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A Serological Investigation of Avian Reovirus Infections in Poultry Enterprises in Balikesir and Bolu Provinces in Turkey

Year 2017, Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 47 - 52, 20.04.2017


Avian reovirus (ARV) is the cause of viral
arthritis syndrome. In addition, ARV alone or in combination with other agents
may cause clinical manifestations such as enteric respiratory disease,
myocarditis, hepatitis and growth retardation/malabsorption syndrome in
chickens. The objective of this study was to investigate the seroprevalence of
ARV antibodies in broiler and broiler-breeder chickens in Balikesir and Bolu
provinces, the two important poultry breeding sites in Turkey. A total of 920
serum samples were collected from chickens vaccinated or unvaccinated against
ARV in 11 broiler and 6 broiler breeding farms. ARV antibody titers were
determined using a commercial Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay kit (Avian
Reovirus Antibody test Kit®, BioChek, Gouda, The Netherlands). ARV
antibodies were detected in all poultry enterprises tested. When broilers were
considered, 78% (156/200) of vaccinated and 84.18% (266/316) of the non-vaccinated
chickens were seropositive. These ratios were 86.5% (173/200) and 89.71%
(183/204) in broiler breeder chickens, respectively. Non-vaccinated chickens
had higher seropositivity rates than vaccinated chickens when broiler chickens
in Balikesir were considered (92.03% vs 78%, P<0.001). However,
seropositivity in non-vaccinated and vaccinated chickens were similar in
broiler breeder chickens in Bolu (93% in vaccinated vs. 89.71% in non-vaccinated
chickens, P=0.35). When chickens from the same province were compared, seropositivity
in broiler and broiler breeder chickens in Balikesir were similar (78% vs. 80%,
P=0.69). However, among non-vaccinated animals in Bolu, seropositivity was
higher in broiler breeder than the broiler chickens (78.09 vs 89.71,
P<0.01). These results suggest that ARV infections, which cause significant
economic and production losses in poultry, are very common in the Bolu and
Balikesir provinces. High seropositivity rates in non-vaccinated chickens
suggests that vaccination practices are irregular in these provinces.
Therefore, virological and molecular epidemiological studies should be carried
out to control and combat the ARV infections.


  • Akalın N, Ergün A (1995). Detection of antibodies against reo and adenoviruses in serum from chicks with growth retardation syndrome. Bornova Vet Kont ve Araşt Enst Müd Derg, 19, 109-116. Biswas PK, Barua H, Uddin GMN, Biswas D, Ahad A, Debnath NC (2009). Serosurvey of five viruses in chickens on small holdings in Bangladesh. Prev Vet Med, 88, 67–71. Bokaie S, Shojadoost B, Pourbakhsh SA, Pourseyyed SM, Sharifi L (2008). Seroprevalence survey on reovirus infection of broiler chickens in Tehran province. Iran J Vet Res, 9, 181-183. Çarlı KT, Şen A, Ülgen M, Kahraman M (1992). Detection of anti-reovirus precipitating antibodies in serum of broiler breeders in Bursa province. Uludag Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 11, 161-164. Çöven F, Çarlı KT (1997). Isolation of reovirus, adenovirus, and Newcastle disease virus in gumboro outbreaks. Pendik Vet Mikrobiyol Derg, 28, 153-161. Erol N, Şengül SS (2012). Seroprevalence of avian reovirus infections in chickens in western provinces of Turkey. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 18, 653-656. Heide Van Der L, Lütticken D, Horzinek M (1981). Isolation of avian reovirus as a possible etiologic agent of osteoporosis ("brittle bone disease"; "femoral head necrosis") in broiler chickens. Avian Dis. 25, 847-56. Jones RC (2000). Avian reovirus infections. Rev Sci Tech, 19, 614–625. Kibenge FSB, Robertson MD, Wilcox GE, Pass DA (1982). Bacterial and viral agents associated with tenosynovitis in broiler breeders in Western Australia. Avian Pathol, 11, 351-359. Lu H, Tang Y, Dunn PA, Wallner-Pendleton EA, Lin L, Knoll EA (2015). Isolation and molecular characterization of newly emerging avian reovirus variants and novel strains in Pennsylvania, USA, 2011–2014. Scientific Reports, 5, 14727. Menendez NA, Calnek BW, Cowen BS (1975). Localization of avian reovirus (FDO isolate) in tissues of mature chickens. Avian Dis. pp. 112–117. Mutlu OF, Yiğit A (1997). Identification and serological comparison of various reovirus strains isolated from chickens suspected of having hunting syndrome in Turkey. Bornova Vet Kont Araşt Enst Müd Derg, 22, 85-98. Van Loon AA, Koopman HC, Kosman W, Mumczur J, Szeleszczuk O, Karpinska E, Kosowska G, Lütticken D (2001). Isolation of a new serotype of avian reovirus associated with malabsorption syndrome in chickens. Vet Q. 23, 129-133. Öztürk G, Çöven F (1997). Broilerlarda infeksiyöz bursal hastalığı (IBD), reovirus infeksiyonu ve bursal cryptosporidiosis. Fırat Üniv Sağ Bil Derg Vet, 11, 341-349. Pu J, Liu X, Guo Y, Cao Y, Zhao J, Zhang G (2008). A Seroprevalence of avian reovirus in egg-laying chicken flocks in China. Avian Dis. 52, 675-679. Schat KA, Van Santen, VL (2008). Chicken infectious anemia. In Diseases of Poultry. 12th Edition. Saif YM et al. pp 211. Steel RGD, Torrie JH (1980). Principles and Procedures of Statistics: A Biometrical Approach, 2nd Ed. New York.

Türkiye’nin Balıkesir ve Bolu İllerindeki Tavukçuluk İşletmelerinde Avian Reovirus Enfeksiyonunun Serolojik Olarak Araştırılması

Year 2017, Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 47 - 52, 20.04.2017


Avian reovirusları (ARV) viral artrit sendromunun
nedenidir. Ayrıca, ARV tek başına ya da diğer ajanlar ile birlikte, enterik
solunum yolu hastalıkları, miyokardit, hepatit ve tavuklarda büyüme
geriliği/malabsorpsiyon sendromu gibi klinik tablolara da neden olabilir. Bu
çalışmada, Türkiye’nin önemli kanatlı yetiştiriciliği merkezlerinden olan
Balıkesir ve Bolu illerindeki broiler ve broiler damızlık yetiştiren tavukçuluk
işletmelerinde ARV infeksiyonunun seroepizootiyolojik durumu araştırıldı.
Ticari Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) (Avian Reovirus Antibody test
Kit®, BioChek, Gouda, Hollanda) kullanılarak 11 broiler ve 6 broiler
damızlık yetiştiriciliği işletmesindeki ARV’una karşı aşılı ve aşısız
tavuklardan alınan toplam 920 serum örneği ARV antikorları yönünden test
edildi. Test sonucunda bütün kümeslerde ARV antikorları bulundu. Etçi tavuklar
gözönüne alındığında, aşılanmış tavukların %78’i (156/200) ve aşılanmamış
tavukların %84.18 (266/316)’inde antikor varlığı saptandı. Bu oranlar,
aşılanmış ve aşılanmamış damızlık tavuklarda sırasıyla %86.5 (173/200) ve
%89.71 (183/204) idi. Balıkesirdeki etçi tavuklar gözönüne alındığında,
seropositivite aşılanmamış hayvanlarda aşılanmışlara oranla daha yüksekti
(%92.03 ve %78, P<0.001). Ancak Bolu’daki damızlık tavuklarda aşılanmış ve
aşılanmamış hayvanlar arası seropositivite oranları benzerdi (aşılanmış
hayvanlarda 93% ve aşılanmamışlarda 89.71%, P=0.35). Aynı ilden toplanan
örnekler karşılaştırıldığında, Balıkesir’den toplanan etçi ve damızlık tavuk
örneklerindeki seropositivite oranı benzerdi (78% ve 80%, P=0.69). Ancak
Bolu’daki aşılanmamış hayvanlar gözönüne alındığında, seropositivite damızlık
tavuklarda etçi tavuklara oranla daha yüksekti (78.09 ve 89.71, P<0.01). Bu
çalışmada elde edilen sonuçlar kanatlı endüstrisinde önemli ekonomik ve verim kaybına
yol açan ARV enfeksiyonlarının Bolu ve Balıkesir illerinde çok yaygın olduğunu
göstermektedir. Aşılanmamış hayvanlardaki yüksek antikor titresi bu illerde
aşılama programlarının düzenli olarak uygulanmadığını düşündürmektedir. Bu
yüzden ARV enfeksiyonlarını önlemek için virolojik ve epidemiyolojik
çalışmaların başlatılması, mücadele programlarının geliştirilmesi ve
hayvanların düzenli olarak aşılanmaları gerekmektedir.


  • Akalın N, Ergün A (1995). Detection of antibodies against reo and adenoviruses in serum from chicks with growth retardation syndrome. Bornova Vet Kont ve Araşt Enst Müd Derg, 19, 109-116. Biswas PK, Barua H, Uddin GMN, Biswas D, Ahad A, Debnath NC (2009). Serosurvey of five viruses in chickens on small holdings in Bangladesh. Prev Vet Med, 88, 67–71. Bokaie S, Shojadoost B, Pourbakhsh SA, Pourseyyed SM, Sharifi L (2008). Seroprevalence survey on reovirus infection of broiler chickens in Tehran province. Iran J Vet Res, 9, 181-183. Çarlı KT, Şen A, Ülgen M, Kahraman M (1992). Detection of anti-reovirus precipitating antibodies in serum of broiler breeders in Bursa province. Uludag Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 11, 161-164. Çöven F, Çarlı KT (1997). Isolation of reovirus, adenovirus, and Newcastle disease virus in gumboro outbreaks. Pendik Vet Mikrobiyol Derg, 28, 153-161. Erol N, Şengül SS (2012). Seroprevalence of avian reovirus infections in chickens in western provinces of Turkey. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 18, 653-656. Heide Van Der L, Lütticken D, Horzinek M (1981). Isolation of avian reovirus as a possible etiologic agent of osteoporosis ("brittle bone disease"; "femoral head necrosis") in broiler chickens. Avian Dis. 25, 847-56. Jones RC (2000). Avian reovirus infections. Rev Sci Tech, 19, 614–625. Kibenge FSB, Robertson MD, Wilcox GE, Pass DA (1982). Bacterial and viral agents associated with tenosynovitis in broiler breeders in Western Australia. Avian Pathol, 11, 351-359. Lu H, Tang Y, Dunn PA, Wallner-Pendleton EA, Lin L, Knoll EA (2015). Isolation and molecular characterization of newly emerging avian reovirus variants and novel strains in Pennsylvania, USA, 2011–2014. Scientific Reports, 5, 14727. Menendez NA, Calnek BW, Cowen BS (1975). Localization of avian reovirus (FDO isolate) in tissues of mature chickens. Avian Dis. pp. 112–117. Mutlu OF, Yiğit A (1997). Identification and serological comparison of various reovirus strains isolated from chickens suspected of having hunting syndrome in Turkey. Bornova Vet Kont Araşt Enst Müd Derg, 22, 85-98. Van Loon AA, Koopman HC, Kosman W, Mumczur J, Szeleszczuk O, Karpinska E, Kosowska G, Lütticken D (2001). Isolation of a new serotype of avian reovirus associated with malabsorption syndrome in chickens. Vet Q. 23, 129-133. Öztürk G, Çöven F (1997). Broilerlarda infeksiyöz bursal hastalığı (IBD), reovirus infeksiyonu ve bursal cryptosporidiosis. Fırat Üniv Sağ Bil Derg Vet, 11, 341-349. Pu J, Liu X, Guo Y, Cao Y, Zhao J, Zhang G (2008). A Seroprevalence of avian reovirus in egg-laying chicken flocks in China. Avian Dis. 52, 675-679. Schat KA, Van Santen, VL (2008). Chicken infectious anemia. In Diseases of Poultry. 12th Edition. Saif YM et al. pp 211. Steel RGD, Torrie JH (1980). Principles and Procedures of Statistics: A Biometrical Approach, 2nd Ed. New York.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Sıdıka Belgin Aydın This is me

Nural Erol

Publication Date April 20, 2017
Submission Date February 15, 2017
Acceptance Date March 24, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 28 Issue: 1


APA Aydın, S. B., & Erol, N. (2017). A Serological Investigation of Avian Reovirus Infections in Poultry Enterprises in Balikesir and Bolu Provinces in Turkey. Van Veterinary Journal, 28(1), 47-52.
AMA Aydın SB, Erol N. A Serological Investigation of Avian Reovirus Infections in Poultry Enterprises in Balikesir and Bolu Provinces in Turkey. Van Vet J. April 2017;28(1):47-52.
Chicago Aydın, Sıdıka Belgin, and Nural Erol. “A Serological Investigation of Avian Reovirus Infections in Poultry Enterprises in Balikesir and Bolu Provinces in Turkey”. Van Veterinary Journal 28, no. 1 (April 2017): 47-52.
EndNote Aydın SB, Erol N (April 1, 2017) A Serological Investigation of Avian Reovirus Infections in Poultry Enterprises in Balikesir and Bolu Provinces in Turkey. Van Veterinary Journal 28 1 47–52.
IEEE S. B. Aydın and N. Erol, “A Serological Investigation of Avian Reovirus Infections in Poultry Enterprises in Balikesir and Bolu Provinces in Turkey”, Van Vet J, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 47–52, 2017.
ISNAD Aydın, Sıdıka Belgin - Erol, Nural. “A Serological Investigation of Avian Reovirus Infections in Poultry Enterprises in Balikesir and Bolu Provinces in Turkey”. Van Veterinary Journal 28/1 (April 2017), 47-52.
JAMA Aydın SB, Erol N. A Serological Investigation of Avian Reovirus Infections in Poultry Enterprises in Balikesir and Bolu Provinces in Turkey. Van Vet J. 2017;28:47–52.
MLA Aydın, Sıdıka Belgin and Nural Erol. “A Serological Investigation of Avian Reovirus Infections in Poultry Enterprises in Balikesir and Bolu Provinces in Turkey”. Van Veterinary Journal, vol. 28, no. 1, 2017, pp. 47-52.
Vancouver Aydın SB, Erol N. A Serological Investigation of Avian Reovirus Infections in Poultry Enterprises in Balikesir and Bolu Provinces in Turkey. Van Vet J. 2017;28(1):47-52.


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