Writing Rules


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1. Van Veterinary Journal (ISSN: 2149-3359/e-ISSN: 2149-8644) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal of the Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Our journal is published three times a year, in March, July and November. The abbreviated name of the journal is "Van Vet J".

2. Van veterinary journal is open access and publishes articles in Turkish or English. Unpublished, original manuscripts such as research articles, short articles, case reports and reviews are accepted for our journal.

3. In the field of Veterinary Basic Sciences (Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology, Histology, History of Veterinary Medicine and Deontology), Veterinary Pre-Clinical Sciences (Pharmacology and Toxicology, Microbiology, Parasitology, Pathology, Virology), Veterinary Clinical Sciences (Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Reproduction and Artificial Insemination), Animal Science and Animal Nutrition (Animal Nutrition and Nutrition Diseases, Animal Science, Animal Health Economics and Management, Biostatistics, Genetics), Food Hygiene and Technology, Public Health, Exotic, Wild and Laboratory Animal Science our journal publishes research articles, short articles, case reports, invited or editor-approved reviews with current and original value.

4. Our journal aims to publish high quality articles and to be scanned in higher indexes. For this purpose priority will be given to qualified and up-to-date titled publications in article acceptance. Review type of publications are accepted only if it is editorial invited, current topic titled and compatible with our publication policy.

5. Our journal is free, and there is no article processing fee (evaluation fee or publishing fee) and no subscription fee for accessing the articles. In addition, the authors are not paid for copy rights.

6. Studies submitted to our journal must be original. All or most of the article should not have been published elsewhere or sent elsewhere for review. The author (s) are responsible for the accuracy of all data and results in the studies and for all legal, criminal and legal liabilities that may arise.

7. All articles submitted to our journal for publication should be reviewed using a professional plagiarism program (Ithenticate, Turnitin, etc.). The report must be uploaded to the system by the author. Articles with a similarity rate above 15% as a result of the review are rejected or a revision may be requested from the author(s) by our editorial board.

8. If the study sent to our journal is; supported by any national or international institution-organization; adapted from a master's / doctoral thesis; presented in any format in a national and / or international scientific (congress, symposium, panel, bineal, workshop, etc.), ınformation should be given under the heading "Information" on the title page.

9. Authors must include ORCID numbers, author contributions, conflict of interest and ethics committee information on the article title page.

10. Authors are obliged to accept all responsibilities of their articles submitted to our journal and to transfer the copyright / publication right to Van Veterinary Journal. The authors of the articles submitted to our journal must fill in the "Article Copyright Transfer document", sign it with wet signature and upload it to the system. Articles not submitted with a wet signatured Copyright Transfer Agreement document will not be taken into consideration.

11. All experimental, clinical, pharmaceutical or similar studies on animals must be carried out in accordance with the "Animal Welfare Act, US Public Health Service Policy on the Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, National Research Council’s Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, and Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching" guidelines.

12. In all research articles using animal material, "ethics committee approval certificate" or "the study doesn't require ethics committee approval " document from Animal Experiments Local Ethics Committee must be uploaded to the system at the application stage. For research in other fields, approval documents obtained from the relevant ethics committee must be uploaded to the system during the application. Research articles without an ethics committee approval will not be evaluated. Also, it is obligatory to include information on "Ethics Committee Approval" (Board name, date, number, and number) and decleration on "Local Ethics Committee approval and compliance with ethical principles" in the relevant section on the title page and material method section of the manuscript.

13. In the case reports, an “informed consent form” should be obtained from the patient with a wet signature. These documents must be uploaded to the system by the author at the time of application.

14. Articles submitted to our journal should be a academic study and in a format that can be reviewed by reviewers. For this reason, it is obligatory for the authors to send the "Article Control Form" together with the work they will submit.

15. For the articles on "Notifiable Diseases" specified by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, a permit letter from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry must be submitted to our editor.

16. Submitted articles are pre-evaluated by our editor. The editor has the right to request a correction or reject the pre-evaluated article before it is sent to the reviewers. Manuscripts deemed appropriate by the editorial office are sent to double-blind reviewing. The work is sent to at least 2 reviewers for evaluation. When necessary, a new reviewer is appointed and a decision is made by taking the opinion of the editor or 3rd reviewer.

17. Article submission to our journal is made only through DergiPark. For this reason, all files and appendices should be uploaded to our journal through the DergiPark system. Article submissions via e-mail are not accepted.

18. Abbreviations to be used in submitted studies should be scientifically accepted abbreviations. Authors should make the explanation of their abbreviation at the first mention in the text. Latin genus and species names should be typed in italics (Example: Escherichia coli). All measurement units must be written according to SI (Systeme Internationale). A period (.) should be used in numerical and statistical data used in the article (Example: 0.36; 94.5%; p<0.05 etc.).

19. Author (s) and referees should pay attention to the confidentiality of personal and institutional information that will reveal the authors and or referees in the content of the main text file and the Word file properties. Responsibility on this subject belongs to the authors and reviewers.

Preparation of The Article

1. Articles should be written using Microsoft Word (Office 2016 and higher); A4 size, Times New Roman font, 12 point size, 1.5 line spacing; continuous line and page number; justified aligned and 2.5 cm margins from each side. Paragraphs should be started with a 1.25 cm indent.

2. Articles prepared as stated above, without Tables and Figures, should not exceed 15 pages in research articles, 7 pages in short articles and case reports, and 20 pages in reviews.
All publications submitted to our journal should consist of the following sections:

  • Research articles and short articles written in Turkish must consist of these sections: Manuscript Title, Short Title, Turkish Abstract (ÖZ), Anahtar Kelimeler, English Title, Short Title, English ABSTRACT, Keywords,GİRİŞ, MATERYAL VE METOT, BULGULAR, TARTIŞMA VE SONUÇ, KAYNAKLAR.
  • Case reports written in Turkish must consist of these sections: Manuscript Title, Short Title, Turkish Abstract (ÖZ), Turkish Keywords, English Title, Short Title, English ABSTRACT, Keywords, GİRİŞ, VAKANIN TAKDİMİ, TARTIŞMA VE SONUÇ, KAYNAKLAR
  • Review articles: Subtitles are determined by the authors up to the REFERENCES section. In our journal, only invited papers, deals up-to-date topics and compatible with our publishing policy.
  • Research articles and short articles written in English must consist of these sections: English Manuscript Title , Short Title, English ABSTRACT, Keywords, Turkish Title, Turkish Abstract (ÖZ), Keywords, INTRODUCTION, MATERIAL AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION, REFERENCES.
  • Case reports written in English must consist of these sections: English Manuscript Title, Short Title, ABSTRACT, Keywords, Turkish Title, Short Title, Turkish Abstract (Öz), Keywords, INTRODUCTION, CASE DESCRIPTION, DISCUSSION AND CONCLUTION, REFERENCES

4.Title Page

  • The title page will be downloaded from our website. (click here for the sample title page).
  • Authors should make the necessary arrangements on the downloaded document. On this page, the article type (research article, short article, case report, review), the title of the study in Turkish and English, the names and surnames of the author (s), institution information (will be written only in English), ORCID numbers of all authors should be written.
  • In the corresponding author section the name and surname of the responsible author, institution information, telephone number and e-mail address should be written.
  • "Ethics Committee Information, Information, Acknowledgment, Conflict of Interest and Author Contributions" sections located on the title page should be filled in in accordance with the examples given.
  • The prepared Title Page should be uploaded to the system as a separate file.

5. Manuscript Page;

  • Click for a sample "Manuscript Page" file.
  • Care should be taken not to include any information about the authors and their institutions in the Manuscript Page file. This is necessary to ensure that the articles are evaluated objectively by the reviewers (blind review system).
  • The Manuscript Page file sample should consist of the following sections:

7. Manusicript Sections:

ÖZ (Turkish Abstract)

  • The "ÖZ" section should not be less than 150 words and more than 250 words. ABSTRACT should be written in a way to cover aim of the study, material and method, results and conclusion sections respectively.
  • Keywords: minimum 3, maximum of 6 key words must be selected from Turkey Science Terms web page.
  • Keywords should be listed alphabetically in Turkish, words should be separated with commas (,) and at the end a period (.) should be put.


  • The ABSTRACT section should not be less than 150 words and more than 250 words. It should be written in English in the same way as Turkish ÖZ.
  • Keywords: Should be the same as Turkish keywords and selected from "The Medical Subject Headings" (MeSH). Words should be sorted alphabetically in English, words should be separated by commas (,) and at the end a period (.) should be put.


  • In this section, after brief literature information about the study, the aim of the study should be given in the last paragraph of the introduction.
  • The citations used in the study should be shown in the following ways.

    • If the citation is by a single author; should be written in the form of the author's surname and date. Example: (Özkan 2020)
    • When citing to a source with two authors, the surnames of both authors should be written with the "and" separator. Example: (Özkan and Kayıkcı 2019)
    • If the source has three or more authors, the surname of the first author should be written, the other authors are should be indicated with the "et al." abbreviation. Example: (Özkan et al.2018).
    • If several sources are cited, these sources should be separated from each other with a semicolon ":" sign and these sources should be arranged chronologicaly from oldest to newest. Example: (Özkan et al.2000; Çakmak 2010; Karasu and Yaman 2014; Kuşcu 2020).
    • Publications with the same date should be listed in alphabetical order. Example: (Aksu 2010; Bulut et al.2010; Cenger and Kuzu 2010).
    • If it is citing to several sources of the same author belong the same year in the text, it should be stated as (Özkan 2008a; Özkan 2008b; Özkan 2008c) based on the order in the source section.


In this section, material methods and statistical analysis methods should be included.

It is obligatory to include information of "Ethics Committee Approval" (Board name, date, number, and number) and declaration of "Local Ethics Committee approval and compliance with ethical principles" in this section.


  • Tables in the article should be named as "Table". All visual elements (graphic, photograph, figure, diagram, etc.) other than the table should be named as "Figure".
  • Comma (,) should not be used between the numerical values in the table, a period (.) should be used in all values.
  • The photographs and figures presented in the study must be in TIFF or JPEG format and at least 300 dpi resolution and must be uploaded as a separate file during application to the system. Figures should not be included in the main text file.
  • In Turkish articles, the Turkish and English names of the tables and figures, and the necessary explanations must be written separately in both languages.
  • For English articles, only the English names and necessary explanations of the tables and figures should be written.
  • The table title should be given at the top of the table, and the abbreviations and necessary explanations used in the table should be given below the table. Figure title and explanations should be written in the lower part of the figure.
  • Tables and figures in the main text file should be numbered in order of usage (Example: Table 1, Figure 1).


  • In the last paragraph of this section, the conclusions reached in the study should be given as a separate paragraph.


  • The number of references used should not be less than 10 for case reports, less than 20 for research articles and more than 45 for all article types.
  • It should be noted that majority of the sources used for all articles belong to the last 5 years.
  • Each source used in the article should be listed at the end of the article under the heading REFERENCES, in alphabetical order.
  • The short name of the reference journal should be used in italics (The short name of the journals can be found from "Medline, CAplus Core Journal Coverage list, Clarivate or Pubmed Journals Database").
  • The author (s) are responsible for the accuracy of all references used in the study.

According to the type of resource used, the references should be written as shown in the examples below.

1. If the source is a article;

  • Source with 1 - 5 authors;

Keleş İ, Değer S, Altuğ N, Karaca M, Akdemir C (2001). Tick-borne diseases in cattle: Clinical and haematological findings, diagnosis, treatment, seasonal distribution, breed, sex and age factors and the transmitters of the diseases. YYU Vet Fak Derg, 12 (1-2), 26-32.

Özkan C, Kaya A, Akgül Y (2012). Normal values of hematological and some biochemical parameters in serum and urine of New Zealand white rabbits. World Rabbit Sci, 20 (4), 253-259

  • Source with more than 6 authors;

Özkan C, Akgül Y, Altuğ N ve ark. (2013). Doğal theileriozisli sığırlarda tedavi öncesi ve sonrası bazı klinik, hematolojik ve biyokimyasal parametreler. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 10 (2), 93-100.

Fleming DW, Cochi SL, MacDonald KL et al. (1985). Pasteurized milk as a vehicle of infection in an outbreak of listeriosis. The New England J Med, 312 (7), 404-407.

2. If the source is a book;

Sağlam M, Aştı RN, Özer A (2001). Genel Histoloji. 2. Baskı. Yorum Matbaacılık, Ankara.

Marrow DA (1986). Current Therapy in Theriogenology. I. Edition. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia.

3. If the source is a chapter in a book;

Şimşek H, Öksüzoğlu G (1999). Akut Pankreatit. Kadayıfçı A, Karaaslan Y, Köroğlu E (Ed). Acil Durumlarda Tanı ve Tedavi (s. 116-126). Hekimler Yayın Birliği, Ankara.

Bahk J, Marth EH (1990). Listeriosis and Listeria monocytogenes. Cliver DO (Ed). Foodborne Diseases (pp. 248-256). Academic Press, San Diego.

4. If the source is a thesis;

Mis L (2009). Çinko Bakımından Yetersiz Diyet ve Çinko İlavesinin Deneysel Böbrek Yetmezliği Oluşturulan Ratlarda Lipid Peroksidasyonu ve Eritropoetin Seviyelerine Etkisi. Doktora tezi, Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Van, Türkiye.

Kay JG (2007). Intracellular Cytokine Trafficking and Phagocytosis in Macrophages. PhD thesis, University of Queensland, Institute for Molecular Bioscience, St Lucia, Australia.

5. If the source is proceeding;

Özkan C, Altuğ N, Yüksek N, Kaya A, Akgül Y (2011). Neonatal ishale bağlı hiperkalemi gelişen buzağılarda elektrokardiografik bulgular, serum nitrik oksit, kardiak troponin ve bazı enzim düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi. IX. Ulusal Veteriner İç Hastalıkları Kongresi (Uluslararası Katılımlı), Antalya, Türkiye.

Oğuz B (2018). Molecular analysis of Echinococcus granulosus through amplification of COX1 gene fragments from sheep in Van province. In: Proceeding of the 1st International GAP Agriculture and Livestock Congress, Sanliurfa, Turkey.

6. If the source is a software;

SAS (1990). SAS user’s guide: Statistics, 4th ed., Sas Institute, Cary.

7. If the source is a electronic material;

Note: Web-based resources should not be used as possible as.
Atherton J (2010). Behaviour modification. Erişim Tarihi: 10 Nisan 2010. Erişim Adresi: http://www.learningandteaching.info /learning/behaviour_mod.htm.

WHO (2018). Flouride and arsenic in drinking water. Erişim Tarihi: 26 Nisan 2018. Erişim Adresi: http://www.who.int/ceh/publications/en/08fluor.pdf, 2016.

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