Research in the field of public administration in Turkey requires further attention in terms of definition of problems, research design, research methods. This paper tries to explore several clues for researchers by drawing a general picture of internal and external factors in order to be able to find the “common good”. In this respect, a theoretical introduction has been made, and some practical cases have been referred to draw lessons for improving effectiveness of public organizations'. and to have its positive reflections on the country's development administration.
•• Abrahamson, Eric, Charles J. Fombrun (1992), “Forging the Iron Cage: Interorganizational
Networks and the Production of Macro-Culture”,
Journal of Management Studies 29,:2: 175-194
•• Aktan, Coşkun Can (2008), “Stratejik Yönetim ve Stratejik Planlama”, Çimento
İşveren, 22, 4, Temmuz: 4-21
•• Altman, J. C. ve D. E. Smith (1992), Estimating the Reliance of Aboriginal
Australians on Welfare: Some Policy Implications, Discussion Paper
19/1992, Australian National University Centre for Aborigianl Economic
Policy Research
•• Aron; Janine (2000), “Growth and Institutions: A Review of the Evidence”,
World Bank Research Observer, 15, 1: 99-135
•• Benz, Matthias and Alois Stutzer (2004), “Are Voters Beter Informed
When They Have a Larger Say in Politics?”, Public Choice, 119: 31-59
•• Berry, William D. (1982), “Theorıes of Regulatory Impact: The Roles of
the Regulator, the Regulated, and the Publıc”, Review of Policy Research,
1, 3: 436-441
•• Bilgin, M. Hüseyin (2005), “Kamu Yönetiminde Yeniden Yapılanma Tartışmaları”,
Perşembe Konferansları 20, Ankara: Rekabet Kurumu, 17 Mart: 29-67
•• Bovens, Mark ve Anchrit Ville (2008), “Deciphering the Dutch Drop: Ten
Explanations for Decreasing Political Trust in The Netherlands”, International
Review of Administrative Sciences, 74, 2, June: 283-305
•• Bradbury, Mark D. ve J. Edward Kellough (2007), “Representative Bureaucracy:
Exploring the Potential for Active Representation in Local Government”,
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, November
•• Bruijn, Hans De (2007), Managing Performance in the Public Sector, London:
Routledge (2nd Ed.)
•• Dardis, Rachel, Janet Garkey, Zhiming Zhang (1989), “Deregulation of
Trucking in the United States ? Implications for Consumers”, Journal of
Consumer Policy, 12:, 1: 19-38
•• Denhardt Janet Robert B. Denhardt (2007), The New Public Service:
Serving, not Steering, New York: M. E. Sharpe (Expanded Ed.)
•• Doster, Barış (2008), “Tarihi ve Bilimsel Gerçekler İnkar Edilemez”, USİ-
AD, 33, Nisan-Mayıs-Haziran: 44-47
•• Ellinas, Antonis ve Ezra Suleiyman (2008), “Reforming the Commission:
Between Modernization and Bureaucratization”, Journal of European
Public Policy, 15, 5, August: 708-725
•• Emery, Yves, Carole Wyser, Noemi Martin ve Joelle Sanchez (2008), “Swiss
Public Servants Perceptions of Performance in a Fast-Changing Environment”,
International Review of Administrative Sciences, 74, 2, June: 307-323
•• Ethics Resource Center (1994), Ethics in American Business Policies, Programs
and Perceptions, Washington, ERC
•• Etzioni, Amitai (1987), “Does Regulation Reduce Electricity Rates? A research
note”, Policy Sciences, 19, 4: 349-357
•• Evans, Tom A. (2005), “The Impact of Representation Per Capita on the
Distribution of Federal Spending and Income Taxes”, Canadian Journal
of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique 38,: 02
•• Fredriksson, Per G., Eric Neumayer, Gergely Ujhelyi (2007), “Kyoto Protocol
Cooperation: Does government corruption facilitate environmental
lobbying?”, Public Choice 133, 1-2: 231-251
•• Gerring, John ve Strom C. Thacker (2005), “Do Neoliberal Policies Deter
Political Corruption?”,. International Organization, 59, 01
•• Güney, Oktay (2008), “Türkiye’nin Önüne Paket Program Konuldu”, USİ-
AD, 33, Nisan-Mayıs-Haziran: 28-31
•• Hahn, Robert W. (1990), “The Political Economy of Environmental Regulation:
Towards a Unifying Framework”, Public Choice, 65, 1: 21-47
•• Hegarty, W. ve H. Sims (1979), “Organizational Philosophy, Politics, and
Objectives Related to Unethical Decision Behavior: A Laboratory Experiment”,
Journal of Applied Psychology,64: 331-338
•• Henry, Nicholas (2007), Public Administration and Public Affairs, New
Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. (10th Ed.)
•• Hürriyet (2008), “Herkesin Çalışmak İstediği Fabrika”, 16 Nisan
•• Johnson, Gail (2002), Research Methods for Public Administrators, West
Port: Quorum Boks
•• Kaldırımcı, Nurettin (2005), “Soru ve Cevaplar: Kamu Yönetiminde Yeniden
Yapılanma Tartışmaları”, Perşembe Konferansları 20, Ankara: Rekabet
Kurumu, 17 Mart: 53-67
•• Kaldırımcı, Nurettin (2004), “Bürokratik Organizasyonlar ve Etkin Yönetim
İlkeleri”, Perşembe Konferansları 19, Ankara: Rekabet Kurumu, Kasım:
•• Kaptein, Muel ve Mark S. Schwartz (2008), “The Effectiveness of Business
Codes: A Critical Ezamination of Existing Studies and the Development
of an Integrated Research Model”, Journal of Business Ethics, 77: 111-127
•• Kaserman, David L, John W. Mayo, Joseph E. Flynn (1990), “Cross-
Subsidization in Telecommunications: Beyond the Universal Service
Fairy Tale”, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 2, 3: 231-249
•• Kearns, Kevin P., “Nominations for the inaugural Johnson Institute Award
for Exemplary Leadership in Public Service by the Johnson Institute for
Responsible Leadership at the Graduate School of Public and Internaitonal
Affairs, University of Pittsburgh”. (http://www.johnsoninstitute-gspia
•• Kimenyi, Mwangi S. (1989), “Interest Groups, Transfer Seeking and Democratization:
Competition for the Benefits of Governmental Power
May Explain African Political Instability”, American Journal of Economics
and Sociology, 48, 3: 339-349
•• Kohn, Melvin L. (1971), “Bureaucratic Man: A Portrait and an Interpretation”,
American Sociological Review, 36, June: 461-474
•• Kongar, Emre (1972), Toplumsal Değişme: Kuramlar – İlkeler, Ankara: Bilgi
•• Krislov, Samuel (1974), Representative Bureaucracy, (New Jersey: Prentice
Hall.) in Representative Bureaucracy: Classic Readings and Continuing
Controversies, Ed.: Julie A. Dolan and David H. Rosenbloom, M.E
Sharpe, 2003.: 23-30
•• Kuditshini, Jacques Tshibwabwa (2008), “Global Governance and Local
Government in the Congo: The Role of the IMF, World Bank, the Multinationals
and the Political Elites”, International Review of Administrative
Sciences, 74, 2, June: 195-216
•• Lewis, Carol (2008), “Ethical Norms in Public Service: A Framework for
Analysis”, in Ethics and Integrity of Governance: Perspectives across Frontiers,
Ed.: Leo W.J.C. Huberts, Jeroen Maesschalck, Carole L. Jurkiewicz , Series
Editor: Wayne Parsons, Edward Elgar Publishing: UK (44-64)
•• McBride, Mark E. (1990), “The Economic Approach to Political Behavior: Governors,
Bureaucrats, and Cost Commissions”, Public Choice, 66, 2: 117-136
•• McKinsey Quarterly (2008a), “Meeting the Challenges of China’S Growing
•• Miller, Gerald J. ve Marcia L. Whicker (Ed.) (1999), Handbook of Research
Methods in Public Administration, Public Administration and Public Policy/
71, New York: Marcel Dekker
•• Minnowbrook III Conferans (2008), (
•• National Academy of Sciences (2000), Summary of a Workshop on Information
Technology Research for Federal Statistics, Washington, D.C.:
National Academies Press
•• Neuman, W. Lawrence (2006), Social Research Methods: Qualitative and
Quantitative Approaches, Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. (6th Ed.)
•• Norris, Donald (2007), Current Issues and Trends in e-Government Research,
Hershey: Cyber Tech Publishing, Idea Group
•• Odyakmaz, Zehra (2008), “Panel Başkanı: Anayasa Taslağına Göre Yargı
Bağımsızlığı, Hakimler ve Savcılar Yüksek Kurulu, Yargıtay, Danıştay”,
Anayasa Taslağı Sempozyumu, TED Mezunları Derneği, 8 Nisan 2008, TOBB
Üniversitesi: Ankara
•• O’Fallon, M. ve K. Butterfield (2005), “A Review of the Emprical Ethical Decision-
Making Literature: 1996-2003”, Journal of Business Ethics, 59: 375-413
•• Olsen, J.-P. (2006), “Maybe It is Time to Rediscover Bureaucracy”, Journal
of Public Administration Research and Theory, 16,1: 1-24
•• O’Sullivan, Elizabethann, Gary R. Rassel ve Maureen Berner (2003), Research
Methods for Public Administrators, New York: Addison Wesley Longman,
Inc. (4th Ed.)
•• Öktem, M. K., Ömürgönülşen, U. ve H.H. Yıldız (2007), “Türkiye’de Kamu
Hizmeti Değerleri”(“Public Service Values in Turkey”) 27th International
Congress of Administrative Sciences, “Global Competitiveness & Public
Administration Implications for Education & Training , Abu Dhabi –UAE
9-14 July 2007
•• Persons, Georgia A. (1987), “Regulatıng in the Publıc Interest: Problems
of Defınıng and Implementıng Telephone Lıfelıne Servıce”, Review of
Policy Research, 7, 1: 43-60
•• Radikal (2008), “Akdeniz Çanağı’nda İnovasyonda Gelecek Vaat Eden
Birinci Ülke Türkiye”, 22 Temmuz
•• Rajkumar, Andrew Sunil ve Vinaya Swaroop (2008), “Public Spending and
Outcomes: Does Governance Matter*”, Journal of Development Economics,
86, 1, April: 96-111
•• Savaş, Vural F. (1982), Kalkınma Ekonomisi, İstanbul: Ar Yayım (3. B.)
•• Shafritz, Jay M. ve E.W. Russell (2000), Introducing Public Administration,
Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., USA (2nd Ed.)
•• Shapiro, Stuart (2007), “An Evaluation of the Bush Administration Reforms
to the Regulatory Process”, Presidential Studies Quarterly 37, 2: 270-290
•• Sharkey, William W. (1990), Markets or Governments: Choosing Between
Imperfect Alternatives”, Managerial and Decision Economics 11, :3:
207-210, Wolf, C., Jr, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass
•• Sims, R. ve J. Brinkman (2003), “Enron Ethics (Or: Culture Matters More
Than Codes)”, Journal of Business Ethics,45: 243-256
•• Six, Frédérique ve Leo W.J.C. Huberts (2008), “Judging a Public Official’s
Integrity”, in Ethics and Integrity of Governance: Perspectives across Frontiers,
Ed.: Leo W.J.C. Huberts, Jeroen Maesschalck, Carole L. Jurkiewicz , Series
Editor: Wayne Parsons, Edward Elgar Publishing: UK (65-82)
•• Song, Younhyun (2008), “An Exploratory Study of Organizational Uncertainty
in Times of Changing and Transitional Public Administration in
Korea”, International Review of Administrative Sciences, 74, 2, June: 235-249
•• Stevens, B. (1999), “Communicating Ethical Values: A Study of Employee
Perceptions”, Journal of Business Ethics, 20: 113-120
•• Timsit, Gérard (2008), “Braibant Lecture 2007: Reinventing the State – to be
Continued”, International Review of Administrative Sciences, 74, 2, June: 165-175
•• Tortop, Nuri, Eyüp İsbir ve Burhan Aykaç (2005), Yönetim Bilimi, Ankara:
Yargı Yayınevi (Gözden Geçirilmiş ve Genişletilmiş 4. Baskı)
•• Uluslararası İdari Bilimler Enstitüsü (International Institute of Administrative
Sciences) (2008) (
•• Yaylı, Hasan (2008), “Devletin Küçültülmesine Yönelik Politikaların Türk
Kamu Yönetimi Üzerindeki Etkisi”, Verimlilik Dergisi, Ankara, MPM, 2: 87-112
Kamu yönetimini araştırmak, daha verimli bir yönde gelişimi için önemli bir konudur. Tanım sorunları, araştırma boyutları, araştırma yaklaşımı gibi konuları irdeleyen bu çalışma, iç ve dış dengelere de dipnotlarda dikkat çekerek, “ortak iyiyi” bulmada araştırma ipuçlarını saptamayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, kuramsal ve uygulamalı örneklerle, kamu kurumları yönetiminde verimlilik ve ülke kalkınması yönetimine olumlu yansımaları beklenebilir.
•• Abrahamson, Eric, Charles J. Fombrun (1992), “Forging the Iron Cage: Interorganizational
Networks and the Production of Macro-Culture”,
Journal of Management Studies 29,:2: 175-194
•• Aktan, Coşkun Can (2008), “Stratejik Yönetim ve Stratejik Planlama”, Çimento
İşveren, 22, 4, Temmuz: 4-21
•• Altman, J. C. ve D. E. Smith (1992), Estimating the Reliance of Aboriginal
Australians on Welfare: Some Policy Implications, Discussion Paper
19/1992, Australian National University Centre for Aborigianl Economic
Policy Research
•• Aron; Janine (2000), “Growth and Institutions: A Review of the Evidence”,
World Bank Research Observer, 15, 1: 99-135
•• Benz, Matthias and Alois Stutzer (2004), “Are Voters Beter Informed
When They Have a Larger Say in Politics?”, Public Choice, 119: 31-59
•• Berry, William D. (1982), “Theorıes of Regulatory Impact: The Roles of
the Regulator, the Regulated, and the Publıc”, Review of Policy Research,
1, 3: 436-441
•• Bilgin, M. Hüseyin (2005), “Kamu Yönetiminde Yeniden Yapılanma Tartışmaları”,
Perşembe Konferansları 20, Ankara: Rekabet Kurumu, 17 Mart: 29-67
•• Bovens, Mark ve Anchrit Ville (2008), “Deciphering the Dutch Drop: Ten
Explanations for Decreasing Political Trust in The Netherlands”, International
Review of Administrative Sciences, 74, 2, June: 283-305
•• Bradbury, Mark D. ve J. Edward Kellough (2007), “Representative Bureaucracy:
Exploring the Potential for Active Representation in Local Government”,
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, November
•• Bruijn, Hans De (2007), Managing Performance in the Public Sector, London:
Routledge (2nd Ed.)
•• Dardis, Rachel, Janet Garkey, Zhiming Zhang (1989), “Deregulation of
Trucking in the United States ? Implications for Consumers”, Journal of
Consumer Policy, 12:, 1: 19-38
•• Denhardt Janet Robert B. Denhardt (2007), The New Public Service:
Serving, not Steering, New York: M. E. Sharpe (Expanded Ed.)
•• Doster, Barış (2008), “Tarihi ve Bilimsel Gerçekler İnkar Edilemez”, USİ-
AD, 33, Nisan-Mayıs-Haziran: 44-47
•• Ellinas, Antonis ve Ezra Suleiyman (2008), “Reforming the Commission:
Between Modernization and Bureaucratization”, Journal of European
Public Policy, 15, 5, August: 708-725
•• Emery, Yves, Carole Wyser, Noemi Martin ve Joelle Sanchez (2008), “Swiss
Public Servants Perceptions of Performance in a Fast-Changing Environment”,
International Review of Administrative Sciences, 74, 2, June: 307-323
•• Ethics Resource Center (1994), Ethics in American Business Policies, Programs
and Perceptions, Washington, ERC
•• Etzioni, Amitai (1987), “Does Regulation Reduce Electricity Rates? A research
note”, Policy Sciences, 19, 4: 349-357
•• Evans, Tom A. (2005), “The Impact of Representation Per Capita on the
Distribution of Federal Spending and Income Taxes”, Canadian Journal
of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique 38,: 02
•• Fredriksson, Per G., Eric Neumayer, Gergely Ujhelyi (2007), “Kyoto Protocol
Cooperation: Does government corruption facilitate environmental
lobbying?”, Public Choice 133, 1-2: 231-251
•• Gerring, John ve Strom C. Thacker (2005), “Do Neoliberal Policies Deter
Political Corruption?”,. International Organization, 59, 01
•• Güney, Oktay (2008), “Türkiye’nin Önüne Paket Program Konuldu”, USİ-
AD, 33, Nisan-Mayıs-Haziran: 28-31
•• Hahn, Robert W. (1990), “The Political Economy of Environmental Regulation:
Towards a Unifying Framework”, Public Choice, 65, 1: 21-47
•• Hegarty, W. ve H. Sims (1979), “Organizational Philosophy, Politics, and
Objectives Related to Unethical Decision Behavior: A Laboratory Experiment”,
Journal of Applied Psychology,64: 331-338
•• Henry, Nicholas (2007), Public Administration and Public Affairs, New
Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. (10th Ed.)
•• Hürriyet (2008), “Herkesin Çalışmak İstediği Fabrika”, 16 Nisan
•• Johnson, Gail (2002), Research Methods for Public Administrators, West
Port: Quorum Boks
•• Kaldırımcı, Nurettin (2005), “Soru ve Cevaplar: Kamu Yönetiminde Yeniden
Yapılanma Tartışmaları”, Perşembe Konferansları 20, Ankara: Rekabet
Kurumu, 17 Mart: 53-67
•• Kaldırımcı, Nurettin (2004), “Bürokratik Organizasyonlar ve Etkin Yönetim
İlkeleri”, Perşembe Konferansları 19, Ankara: Rekabet Kurumu, Kasım:
•• Kaptein, Muel ve Mark S. Schwartz (2008), “The Effectiveness of Business
Codes: A Critical Ezamination of Existing Studies and the Development
of an Integrated Research Model”, Journal of Business Ethics, 77: 111-127
•• Kaserman, David L, John W. Mayo, Joseph E. Flynn (1990), “Cross-
Subsidization in Telecommunications: Beyond the Universal Service
Fairy Tale”, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 2, 3: 231-249
•• Kearns, Kevin P., “Nominations for the inaugural Johnson Institute Award
for Exemplary Leadership in Public Service by the Johnson Institute for
Responsible Leadership at the Graduate School of Public and Internaitonal
Affairs, University of Pittsburgh”. (http://www.johnsoninstitute-gspia
•• Kimenyi, Mwangi S. (1989), “Interest Groups, Transfer Seeking and Democratization:
Competition for the Benefits of Governmental Power
May Explain African Political Instability”, American Journal of Economics
and Sociology, 48, 3: 339-349
•• Kohn, Melvin L. (1971), “Bureaucratic Man: A Portrait and an Interpretation”,
American Sociological Review, 36, June: 461-474
•• Kongar, Emre (1972), Toplumsal Değişme: Kuramlar – İlkeler, Ankara: Bilgi
•• Krislov, Samuel (1974), Representative Bureaucracy, (New Jersey: Prentice
Hall.) in Representative Bureaucracy: Classic Readings and Continuing
Controversies, Ed.: Julie A. Dolan and David H. Rosenbloom, M.E
Sharpe, 2003.: 23-30
•• Kuditshini, Jacques Tshibwabwa (2008), “Global Governance and Local
Government in the Congo: The Role of the IMF, World Bank, the Multinationals
and the Political Elites”, International Review of Administrative
Sciences, 74, 2, June: 195-216
•• Lewis, Carol (2008), “Ethical Norms in Public Service: A Framework for
Analysis”, in Ethics and Integrity of Governance: Perspectives across Frontiers,
Ed.: Leo W.J.C. Huberts, Jeroen Maesschalck, Carole L. Jurkiewicz , Series
Editor: Wayne Parsons, Edward Elgar Publishing: UK (44-64)
•• McBride, Mark E. (1990), “The Economic Approach to Political Behavior: Governors,
Bureaucrats, and Cost Commissions”, Public Choice, 66, 2: 117-136
•• McKinsey Quarterly (2008a), “Meeting the Challenges of China’S Growing
•• Miller, Gerald J. ve Marcia L. Whicker (Ed.) (1999), Handbook of Research
Methods in Public Administration, Public Administration and Public Policy/
71, New York: Marcel Dekker
•• Minnowbrook III Conferans (2008), (
•• National Academy of Sciences (2000), Summary of a Workshop on Information
Technology Research for Federal Statistics, Washington, D.C.:
National Academies Press
•• Neuman, W. Lawrence (2006), Social Research Methods: Qualitative and
Quantitative Approaches, Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. (6th Ed.)
•• Norris, Donald (2007), Current Issues and Trends in e-Government Research,
Hershey: Cyber Tech Publishing, Idea Group
•• Odyakmaz, Zehra (2008), “Panel Başkanı: Anayasa Taslağına Göre Yargı
Bağımsızlığı, Hakimler ve Savcılar Yüksek Kurulu, Yargıtay, Danıştay”,
Anayasa Taslağı Sempozyumu, TED Mezunları Derneği, 8 Nisan 2008, TOBB
Üniversitesi: Ankara
•• O’Fallon, M. ve K. Butterfield (2005), “A Review of the Emprical Ethical Decision-
Making Literature: 1996-2003”, Journal of Business Ethics, 59: 375-413
•• Olsen, J.-P. (2006), “Maybe It is Time to Rediscover Bureaucracy”, Journal
of Public Administration Research and Theory, 16,1: 1-24
•• O’Sullivan, Elizabethann, Gary R. Rassel ve Maureen Berner (2003), Research
Methods for Public Administrators, New York: Addison Wesley Longman,
Inc. (4th Ed.)
•• Öktem, M. K., Ömürgönülşen, U. ve H.H. Yıldız (2007), “Türkiye’de Kamu
Hizmeti Değerleri”(“Public Service Values in Turkey”) 27th International
Congress of Administrative Sciences, “Global Competitiveness & Public
Administration Implications for Education & Training , Abu Dhabi –UAE
9-14 July 2007
•• Persons, Georgia A. (1987), “Regulatıng in the Publıc Interest: Problems
of Defınıng and Implementıng Telephone Lıfelıne Servıce”, Review of
Policy Research, 7, 1: 43-60
•• Radikal (2008), “Akdeniz Çanağı’nda İnovasyonda Gelecek Vaat Eden
Birinci Ülke Türkiye”, 22 Temmuz
•• Rajkumar, Andrew Sunil ve Vinaya Swaroop (2008), “Public Spending and
Outcomes: Does Governance Matter*”, Journal of Development Economics,
86, 1, April: 96-111
•• Savaş, Vural F. (1982), Kalkınma Ekonomisi, İstanbul: Ar Yayım (3. B.)
•• Shafritz, Jay M. ve E.W. Russell (2000), Introducing Public Administration,
Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., USA (2nd Ed.)
•• Shapiro, Stuart (2007), “An Evaluation of the Bush Administration Reforms
to the Regulatory Process”, Presidential Studies Quarterly 37, 2: 270-290
•• Sharkey, William W. (1990), Markets or Governments: Choosing Between
Imperfect Alternatives”, Managerial and Decision Economics 11, :3:
207-210, Wolf, C., Jr, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass
•• Sims, R. ve J. Brinkman (2003), “Enron Ethics (Or: Culture Matters More
Than Codes)”, Journal of Business Ethics,45: 243-256
•• Six, Frédérique ve Leo W.J.C. Huberts (2008), “Judging a Public Official’s
Integrity”, in Ethics and Integrity of Governance: Perspectives across Frontiers,
Ed.: Leo W.J.C. Huberts, Jeroen Maesschalck, Carole L. Jurkiewicz , Series
Editor: Wayne Parsons, Edward Elgar Publishing: UK (65-82)
•• Song, Younhyun (2008), “An Exploratory Study of Organizational Uncertainty
in Times of Changing and Transitional Public Administration in
Korea”, International Review of Administrative Sciences, 74, 2, June: 235-249
•• Stevens, B. (1999), “Communicating Ethical Values: A Study of Employee
Perceptions”, Journal of Business Ethics, 20: 113-120
•• Timsit, Gérard (2008), “Braibant Lecture 2007: Reinventing the State – to be
Continued”, International Review of Administrative Sciences, 74, 2, June: 165-175
•• Tortop, Nuri, Eyüp İsbir ve Burhan Aykaç (2005), Yönetim Bilimi, Ankara:
Yargı Yayınevi (Gözden Geçirilmiş ve Genişletilmiş 4. Baskı)
•• Uluslararası İdari Bilimler Enstitüsü (International Institute of Administrative
Sciences) (2008) (
•• Yaylı, Hasan (2008), “Devletin Küçültülmesine Yönelik Politikaların Türk
Kamu Yönetimi Üzerindeki Etkisi”, Verimlilik Dergisi, Ankara, MPM, 2: 87-112