Kamu Hastanelerinde Tedarik Sürecinin İncelenmesi: Nitel Bir Çalışma
Year 2025,
Volume: 59 Issue: 1, 101 - 114, 22.01.2025
Ugur Ugrak
Şafak Çınar
Fırat Seyhan
Demet Kavak
Amaç: Bu nitel çalışmanın amacı kamu hastanelerindeki sağlık tedarik sürecini çok boyutlu olarak incelemek ve bu süreçteki zayıf ve güçlü yönleri ortaya çıkarmaktır.
Yöntem: Bu nitel çalışma, kamu hastanelerindeki sağlık tedarik süreçlerine ilişkin yeterli bilgi ve deneyime sahip paydaşlar arasında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu araştırma kapsamında amaçlı ve kartopu örnekleme yöntemleri kullanılarak belirlenen 14 katılımcıyla yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veriler tümevarımsal yorumlayıcı fenomenoloji yaklaşımıyla tematik kodlama yöntemi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sürecinde Nvivo 2020 yazılımı kullanılmıştır.
Bulgular: Türkiye'de mevcut mevzuatın çeşitli tedarik yöntemlerine izin verdiği görülmüştür. Açık ihale yönteminin ölçek ekonomisi açısından en iyi maliyet avantajına sahip yöntem olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ancak bu yöntem malzeme kalitesinin düşmesine neden olabilmektedir. Bu nedenle, iyi tasarlanmış teknik şartname ve nitelikli insan kaynağının kullanımı tedarik sürecinde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır.
Özgünlük: Bu çalışma, kamu hastanelerindeki tedarik sürecinde maliyet odaklı yaklaşımın kalite üzerindeki olası olumsuz etkilerini ortaya koymaktadır. Ayrıca sağlık hizmetlerinin tedarik sürecinde kaliteli insan kaynağına duyulan ihtiyaç da önemli bir sorun olarak tespit edilmiştir. Tedarikçiler arasında da rekabet ortamını bozabilecek gayrı resmi yapılar ön plana çıkmaktadır.
- Alsaç, U. (2017). “EKAP: Turkey's Centralized E-Supply System”, Digital Governance and E-Government Principles Applied to Public Supply, , IGI Global, 126-150.
- Arık, Ö. and Ertaş, H. (2021). “Türkiye’de Sağlık Market Uygulaması”, Journal of Academic Value Studies, 7(2), 157-176.
- Arora, M. and Gigras, Y. (2018). “Importance of Supply Chain Management in Healthcare of Third World Countries”, International Journal of Supply and Operations Management, 5(1), 101-106.
- Bag, S., Dhamija, P., Singh, R.K., Rahman, M.S. and Sreedharan, V.R. (2023). “Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Technologies Based Collaborative Platform Empowering Absorptive Capacity in Health Care
Supply Chain: An Empirical Study”, Journal of Business Research, 154, 113315.
- Beaulieu, M. and Bentahar, O. (2021). “Digitalization of The Healthcare Supply Chain: A Roadmap to Generate Benefits and Effectively Support Healthcare Delivery”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 167, 120717.
- Bektaş, M. and Erdem, R. (2015). “Örgütlerde Informal İletişim Süreci: Kavramsal Bir Çerçeve”, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(1), 125-139.
- Bourlakis, M., Clear, F. and Patten, L. (2011). “Understanding the UK Hospital Supply Chain in An Era of Patient Choice”, Journal of Marketing Management, 27(3-4), 401-423.
- Cheng, S. H-J. and Whittemore, G.J. (2008). “An Engineering Approach to Improving Hospital Supply Chains” Master Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts .
- Creswell, J.W. (2013). “Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing among Five Approaches”, 3rd Edition, Sage Publications.
- Creswell, J.W. (2014). “Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches”, 4th Edition, Sage Publications.
- Çabuk, Y. (2014). “Kamu Hastanelerinde Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi ve Örnek Uygulama”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Namık Kemal Üniversitesi İktisat Anabilim Dalı, Tekirdağ.
- Darling, M. and Wise, S. (2010). “Not Your Father's Supply Chain. Following Best Practices to Manage Inventory Can Help You Save Big”, Materials Management in Health Care, 19(4), 30-33.
- Dengiz, O. (2017). “Endüstri 4.0: Üretimde Kavram ve Algi Devrimi”, Makina Tasarım ve Imalat Dergisi, 15(1), 38-45.
- DeScioli, D.T. (2005). “Differentiating The Hospital Supply Chain for Enhanced Performance”, Doctoral
Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts .
- Dixit, A., Routroy, S. and Dubey, S.K. (2019). “A Systematic Literature Review of Healthcare Supply Chain And
Implications of Future Research”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 13(4),
- Erdoğan, S., Nahcivan, N. and Esin, M.N. (2014). “Hemşirelikte Araştırma: Süreç, Ugulama ve Kritik”, Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara.
- Fawcett, S.E. and Waller, M.A. (2013). “Considering Supply Chain Management's Professional Identity: The Beautiful Discipline (Or, "We Don't Cure Cancer, But We Do Make A Big Difference")”, Journal of Business
Logistics, 34, 183-188.
- Fellman, S. and Shanahan, M. (2020). “Beyond The Market: Broader Perspectives in Cartel Research”, Scandinavian Economic History Review, 68(3), 195-203.
- Fiore, M., Capodici, A., Rucci, P., Bianconi, A., Longo, G., Ricci, M., Sanmarchi, F. and Golinelli, D. (2023). “Blockchain for the Healthcare Supply Chain: A Systematic Literature Review”, Applied Sciences, 13(2), 686.
- Ganeshan, R. (2007). “An Introduction to Supply Chain Management”, Business Logistics & SCM, Retrived from: https://logisticsmanagementandsupplychainmanagement.wordpress.com/2007/05/24/an-introduction-to-supply-chain-management/, (Acces Date:11.01.2024).
- Gary Jarrett, P. (1998).” Logistics in the health care industry”, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 28(9/10), 741-772.
- Gaynor, M. and Haas-Wilson, D. (1999). “Change, Consolidation, and Competition In Health Care Markets”, Journal of economic perspectives, 13(1), 141-164.
- Getele, G.K., Li, T. and Arrive, J.T. (2020). “The Role of Supply Chain Management in Healthcare Service Quality”, IEEE Engineering Management Review, 48(1), 145-155.
- Giancotti, M., Guglielmo, A. and Mauro, M. (2017). “Efficiency and Optimal Size of Hospitals: Results of A Systematic Search”, PloS One, 12(3), e0174533.
- Grigoroudis, E., Orfanoudaki, E. and Zopounidis, C. (2012). “Strategic Performance Measurement in A Healthcare Organization: A Multiple Criteria Approach Based on Balanced Scorecard”, Omega, 40(1), 104-119.
- Hellinger, F.J. (1998). “Antitrust Enforcement In The Healthcare Industry: The Expanding Scope of State Activity”, Health Services Research, 33(5 Pt 2), 1477.
- Hu, H., Xu, J., Liu, M. and Lim, M.K. (2023). “Vaccine Supply Chain Management: An Intelligent System Utilizing Blockchain, Iot And Machine Learning”, Journal of Business Research, 156, 113480.
- Jinesh, J.G.S. Dangayach, G. Agarwal, and Banerjee, S. (2010). “Supply Chain Management: Literature Review and Some Issues”, Journal of Studies on Manufacturing 1(1), 11-25.
- Kamu İhale Kurumu, (2002). “Kamu İhale Mevzuatı”, Kamu İhale Kurumu, Ankara, Retrived from: https://www.ihale.gov.tr/Mevzuat.aspx, (Access Date:08.01.2024).
- Kasula, B.Y. (2023). “Revolutionizing Healthcare Delivery: Innovations and Challenges in Supply Chain Management for Improved Patient Care”, Transactions on Latest Trends in Health Sector, 15(15).
- Khorasani, S.T., Cross, J. and Maghazei, O. (2020). “Lean Supply Chain Management In Healthcare: A Systematic Review and Meta-Study”, International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 11(1), 1-34.
- Kim, S-H. and Kwon, I-W.G. (2015). “The Study of Healthcare Supply Chain Management In United States: Literature Review”, Management Review: An International Journal, 10(2), 34.
- Kiss, L.E., Ross-Lee, B. and Weiser, M.A. (1995). “The Application of Antitrust Laws to The Healthcare Industry”, Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 95(8), 480-480.
- Kumar, A., Mani, V., Jain, V., Gupta, H. and Venkatesh, V.G. (2023). “Managing Healthcare Supply Chain Through Artificial Intelligence (AI): A Study of Critical Success Factors”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 175, 108815.
- Kwon, I-W. G., Kim, S-H. and Martin, D.G. (2016). “Healthcare Supply Chain Management; Strategic Areas for Quality and Financial Improvement”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 113, 422-428.
- Lapan, S.D., Quartaroli, M.T. and Riemer, F.J. (2012). “Qualitative Research: An Introduction to Methods and Designs” John Wiley & Sons.
- Leavy, P. (2017). “Research Design: Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed Methods, Arts-Based, and Community-Based Participatory Research Approaches”, Guilford Publications, 106-131.
- Mathew, J., John, J. and Kumar, S. (2013). “New Trends in Healthcare Supply Chain”, Annals of POMS Conference Proceedings, Denver.
- McKone‐Sweet, K.E., Hamilton, P. and Willis, S. B. (2005). “The Ailing Healthcare Supply Chain: A Prescription for Change”, Journal of Supply Chain Management, 41(1), 4-17.
- Merriam, S. B. and Tisdell, E. J. (2015). “Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation”, John Wiley & Sons.
- Nanda, S.K., Panda, S.K. and Dash, M. (2023). “Medical Supply Chain Integrated with Blockchain and IoT to Track The Logistics of Medical Products”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 82, 32917–32939.
- Nicholson, L., Vakharia, A.J. and Erenguc, S.S. (2004). “Outsourcing Inventory Management Decisions in Healthcare: Models And Application”, European Journal of Operational Research, 154(1), 271-290.
- Özdemir, S. (2018). “Hukuk Güvenliği ve Hukukî İstikrar”, Mahalli İdareler Dergisi, 72(220), 395-433.
Rakovska, M.A. and Stratieva, S.V. (2018). “A Taxonomy of Healthcare Supply Chain Management Practices.
Supply Chain Forum”: An International Journal, 19(1), 4-24
- Rivard‐Royer, H., Landry, S. and Beaulieu, M. (2002). “Hybrid Stockless: A Case Study: Lessons for Healthcare Supply Chain Integration”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 22(4), 412-424.
- Rolf, B., Jackson, I., Müller, M., Lang, S., Reggelin, T. and Ivanov, D. (2023). “A Review on Reinforcement Learning Algorithms and Applications in Supply Chain Management”, International Journal of Production Research,
61(20), 7151-7179.
- Sağlık Bakanlığı Strateji Geliştirme Başkanlığı. (2011). “Azami Stok Miktarı Uygulaması”, Sağlık Bakanlığı, Ankara Retrieved from http://www.sgb.saglik.gov.tr/content/files/genelgeler/2011/Genelge_2011_54.pdf (Access Date: 01.11.2024).
- Saldana, J. (2011). “Fundamentals of Qualitative Research”, Oxford University Press, Inc.
Sunil, C. (2013). “Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, And Operation”, 5/e. Pearson India.
- Swafford, P. M., Ghosh, S. and Murthy, N. (2006). “The Antecedents of Supply Chain Agility of A Firm: Scale Development And Model Testing”, Journal of Operations management, 24(2), 170-188.
- Şentürk, T., İkizler, C. and Aytekin, G.K. (2020). “Sağlık Kurumlarında Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi Kapsamında Stok Yönetiminin Incelenmesi: Bir Alan Araştırması”, Ufuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9(17), 7-46.
- Thomas, S.P. and Pollio, H.R. (2002). “Listening to Patients: A Phenomenological Approach to Nursing Research and Practice”, Springer Publishing Company.
- Tracy, S.J. (2019). “Qualitative Research Methods: Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact”, John Wiley & Sons.
- Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi (1994) “Rekabetin Korunması Hakkında Kanun”, Resmi Gazete. Retrived from: https://www.mevzuat.gov.tr/mevzuat?MevzuatNo=8455&MevzuatTur=7&MevzuatTertip=5 (Access Date: 09.01.2024)
- van der Schors, W. and Varkevisser, M. (2023). “Does Enforcement of the Cartel Prohibition in Healthcare Reflect Public and Political Attitudes Towards Competition? A Longitudinal Study From the Netherlands”, Journal of Competition Law & Economics, 19(2), 193-219.
- Van Manen, M. (1990). “Researching Lived Experience: Human Science for An Action Sensitive Pedagogy”, Phenomenolo + Pedago, 8, 361-366.
- Vishwakarma, A., Dangayach, G.S., Meena, M.L., Gupta, S. and Luthra, S. (2023). “Adoption of Blockchain
Technology Enabled Healthcare Sustainable Supply Chain to Improve Healthcare Supply Chain Performance”, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 34(4), 1111-1128
- Wieser, P. (2011). “From Health Logistics to Health Supply Chain Management”, Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 2(1), 4-13.
- Yıldız, S., Topal, M.H., Yıldız, E. and Tosunoğlu, B. (2018). “Firmaların E-Devlet Hizmetleri Kullanımını Etkileyen Faktörler: EKAP Üzerine Bir Uygulama”, The Journal of International Scientific Researches, 3(1), 11-28.
- Yoldaş, S. (2022). “Kamu Hastanelerinde Tedarik Zinciri ve Satın Alma Yönetim Sürecinde Yaşanan Sorunlara Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Balkan and Near Eastern Journal of Social Sciences, 2022(8), 48-60.
Evaluation of the Supply Process in Public Hospitals: A Qualitative Study
Year 2025,
Volume: 59 Issue: 1, 101 - 114, 22.01.2025
Ugur Ugrak
Şafak Çınar
Fırat Seyhan
Demet Kavak
Purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study is to examine the healthcare supply process in public hospitals in a multi-dimensional manner and to reveal the weaknesses and strengths in this process.
Method: This qualitative study was conducted among stakeholders with sufficient knowledge and experience about healthcare supply processes in public hospitals. Within this research scope, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 participants determined using purposeful and snowball sampling methods. The data was analyzed using the thematic coding method with an inductive interpretive phenomenology approach. Nvivo 2020 software was used during the analysis process.
Findings: The current legislation in Türkiye was observed to allow for various supply methods. The open tender method was determined to be the best cost-advantage one in terms of economy of scale. However, it may cause a decrease in material quality. Therefore, well-designed specifications and qualified human resources play an essential role in the supply process.
Originality: This study reveals the possible negative effects of a cost-oriented approach in the supply process on quality in public hospitals. Additionally, the necessity of quality human resources in the supply process of healthcare was identified as an important problem. Informal structures were also emphasized among suppliers, which may disrupt the competitive environment.
- Alsaç, U. (2017). “EKAP: Turkey's Centralized E-Supply System”, Digital Governance and E-Government Principles Applied to Public Supply, , IGI Global, 126-150.
- Arık, Ö. and Ertaş, H. (2021). “Türkiye’de Sağlık Market Uygulaması”, Journal of Academic Value Studies, 7(2), 157-176.
- Arora, M. and Gigras, Y. (2018). “Importance of Supply Chain Management in Healthcare of Third World Countries”, International Journal of Supply and Operations Management, 5(1), 101-106.
- Bag, S., Dhamija, P., Singh, R.K., Rahman, M.S. and Sreedharan, V.R. (2023). “Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Technologies Based Collaborative Platform Empowering Absorptive Capacity in Health Care
Supply Chain: An Empirical Study”, Journal of Business Research, 154, 113315.
- Beaulieu, M. and Bentahar, O. (2021). “Digitalization of The Healthcare Supply Chain: A Roadmap to Generate Benefits and Effectively Support Healthcare Delivery”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 167, 120717.
- Bektaş, M. and Erdem, R. (2015). “Örgütlerde Informal İletişim Süreci: Kavramsal Bir Çerçeve”, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(1), 125-139.
- Bourlakis, M., Clear, F. and Patten, L. (2011). “Understanding the UK Hospital Supply Chain in An Era of Patient Choice”, Journal of Marketing Management, 27(3-4), 401-423.
- Cheng, S. H-J. and Whittemore, G.J. (2008). “An Engineering Approach to Improving Hospital Supply Chains” Master Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts .
- Creswell, J.W. (2013). “Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing among Five Approaches”, 3rd Edition, Sage Publications.
- Creswell, J.W. (2014). “Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches”, 4th Edition, Sage Publications.
- Çabuk, Y. (2014). “Kamu Hastanelerinde Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi ve Örnek Uygulama”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Namık Kemal Üniversitesi İktisat Anabilim Dalı, Tekirdağ.
- Darling, M. and Wise, S. (2010). “Not Your Father's Supply Chain. Following Best Practices to Manage Inventory Can Help You Save Big”, Materials Management in Health Care, 19(4), 30-33.
- Dengiz, O. (2017). “Endüstri 4.0: Üretimde Kavram ve Algi Devrimi”, Makina Tasarım ve Imalat Dergisi, 15(1), 38-45.
- DeScioli, D.T. (2005). “Differentiating The Hospital Supply Chain for Enhanced Performance”, Doctoral
Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Massachusetts .
- Dixit, A., Routroy, S. and Dubey, S.K. (2019). “A Systematic Literature Review of Healthcare Supply Chain And
Implications of Future Research”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 13(4),
- Erdoğan, S., Nahcivan, N. and Esin, M.N. (2014). “Hemşirelikte Araştırma: Süreç, Ugulama ve Kritik”, Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ankara.
- Fawcett, S.E. and Waller, M.A. (2013). “Considering Supply Chain Management's Professional Identity: The Beautiful Discipline (Or, "We Don't Cure Cancer, But We Do Make A Big Difference")”, Journal of Business
Logistics, 34, 183-188.
- Fellman, S. and Shanahan, M. (2020). “Beyond The Market: Broader Perspectives in Cartel Research”, Scandinavian Economic History Review, 68(3), 195-203.
- Fiore, M., Capodici, A., Rucci, P., Bianconi, A., Longo, G., Ricci, M., Sanmarchi, F. and Golinelli, D. (2023). “Blockchain for the Healthcare Supply Chain: A Systematic Literature Review”, Applied Sciences, 13(2), 686.
- Ganeshan, R. (2007). “An Introduction to Supply Chain Management”, Business Logistics & SCM, Retrived from: https://logisticsmanagementandsupplychainmanagement.wordpress.com/2007/05/24/an-introduction-to-supply-chain-management/, (Acces Date:11.01.2024).
- Gary Jarrett, P. (1998).” Logistics in the health care industry”, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 28(9/10), 741-772.
- Gaynor, M. and Haas-Wilson, D. (1999). “Change, Consolidation, and Competition In Health Care Markets”, Journal of economic perspectives, 13(1), 141-164.
- Getele, G.K., Li, T. and Arrive, J.T. (2020). “The Role of Supply Chain Management in Healthcare Service Quality”, IEEE Engineering Management Review, 48(1), 145-155.
- Giancotti, M., Guglielmo, A. and Mauro, M. (2017). “Efficiency and Optimal Size of Hospitals: Results of A Systematic Search”, PloS One, 12(3), e0174533.
- Grigoroudis, E., Orfanoudaki, E. and Zopounidis, C. (2012). “Strategic Performance Measurement in A Healthcare Organization: A Multiple Criteria Approach Based on Balanced Scorecard”, Omega, 40(1), 104-119.
- Hellinger, F.J. (1998). “Antitrust Enforcement In The Healthcare Industry: The Expanding Scope of State Activity”, Health Services Research, 33(5 Pt 2), 1477.
- Hu, H., Xu, J., Liu, M. and Lim, M.K. (2023). “Vaccine Supply Chain Management: An Intelligent System Utilizing Blockchain, Iot And Machine Learning”, Journal of Business Research, 156, 113480.
- Jinesh, J.G.S. Dangayach, G. Agarwal, and Banerjee, S. (2010). “Supply Chain Management: Literature Review and Some Issues”, Journal of Studies on Manufacturing 1(1), 11-25.
- Kamu İhale Kurumu, (2002). “Kamu İhale Mevzuatı”, Kamu İhale Kurumu, Ankara, Retrived from: https://www.ihale.gov.tr/Mevzuat.aspx, (Access Date:08.01.2024).
- Kasula, B.Y. (2023). “Revolutionizing Healthcare Delivery: Innovations and Challenges in Supply Chain Management for Improved Patient Care”, Transactions on Latest Trends in Health Sector, 15(15).
- Khorasani, S.T., Cross, J. and Maghazei, O. (2020). “Lean Supply Chain Management In Healthcare: A Systematic Review and Meta-Study”, International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 11(1), 1-34.
- Kim, S-H. and Kwon, I-W.G. (2015). “The Study of Healthcare Supply Chain Management In United States: Literature Review”, Management Review: An International Journal, 10(2), 34.
- Kiss, L.E., Ross-Lee, B. and Weiser, M.A. (1995). “The Application of Antitrust Laws to The Healthcare Industry”, Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 95(8), 480-480.
- Kumar, A., Mani, V., Jain, V., Gupta, H. and Venkatesh, V.G. (2023). “Managing Healthcare Supply Chain Through Artificial Intelligence (AI): A Study of Critical Success Factors”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 175, 108815.
- Kwon, I-W. G., Kim, S-H. and Martin, D.G. (2016). “Healthcare Supply Chain Management; Strategic Areas for Quality and Financial Improvement”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 113, 422-428.
- Lapan, S.D., Quartaroli, M.T. and Riemer, F.J. (2012). “Qualitative Research: An Introduction to Methods and Designs” John Wiley & Sons.
- Leavy, P. (2017). “Research Design: Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed Methods, Arts-Based, and Community-Based Participatory Research Approaches”, Guilford Publications, 106-131.
- Mathew, J., John, J. and Kumar, S. (2013). “New Trends in Healthcare Supply Chain”, Annals of POMS Conference Proceedings, Denver.
- McKone‐Sweet, K.E., Hamilton, P. and Willis, S. B. (2005). “The Ailing Healthcare Supply Chain: A Prescription for Change”, Journal of Supply Chain Management, 41(1), 4-17.
- Merriam, S. B. and Tisdell, E. J. (2015). “Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation”, John Wiley & Sons.
- Nanda, S.K., Panda, S.K. and Dash, M. (2023). “Medical Supply Chain Integrated with Blockchain and IoT to Track The Logistics of Medical Products”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 82, 32917–32939.
- Nicholson, L., Vakharia, A.J. and Erenguc, S.S. (2004). “Outsourcing Inventory Management Decisions in Healthcare: Models And Application”, European Journal of Operational Research, 154(1), 271-290.
- Özdemir, S. (2018). “Hukuk Güvenliği ve Hukukî İstikrar”, Mahalli İdareler Dergisi, 72(220), 395-433.
Rakovska, M.A. and Stratieva, S.V. (2018). “A Taxonomy of Healthcare Supply Chain Management Practices.
Supply Chain Forum”: An International Journal, 19(1), 4-24
- Rivard‐Royer, H., Landry, S. and Beaulieu, M. (2002). “Hybrid Stockless: A Case Study: Lessons for Healthcare Supply Chain Integration”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 22(4), 412-424.
- Rolf, B., Jackson, I., Müller, M., Lang, S., Reggelin, T. and Ivanov, D. (2023). “A Review on Reinforcement Learning Algorithms and Applications in Supply Chain Management”, International Journal of Production Research,
61(20), 7151-7179.
- Sağlık Bakanlığı Strateji Geliştirme Başkanlığı. (2011). “Azami Stok Miktarı Uygulaması”, Sağlık Bakanlığı, Ankara Retrieved from http://www.sgb.saglik.gov.tr/content/files/genelgeler/2011/Genelge_2011_54.pdf (Access Date: 01.11.2024).
- Saldana, J. (2011). “Fundamentals of Qualitative Research”, Oxford University Press, Inc.
Sunil, C. (2013). “Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, And Operation”, 5/e. Pearson India.
- Swafford, P. M., Ghosh, S. and Murthy, N. (2006). “The Antecedents of Supply Chain Agility of A Firm: Scale Development And Model Testing”, Journal of Operations management, 24(2), 170-188.
- Şentürk, T., İkizler, C. and Aytekin, G.K. (2020). “Sağlık Kurumlarında Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi Kapsamında Stok Yönetiminin Incelenmesi: Bir Alan Araştırması”, Ufuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9(17), 7-46.
- Thomas, S.P. and Pollio, H.R. (2002). “Listening to Patients: A Phenomenological Approach to Nursing Research and Practice”, Springer Publishing Company.
- Tracy, S.J. (2019). “Qualitative Research Methods: Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact”, John Wiley & Sons.
- Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi (1994) “Rekabetin Korunması Hakkında Kanun”, Resmi Gazete. Retrived from: https://www.mevzuat.gov.tr/mevzuat?MevzuatNo=8455&MevzuatTur=7&MevzuatTertip=5 (Access Date: 09.01.2024)
- van der Schors, W. and Varkevisser, M. (2023). “Does Enforcement of the Cartel Prohibition in Healthcare Reflect Public and Political Attitudes Towards Competition? A Longitudinal Study From the Netherlands”, Journal of Competition Law & Economics, 19(2), 193-219.
- Van Manen, M. (1990). “Researching Lived Experience: Human Science for An Action Sensitive Pedagogy”, Phenomenolo + Pedago, 8, 361-366.
- Vishwakarma, A., Dangayach, G.S., Meena, M.L., Gupta, S. and Luthra, S. (2023). “Adoption of Blockchain
Technology Enabled Healthcare Sustainable Supply Chain to Improve Healthcare Supply Chain Performance”, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 34(4), 1111-1128
- Wieser, P. (2011). “From Health Logistics to Health Supply Chain Management”, Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 2(1), 4-13.
- Yıldız, S., Topal, M.H., Yıldız, E. and Tosunoğlu, B. (2018). “Firmaların E-Devlet Hizmetleri Kullanımını Etkileyen Faktörler: EKAP Üzerine Bir Uygulama”, The Journal of International Scientific Researches, 3(1), 11-28.
- Yoldaş, S. (2022). “Kamu Hastanelerinde Tedarik Zinciri ve Satın Alma Yönetim Sürecinde Yaşanan Sorunlara Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Balkan and Near Eastern Journal of Social Sciences, 2022(8), 48-60.