Microbiological Risks and Portion Analyse of Stuffed Mussels Sold in Istanbul
Year 2020,
Volume: 31 Issue: 2, 74 - 77, 03.07.2020
Burcu İrem Omurtag Korkmaz
Serol Korkmaz
Mustafa Yüce
Ümran Soyoğul Gürer
In this study, stuffed mussels were collected from 50 selling points in Istanbul, consist of street vendors (n=38) and retail shops (n=12), analyzed microbiologically and weighted per portion. Mean Total Aerobic Count result was 7.38±1.01 log10 cfu/g among the samples. Coliform was isolated from 44% of samples (2.85±0.57 log cfu/g), Escherichia coli from 12% of samples (3.76±0.71 log cfu/g), Staphylococcus aureus from 4% (4.15±0.30 log cfu/g), Bacillus cereus in 2% (2.78 log cfu/g) and Bacillus licheniformis in 4% (3.18±0.08 log cfu/g) of samples. Listeria ivanovii was isolated from 2% of samples (in 25 g). No Clostridium spp., Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes were detected. Level of Staphylococcus spp. (S. aureus + S. epidermidis) contamination was significantly higher in the retail shop (P <0.05). The mean portion per stuffed mussel was 16.78±5.62 g. Except for the result of Staphylococcus spp., microbiological analyses and a gram of portions did not show a significant difference between retail shops and street vendors (P >0.05). However, an inappropriate level of S. aureus contamination in retail shops remain a food safety gap. Furthermore, the mean results of portions are assumed to be used in predictive microbiology studies.
Supporting Institution
Marmara Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi (BAPKO)
Project Number
This study was supported by Marmara University Research Council (BAPKO, SAG-C-YLP-111115-0504). The authors are thankful for the sincere support of Esra Dalkılıç during laboratory analyses.
- Ateş M, Ozkizilcik A, Tabakoglu C (2011). Microbiological analysis of stuffed mussels sold in the streets. Indian J Microbiol, 51, 350–354.
- Bingöl B, Çolak H, Hampikyan H, Muratoglu K (2008). The microbiological quality of stuffed mussels (Midye Dolma) sold in Istanbul. BFJ, 110, 1079-1087.
- Eranıl Demirli M, Tuna Ultav Z, Demirtaş-Milz N (2015). A socio-spatial analysis of urban transformation at a neighborhood scale: The case of the relocation of Kadifekale inhabitants to TOKİ Uzundere in İzmir. Cities, 48, 140–159.
- Ergönül B, Kundakçı A, Durgun S (2014). Hygienic quality of stuffed Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus gallovincialis) sold by Street venders in İzmir, Turkey. J Food Safety Food Qual, 65, 121-124.
- European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (2012). Scientific Opinion on Public health risks represented by certain composite products containing food of animal origin. EFSA J, 10, 2662.
- Guillet C, Join-Lambert O, Le Monnier A et al. (2010). Human Listeriosis caused by Listeria ivanovii. Emerg Infect Dis, 16, 136-138.
- Güzeler N, Özbek Ç (2017). Conceptual analysis of street flavors of Turkey. Analele Universităţii din Craiova, seria Agricultură – Montanologie – Cadastru (Annals of the University of Craiova - Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre Series) Vol. XLVII.
- ISO 6887-6:2013 (2003). Microbiology of food and animal feed -- Preparation of test samples, initial suspension and decimal dilutions for microbiological examination -- Part 6: Specific rules for the preparation of samples taken at the primary production stage.
- Kişla D (2007). Effectiveness of lemon juice in the elimination of Salmonella Typhimurium in stuffed mussels. J Food Prot, 70, 2847-2850.
- Kişla D, Uzgun Y (2008). Microbiological evaluation of stuffed mussels. J Food Protect, 7, 616–620.
- Kök F, Şahiner C, Koçak P, Göksoy EÖ, Beyaz D, Büyükyörük S (2015). Determination of Microbiological Quality of Stuffed Mussels Sold in Aydin and Izmir. MJEN, 3, 70-76.
- Omurtag I, Smulders FJM, Hilbert F, Paulsen P (2012). Microbiological condition of chicken doner kebab sold in Vienna, Austria. Arch Lebensmittelhyg, 63, 142-146.
- Rhodehamel EJ, Harmon SM (2001). Clostridium perfringens. In: FDA (Ed.) Bacteriological Analytical Manual, Chapter 12. Silver Spring, Food and Drug Administration.
- Tallent SM, Rhodehamel EJ, Harmon SM, Bennett RW (2012). In: FDA (Ed.) Bacteriological Analytical Manual Chapter 14, Bacillus cereus. Food and Drug Administration.
- Terzi G, Gücükoğlu A, Çadirci Ö, Uyanik T, Alişarli M (2015). Serotyping and antibiotic susceptibility of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from ready-to-eat foods in Samsun, Turkey. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 39, 211-217.
- Thepaut J, Soriano H (2012). Comparison of BACARA® agar, a new chromogenic medium and MYP agar for the enumeration of B.cereus in food sample. Aes Chemunex-BioMérieux.
- Turkish Food Codex (TFC) (2011). Turkish Food Codex, Regulation of microbiological criteria. Nr. 28157.
- Ulusoy S, Ozden O (2011). Preservation of stuffed mussels at 4 degrees C in modified atmosphere packaging. J Aquat Food Prod Technol, 20, 319-330.
- Urazel B, Çelikel A, Karbeyaz K, Akkaya H (2014). The evaluation of forensic cases reported due to food poisoning. Dicle Med J, 41, 113-117.
- Yılmaz H, Bostan K, Turan K et al. (2010). RealTime PCR detection of Norovirus in mussels collected from the bosphorus in Istanbul, Turkey. Food Environ Virol, 2, 64-68.
İstanbul’da Satılan Midye Dolmalardaki Mikrobiyolojik Riskler ve Porsiyon Analizi
Year 2020,
Volume: 31 Issue: 2, 74 - 77, 03.07.2020
Burcu İrem Omurtag Korkmaz
Serol Korkmaz
Mustafa Yüce
Ümran Soyoğul Gürer
Bu çalışmada İstanbul’da sokakta (n=38) ve kapalı restoranda (n=12) satışa sunulan toplam 50 farklı noktadan midye dolma örneği toplanarak mikrobiyolojik inceleme ve porsiyon analizi yapılmıştır. Örneklerin Toplam Aerobik Bakteri sayısı ortalama 7.38±1.01 log10 kob/g olarak bulunmuştur. Coliform grubu %44 (2.85±0.57 log kob/g), Escherichia coli %12 (3.76±0.71 log kob/g), Staphylococcus aureus %4 (4.15±0.30 log kob/g), Bacillus cereus %2 (2.78 log cfu/g) ve Bacillus licheniformis %4 (3.18±0.08 log cfu/g) oranında izole edilmiştir. Listeria ivanovii %2 oranında tespit edilmiştir. Clostridium spp., Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp. ve Listeria monocytogenes tespit edilmemiştir. Staphylococcus spp. (S. aureus + S. epidermidis) kontaminasyon düzeyi restoranlarda anlamlı olarak daha yüksek bulunmuştur (P <0.05). Midye dolmaların adet porsiyonu ortalama 16.78±5.62 g olarak tartılmıştır. Staphylococcus spp. sonuçları dışında mikrobiyolojik analizler ve porsiyon gramajları restoranlar ile sokak satış noktaları arasında anlamlı bir fark göstermemiştir (P >0.05). Ancak S.aureus’un kapalı restoranlarda tüketim için uygun düzeyin üzerinde tespit edilmesi bir gıda güvenliği açığının bulunduğuna işaret etmektedir. Porsiyon ortalamalarının ileride prediktif mikrobiyoloji çalışmalarında kullanılabileceği öngörülmektedir.
Project Number
- Ateş M, Ozkizilcik A, Tabakoglu C (2011). Microbiological analysis of stuffed mussels sold in the streets. Indian J Microbiol, 51, 350–354.
- Bingöl B, Çolak H, Hampikyan H, Muratoglu K (2008). The microbiological quality of stuffed mussels (Midye Dolma) sold in Istanbul. BFJ, 110, 1079-1087.
- Eranıl Demirli M, Tuna Ultav Z, Demirtaş-Milz N (2015). A socio-spatial analysis of urban transformation at a neighborhood scale: The case of the relocation of Kadifekale inhabitants to TOKİ Uzundere in İzmir. Cities, 48, 140–159.
- Ergönül B, Kundakçı A, Durgun S (2014). Hygienic quality of stuffed Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus gallovincialis) sold by Street venders in İzmir, Turkey. J Food Safety Food Qual, 65, 121-124.
- European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) (2012). Scientific Opinion on Public health risks represented by certain composite products containing food of animal origin. EFSA J, 10, 2662.
- Guillet C, Join-Lambert O, Le Monnier A et al. (2010). Human Listeriosis caused by Listeria ivanovii. Emerg Infect Dis, 16, 136-138.
- Güzeler N, Özbek Ç (2017). Conceptual analysis of street flavors of Turkey. Analele Universităţii din Craiova, seria Agricultură – Montanologie – Cadastru (Annals of the University of Craiova - Agriculture, Montanology, Cadastre Series) Vol. XLVII.
- ISO 6887-6:2013 (2003). Microbiology of food and animal feed -- Preparation of test samples, initial suspension and decimal dilutions for microbiological examination -- Part 6: Specific rules for the preparation of samples taken at the primary production stage.
- Kişla D (2007). Effectiveness of lemon juice in the elimination of Salmonella Typhimurium in stuffed mussels. J Food Prot, 70, 2847-2850.
- Kişla D, Uzgun Y (2008). Microbiological evaluation of stuffed mussels. J Food Protect, 7, 616–620.
- Kök F, Şahiner C, Koçak P, Göksoy EÖ, Beyaz D, Büyükyörük S (2015). Determination of Microbiological Quality of Stuffed Mussels Sold in Aydin and Izmir. MJEN, 3, 70-76.
- Omurtag I, Smulders FJM, Hilbert F, Paulsen P (2012). Microbiological condition of chicken doner kebab sold in Vienna, Austria. Arch Lebensmittelhyg, 63, 142-146.
- Rhodehamel EJ, Harmon SM (2001). Clostridium perfringens. In: FDA (Ed.) Bacteriological Analytical Manual, Chapter 12. Silver Spring, Food and Drug Administration.
- Tallent SM, Rhodehamel EJ, Harmon SM, Bennett RW (2012). In: FDA (Ed.) Bacteriological Analytical Manual Chapter 14, Bacillus cereus. Food and Drug Administration.
- Terzi G, Gücükoğlu A, Çadirci Ö, Uyanik T, Alişarli M (2015). Serotyping and antibiotic susceptibility of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from ready-to-eat foods in Samsun, Turkey. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 39, 211-217.
- Thepaut J, Soriano H (2012). Comparison of BACARA® agar, a new chromogenic medium and MYP agar for the enumeration of B.cereus in food sample. Aes Chemunex-BioMérieux.
- Turkish Food Codex (TFC) (2011). Turkish Food Codex, Regulation of microbiological criteria. Nr. 28157.
- Ulusoy S, Ozden O (2011). Preservation of stuffed mussels at 4 degrees C in modified atmosphere packaging. J Aquat Food Prod Technol, 20, 319-330.
- Urazel B, Çelikel A, Karbeyaz K, Akkaya H (2014). The evaluation of forensic cases reported due to food poisoning. Dicle Med J, 41, 113-117.
- Yılmaz H, Bostan K, Turan K et al. (2010). RealTime PCR detection of Norovirus in mussels collected from the bosphorus in Istanbul, Turkey. Food Environ Virol, 2, 64-68.