Research Article
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Year 2020, Issue: 2, 45 - 72, 18.03.2020


Being able to carry out transport activities in terms of efficiency and high performance is very important for international transport companies. At the same time, businesses focus on sustainability of their efficiency and effectiveness. There are a number of strategic decisions that decision-makers need to take for improving the productivity levels of enterprises in an international transport operation. One of these decisions is related to route selection. The choice of the appropriate route not only structurally shapes the transport operation, but also largely determines the efficiency and effectiveness of the operation. This study aims to evaluate the route alternatives used in transports to European countries using a hybrid multi-criteria decision-making methodology that integrates Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Grey Relational analysis (GRA). In order to obtain more realistic and feasible results, a panel of experts consisting of seven members was formed. The decision points, selection criteria and decision-makers to answer binary comparison questions were determined in the meetings held with the members of the experts committee.


  • • BO, L., QIAO, H., ZHAO, Y., YANG, X., HUA, G. ve ZHANG, X., (2018), Economic evaluation on container shipping route selection, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology & Management, 32, (2): 85-101.
  • • CARR ve WOOSEUNG, J., (2009), Hub arc selection for freight consolidation, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2009, IEEM 2009: 1961-1963.
  • • FARKAS, A., (2009), Route/site selection of urban transportation facilities: An ıntegrated gıs/mcdm approach, MEB 2009–7th International Conference on Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking, June 5‐6.
  • • GUZE, NEUMANN, T. ve WILCZYŃSKI, P., (2017), Multi-criteria optimization of liquid cargo transport according to linguistic approach to the route selection task, Polish Maritime Research, (24): 89-96.
  • • HAO, Z., GONG, Y. ve ZHANG, Y., (2007), Route selection research of air freight transportation for multi-customers based on the improved genetic algorithm, Journal of Transportation Engineering and Information, 5, (1): 71-76.
  • • HUNTLEY, C. L., BROWN, D. E., SAPPINGTON, D. E. ve MARKOWICZ, B. P., (1995), Freight routing and scheduling at csx transportation, The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, 25, (3): 58-71.
  • • KAEWFAK, K. ve AMMARAPALA, V., (2018), The decision making of freight route in multimodal transportation, Suranaree Journal of Science & Technology, 25, (1): 1-10.
  • • KE, X. ve CHEN, J., (2014), Research on the most optimal emergent logistics transportation based on grey theory, Logistics Engineering and Management, (7): 182-184.
  • • KENGPOL, A., TUAMMEE ve TUOMINEN, M., (2014), The development of a framework for route selection in multimodal transportation, International Journal of Logistics Management, 25, (3): 581-610.
  • • KENGPOL, A., TUAMMEE ve TUOMINEN, M., (2014), The development of a framework for route selection in multimodal transportation, International Journal of Logistics Management, 25, (3): 581-610.
  • • KORPELA, J. ve LEHMUSVAARA, A., (1999), A customer oriented approach to warehouse network evaluation and design, International Journal of Production Economics, 59, (1-3): 135-146.
  • • KORPELA, J., KYLAHEIKO, K., LEHMUSVAARA, A. ve TUOMINEN, M., (2001), The effect of ecological factors on distribution network evaluation, International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, 4 , (2): 257-269. • KORPELA, J., KYLAHEIKO, K., LEHMUSVAARA, A. ve TUOMINEN, M., (2002), An analytic approach to production capacity allocation and supply chain design, International Journal of Production Economics, 78, (2): 187-195.
  • • KORPELA, J., LEHMUSVAARA, A. ve TUOMINEN, M., (2001), Customer service based design of the supply chain, International Journal of Production Economics, 69, (2): 193-204.
  • • KUO, A., ELISE, M. H. ve MAHMASSANI, H. S., (2010), Freight train scheduling with elastic demand, Transportation Research Part E, 46, (6): 1057-1070.
  • • KUO, C., (2015), A routes selection model for perishable commodities across the taiwan straits, Doktora Tezi, National Chiao Tung University.
  • • KUO, R. J., CHI, C. ve KAO, S., (2002), A decision support system for selecting convenience store location through integration of fuzzy AHP and artificial neural network, Computers in Industry, 47, (2): 199-214.
  • • LIN, Y., YEH, C., (2010), Optimal carrier selection based on network reliability criterion for stochastic logistics networks in supply chain forecasting systems, International Journal of Production Economics, 128, (2): 510-517.
  • • MENG, L., ZHENGHUA, H., CHANGQING, H., ZHANG, W. ve JIA, T., (2015), Optimized route selection method based on the turns of road intersections: A case study on oversized cargo transportation, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 4, (4): 2428-2445.
  • • MICHELL, M. ve GU, K., (2004), A holistic approach to route selection based on whole life costs, new horizons for rail, Darwin, N.T. Railway Technical Society of Australasia, 2004: 32.1-32.6; Darwin, N. T: Railway Technical Society of Australasia.
  • • PANG, G. K. H., TAKAHASHI, K., YOKOTA, T. ve TAKENAGA, H., (2002), Intelligent route selection for in-vehicle navigation systems, Transportation Planning & Technology, 25, (3): 175-213.
  • • PETERSON, F. ve BRUCE, E., (2000), Intermodal and international freight network modeling southworth, Transportation Research Part C, 8, (1): 147-166.
  • • PETRAŠKA, A. ve PALŠAITIS, R., (2012), Evaluation criteria and a route selection system for transportating oversize and heavyweight cargoes, Transport, 27, (3): 327-334.
  • • PETRAŠKA, A., ČIŽIŪNIENĖ, K., JARAŠŪNIENĖ, A., MARUSCHAK, P. ve PRENTKOVSKIS, O., (2017), Algorithm for the assessment of heavyweight and oversize cargo transportation routes, Journal of Business Economics & Management, 18, (6): 1098-1114.
  • • PETRAŠKA, A., ČIŽIŪNIENĖ, K., PRENTKOVSKIS, O. ve JARAŠŪNIENĖ, A., (2018), Methodology of selection of heavy and oversized freight transportation system, Transport and Telecommunication, 19, (1): 45-58.
  • • PHAM, T. Y. ve YEO, G. T., (2018), A comparative analysis selecting the transport routes of electronics components from china to vietnam, Sustainability, 10, (7): 24-44.
  • • QU, L. ve CHEN, Y., (2008), A hybrid mcdm method for route selection of multimodal transportation network, In: Sun F., Zhang J., Tan Y., Cao J., Yu W. (eds) Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5263, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • • RANDOLPH, W., (1991), Route selection on freight networks with weight and volume constraints, Transportation Research, 25, (4): 175.
  • • ROYO, J. A., EMILIO B. L. ve ALBERTO F., (2014), A decision support system for a long-distance routing problem based on the ant colony optimization metaheuristic Sicilia, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, (111): 1035-1044.
  • • SAATY, T. L., (1986), Axiomatic foundation of the analytic hierarchy process, Management Science, (32): 841-855.
  • • STOILOVA ve KUNCHEV, L., (2016), Application of the graph theory, AHP method and cost benefits analysis for route selection of a road train, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, 22, (1A-II): 1041-1056.
  • • TYAGI, R. ve DAS, C., (1997), A methodology for cost versus service trade-offs in wholesale location - distribution using mathematical programming and analytic hierarchy process, Journal of Business Logistics, 18, (2): 77-99.
  • • WANG, Q., LANG, M., PENG, Y. ve ZHANG, X., (2010), Research on freight transport route and mode selection based on tabu search algorithm, Logistics Technology, 29, (6): 256-258.
  • • WANG, Y., YEO, G. T., (2018), Intermodal route selection for cargo transportation from korea to central asia by adopting fuzzy delphi and fuzzy electre in methods, maritime policy & Management, (45): 1, 3-18.
  • • YU, S., ZHAI, R., LI, X. ve YANG W., (2005), Optimal route selection for express freight transportation system based on grey theory, Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 5, (3): 46-50.
  • • YU, ZHAI, R., LI, X. ve YANG, W., (2005), Optimal route selection for express freight transportation system based on grey theory, Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 5, (3): 46-50.
  • • ZHOU, X., CHEN, X. ve SHAO, L., (2017), Study on the optimization of collection and distribution system of freight hub ports: Illustrated by the case of shanghai international shipping center, China, Transportation Research Procedia, (25): 1126-1136.


Year 2020, Issue: 2, 45 - 72, 18.03.2020


Verimlilik, etkinlik ve yüksek performans perspektifinde taşımacılık faaliyetlerini yürütebilmek, uluslararası taşımacılık firmaları için son derece önemlidir. Aynı zamanda işletmeler verimliliklerinin ve etkinliklerinin sürdürülebilir olmasına odaklanmaktadırlar. Bu kapsamda, bir uluslararası taşımacılık operasyonunda işletmelerin rekabet edebilirlik düzeylerini korumak ve geliştirmek için karar vericilerin almaları gereken çok sayıda stratejik karar bulunmaktadır. Bu kararlardan biri de güzergâh seçimi ile ilgilidir. Uygun güzergâhın seçimi taşıma operasyonunu yapısal olarak biçimlendirmenin yanı sıra, operasyonun verimliliğini ve etkinliğini büyük ölçüde belirlemektedir. Bu çalışma; Avrupa ülkelerine yapılan taşımalarda kullanılan güzergâh alternatiflerini Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi (AHP) ve Gri İlişkisel Analiz (GİA) yöntemlerinin entegre edildiği hibrid bir Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Metodolojisi kullanarak değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada daha gerçekçi ve uygulanabilir sonuçların elde edilebilmesi için yedi kişiden oluşan bir uzmanlar kurulu oluşturulmuş, uzmanlar kurulu üyeleri ile yapılan toplantılarda karar noktaları, seçim kriterleri ile birlikte, hazırlanacak ikili karşılaştırma sorularının yöneltileceği karar alıcılar da belirlenmiştir. 


  • • BO, L., QIAO, H., ZHAO, Y., YANG, X., HUA, G. ve ZHANG, X., (2018), Economic evaluation on container shipping route selection, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology & Management, 32, (2): 85-101.
  • • CARR ve WOOSEUNG, J., (2009), Hub arc selection for freight consolidation, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 2009, IEEM 2009: 1961-1963.
  • • FARKAS, A., (2009), Route/site selection of urban transportation facilities: An ıntegrated gıs/mcdm approach, MEB 2009–7th International Conference on Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking, June 5‐6.
  • • GUZE, NEUMANN, T. ve WILCZYŃSKI, P., (2017), Multi-criteria optimization of liquid cargo transport according to linguistic approach to the route selection task, Polish Maritime Research, (24): 89-96.
  • • HAO, Z., GONG, Y. ve ZHANG, Y., (2007), Route selection research of air freight transportation for multi-customers based on the improved genetic algorithm, Journal of Transportation Engineering and Information, 5, (1): 71-76.
  • • HUNTLEY, C. L., BROWN, D. E., SAPPINGTON, D. E. ve MARKOWICZ, B. P., (1995), Freight routing and scheduling at csx transportation, The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, 25, (3): 58-71.
  • • KAEWFAK, K. ve AMMARAPALA, V., (2018), The decision making of freight route in multimodal transportation, Suranaree Journal of Science & Technology, 25, (1): 1-10.
  • • KE, X. ve CHEN, J., (2014), Research on the most optimal emergent logistics transportation based on grey theory, Logistics Engineering and Management, (7): 182-184.
  • • KENGPOL, A., TUAMMEE ve TUOMINEN, M., (2014), The development of a framework for route selection in multimodal transportation, International Journal of Logistics Management, 25, (3): 581-610.
  • • KENGPOL, A., TUAMMEE ve TUOMINEN, M., (2014), The development of a framework for route selection in multimodal transportation, International Journal of Logistics Management, 25, (3): 581-610.
  • • KORPELA, J. ve LEHMUSVAARA, A., (1999), A customer oriented approach to warehouse network evaluation and design, International Journal of Production Economics, 59, (1-3): 135-146.
  • • KORPELA, J., KYLAHEIKO, K., LEHMUSVAARA, A. ve TUOMINEN, M., (2001), The effect of ecological factors on distribution network evaluation, International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, 4 , (2): 257-269. • KORPELA, J., KYLAHEIKO, K., LEHMUSVAARA, A. ve TUOMINEN, M., (2002), An analytic approach to production capacity allocation and supply chain design, International Journal of Production Economics, 78, (2): 187-195.
  • • KORPELA, J., LEHMUSVAARA, A. ve TUOMINEN, M., (2001), Customer service based design of the supply chain, International Journal of Production Economics, 69, (2): 193-204.
  • • KUO, A., ELISE, M. H. ve MAHMASSANI, H. S., (2010), Freight train scheduling with elastic demand, Transportation Research Part E, 46, (6): 1057-1070.
  • • KUO, C., (2015), A routes selection model for perishable commodities across the taiwan straits, Doktora Tezi, National Chiao Tung University.
  • • KUO, R. J., CHI, C. ve KAO, S., (2002), A decision support system for selecting convenience store location through integration of fuzzy AHP and artificial neural network, Computers in Industry, 47, (2): 199-214.
  • • LIN, Y., YEH, C., (2010), Optimal carrier selection based on network reliability criterion for stochastic logistics networks in supply chain forecasting systems, International Journal of Production Economics, 128, (2): 510-517.
  • • MENG, L., ZHENGHUA, H., CHANGQING, H., ZHANG, W. ve JIA, T., (2015), Optimized route selection method based on the turns of road intersections: A case study on oversized cargo transportation, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 4, (4): 2428-2445.
  • • MICHELL, M. ve GU, K., (2004), A holistic approach to route selection based on whole life costs, new horizons for rail, Darwin, N.T. Railway Technical Society of Australasia, 2004: 32.1-32.6; Darwin, N. T: Railway Technical Society of Australasia.
  • • PANG, G. K. H., TAKAHASHI, K., YOKOTA, T. ve TAKENAGA, H., (2002), Intelligent route selection for in-vehicle navigation systems, Transportation Planning & Technology, 25, (3): 175-213.
  • • PETERSON, F. ve BRUCE, E., (2000), Intermodal and international freight network modeling southworth, Transportation Research Part C, 8, (1): 147-166.
  • • PETRAŠKA, A. ve PALŠAITIS, R., (2012), Evaluation criteria and a route selection system for transportating oversize and heavyweight cargoes, Transport, 27, (3): 327-334.
  • • PETRAŠKA, A., ČIŽIŪNIENĖ, K., JARAŠŪNIENĖ, A., MARUSCHAK, P. ve PRENTKOVSKIS, O., (2017), Algorithm for the assessment of heavyweight and oversize cargo transportation routes, Journal of Business Economics & Management, 18, (6): 1098-1114.
  • • PETRAŠKA, A., ČIŽIŪNIENĖ, K., PRENTKOVSKIS, O. ve JARAŠŪNIENĖ, A., (2018), Methodology of selection of heavy and oversized freight transportation system, Transport and Telecommunication, 19, (1): 45-58.
  • • PHAM, T. Y. ve YEO, G. T., (2018), A comparative analysis selecting the transport routes of electronics components from china to vietnam, Sustainability, 10, (7): 24-44.
  • • QU, L. ve CHEN, Y., (2008), A hybrid mcdm method for route selection of multimodal transportation network, In: Sun F., Zhang J., Tan Y., Cao J., Yu W. (eds) Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5263, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • • RANDOLPH, W., (1991), Route selection on freight networks with weight and volume constraints, Transportation Research, 25, (4): 175.
  • • ROYO, J. A., EMILIO B. L. ve ALBERTO F., (2014), A decision support system for a long-distance routing problem based on the ant colony optimization metaheuristic Sicilia, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, (111): 1035-1044.
  • • SAATY, T. L., (1986), Axiomatic foundation of the analytic hierarchy process, Management Science, (32): 841-855.
  • • STOILOVA ve KUNCHEV, L., (2016), Application of the graph theory, AHP method and cost benefits analysis for route selection of a road train, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, 22, (1A-II): 1041-1056.
  • • TYAGI, R. ve DAS, C., (1997), A methodology for cost versus service trade-offs in wholesale location - distribution using mathematical programming and analytic hierarchy process, Journal of Business Logistics, 18, (2): 77-99.
  • • WANG, Q., LANG, M., PENG, Y. ve ZHANG, X., (2010), Research on freight transport route and mode selection based on tabu search algorithm, Logistics Technology, 29, (6): 256-258.
  • • WANG, Y., YEO, G. T., (2018), Intermodal route selection for cargo transportation from korea to central asia by adopting fuzzy delphi and fuzzy electre in methods, maritime policy & Management, (45): 1, 3-18.
  • • YU, S., ZHAI, R., LI, X. ve YANG W., (2005), Optimal route selection for express freight transportation system based on grey theory, Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 5, (3): 46-50.
  • • YU, ZHAI, R., LI, X. ve YANG, W., (2005), Optimal route selection for express freight transportation system based on grey theory, Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 5, (3): 46-50.
  • • ZHOU, X., CHEN, X. ve SHAO, L., (2017), Study on the optimization of collection and distribution system of freight hub ports: Illustrated by the case of shanghai international shipping center, China, Transportation Research Procedia, (25): 1126-1136.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ömer Faruk Görçün 0000-0003-3850-6755

Publication Date March 18, 2020
Submission Date November 20, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2020 Issue: 2



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