ARSLAN M.; İş ve Meslek Ahlakı, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, 1.basım, Ankara, Ekim 2001.
BEATTIE Bridget; “Whistle Blowing”; New Zealand Management, vol.47,Iss.4, p.60 Auckland, May 2000.
BRODY Richard G., John M. Coulter, Paul H. Mihalek; “Whistle-Blowing: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Ethical Perceptions of U.S. and Japanese Accounting Students”; American Business Review, p.14-21, June 1998.
COUNTEMANCHE Gill; “The Ethics of Whistle Blowing”, The Internal Auditor, , 45, 1, 36, Feb. 1988.
DOZIER Janelle Brinker, Marcia P. Miceli; “Potential Predictors of Whistle Blowing: A Prosocial Behavior Perspective”; Academy of Management Review, vol.10, No.4, p.823-836, Oct. 1985.
HOFSTEDE Geert, “The Cultural Relativity of Organizational Practices and Theories”, Journal of International Business Studies, p.75-89, Fall 1983.
HOFSTEDE Geert, The Interaction Between National and Organizational Value Systems, Journal of Management Studies, 22:4, July 1985.
HOFSTEDE Geert, Cultures and Organizations – Software of the Mind – Intercultural Cooperation and its Importance for Survival, McGraw-Hill Book Company, London, 1991.
JUBB Peter B., “Whistleblowing: A Restrictive Definition and Interpretation”, Journal of Business Ethics, ,21,1,p.77-94, Aug 1999.
KAPLAN Bruce, Brian H. Kleiner, “New Developments Concerning Discrimination for Whistle Blowing”, Equal Opportunities International, vol.19, Iss.6/7,p.75-77 Patrington, 2000.
TAVAKOLIAN Hamid, “The Perils of Whistle Blowing”, Management Research News, vol.16, Iss.8, p.1-5, Patrington, 1993.
The CPA Journal, “Whistle Blowing: Positive or Negative”, vol.63, Iss.3,p.6, New York, March 1993.
VANDEKERCKHOVE Wim, M.S. Ronald Commers, “Rethinking ‘Loyalty’, ‘Integrity’ And Whistle Blowing Within The Organizational Discourse”, 1. Türkiye Uluslararası İş ve Meslek Ahlakı Kongresi, 17-19 Eylül 2003, kongre kitabı syf.225-231, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İşletmecilik Meslek Etiği Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi.
VINTEN Gerald, “Whistle Blowing: Corporate Help or Hindrance?”, Management Decision, vol.30,Iss.1, p.44-48, London, 1992.
ARSLAN M.; İş ve Meslek Ahlakı, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, 1.basım, Ankara, Ekim 2001.
BEATTIE Bridget; “Whistle Blowing”; New Zealand Management, vol.47,Iss.4, p.60 Auckland, May 2000.
BRODY Richard G., John M. Coulter, Paul H. Mihalek; “Whistle-Blowing: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Ethical Perceptions of U.S. and Japanese Accounting Students”; American Business Review, p.14-21, June 1998.
COUNTEMANCHE Gill; “The Ethics of Whistle Blowing”, The Internal Auditor, , 45, 1, 36, Feb. 1988.
DOZIER Janelle Brinker, Marcia P. Miceli; “Potential Predictors of Whistle Blowing: A Prosocial Behavior Perspective”; Academy of Management Review, vol.10, No.4, p.823-836, Oct. 1985.
HOFSTEDE Geert, “The Cultural Relativity of Organizational Practices and Theories”, Journal of International Business Studies, p.75-89, Fall 1983.
HOFSTEDE Geert, The Interaction Between National and Organizational Value Systems, Journal of Management Studies, 22:4, July 1985.
HOFSTEDE Geert, Cultures and Organizations – Software of the Mind – Intercultural Cooperation and its Importance for Survival, McGraw-Hill Book Company, London, 1991.
JUBB Peter B., “Whistleblowing: A Restrictive Definition and Interpretation”, Journal of Business Ethics, ,21,1,p.77-94, Aug 1999.
KAPLAN Bruce, Brian H. Kleiner, “New Developments Concerning Discrimination for Whistle Blowing”, Equal Opportunities International, vol.19, Iss.6/7,p.75-77 Patrington, 2000.
TAVAKOLIAN Hamid, “The Perils of Whistle Blowing”, Management Research News, vol.16, Iss.8, p.1-5, Patrington, 1993.
The CPA Journal, “Whistle Blowing: Positive or Negative”, vol.63, Iss.3,p.6, New York, March 1993.
VANDEKERCKHOVE Wim, M.S. Ronald Commers, “Rethinking ‘Loyalty’, ‘Integrity’ And Whistle Blowing Within The Organizational Discourse”, 1. Türkiye Uluslararası İş ve Meslek Ahlakı Kongresi, 17-19 Eylül 2003, kongre kitabı syf.225-231, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İşletmecilik Meslek Etiği Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi.
VINTEN Gerald, “Whistle Blowing: Corporate Help or Hindrance?”, Management Decision, vol.30,Iss.1, p.44-48, London, 1992.