidan Ve Oksidan Kapasite Düzeylerine Etkisi”. Van Veterinary Journal 28/1 (April 2017), 41-45.
JAMA Harmankaya A, Özcan A. Tavşanlarda Mistletoe Lektin-I’in Farklı Dozlarının Tümör Nekroz Faktör-α, Nitrik Oksit, Total Antioksidan ve Oksidan Kapasite Düzeylerine Etkisi. Van Vet J. 2017;28:41–45.
MLA Harmankaya, Ahmet and Ayla Özcan. “Tavşanlarda Mistletoe Lektin-I’in Farklı Dozlarının Tümör Nekroz Faktör-α, Nitrik Oksit, Total Antioksidan Ve Oksidan Kapasite Düzeylerine Etkisi”. Van Veterinary Journal, vol. 28, no. 1, 2017, pp. 41-45.
Vancouver Harmankaya A, Özcan A. Tavşanlarda Mistletoe Lektin-I’in Farklı Dozlarının Tümör Nekroz Faktör-α, Nitrik Oksit, Total Antioksidan ve Oksidan Kapasite Düzeylerine Etkisi. Van Vet J. 2017;28(1):41-5.


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