Research Article
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Year 2022, , 305 - 316, 29.04.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışma, süreç esnekliği varsayımında farklı esneklik yapılarının işletmelerde üretim-envanter kararlarını ve ilgili operasyonel maliyetleri nasıl etkilediğini incelemektedir. Çalışmanın amacı, süreç esnekliği probleminde optimal sistem tasarımı kararlarının bulunması ve bu kararların envanter maliyetleriyle ilişkisinin incelenmesidir.

Yöntem: Çalışma kapsamında; planlama ufku boyunca envanter maliyetlerini ve esneklik yatırımlarının amortismanını içeren problem, karma tam sayılı doğrusal programlama ile modellenerek çözülmüştür.

Bulgular: Sunulan model kullanılarak, optimum envanter, üretim ve sistem tasarımı kararları verilmiştir ve planlama ufku boyunca karşılık gelen maliyetler hesaplanmıştır. Yapılan analizler çalışmada sunulan modelden elde edilen optimal tasarımın, literatürde geleneksel esneklik tasarımları içerisinde en düşük ortalama maliyetleri sağlayan ikili zincir tasarımından dâhi daha iyi sonuç verdiğini göstermiştir.

Özgünlük: Bildiğimiz kadarıyla, bu çalışma literatürde envanter ve yatırım maliyetlerini içeren ve optimal esneklik tasarımlarını operasyonel maliyetler açısından değerlendiren ilk çalışmadır.


  • Baykasoğlu, A. ve Durmuşoğlu, Z.D. (2012). “Flow Time Analyses of a Simulated Flexible Job Shop by Considering Jockeying”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 58(5-8), 693-707.
  • Baykasoğlu, A. ve Özbakır, L. (2008). “Analysing the Effect of Flexibility on Manufacturing Systems Performance”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 19(2), 172-193.
  • Chou, M.C., Chua, G.A. ve Zheng, H. (2014). “On the Performance of Sparse Process Structures in Partial Postponement Production Systems”, Operations Research, 62(2), 348-365.
  • Chou, M.C., Chua, G.A., Teo, C.P. ve Zheng, H. (2010). “Design for Process Flexibility: Efficiency of the Long Chain and Sparse Structure”, Operations Research, 58(1), 43-58.
  • Chou, M.C., Chua, G.A., Teo, C.P. ve Zheng, H. (2011). “Process Flexibility Revisited: The Graph Expander and Its Applications”, Operations Research, 59(5), 1090-1105.
  • Chou, M.C., Teo, C.P. ve Zheng, H. (2008). “Process Flexibility: Design, Evaluation, and Applications”, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 20(1-2), 59-94.
  • Çimen, M. ve Belbağ, S. (2015). “Süreç Esnekliği Varsayımı Altında Stokastik Stok Optimizasyonu Probleminin Dinamik Programlama ile Çözümü”, Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(3), 255.
  • Çimen, M. ve Kirkbride, C. (2017). “Approximate Dynamic Programming Algorithms for Multidimensional Flexible Production-Inventory Problems”, International Journal of Production Research, 55(7), 2034-2050.
  • Çimen, M., Belbağ, S. ve Soysal, M. (2016). “Üretimde Esneklik ve Stok Yönetimi: Stok Optimizasyonu için Bir Karar Destek Modeli”, İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(1), 360-379.
  • Désir, A., Goyal, V., Wei, Y. ve Zhang, J. (2016). Sparse Process Flexibility Designs: Is the Long Chain Really Optimal?”, Operations Research, 64(2), 416-431.
  • Feng, W. ve Shen, Z.J.M. (2018). “Process Flexibility in Homogeneous Production–Inventory Systems with a Single-Period Demand”, IISE Transactions, 50(6), 463-483.
  • Fiorotto, D.J., Jans, R. ve De Araujo, S.A. (2018). “Process Flexibility and The Chaining Principle in Lot Sizing Problems”, International Journal of Production Economics, 204, 244-263.
  • Graves, S.C. ve Tomlin, B.T. (2003). “Process Flexibility in Supply Chains”, Management Science, 49(7), 907-919.
  • He, P., Xu, X. ve Hua, Z. (2012). “A New Method for Guiding Process Flexibility Investment: Flexibility Fit Index”, International Journal of Production Research, 50(14), 3718-3737.
  • Jordan, W.C. ve Graves, S.C. (1995). “Principles on The Benefits of Manufacturing Process Flexibility”, Management Science, 41(4), 577-594.
  • Kaminsky, P. ve Wang, Y. (2019). “Multi-Period Process Flexibility with Inventory”, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 31(4), 833-893.
  • Mak, H.Y. ve Shen, Z.J.M. (2009). “Stochastic Programming Approach to Process Flexibility Design”, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 21(3-4), 75-91.
  • Sethi, A.K. ve Sethi, S.P. (1990). “Flexibility in Manufacturing: A Survey”, International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 2(4), 289-328.
  • Rogers, M. (1998). “The Definition and Measurement of Productivity”, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, Melbourne Institute Working Paper, 98(9), 1-27.
  • Simchi-Levi, D. ve Wei, Y. (2012). “Understanding the Performance of the Long Chain and Sparse Designs in Process Flexibility”, Operations Research, 60(5), 1125-1141.
  • Simchi-Levi, D. ve Wei, Y. (2015). “Worst-Case Analysis of Process Flexibility Designs”, Operations Research, 63(1), 166-185.
  • Simchi‐Levi, D., Wang, H. ve Wei, Y. (2018). “Increasing Supply Chain Robustness Through Process Flexibility and Inventory”, Production and Operations Management, 27(8), 1476-1491.
  • Soysal, M. ve Çimen, M. (2017). “Süreç Esnekliği Tasarımlarının Farklı Talep Yapıları Altında Envanter Maliyeti Performansları Üzerine”, Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar, 54(633), 79-91.
  • Soysal, M., Çimen, M. ve Belbağ, S. (2018). “Sabit Üretim Hazirlik Maliyetinin Süreç Esnekliğinde Stok Optimizasyonuna Etkisi”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 36(1), 117-139.
  • Upton, D.M. (1994). “The Management of Manufacturing Flexibility”, California Management Review, 36(2), 72-89.
  • Valeva, S., Hewitt, M., Thomas, B.W. ve Brown, K.G. (2017). “Balancing Flexibility and Inventory in Workforce Planning with Learning”, International Journal of Production Economics, 183, 194-207.


Year 2022, , 305 - 316, 29.04.2022


Purpose: This study examines how different flexibility structures affect production-inventory decisions and related operational costs in enterprises. The aim of the study is to find the optimal system design decisions in the process flexibility problem and to examine the relationship between these decisions and inventory costs.

Methodology: We propose a mixed integer linear programming model, which includes inventory costs and depreciation of flexibility investments across the planning horizon.

Findings: In this model, optimum inventory, production, and system design decisions are made and corresponding costs are calculated over the planning horizon. The analyzes show that the model presented in the study gives even better results than the two-chain design, which provides the lowest average costs among the traditional flexibility designs in the literature.

Originality: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate optimal flexibility designs in terms of operational costs, including inventory and investment costs.


  • Baykasoğlu, A. ve Durmuşoğlu, Z.D. (2012). “Flow Time Analyses of a Simulated Flexible Job Shop by Considering Jockeying”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 58(5-8), 693-707.
  • Baykasoğlu, A. ve Özbakır, L. (2008). “Analysing the Effect of Flexibility on Manufacturing Systems Performance”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 19(2), 172-193.
  • Chou, M.C., Chua, G.A. ve Zheng, H. (2014). “On the Performance of Sparse Process Structures in Partial Postponement Production Systems”, Operations Research, 62(2), 348-365.
  • Chou, M.C., Chua, G.A., Teo, C.P. ve Zheng, H. (2010). “Design for Process Flexibility: Efficiency of the Long Chain and Sparse Structure”, Operations Research, 58(1), 43-58.
  • Chou, M.C., Chua, G.A., Teo, C.P. ve Zheng, H. (2011). “Process Flexibility Revisited: The Graph Expander and Its Applications”, Operations Research, 59(5), 1090-1105.
  • Chou, M.C., Teo, C.P. ve Zheng, H. (2008). “Process Flexibility: Design, Evaluation, and Applications”, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 20(1-2), 59-94.
  • Çimen, M. ve Belbağ, S. (2015). “Süreç Esnekliği Varsayımı Altında Stokastik Stok Optimizasyonu Probleminin Dinamik Programlama ile Çözümü”, Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(3), 255.
  • Çimen, M. ve Kirkbride, C. (2017). “Approximate Dynamic Programming Algorithms for Multidimensional Flexible Production-Inventory Problems”, International Journal of Production Research, 55(7), 2034-2050.
  • Çimen, M., Belbağ, S. ve Soysal, M. (2016). “Üretimde Esneklik ve Stok Yönetimi: Stok Optimizasyonu için Bir Karar Destek Modeli”, İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(1), 360-379.
  • Désir, A., Goyal, V., Wei, Y. ve Zhang, J. (2016). Sparse Process Flexibility Designs: Is the Long Chain Really Optimal?”, Operations Research, 64(2), 416-431.
  • Feng, W. ve Shen, Z.J.M. (2018). “Process Flexibility in Homogeneous Production–Inventory Systems with a Single-Period Demand”, IISE Transactions, 50(6), 463-483.
  • Fiorotto, D.J., Jans, R. ve De Araujo, S.A. (2018). “Process Flexibility and The Chaining Principle in Lot Sizing Problems”, International Journal of Production Economics, 204, 244-263.
  • Graves, S.C. ve Tomlin, B.T. (2003). “Process Flexibility in Supply Chains”, Management Science, 49(7), 907-919.
  • He, P., Xu, X. ve Hua, Z. (2012). “A New Method for Guiding Process Flexibility Investment: Flexibility Fit Index”, International Journal of Production Research, 50(14), 3718-3737.
  • Jordan, W.C. ve Graves, S.C. (1995). “Principles on The Benefits of Manufacturing Process Flexibility”, Management Science, 41(4), 577-594.
  • Kaminsky, P. ve Wang, Y. (2019). “Multi-Period Process Flexibility with Inventory”, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 31(4), 833-893.
  • Mak, H.Y. ve Shen, Z.J.M. (2009). “Stochastic Programming Approach to Process Flexibility Design”, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 21(3-4), 75-91.
  • Sethi, A.K. ve Sethi, S.P. (1990). “Flexibility in Manufacturing: A Survey”, International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 2(4), 289-328.
  • Rogers, M. (1998). “The Definition and Measurement of Productivity”, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, Melbourne Institute Working Paper, 98(9), 1-27.
  • Simchi-Levi, D. ve Wei, Y. (2012). “Understanding the Performance of the Long Chain and Sparse Designs in Process Flexibility”, Operations Research, 60(5), 1125-1141.
  • Simchi-Levi, D. ve Wei, Y. (2015). “Worst-Case Analysis of Process Flexibility Designs”, Operations Research, 63(1), 166-185.
  • Simchi‐Levi, D., Wang, H. ve Wei, Y. (2018). “Increasing Supply Chain Robustness Through Process Flexibility and Inventory”, Production and Operations Management, 27(8), 1476-1491.
  • Soysal, M. ve Çimen, M. (2017). “Süreç Esnekliği Tasarımlarının Farklı Talep Yapıları Altında Envanter Maliyeti Performansları Üzerine”, Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar, 54(633), 79-91.
  • Soysal, M., Çimen, M. ve Belbağ, S. (2018). “Sabit Üretim Hazirlik Maliyetinin Süreç Esnekliğinde Stok Optimizasyonuna Etkisi”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 36(1), 117-139.
  • Upton, D.M. (1994). “The Management of Manufacturing Flexibility”, California Management Review, 36(2), 72-89.
  • Valeva, S., Hewitt, M., Thomas, B.W. ve Brown, K.G. (2017). “Balancing Flexibility and Inventory in Workforce Planning with Learning”, International Journal of Production Economics, 183, 194-207.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Merve İbiş 0000-0001-8623-290X

Mustafa Çimen 0000-0001-8155-9145

Mehmet Soysal 0000-0002-1570-660X

Publication Date April 29, 2022
Submission Date October 5, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2022



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