1. Beaver, W. H., Financial Reporting: An Accounting Revolution, Prentice-Hall, 1981.
2. Black, E., K. F. Sellers ve T. S. Manly, “Earnings Management Using Asset Sales: An International Study of Countries Allowing Concurrent”, Journal of Business Finance and Economics, Vol: 25, Iss: 9&10, s. 1287 - 1317, 1998.
3. Burgstahler, D. ve M. Eames, “Management of Earnings and Analysts Forecasts”, Working Paper, University of Washington, 1998.
4. Cahan, S. F., B. M. Cahavis, ve R. G. Elmendorf, “Earnings Management of Chemical Firm in Response to Political Costs From Environmental Legislation”, Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, Vol: 25, Iss: 5&6, s. 701 - 720, 1997.
5. Cahan, S. F., “The Effect of Antitrust Investigations on Discretionary Accruals: A Refined Test of The Political-Cost Hypothesis”, Accounting Review, Vol: 67, No:1, s. 77 - 95, 1992.
6. Christensen, T. E., R. E. Hoyt ve J. S. Paterson, “Ex Ante Incentives for Earnings Management and Informativeness of Earnings”, Journal of Business, Finance & Accounting, Vol: 26, Iss: 7&8, s. 807 - 832, 1999.
7. Christie, A. A. ve J. L. Zimmerman, “Efficient and Opportunistic Choices of Accounting Procedures: Corporate Control Contests”, Accounting Review, Vol: 69, Iss: 4, s. 539 - 567, 1994.
8. Chung, R., M. Firth ve J. Kim, “Institutional Monitoring and Opportunistic Earnings Management”, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol: 8, s. 29 - 48, 2002.
9. DeAngelo, L., “Managerial Competition, Information Costs, And Corporate Governance: The Use Of Accounting Performance Measures In Proxy Contests”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol: 10, s. 3 - 36, 1988.
10. Dechow, P. ve A. P. Sweeney, “Causes and Consequences of Earnings Manipulation: An Analysis of Firms Subject to Enforcement Actions by The SEC”, Contemporary Accounting Research 13, s. 1 - 36, 1996.
11. Dechow, P. M. ve R. G. Sloan, “Executive Incentives and The Horizon Problem: An Empirical Investigation”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol: 14, s. 51 - 89, 1991.
12. DeFond, M. L. ve J. Jiambalvo, “Debt Covenant and The Manipulation of Accruals”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol: 17, s. 145 - 176, 1994.
13. DeFond, M. ve C. Park, “Smoothing Income in Anticipation of Future Earnings”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol: 23, s.115 - 139, 1996.
14. Easterwood, C. M., “Takeovers And Incentives For Earnings Management: An Empirical Analysis”, Journal of Applied Business Research Vol: 14, No:1, s. 29 - 47, 1998.
15. Eckbo, B. E., “Mergers and The Value of The Antitrust Deterrence”, Journal of Finance, Vol: 47 Iss: 3, s. 1005 - 1029, 1992.
16. Eisner, M. A. ve K. J. Meier, “Presidential Control Versus Bureaucratic Power: Explaining The Reagan Revolution in Antitrust”, American Journal of Political Science, Vol: 34, Iss: 1, s. 269 - 287, 1990.
17. Elliot, J. ve W. Shaw, “Write-offs as Accounting Procedures to Manage Perceptions”, Journal of Accounting Research, Vol: 26, s. 91 - 119, 1988.
18. Ericson, M. ve S. W. Wang, “Earnings Management by Acquiring Firms in Stock for Stock Mergers”, Journal of Accounting and Economics 27, s. 149 - 176, 1998.
19. Fudenberg, K. ve J. Tirole, “A Theory of Income and Dividend Smoothing Based on Incumbency Rents”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol: 103, s. 75 - 93, 1996.
20. Gaver, J., K. M. Gaver ve J. R. Austin, “Additional Evidence on Bonus Plans and Income Management”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol: 19, s. 3 - 28, 1995.
21. Golf, J. E. ve C. J. Wright, “The Market for Corporate Control and Its Implications for Accounting Policy Choice”, Advances in Accounting, Vol: 7, s. 3 - 21, 1989.
22. Guidry, F., A. J. Leone ve S. Rock, “Earnings-Based Bonus Plans and Earnings Management by Business - Unit Mangers”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol: 26, s. 113 - 142, 1999.
23. Hall, S. C., ve W. W. Stammerjohan, “Damage Awards and Earnings Management in The Oil Industry”, Accounting Review, Vol: 27, Iss:1, s. 47 - 65, 1997.
24. Han, J. C. Y. ve S. Wang, “Political Cost and Earnings Management of Oil Industry”, Accounting Review, Vol:73, Iss:1, s. 103 - 117, 1998.
26. Healy, P. M., ve J. M. Wahlen, “A Review Of The Earnings Management Literature And Its Implications For Standard Setting”, Accounting Horizons, Vol: 13, Iss: 4, s. 365 - 384, 1999.
27. Healy, P., “The Effect of Bonus Schemes on Accounting Decisions”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol: 7, s. 85 - 107, 1985.
28. Hewitt Associates, Private Survey, Hewitt Associates, Lin-colnshire, IL, 1980.
29. Holthausen, R. W., D. F. Larcker ve G. Richard, “Annual Bonus Schemes and The Manipulation of Earnings”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol: 19, s. 29 - 74, 1995.
30. Key, K. G., “Political Cost Incentives for Earnings Management in The Cable Television Industry”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol: 23, s. 309 - 377, 1997.
31. Kreutzfeldt, R. W. ve W. A. Wallace, “Error Characteristics in Audit Populations: Their Profile and Relationship to Environmental Factors’ Auditing”, Journal of Practice and Theory, Vol: 6, Iss:1, s. 20 - 43, 1986.
32. Liberty, S. ve L. Zimmerman, “Union Contract Negotiations and Accounting Choices”, Accounting Review, Vol: 61, Iss: 4, s. 692 - 712, 1986.
33. Makar, S. D. ve P. Alam, “Earnings Management and Antitrust Investigations: Political Costs Over Business Cycles”, Journal of Business, Finance and Economics, Vol: 25, Iss: 5 & 6, s. 701 - 720, 1998.
34. Merchant, K. ve J. Manzoni, “The Achievability of Budget Targets in Profit Centers: A Field Study”, Accounting Review Vol: 64, Iss: 3, s. 539 - 558, 1989.
35. Morek, R., A. Shleifer ve W. R. Vishny, “Alternative Mechanisms for Corporate Control”, American Economic Review, Vol: 79, s. 842 - 852, 1989.
36. Moses, O., “Income Smoothing and Incentives: An Empirical tests Using Accounting Changes”, Accounting Review, Vol: 62, Iss:3, s. 358 - 377, 1987.
37. Murphy, K. J., ““Performance Standards” in Incentive Cont-racts”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol: 30, s. 245 - 278, 2001.
38. Murphy, K., ve J. Zimmerman, “Financial Performance Surrounding CEO Turnover”, Journal of Accounting and Economics 16, s. 273 - 316, 1993.
39. Özer, G., Muhasebe Kârları ile Hisse Senedi Verimleri Arasındaki İlişkiler: İMKB’de Deneysel Bir Analiz, SPK Yayınları, Yayın No. 31, Ankara 1996.
40. Perry, S. ve T. Williams, “Earnings Management Preceding Management Buyout Offers”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol: 12, s. 157 - 179, 1994.
41. Pourciau, S., “Earnings Management and No routine Executive Changes”, Journal of Accounting ad Economics, Vol: 16, s. 317 - 336, 1993.
42. Schipper, K., “Commentary on Earnings Management”, Accounting Horizons, Vol:3, Iss:4, s. 91 - 102, 1989.
43. Schroeder, R. G. ve M. Clark, Accounting Theory Text And Readings 5th Edition, John Wiley & Sans Inc, Canada 1995.
44. Sibson&Co., Trends and Issues in Rewarding Executive Performance, Sibson & Co. Inc. Princeton, NJ, 1991.
45. Strong, J. ve J. Meyer, “Asset Write downs: Managerial Incentives and Security Returns”, Journal of Finance, Vol: 42, Iss:3, s. 643 - 663, 1987.
46. Sweeney, A. P., “Debt-Covenant Violations and Managers’ Accounting Responses”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol:17, s. 281 - 308, 1994.
47. Teoh, S. H., I. Welch ve T. J. Wong, “Earnings Management and The Long–Run Market Performance of Initial Public Offerings”, Journal of Financial Economics, Vol:53, Iss:6, s. 1935 - 1375, March 1998b.
48. Teoh, T. J., I. Welch ve G. Rao, “Are Accruals During Initial Public Offerings Opportunistic”, Review Accounting Studies, 3, s. 175 - 208, 1998.
49. Teoh, T. J., I. Welch ve T. J. Wong, “Earnings Management and The Post-Issue Performance of Seasoned Equity Offerings”, Journal of Financial Economics, Vol: 50 Iss:1, s. 63–99, January 1998a.
50. Trueman, B. ve S. Titman, “The Pricing of Discretionary Accruals”, Journal of Accounting Research, Vol: 26, s. 127 -139, 1988.
51. Vancil, R. F., Passing The Baton: Managing The Process of CEO Succession, Harvard Business Scholl Press, Boston, MA, 1987.
52. Warner, J., R. Watts ve K. Wruck, “Stock Prices and Top Ma-nagement Changes”, Journal of Financial Economics, Vol: 20, s. 461 - 492, 1988.
53. Watts, R. L., “Positive Research in Accounting”, Working Paper, University of Rochester, 1994.
54. Weisbach, M., “Outside Directors and CEO Turnover”, Journal of Financial Economics, s. 431 - 460, January 1988.
55. Yandle, B., “Antitrust Actions and The Budgeting Process”, Public Choice, Vol: 59 No:3, s. 263 - 275, 1988.
1. Beaver, W. H., Financial Reporting: An Accounting Revolution, Prentice-Hall, 1981.
2. Black, E., K. F. Sellers ve T. S. Manly, “Earnings Management Using Asset Sales: An International Study of Countries Allowing Concurrent”, Journal of Business Finance and Economics, Vol: 25, Iss: 9&10, s. 1287 - 1317, 1998.
3. Burgstahler, D. ve M. Eames, “Management of Earnings and Analysts Forecasts”, Working Paper, University of Washington, 1998.
4. Cahan, S. F., B. M. Cahavis, ve R. G. Elmendorf, “Earnings Management of Chemical Firm in Response to Political Costs From Environmental Legislation”, Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, Vol: 25, Iss: 5&6, s. 701 - 720, 1997.
5. Cahan, S. F., “The Effect of Antitrust Investigations on Discretionary Accruals: A Refined Test of The Political-Cost Hypothesis”, Accounting Review, Vol: 67, No:1, s. 77 - 95, 1992.
6. Christensen, T. E., R. E. Hoyt ve J. S. Paterson, “Ex Ante Incentives for Earnings Management and Informativeness of Earnings”, Journal of Business, Finance & Accounting, Vol: 26, Iss: 7&8, s. 807 - 832, 1999.
7. Christie, A. A. ve J. L. Zimmerman, “Efficient and Opportunistic Choices of Accounting Procedures: Corporate Control Contests”, Accounting Review, Vol: 69, Iss: 4, s. 539 - 567, 1994.
8. Chung, R., M. Firth ve J. Kim, “Institutional Monitoring and Opportunistic Earnings Management”, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol: 8, s. 29 - 48, 2002.
9. DeAngelo, L., “Managerial Competition, Information Costs, And Corporate Governance: The Use Of Accounting Performance Measures In Proxy Contests”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol: 10, s. 3 - 36, 1988.
10. Dechow, P. ve A. P. Sweeney, “Causes and Consequences of Earnings Manipulation: An Analysis of Firms Subject to Enforcement Actions by The SEC”, Contemporary Accounting Research 13, s. 1 - 36, 1996.
11. Dechow, P. M. ve R. G. Sloan, “Executive Incentives and The Horizon Problem: An Empirical Investigation”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol: 14, s. 51 - 89, 1991.
12. DeFond, M. L. ve J. Jiambalvo, “Debt Covenant and The Manipulation of Accruals”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol: 17, s. 145 - 176, 1994.
13. DeFond, M. ve C. Park, “Smoothing Income in Anticipation of Future Earnings”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol: 23, s.115 - 139, 1996.
14. Easterwood, C. M., “Takeovers And Incentives For Earnings Management: An Empirical Analysis”, Journal of Applied Business Research Vol: 14, No:1, s. 29 - 47, 1998.
15. Eckbo, B. E., “Mergers and The Value of The Antitrust Deterrence”, Journal of Finance, Vol: 47 Iss: 3, s. 1005 - 1029, 1992.
16. Eisner, M. A. ve K. J. Meier, “Presidential Control Versus Bureaucratic Power: Explaining The Reagan Revolution in Antitrust”, American Journal of Political Science, Vol: 34, Iss: 1, s. 269 - 287, 1990.
17. Elliot, J. ve W. Shaw, “Write-offs as Accounting Procedures to Manage Perceptions”, Journal of Accounting Research, Vol: 26, s. 91 - 119, 1988.
18. Ericson, M. ve S. W. Wang, “Earnings Management by Acquiring Firms in Stock for Stock Mergers”, Journal of Accounting and Economics 27, s. 149 - 176, 1998.
19. Fudenberg, K. ve J. Tirole, “A Theory of Income and Dividend Smoothing Based on Incumbency Rents”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol: 103, s. 75 - 93, 1996.
20. Gaver, J., K. M. Gaver ve J. R. Austin, “Additional Evidence on Bonus Plans and Income Management”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol: 19, s. 3 - 28, 1995.
21. Golf, J. E. ve C. J. Wright, “The Market for Corporate Control and Its Implications for Accounting Policy Choice”, Advances in Accounting, Vol: 7, s. 3 - 21, 1989.
22. Guidry, F., A. J. Leone ve S. Rock, “Earnings-Based Bonus Plans and Earnings Management by Business - Unit Mangers”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol: 26, s. 113 - 142, 1999.
23. Hall, S. C., ve W. W. Stammerjohan, “Damage Awards and Earnings Management in The Oil Industry”, Accounting Review, Vol: 27, Iss:1, s. 47 - 65, 1997.
24. Han, J. C. Y. ve S. Wang, “Political Cost and Earnings Management of Oil Industry”, Accounting Review, Vol:73, Iss:1, s. 103 - 117, 1998.
26. Healy, P. M., ve J. M. Wahlen, “A Review Of The Earnings Management Literature And Its Implications For Standard Setting”, Accounting Horizons, Vol: 13, Iss: 4, s. 365 - 384, 1999.
27. Healy, P., “The Effect of Bonus Schemes on Accounting Decisions”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol: 7, s. 85 - 107, 1985.
28. Hewitt Associates, Private Survey, Hewitt Associates, Lin-colnshire, IL, 1980.
29. Holthausen, R. W., D. F. Larcker ve G. Richard, “Annual Bonus Schemes and The Manipulation of Earnings”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol: 19, s. 29 - 74, 1995.
30. Key, K. G., “Political Cost Incentives for Earnings Management in The Cable Television Industry”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol: 23, s. 309 - 377, 1997.
31. Kreutzfeldt, R. W. ve W. A. Wallace, “Error Characteristics in Audit Populations: Their Profile and Relationship to Environmental Factors’ Auditing”, Journal of Practice and Theory, Vol: 6, Iss:1, s. 20 - 43, 1986.
32. Liberty, S. ve L. Zimmerman, “Union Contract Negotiations and Accounting Choices”, Accounting Review, Vol: 61, Iss: 4, s. 692 - 712, 1986.
33. Makar, S. D. ve P. Alam, “Earnings Management and Antitrust Investigations: Political Costs Over Business Cycles”, Journal of Business, Finance and Economics, Vol: 25, Iss: 5 & 6, s. 701 - 720, 1998.
34. Merchant, K. ve J. Manzoni, “The Achievability of Budget Targets in Profit Centers: A Field Study”, Accounting Review Vol: 64, Iss: 3, s. 539 - 558, 1989.
35. Morek, R., A. Shleifer ve W. R. Vishny, “Alternative Mechanisms for Corporate Control”, American Economic Review, Vol: 79, s. 842 - 852, 1989.
36. Moses, O., “Income Smoothing and Incentives: An Empirical tests Using Accounting Changes”, Accounting Review, Vol: 62, Iss:3, s. 358 - 377, 1987.
37. Murphy, K. J., ““Performance Standards” in Incentive Cont-racts”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol: 30, s. 245 - 278, 2001.
38. Murphy, K., ve J. Zimmerman, “Financial Performance Surrounding CEO Turnover”, Journal of Accounting and Economics 16, s. 273 - 316, 1993.
39. Özer, G., Muhasebe Kârları ile Hisse Senedi Verimleri Arasındaki İlişkiler: İMKB’de Deneysel Bir Analiz, SPK Yayınları, Yayın No. 31, Ankara 1996.
40. Perry, S. ve T. Williams, “Earnings Management Preceding Management Buyout Offers”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol: 12, s. 157 - 179, 1994.
41. Pourciau, S., “Earnings Management and No routine Executive Changes”, Journal of Accounting ad Economics, Vol: 16, s. 317 - 336, 1993.
42. Schipper, K., “Commentary on Earnings Management”, Accounting Horizons, Vol:3, Iss:4, s. 91 - 102, 1989.
43. Schroeder, R. G. ve M. Clark, Accounting Theory Text And Readings 5th Edition, John Wiley & Sans Inc, Canada 1995.
44. Sibson&Co., Trends and Issues in Rewarding Executive Performance, Sibson & Co. Inc. Princeton, NJ, 1991.
45. Strong, J. ve J. Meyer, “Asset Write downs: Managerial Incentives and Security Returns”, Journal of Finance, Vol: 42, Iss:3, s. 643 - 663, 1987.
46. Sweeney, A. P., “Debt-Covenant Violations and Managers’ Accounting Responses”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol:17, s. 281 - 308, 1994.
47. Teoh, S. H., I. Welch ve T. J. Wong, “Earnings Management and The Long–Run Market Performance of Initial Public Offerings”, Journal of Financial Economics, Vol:53, Iss:6, s. 1935 - 1375, March 1998b.
48. Teoh, T. J., I. Welch ve G. Rao, “Are Accruals During Initial Public Offerings Opportunistic”, Review Accounting Studies, 3, s. 175 - 208, 1998.
49. Teoh, T. J., I. Welch ve T. J. Wong, “Earnings Management and The Post-Issue Performance of Seasoned Equity Offerings”, Journal of Financial Economics, Vol: 50 Iss:1, s. 63–99, January 1998a.
50. Trueman, B. ve S. Titman, “The Pricing of Discretionary Accruals”, Journal of Accounting Research, Vol: 26, s. 127 -139, 1988.
51. Vancil, R. F., Passing The Baton: Managing The Process of CEO Succession, Harvard Business Scholl Press, Boston, MA, 1987.
52. Warner, J., R. Watts ve K. Wruck, “Stock Prices and Top Ma-nagement Changes”, Journal of Financial Economics, Vol: 20, s. 461 - 492, 1988.
53. Watts, R. L., “Positive Research in Accounting”, Working Paper, University of Rochester, 1994.
54. Weisbach, M., “Outside Directors and CEO Turnover”, Journal of Financial Economics, s. 431 - 460, January 1988.
55. Yandle, B., “Antitrust Actions and The Budgeting Process”, Public Choice, Vol: 59 No:3, s. 263 - 275, 1988.