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Paradigm Change on Performance Evaluation: Can Nonfinancial Performance Measures be Substitute of Financial Performance Measures

Year 2009, Issue: 2, 7 - 24, 01.03.2009


Accounting based financial performance measures have been used traditionally by companies to evaluate organizational performance. Because of the new economic environment, academicians and professionals have criticized financial performance measures as being too backward looking, too short term focusing and too aggregate and they have depicted that new economic environment and competitive realities demand a new performance evaluation approach. Then many organizations have begun to use nonfinancial performance measures such as productivity, efficiency and customer satisfaction to eliminate limitations of performance measures. This paper summarizes the paradigm change on performance evaluation literature and argues the comparison of nonfinancial performance measures against the same criteria as financial performance measures, namely the characteristics of relevance, reliability and comparability.


  • •• Amerikan Muhasebeciler Birliği Finansal Muhasebe Standartları Komitesi, 2002, Recommendations on Disclosure of Nonfinancial Performance Measures, Accounting Horizons, 16 (4):353-362
  • •• Barsky, Noah P. ve Wayne G. Bremser, 1999, Performance Measurement, Budgeting And Strategic İmplementation in the Multinational Enterprise, Managerial Finance, 25(2):3-15
  • •• Banker, Rajiv D., Gordon Potter ve Dhinu Srinivasan, 2000, An Empirical Investigation of Incentive Plan that Includes Nonfinancial Performance Measures, The Accounting Review, 75(1):65-92
  • •• Beets, S.D. ve C.C. Souther, 1999, Corporate Environmental Reports: The Need for Standards and an Environmental Assurance Service, Accounting Horizons, 13(7):129-145
  • •• Behn, B.K. ve R.A. Riley, 1999, Using nonfinancial measures to predict financial performance: The case of the U.S. airline industry, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 14:29-56
  • •• Chow, Chee W. ve Wim A. Van Der Stede, 2006, The Use and Useulness of Nonfinancial Performance Measures, Management Accounting Quarterly, 7(3) : 1-8
  • •• Cheng, Mandy M., Peter F. Luckett ve Habib Mahama, 2007, Effect of Perceived Conflict Among Multiple Performance Goals and Goal Difficulty on Task Performance, Accounting and Finance, 47:221-242
  • •• Davilla, Antonio ve Mohan Venkatachalam, 2004, The Relevance of Nonfinancial Performance Measures for CEO Compensation:Evidence from the Airline Industry, Review of Accounting Studies, 9:443-464
  • •• Denton, Keith D.,2006, Measuring Relevant Things, Performance Improvement, 45(3):33-37
  • •• Davis, Stan ve Tom Albright, 2004, An Investigation of the Effect of Balanced Scorecard Implementation on Financial Performance, Management Accounting Research, 15:135-153
  • •• Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı, 2000, Küreselleşme, Sekizinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Raporu, Ankara: DPT Yayını
  • •• Eccles, R.G., 1991, The Performance Measurement Manifesto, Harvard Business Review, 69:131-136
  • •• Feltham, Gerald A. ve Jim Xie, 1994, Performance Measure Congruity and Diversity in Multi-Task Principal/Agent Relations, The Accounting Review, 69(3):429-453
  • •• Frigo, Mark L., 2002, Nonfinancial Performance Measures and Strategy Execution, Strategic Management, August:6-9
  • •• Gill, Jag S., 2004, A Nonfinancial Approach to Financial Improvoment of Medical Groups Through Advanced Access, Journal of Healthcare Management, 49 (4):271-277
  • •• Ghosh, Dipankar, 2005, Alternative Measures of Manager’s Performance, Controllability and Outcome Effect, Behavioral Research in Accounting, 17:55-70
  • •• HassabElnaby, Hassan R., Amal A. Said ve Benson Wier, 2005, The Retention of Nonfinancial Measures in Compensation Contracts, Journal of Management Accounting Research, 17:23-42
  • •• Hauser, J.R., D. Simester ve B. Wernerfelt, 1994, Customer Satisfaction Incentives, Marketing Science, 13(4):327-350
  • •• Hughes II, K.E., 2000, The Value of Nonfinancial Measures of Air Pollution in the Electric Utility Industry, The Accounting Review, 75 (2):209-228
  • •• IOMA’s Report on Financial Analysis, Planning and Reporting, 2001, New Study Reveals the perfromance Measures Companies Rely on Most, August:12-15
  • •• IOMA’s Pay For Performance Report, 2003, Getting Most Out of your Nonfinancial Performance Measures, December:2-4
  • •• Ittner, C. ve D.Larcker, 1998, Are nonfinancial measures leading indicators of financial performance? An analysis of customer satisfaction, Journal of Accounting Research, 36:1-35
  • •• Kaplan, Robert S., 1984, Yesterday’s Accounting Undermines Production, Harvard Business Review, July-August:95-101
  • •• Kaplan, Robert S. ve A. Atkinson, 1998, Advanced Mangement Accounting, USA, Prentice Hall
  • •• Kaplan, Robert S. ve David P. Norton, 1992, “The Balanced Scorecard - measures that drive performance”, Harvard Business Review, 70:71-79
  • •• Kaplan, Robert S. ve David P. Norton,1999, Balanced Scorecard, Şirket Stratejisini Eyleme Dönüştürmek, Sistem Yayıncılık
  • •• Kennedy, Janet McColl ve Ursula Schneider, 2000, Measuring Customer Satisfaction: Why, What and How, Total Quality Management, 11(7):883-896
  • •• Krolick, Debra L., 2005, The Relevance of Financial Statement Analysis For Executive Compensation Evaluation: Evidence From Choise of Bonus Plan Accounting Performance Measures, The International Journal of Accounting, 40:115-132
  • •• Lambert, Richard A., 1998, Customer Satisfaction and Future Financial Performance Discussion of Are Nonfinancial Measures Leading Indicators of Financial Performance: An Analysis of Customer Satisfaction, Journal of Accounting Research, 36:37-46
  • •• Lau, Chong M. ve Mahfud Sholihin, 2005, Financial and nonfinancial performance measures: How do they affect job satisfaction?, The British Accounting Review, 37:389-413
  • •• Nagar, V. ve M.Rajan, 2001, The Revenue Implications of Financial and Operational Measures of Product Quality, The Accounting Review, 76:495- 513
  • •• Nilsson, Fredrick ve Magnus Kald, 2002, Recent Advances in Performance Management: The Nordic Case, European Management Journal, 20(3):235-245
  • •• Niven, Paul R., 2002, Balanced scorecard step by step, John Wiley and Sons Inc
  • •• Otley, David, 1999, Performance management: a framework for management control systems research, Management Accounting Research, 10:363-382
  • •• Palmer, R.J., 1992, Strategic Goals and Objectives and the Design of Strategic Management Accounting Systems, Advances Management Accounting, 1:179-204
  • •• Said, Amal A., H.R. HassabElnaby ve Benson Wier, 2003, An Empirical Investigation of the Performance Consequences of Nonfinancial Measures, Journal of Management Accounting Research, 15:193-223
  • •• Salierno, D., 2005, Nonfinancial Monitoring Falls Short, Internal Auditor, February:16-19
  • •• Schiff, Andrew D. ve L. Richard Hoffman, 1996, An Exploration of the Use of Financial and Nonfinacial Measures of Perfromance by Executives in a Service Organization, Behavioral Research in Accounting, 8:134-153
  • •• Sinclair David ve Mohamed Zairi, 2000, Perfromance Measurement: A Critical Analysis of the Literature with Respect to Total Quality Management, International Journal of Management Reviews, 2(2):145-168
  • •• Smith, Michael J., 2002, Gaming Nonfinancial Performance Measures, Journal of Management Accounting Research, 14:119:133
  • •• Spicer, B.H., 1992, The Resurgence of Cost and Management Accounting; A Review of Some Recent Developments in Practise, Theories and Case Research Methods, Management Accounting Research, 3:1-37 •• Tsang, Albert H.C., 1998, A Strategic Approach to Managing Maintenance Performance, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 4(2):87- 94
  • •• Vance, Caroline, 2001, Intangible Assets: KM’s New Challenge, Knowledge Management Review, 4(1):8-9
  • •• Van der Stede, Wim A., Chee W. Chow ve Thomas W. Lin, 2006, Strategy, Choice of Performance Measures and Performance, Behavioral Research in Accounting, 18:185-205
  • •• Walker, Garret ve Randall Macdonald, 2001, Designing and Implementing an HR Scorecard, Human Resource Management, 40(4):365-377
  • •• Widener, Sally, K., 2006, Human Capital, Pay Structure and Use of Performance Measures in Bonus Compensation, Management Accounting Research, 17:198-221

Performans Değerlendirmede Paradigma Değişimi: Finansal Olmayan Ölçüler Finansal Ölçülerin Yerini Alabilir mi?

Year 2009, Issue: 2, 7 - 24, 01.03.2009


Muhasebeye dayalı finansal performans ölçüleri uzun yıllar kurumsal performans değerlendirmede kullanılmıştır. Yeni ekonomik ortamdan dolayı, akademisyenler ve uygulamacılar finansal ölçüleri geriye dönük olması, kısa dönem odaklı olması ve özet bilgiler içermesinden ötürü eleştirmişler, yeni ekonomik ortamın ve rekabet gerçeklerinin yeni bir performans değerlendirme yaklaşımı gerektirdiğini dile getirmişlerdir. Böylelikle çoğu işletme finansal ölçülerin kısıtlarını ortadan kaldırmak için verimlilik, etkinlik, müşteri tatmini gibi finansal olmayan ölçüleri performans değerlendirmede kullanmaya başlamışlardır. Bu çalışma performans değerlendirme yazınındaki paradigma değişimini özetlemekte ve finansal olmayan ölçüler ile finansal ölçüleri karşılaştırarak, anlamlılık, güvenilirlik ve karşılaştırılabilirlik ölçütleri çerçevesinde tartışmaktadır.


  • •• Amerikan Muhasebeciler Birliği Finansal Muhasebe Standartları Komitesi, 2002, Recommendations on Disclosure of Nonfinancial Performance Measures, Accounting Horizons, 16 (4):353-362
  • •• Barsky, Noah P. ve Wayne G. Bremser, 1999, Performance Measurement, Budgeting And Strategic İmplementation in the Multinational Enterprise, Managerial Finance, 25(2):3-15
  • •• Banker, Rajiv D., Gordon Potter ve Dhinu Srinivasan, 2000, An Empirical Investigation of Incentive Plan that Includes Nonfinancial Performance Measures, The Accounting Review, 75(1):65-92
  • •• Beets, S.D. ve C.C. Souther, 1999, Corporate Environmental Reports: The Need for Standards and an Environmental Assurance Service, Accounting Horizons, 13(7):129-145
  • •• Behn, B.K. ve R.A. Riley, 1999, Using nonfinancial measures to predict financial performance: The case of the U.S. airline industry, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 14:29-56
  • •• Chow, Chee W. ve Wim A. Van Der Stede, 2006, The Use and Useulness of Nonfinancial Performance Measures, Management Accounting Quarterly, 7(3) : 1-8
  • •• Cheng, Mandy M., Peter F. Luckett ve Habib Mahama, 2007, Effect of Perceived Conflict Among Multiple Performance Goals and Goal Difficulty on Task Performance, Accounting and Finance, 47:221-242
  • •• Davilla, Antonio ve Mohan Venkatachalam, 2004, The Relevance of Nonfinancial Performance Measures for CEO Compensation:Evidence from the Airline Industry, Review of Accounting Studies, 9:443-464
  • •• Denton, Keith D.,2006, Measuring Relevant Things, Performance Improvement, 45(3):33-37
  • •• Davis, Stan ve Tom Albright, 2004, An Investigation of the Effect of Balanced Scorecard Implementation on Financial Performance, Management Accounting Research, 15:135-153
  • •• Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı, 2000, Küreselleşme, Sekizinci Beş Yıllık Kalkınma Planı Özel İhtisas Komisyonu Raporu, Ankara: DPT Yayını
  • •• Eccles, R.G., 1991, The Performance Measurement Manifesto, Harvard Business Review, 69:131-136
  • •• Feltham, Gerald A. ve Jim Xie, 1994, Performance Measure Congruity and Diversity in Multi-Task Principal/Agent Relations, The Accounting Review, 69(3):429-453
  • •• Frigo, Mark L., 2002, Nonfinancial Performance Measures and Strategy Execution, Strategic Management, August:6-9
  • •• Gill, Jag S., 2004, A Nonfinancial Approach to Financial Improvoment of Medical Groups Through Advanced Access, Journal of Healthcare Management, 49 (4):271-277
  • •• Ghosh, Dipankar, 2005, Alternative Measures of Manager’s Performance, Controllability and Outcome Effect, Behavioral Research in Accounting, 17:55-70
  • •• HassabElnaby, Hassan R., Amal A. Said ve Benson Wier, 2005, The Retention of Nonfinancial Measures in Compensation Contracts, Journal of Management Accounting Research, 17:23-42
  • •• Hauser, J.R., D. Simester ve B. Wernerfelt, 1994, Customer Satisfaction Incentives, Marketing Science, 13(4):327-350
  • •• Hughes II, K.E., 2000, The Value of Nonfinancial Measures of Air Pollution in the Electric Utility Industry, The Accounting Review, 75 (2):209-228
  • •• IOMA’s Report on Financial Analysis, Planning and Reporting, 2001, New Study Reveals the perfromance Measures Companies Rely on Most, August:12-15
  • •• IOMA’s Pay For Performance Report, 2003, Getting Most Out of your Nonfinancial Performance Measures, December:2-4
  • •• Ittner, C. ve D.Larcker, 1998, Are nonfinancial measures leading indicators of financial performance? An analysis of customer satisfaction, Journal of Accounting Research, 36:1-35
  • •• Kaplan, Robert S., 1984, Yesterday’s Accounting Undermines Production, Harvard Business Review, July-August:95-101
  • •• Kaplan, Robert S. ve A. Atkinson, 1998, Advanced Mangement Accounting, USA, Prentice Hall
  • •• Kaplan, Robert S. ve David P. Norton, 1992, “The Balanced Scorecard - measures that drive performance”, Harvard Business Review, 70:71-79
  • •• Kaplan, Robert S. ve David P. Norton,1999, Balanced Scorecard, Şirket Stratejisini Eyleme Dönüştürmek, Sistem Yayıncılık
  • •• Kennedy, Janet McColl ve Ursula Schneider, 2000, Measuring Customer Satisfaction: Why, What and How, Total Quality Management, 11(7):883-896
  • •• Krolick, Debra L., 2005, The Relevance of Financial Statement Analysis For Executive Compensation Evaluation: Evidence From Choise of Bonus Plan Accounting Performance Measures, The International Journal of Accounting, 40:115-132
  • •• Lambert, Richard A., 1998, Customer Satisfaction and Future Financial Performance Discussion of Are Nonfinancial Measures Leading Indicators of Financial Performance: An Analysis of Customer Satisfaction, Journal of Accounting Research, 36:37-46
  • •• Lau, Chong M. ve Mahfud Sholihin, 2005, Financial and nonfinancial performance measures: How do they affect job satisfaction?, The British Accounting Review, 37:389-413
  • •• Nagar, V. ve M.Rajan, 2001, The Revenue Implications of Financial and Operational Measures of Product Quality, The Accounting Review, 76:495- 513
  • •• Nilsson, Fredrick ve Magnus Kald, 2002, Recent Advances in Performance Management: The Nordic Case, European Management Journal, 20(3):235-245
  • •• Niven, Paul R., 2002, Balanced scorecard step by step, John Wiley and Sons Inc
  • •• Otley, David, 1999, Performance management: a framework for management control systems research, Management Accounting Research, 10:363-382
  • •• Palmer, R.J., 1992, Strategic Goals and Objectives and the Design of Strategic Management Accounting Systems, Advances Management Accounting, 1:179-204
  • •• Said, Amal A., H.R. HassabElnaby ve Benson Wier, 2003, An Empirical Investigation of the Performance Consequences of Nonfinancial Measures, Journal of Management Accounting Research, 15:193-223
  • •• Salierno, D., 2005, Nonfinancial Monitoring Falls Short, Internal Auditor, February:16-19
  • •• Schiff, Andrew D. ve L. Richard Hoffman, 1996, An Exploration of the Use of Financial and Nonfinacial Measures of Perfromance by Executives in a Service Organization, Behavioral Research in Accounting, 8:134-153
  • •• Sinclair David ve Mohamed Zairi, 2000, Perfromance Measurement: A Critical Analysis of the Literature with Respect to Total Quality Management, International Journal of Management Reviews, 2(2):145-168
  • •• Smith, Michael J., 2002, Gaming Nonfinancial Performance Measures, Journal of Management Accounting Research, 14:119:133
  • •• Spicer, B.H., 1992, The Resurgence of Cost and Management Accounting; A Review of Some Recent Developments in Practise, Theories and Case Research Methods, Management Accounting Research, 3:1-37 •• Tsang, Albert H.C., 1998, A Strategic Approach to Managing Maintenance Performance, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 4(2):87- 94
  • •• Vance, Caroline, 2001, Intangible Assets: KM’s New Challenge, Knowledge Management Review, 4(1):8-9
  • •• Van der Stede, Wim A., Chee W. Chow ve Thomas W. Lin, 2006, Strategy, Choice of Performance Measures and Performance, Behavioral Research in Accounting, 18:185-205
  • •• Walker, Garret ve Randall Macdonald, 2001, Designing and Implementing an HR Scorecard, Human Resource Management, 40(4):365-377
  • •• Widener, Sally, K., 2006, Human Capital, Pay Structure and Use of Performance Measures in Bonus Compensation, Management Accounting Research, 17:198-221
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

M. Fatih Güner This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2009
Submission Date August 16, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2009 Issue: 2


APA Güner, M. F. (2009). Performans Değerlendirmede Paradigma Değişimi: Finansal Olmayan Ölçüler Finansal Ölçülerin Yerini Alabilir mi?. Verimlilik Dergisi(2), 7-24.

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